Thornton Alumni Legacy Fund News

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November, 2007 Thornton Alumni Legacy Fund

Volume 1, Issue 2 “Everywhere we look, caring hands have preceded us.”

G.B. Shaw

2007 Wildcat Open a

HUGE Success!!
Wow!!! What memories we Calumet Country Club in
created at the golf outing Homewood, IL: • The Ray Charles
TTHS Principal Dr. Betheny and dinner on September Experience performed an
Lyke with Dan Ustian at the
• Greeters staffed by TTHS
10th! football players. amazing set.
Open Dinner
The golf course was sold • Tom Dreesen had the
• Lunchtime entertainment
out and the dining room was crowd in stitches with a
provided by the
filled to its utmost capacity. top-notch stand-up
SophistiCats, a new
By every definition, the performance.
TTHS girls dance troupe
entire day was a huge that was started with
success. Best of all, we • Fred Furth (’52) added an
TALF’s funding.
surpassed our net goal of impromptu live auction
$100,000 for the day!!! • The cheerleaders sold item – a luxurious stay at
$2700 worth of raffle his Chalk Hill Winery –
Event partner, Navistar, led and Fred himself
tickets. The winner
by their CEO and TTHS donated back his half so auctioned it for more than
2007 – 2008 SophistiCats alum Dan Ustian (’68), TALF took in 100% of the $3,000!
graciously provided the funds.
resources to plan and • The silent and live
execute the day alongside • John Toigo (’67) donated auctions grossed more
the steering committee. his family’s excellent wine than $21,000!
Plus, Navistar purchased for dinner, offered a wine
tasting table, and allowed • 32 sponsorships were
half of the foursomes as
TALF to auction a trip to purchased for a total of
gifts for their vendors. Their
his family’s winery in the more than $33,000!
effort was incredible!
Montepulciano, Italy, Thank you, thank you, thank
Highlights were plentiful, but which sold for over
Paul(’57) & Barbara Boudreau here are a few of the you to all who gave time and
Golaszewski (’57) with Carl happenings that day at money to make our Open
Durnavich (’68) dreams come true!
An extra special thank you to our event planner, Pukelis and Lehrer Communications! Louis
Pukelis and his team took great care of us and helped make this Wildcat Open our finest ever!!

Bill Brazley (‘61), Renowned Architect, Inspires

Students Via Distinguished Speaker Series
On October 9th, Bill O’Hare), banks, libraries, story, Brazley helped the
Brazley (’61) became churches, residences and students visualize the
TALF’s latest more. It would be hard to heights of success that
Distinguished Speaker, drive around the Chicago they are capable of
sharing his experiences area without seeing a achieving if they are
with TTHS students. structure designed by willing to focus on a goal,
Bill Brazley (’61) inspired William E. Brazley & work hard and remain
Brazley, a world renowned
students as TALF’s latest Associates. determined.
Distinguished Speaker
architect, has designed
airport terminals (including By combining pictures of Thanks again, Bill, from all
United’s concourse at his work with his life’s of us at TALF and TTHS!
Thornton Alumni Legacy Fund News Page 2 of 4
TTHS Senior Dazzles Indiana U. Dignitaries with
Performance in Bloomington, IN
TTHS Senior Alex Bass is So when TALF’s Jane performance at the party
an incredibly talented Halagiere Martin (’67) was was “absolutely wonderful,”
performer. Among his planning an October and received glowing
credits are playing Simba gathering of IU officials that reviews from Dean
in Chicago’s “Lion King” included Gwyn Richards, Richards and other top
production, performing as a Dean of IU’s world-class administrators.
lead singer with the Jacobs School of Music,
We’ll keep you updated on
Thornton-based group the she saw an opportunity to
Alex’s plans for next year,
Ray Charles Experience, expose an exceptional
but Jane’s efforts on behalf
and achieving great TTHS student to one of the
of TALF, along with support
success in a variety of country’s top training
from Alex’s family and
speech and drama grounds for performers.
TTHS, epitomize one of
productions at TTHS.
With his mother Rhonda, TALF’s key missions: To
Alex Bass (center) poses
The hard work has really Alex flew to Bloomington assist today’s students in
with Gwyn Richards (right) paid off and made him into and, according to Jane’s realizing their full potential.
Dean of the Jacobs School a truly elite performer. own account, his
of Music , and Dr. Gary
Anderson (left) an IU
Recollections from Retired Faculty Don O’Brien
If you were a member of the TTHS community The strength of the school was bolstered by
patron, after his community pride and support plus the
any time between 1946 and 1982, then you
performance. outstanding faculty. Teachers like Eleanor
may remember Don O’Brien.
Nelson, Fred Ring and Viola Seebach knew
He wore many different hats during his time at how important it was to teach the basics.
TTHS and District 205: Biology Teacher, Jennifer Hance was one who showed warmth
by her personality alone. Toby Hightower
Science Dept Chair, Assistant Principal, District
could handle discipline cases like magic and
Director of Curriculum & Research, Associate had original humorous sayings at the tip of his
Superintendent, First President of the Faculty tongue.
Association and Credit Union. I am especially proud of former students
who overcame problems and achieved
Today, he enjoys reading, travel and emailing success. Judith Krecek comes to my mind as
with family, friends and former shipmates who she was legally blind but retired not long ago
he served with on a Cruiser in WWII. from teaching even though ISU professors
tried to discourage her from such a career.
We asked Don about his memories of TTHS Fred Furth was discouraged by some, but
and here is his wonderful response: graduated with honors from law school [and
went on to] be a highly successful lawyer. He
After WWII, there were still some big
wrote in my 1950 Thorntonite: "I know I didn't
industries that did a lot to help the financial
get high marks in biology, but I believe I
situation at Thornton. For example, in the
learned some things that are worth a lot
science department, we always had a generous
Don O’Brien, here more."
budget allowance to provide students with
One incident stands out as a memorable
attending TALF’s Tom enriching equipment with which to work. In fact,
event: The gym was filled with students for a
when Fred Burdine left to teach the gifted
Dreesen Benefit Concert in special occasion and one part of the program
sections at New Trier, he called and requested
June 2006 with his featured the girls' dance club in a ballet scene
a copy of our inventory since he lacked things on stage. Unfortunately, they were soon
For the full text ofLinda Ramsden.
Mr. O’Brien’s essay, he had utilized before in teaching biology. greeted with disrespect to the point that they
other letters sent to TALF and to add When Dr.McVey interviewed me in '46, he stopped dancing and left the stage in tears.
your own stories, please visit our blog took me down the halls while classes were in After some calming words were spoken, Mr
at: session, so I could see how quiet and well Morris Gladstone called down from the
disciplined the students were. balcony: "Please bring the girls back!" They
Pep assemblies, homecoming parades, PX soon came back and the audience ended up
If you would like to contact Mr. O’Brien, he
dances etc. supplemented the academic and giving them a resounding ovation.
can be reached at: athletic programs to provide a fine spirit which I do know that my years at Thornton were
or at his home address: 4736 Larch Ave was enhanced by awards from activities like enjoyable and I treasure having known and
Glenview, IL 60025 music, art, theater, speech, vocational arts and worked with so many fine students and
science fair events. teachers.
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Join TALF: 2007 – 2008 Membership Drive

Since TALF’s founding in 2004, response from Wildcat graduates has been tremendous.
Many alums have asked for ways to support our mission, even if they are unable to attend
events in person. So this fall we are launching a TALF Membership drive. For as little as
$25, you can be a part of the TALF team and help make us successful.
To join, you may mail your payment to our office address at:
833 West Jackson Blvd. Suite 200
Tom Dreesen performs
Chicago, IL 60607 at Wildcat Open dinner
The gift is tax deductible and membership cards and other perks will be mailed right after
the first of the year.

Membership Level Annual Benefit

Associate $25 TALF Membership Card, Recognition in Newsletter, Website
Purple $100 Associate + Wildcat Pin
Wildcat $250 Purple + Hand Carved & Bronzed Medallion, Event Discounts
K.I.P. Circle $1000 Wildcat + 2 Tickets to Annual Event & Special Recognition

In March 2007, TALF was granted its official 501c3 status by the IRS. This means we are a full-fledged,
independent non-profit organization. Previously, donations to TALF were deductible under the District
205 foundation, and they continue to be deductible under our own unique identity.

Contribution and Membership Sign-up Registration Form

The holidays are a time to give thanks for all that we feel fortunate enough to have in our lives. TALF would like to thank our
supporters for helping us exceed our goals for the Wildcat Open and to extend our wishes to everyone for a very happy holiday with
your family and friends. If you are fortunate enough to be making choices about what charitable organizations to support at year’s
end, we hope you will think of us, and realize what a difference you can make, with any size of gift.

Despite our successes, the needs are still greater. We have hopes to provide new equipment for science labs, math and reading
supplements, band instruments, mentoring programs, college scholarships and more. But we need your help. Please consider
helping us reach our goals by contacting us and/or making a donation today. Thank you for your support!

Please clip this box and return it with a check made payable to “Thornton Alumni Legacy Fund”. Below you may direct your funds
toward specific uses:
Yes, I would like to join your effort. Please contact me at the following: ____________________________________
Yes, I would like to become a TALF member at the following level: $ ____________. Please select one of the following:
_____ Please apply my gift toward an immediate need
_____ Please deposit my gift into the Legacy Fund’s general fund (20 – 30 % immediate, 70 - 80% endowment)

Name ___________________________ Graduating Class: ______________________

Street Address: ___________________________ Email Address: ______________________
City, St Zip: ___________________________

John Toigo (’67) Donates Wine Proceeds to TALF

Did you know the Toigo family from your days at TTHS? What you for the golf outing dinner, as our Sommelier Sponsor. It was a real
may not have realized is that the family originally hails from a small luxury for all of our guests to enjoy outstanding quality wine with
town in the Tuscan region of Italy, an area famous for its world-class dinner!
vineyards, one of which is owned by the Toigo family.
Please support John’s efforts emailing him directly at
John Toigo is now bringing the family wines to the U.S. and he has Details about the wine, availability and special
generously offered to donate a portion of all TALF-related sales, back offers will also be available soon on the company’s website:
to the Legacy Fund. This offer is in addition to the wine John donated
Thornton Alumni Legacy Fund News Page 4 of 4
2007 Donors (Continued)
Thornton Alumni Legacy Fund Recognition of Our Supporters Carmella Firetto Donato
Ron Ferguson
833 West Jackson 2007 Wildcat Open Sponsors Open Sponsors (Continued) Golden Anniversary Class of ’49
Suite 200 Accenture LB Steel
Kathryn Goodwin Conant
American Eagle Steel Jane & Patrick Martin
Chicago, IL 60607 Navistar International
Kathryn P. Hacker
Amerprise Financial, Inc. Fred D. Harris
Anonymous* Alan Nudo
PHONE: Bill Hayes
William Bielby Old Oak Dental Center
(312) 224-3109 Norman O. Jung
Jan Bohacek 100 Women for Harvey, Inc
Thomas Kalinowski
Sharon Boudreau McLain Rich Pagoria
Melvin L. Katten
E-MAIL: Joel Brock Propes & Kaveny, LLC
Raymond J. Lenart Kay Bush Pukelis & Lehrer Communications
Dwight Lewis
Glenda Buss Dillman PwC
Roger A. Liehr DVM
Diane Campbell Carrick Brian Ragona
Roe E. Mallstrom, Jr.
Jeffery Clark Randy Ramsey
Ellen Massoth
Richard Condon Stoneridge, Inc
Paul Mazzone
2008 Membership Drive Dr. & Mrs. Todd H. Cubbon, DDS Tahoe Partners
Kathleen & Gene Needles
See Inside for Details Richard Dennis Thornton Township Supervisors
Dave Nelson
Carl Durnavich John Toigo
about how you can join! Carol Vandenberg Lukert
Don O’Brien
Faye Edwards Patrick O’Leary
Ernst & Young Virchow, Krause & Co
Gregory Page
Financial Dynamics Kenneth Whitted
Virginia Paul
Greg Fletcher Patrick Picha
We’re on the Web! Franczek Sullivan, P.C. 2007 Donors Carol Pokracki
Jeanne Franks Artemis Bastar Merrill & Jean Sauriol
See us at: Fred Furth Mike Belt Amy Selkirk Jacques Huron Consulting Merry Brayman Bruce Serbus
Or visit our Blog: Illinois School Bus, Inc Dr. & Mrs. James Clark TTHS Class of ‘47 The Ingalls Memorial Hospital William B. Costello TTHS Dist 205 Academic
Ray Jakubiak Beatrice V. Crane-Mahaffrey Enrichment Fund
Ken Jurek Joyce I. Dennler F. Ellen Vandenberg-Miller
Jennifer Karrson

* TALF received a $10,000 donation from an alumnus who wishes to remain anonymous. Thank you!!!
About Our Organization…
The Thornton Alumni of $1 million to provide permanent endowment to
Legacy Fund is dedicated financial support for benefit the school while
to preserving the past and under-funded academic the remaining 20% – 30%
ensuring the future of and extracurricular may be spent to address
Thornton Township High programs now and in the today’s needs
School. future. immediately.
Our mission is to create Our bylaws require that
an endowment in excess 70% – 80% of our funds


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