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Case Study: Public Relations

“Are Ethics important to Public Relations?”

Dara Harris

Ethics is important to public relations because people have to know that the truth with

makes things easier and it allows people to trust you. Two benefits that diversity and inclusion

bring to the field of public relations are networking, being able to nteract with people that you

would not have thought you’d be in the same room with. Another benefit of diversity and

inclusion in the public relations field is that you are allowed to help make people look better and

have them viewed in a totally different light. A PR campaign is a series of planned activities that

all have a specific purpose. I would determine that the campaign was a success based on the

turnout of the people, donations made, and whether or not somebody was actually impacted by it.

Crisis communication is the collection of information required to address the situation. One

strategy that is used to respond to a crisis communication would be to analyze where the problem

started, from there figure out how can you respond in a way that isn’t too much. Another strategy

is to appease and make it personal, once this happens you instantly will connect with your

audience. A real world scenario where this occurred was with the #MeToo movement, it started

off with nobody believing the victims. After all the stories started coming out though, people

started to see and understand not to just laugh at a persons situation without understanding their


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