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Anaesth Intensive Care 2011; 39: 449-455

The relationship between blood lactate and survival

following the use of adrenaline in the treatment of septic
Intensive Care Unit, Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa

This prospective observational study evaluates the relationship between adrenaline, lactate and intensive care unit
survival in septic shock. Forty patients requiring adrenaline therapy for a first episode of septic shock acquired
>24 hours after admission to the intensive care unit had blood lactate levels measured two-hourly over a 24-hour
period. Adrenaline therapy was escalated until target mean arterial pressure was reached. The lactate index was
calculated as the ratio of maximum lactate increase to the adrenaline increase. Lactate increased from 2.3 to 2.9
mmol.l-1 (P=0.024) and the mean adrenaline increase was 0.14 μ Peak lactate correlated with peak
adrenaline (rho=0.34, P=0.032). Lactate index was the only independent predictor of survival after controlling for
age and Acute Physiological and Chronic Health Evaluation II score (odds ratio 1.14, 95% confidence interval 1.03
to 1.26, P=0.009). A high lactate following adrenaline administration may be a beneficial and appropriate response.
Key Words: septic shock, survival, adrenaline, blood lactate

Severe sepsis is characterised by profound fluid resuscitation10. However, adrenaline is also

metabolic and inflammatory derangement which linked to lactate production due to the metabolic
can lead to multi-organ failure and death1. During effects of this drug10,11.
septic shock, oxygen delivery may fail to meet tissue Adrenaline is a strong agonist for the α1, β1
demand resulting in increased oxygen extraction. and β2 receptors with metabolic effects related
Once tissue needs are no longer met, an oxygen to β2 stimulation11. Its use has been associated
debt with global tissue hypoxia and associated with a significant but transient increase in blood
hyperlactataemia ensues. Several studies have lactate concentration, but no attributable mortality
shown that blood lactate may be used as a marker of difference when compared with noradrenaline12,13.
global tissue hypoxia and prognosis in shock states1-7. Modern theory suggests that the lactate rise may be
A common physician’s view of lactate is that it is a due the effect of adrenaline on Na+/K+-ATPase
marker of poor prognosis, while for the scientist activity14. Experimental data supports the role of
lactate may be considered a dead-end metabolite8. adrenaline in inducing hyperlactataemia by binding
Vasoactive agents, including adrenaline and to muscle β2 receptors and raising AMP production.
noradrenaline, are often required to restore This leads to the co-ordinated stimulation of
adequate cardiovascular function in addition to both Na+/K+-ATPase and glycogenolysis. ADP is
generated, accelerating aerobic glycolysis via
phosphofructokinase activation. The glucose
substrate required for this is provided by the
* M.B., Ch.B., F.C., Path. (SA) Chem., D.A. (SA), Critical Care (SA),
Critical Care Specialist.
induced glycogenolysis. In a human septic model,
† M.B., Ch.B., F.C.A. (SA), Specialist Anaesthetist, Department of over-production of skeletal muscle lactate is
‡ M.B., Ch.B. (Cape Town), D.A. (SA), F.F.A. (SA), Professor of
correspondingly blocked by ouabain inhibition of
Anaesthesiology, University of Witwatersrand, Chris Hani Baragwanath Na+/K+-ATPase7.
§ M.B., Ch.B., F.C.Paed. (SA), Crit. Care. (SA), Professor of Critical Care,
Given our hypothesis that a ‘lactate stress test’
University of Witwatersrand and Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital. may reflect underlying metabolic reserve, we
** M.B., B.S., M.T.H., Ph.D., Research Fellow, Department of Intensive
Care Medicine, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and Burns, Trauma
conducted a prospective observational study to
and Critical Care Research Centre, The University of Queensland, evaluate the relationship between adrenaline,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
blood lactate and survival among critically ill adult
Address for correspondence: Dr S. Omar, email: patients suffering from vasopressor-dependent septic
Accepted for publication on November 25, 2010. shock.
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. 39, No. 3, May 2011
450 S. Omar, A. T. Burchard et al

MATERIALS AND METHODS infusion, enteral nutrition and/or parenteral nutrition

Approval for the study was granted by the Human were continued as usual.
Research Ethics Committee of the University of Procedure at adrenaline initiation
Witwatersrand, South Africa. Informed consent was
A baseline blood sample was collected for
obtained from the patient or legal surrogate. The
initial lactate measurement (LAC1) at initiation of
setting was a university affiliated mixed medical-
surgical intensive care unit (ICU) in Johannesburg, adrenaline as defined above. The adrenaline dose at
South Africa. this point (ADR1) was 0, except for patients already
receiving adrenaline. An adrenaline infusion was
Inclusion and exclusion criteria then commenced or escalated. The dose of adrenaline
All patients admitted to the ICU over a total that achieved the target MAP (ADR2) was then
period of six months were considered for enrolment. recorded in μ Blood lactate was then
Patients were eligible for the study if they were 18 measured two-hourly over the next 24 hours with
years and older and had adrenaline therapy initiated peak lactate occurring within eight hours in all
or escalated for the management of new onset septic participants. The peak lactate during this period
shock more than 24 hours after ICU admission. was recorded as LAC2.
The diagnostic criteria for sepsis and septic shock
Calculation of lactate index
used definitions by the American College of Chest
Lactate index (LI) is an index termed by the
Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine
authors in an attempt to quantify the increase
Consensus Conference15. Patients with known
in lactate over eight hours per dose increase in
adrenal disease or secondary hypertension were
excluded. No participants were known to be taking adrenaline. It is the ratio of the change in whole blood
monoamine oxidase inhibitors prior to enrolment. lactate concentration (in mmol.l-1) to the increase in
Patients in whom dobutamine was used were adrenaline dosage (in μ, represented
excluded. mathematically as follows:
Baseline data collection and fluid therapy
Ultimately, we postulate that LI is a measure of
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation
the ability of the cells enzyme (Na+/K+-ATPase) and
(APACHE) II scores were recorded for the 24
metabolic (glycogenolysis) systems to respond to an
hours prior to study enrolment16. Baseline APACHE
exogenous stimulus (adrenaline).
II scores at ICU admission were used to predict
hospital mortality. Fluid therapy received during Follow-up of patients
the observation period was recorded for all but the Patient survival was followed up to discharge from
first 16 participants. The standard crystalloid used the ICU. Survival status at this point was recorded.
in our ICU is Balsol® (Fresenius Kabi, Bad
Statistical analysis
Homburg, Germany) which contains no lactate. The
standard colloids used are Gelofusine® (B. Braun, Values are reported as mean ± SD for normally
Melsungen, Germany) and Voluven® (Fresenius distributed data (APACHE II score and LI) with
Kabi, Bad Homburg, Germany). Both contain no median (IQR [range]) reported for the predominantly
lactate. non-normal dataset. Non parametric statistical
methods were used in bivariate analysis. A Mann-
Inotrope initiation Whitney U test was used to determine differences
Adrenaline was the inotrope of choice for septic between survivors and non-survivors (P values from
shock in our ICU. Noradrenaline is not registered a Student’s t-test are also reported for normally
with the Medicines Control Council in South Africa. distributed variables). Wilcoxon signed rank sum test
A mean arterial pressure (MAP) target was set by was used to test the change in lactate and adrenaline
the intensivist with a default target of above dose between time periods. Spearman’s rank
65 mmHg17. Indications for initiating adrenaline were correlation coefficient (rho) was used to determine
a MAP below the target that was unresponsive to a the association between lactate and adrenaline
500 ml colloid challenge. If the patient was on dose. A two-tailed P value <0.05 was considered
adrenaline and the MAP was below the target, statistically significant. A multivariate model
the adrenaline dose was escalated, with or without was used to test the association of LAC1, LAC2,
further colloid infusion depending on assessment ΔLAC, ADR1, ADR2, ΔADR and LI with hospital
of fluid responsiveness in that patient. Crystalloid mortality. Logistic regression analysis with backward
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. 39, No. 3, May 2011
Blood lactate & survival following adrenaline use in septic shock 451

elimination was used with forced entry of age and prior to entry into the model; ΔLAC and ADR1 were
APACHE II score into the model; variables with not log-transformed due to zero/negative values.
P >0.05 were eliminated. To confirm model choice, The Hosmer-Lemeshow test was used to evaluate
individual LAC/ADR parameters were entered into goodness of fit; a model with P >0.05 was considered
a logistic regression model with age and APACHE II to fit the data well; Nagelkerke’s R2 is also reported.
score and the likelihood ratio was used to evaluate Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 15.0 (SPSS
the overall model fit compared with an intercept-only Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
model. Non-normal variables were log-transformed
Table 1 Forty-three patients with new onset ICU-acquired
Admission category and infection site for survivors and non-survivors septic shock were included in the study with three
of ICU admission patients excluded from the analysis due to missing
Characteristic Survivors, Non-survivors,
ADR2 data. Patients were initially admitted from
n=19 n=21 trauma (17), general surgery (11), obstetrics and
N (%) N (%) gynaecology (7), internal medicine (3), oncology (1)
Admission source and vascular surgery (1) services. Admission source
Trauma 7 (41) 10 (59) and site of infection by ICU survival status are
displayed in Table 1. All patients had a minimum of
General surgery 4 (36) 7 (64)
two organ systems requiring support, i.e. respiratory
Obstetrics and gynaecology 6 (86) 1 (14)
support in the form of positive pressure ventilation
Internal medicine 2 (67) 1 (33) and cardiac support in the form of vasopressors. The
Oncology 0 1 (100) median age was 32 (21 to 52 [19 to 80]) years and
Vascular surgery 0 1 (100) the mean APACHE II score was 24±7.5. Gender
Infection site was approximately equivalent; 22 (55%) were male.
The mortality at ICU discharge in this study was
Lung/pleural 7 (54) 6 (46)
52.5% (21/40). Predicted hospital mortality at ICU
Abdominal 4 (31) 9 (69)
admission was 44%.
Gynaecologic 5 (83) 1 (17)
Lactate and adrenaline
Central nervous system 0 2 (100)
The median lactate level before shock treatment
Cardiac 1 (50) 1 (50)
with adrenaline (LAC1) was 2.3 (1.5 to 3.9 [0.6 to
Skin 1 (100) 0
10.7]) mmol.l-1. The median dose of adrenaline at
Unknown 1 (33) 2 (67) this initial point (ADR1) was 0 (0 to 0.10 [0 to 0.63])
ICU=intensive care unit. μ

Table 2
Study characteristics for survivors and non-survivors of ICU admission using the first episode of septic shock after the first day of ICU admission

Characteristic Survivors, n=19 Non-survivors, n=21 P value

Median (IQR [range]) Median, (IQR [range])
Age (26 [19-80]) (45 [19-75]) 0.019
APACHE II score (20 [11-36]) (25 [9-40]) 0.010
LAC1 (1.8 [0.6-5.7]) (3.0 [1.3-10.7]) 0.072
LAC2 (2.9 [0.8-10.1]) (2.9 [1.0-8.5]) 0.95
ΔLAC (0.9 [-1.4-8.6]) (-0.1 [-2.2-3.1]) 0.007
ADR1 (0 [0-0.55]) (0.051 [0-0.63]) 0.11
ADR2 (0.10 [0.050-0.69]) (0.20 [0.050-0.71]) 0.27
ΔADR (0.10 [0.022-0.67]) (0.080 [0.013-0.50]) 0.54
LI (10 [-4.7-40]) (-1.0 [-2.3-22]) 0.001
Significance tested by Mann-Whitney U test. ICU=intensive care unit, IQR=interquartile rage, APACHE=Acute Physiological and
Chronic Health Evaluation. LAC1=initial lactate (mmol.l-1), LAC2=peak lactate (mmol.l-1), ΔLAC=difference between initial and peak
lactate (mmol.l-1), ADR1=initial adrenaline dose (μ, ADR2=peak adrenaline dose (μ, ΔADR=difference between
initial and peak adrenaline dose (μ, LI=lactate index.
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. 39, No. 3, May 2011
452 S. Omar, A. T. Burchard et al

The median adrenaline dose increased significantly (Table 2). Neither initial lactate (LAC1) nor peak
after treatment of shock from 0 (ADR1) to 0.14 (0.08 lactate (LAC2) was significantly associated with
to 0.36 [0.05 to 0.71]) μ (ADR2) after survival. The mean APACHE II values for survivors
the target MAP was achieved (P <0.001). A similar and non survivors were 21±6.4 and 27±7.5,
increase in lactate occurred after adrenaline treatment respectively (Student’s t-test: P=0.015). Figure 1
of shock. The median blood lactate concentration shows LI by survival status. The mean LI of survivors
increased 26% from 2.3 mmol.l-1 (LAC1) to 2.9 was 11.8±12.4 compared to -2.11±11.4 for non
mmol.l-1 (2.2 to 4.5 [0.8 to10.1]) (LAC2) (P=0.024). survivors (Student’s t-test: P=0.001). LI was not
The peak lactate (LAC2) correlated with peak associated with age (P=0.94) or APACHE II score
adrenaline (ADR2) (rho=0.34, P=0.032). Total fluid (P=0.30).
received during the data collection period in a sub- In multivariate analysis, LI was the only study
group analysis was not statistically different between parameter to remain significantly associated with
patients whose lactate increased compared with ICU survival after controlling for age and APACHE
patients whose lactate decreased or stayed the same II score (Table 3). The Hosmer-Lemeshow statistic
(1300 ml vs 1500 ml, respectively, in 24/40 patients, for the model is 7.98 (P=0.44) suggesting that the
P=0.58). model fitted the data well. When compared with
other models containing individual LAC/ADR
Survival parameters, the model which included lactate index
Age, APACHE II score, ΔLAC and LI were had the best fit with a likelihood ratio chi-square of
associated with ICU mortality in bivariate analysis 23.63 (P <0.001).

We conducted this study to evaluate the
relationship between adrenaline and blood lactate
10 concentration in ICU-associated septic shock. We
found a significant positive relationship between
Lactate (mmol.l -1)

peak adrenaline dose and maximum blood lactate

concentration. Increases in lactate followed increases
in adrenaline with a peak observed within eight
hours of therapy initiation or escalation. The variable
increase in lactate in comparison to adrenaline dose
escalation, as determined by the LI, was significantly
4 associated with survival.
The mortality rate in our study was 52.5%, which
is close to the expected mortality of 50% in a group
characterised by septic shock18. Unlike the relationship
of APACHE II score with mortality, we could not
0 convincingly show a similar mortality relationship
with peak lactate. There was a trend towards a
Alive Dead higher initial lactate (LAC1) in nonsurvivors
LAC1 compared to survivors (P=0.072).
The most interesting finding, however, was
Figure 1: Lactate index for survivors and non-survivors of ICU the relationship between LI and survival. Taking
advantage of a potential strong mechanistic link
Table 3 between adrenaline and lactate led us to coin the
Logistic regression model predictive of ICU survival term ‘lactate index’ for the ratio of the increase in
lactate to the increase in adrenaline. We found that
Characteristic OR (95% CI) P value survivors had a significantly higher LI than non-
Age 0.94 (0.88-1.00) 0.049 survivors. This may suggest that lactate response to
APACHE II score 0.91 (0.79-1.04) 0.17 β2 stimulation, as opposed to an elevated lactate
LI 1.14 (1.04-1.26) 0.007 from cellular hypoxia, is predictive of survival in a
critically ill population.
Nagelkerke’s R =0.60. ICU=intensive care unit, OR=odds ratio,

CI=confidence interval, APACHE=Acute Physiology and Chronic An experimental study using an animal model
Health Evaluation, LI=lactate index. has shown that adrenaline, but not noradrenaline,
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. 39, No. 3, May 2011

Page 1
Blood lactate & survival following adrenaline use in septic shock 453

increases lactate without a change in lactate to change in one variable will result in changes in other
pyruvate ratio. ATP concentrations in the heart, components and in the interaction between variables.
muscle, liver and gut were unchanged, suggesting a An important property of this system is its ability,
non-hypoxic mechanism19. Sair et al found increased through these complex interactions, to generate less
muscle PO2 in human septic shock compared to disorder. Therefore a small perturbation can cause a
controls, also negating a hypoxic mechanism20. large change (the ‘butterfly effect’). The properties
Similarly, Myburgh et al suggested that the are called emergent as they materialise at increasing
adrenaline-induced hyperlactatemia in human levels of connectivity.
subjects was probably not due to hypoxia, but rather Consider lactate as a case in point. Over a thousand
to β2 stimulation12. More recently, Mikkelsen et mmol are produced in an average adult daily, yet
al showed that initial serum lactate is associated the mean blood concentration is less than 2 mmol/l.
with mortality independent of shock and organ Lactate depends on numerous factors relating to its
dysfunction21. production and also its clearance (Figure 2). To look
Probably the most daring hypothesis to support at the lactate concentration and relate it to clinical
our findings is the cell-to-cell lactate shuttle22. This outcome is simplistic and does not consider lactate
hypothesis highlights the role of lactate as a fuel. in relation to its environment. If we consider that
Highly oxidative muscle like the heart may be net lactate is continuously produced and metabolised
consumers of lactate. Although hotly disputed, there depending on a myriad of biological processes
is evidence that mitochondria may directly take up including metabolic control mechanisms, oxygen
and oxidise lactate, without cytosolic conversion to carrier capacity, acid base status, autonomic balance,
pyruvate. Lactate may therefore compete with glucose adequate cardiac output and normal enzyme systems,
as a fuel, and its increase may have physiological we see lactate as part of a complex interdependent
benefit. In another animal model, Levy et al have system.
shown how systemic lactate deprivation by selective Lactate index is an attempt to evaluate lactate in
β2-antagonism and pyruvate dehydrogenase terms of some of these inter-relationships. Could
stimulation with dichloracetate resulted in LI be one such emergent property? Our study
cardiovascular collapse23. This myocardial energy suggests that the ability of lactate production to
failure was blunted by lactate infusion. increase in response to an appropriate stimulus
Several authors have postulated that the human may represent the variability and responsiveness
response to sepsis is nonlinear, i.e. the ‘whole’ is indicative of health reserve. On the other hand, failure
more than the sum of its parts24-26. Nonlinear systems to do so may herald disease. As a further hypothesis,
are composed of many interconnected (mutually could the early lactate clearance associated with
dependent) variables. The quantity of these survival shown by Nguyen et al27 represent the ability
variables may be constantly changing. This results to utilise lactate as a fuel? Whether a physiological
in a complex and dynamic web of interactions. A role of lactate can explain the association of


↑ H+
- Increased glycolysis + SNS


Pyruvate Krebs
Figure 2: Lactate production and metabolism in relation to β2 receptor stimulation, hydrogen ion (H+)
concentration and sympathetic nervous system (SNS) stimulation.
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Vol. 39, No. 3, May 2011
454 S. Omar, A. T. Burchard et al

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