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Early Philippine Shelters

*Prehistoric cave shelters- earliest forms of human *Ethnic architecture – a term that reflects an
habitation. exoticization of the residual ethnolinguistic other by the
*Pleistocene people- earliest dwellers of caves in dominant cosmopolitan culture.
Philippines; offspring of ice age
*Vernacular- from latin word “vernaculus” means native
* Henry O. Beyer theory- migration from mainland
or homegrown.
Asia that travelled through land bridges
*Frithjof Voss- argued that Philippine islands emerged * Vernacular architecture - refers to grammar, syntax,
from the sea. and diction in expressing buildings in a locale, while
*Rizal, Kalinga Province- where the rhinoceros signifying the diverse range of building traditions in a
skeleton is discovered along with prehistoric stone tools region
which means humans had settled in Philippines 709,000
years ago Principal features of a vernacular architecture
*Flake tool assemblages – excavated in 2003 from 1.Builders
Callao Cave in Penablanca , Cagayan Province.
*Tabon cave complex- situated in Lipuun point, 2. there’s a constant adaptation, using of natural
southwest of Palawan materials, to the geographical environment
* Datag- a basic sleeping material made from branches
3. the actual process of construction in volves intuitive
and dried leaves and built inside the cave
thinking, done without the use of blueprints and is open
* Petroglyphs of Angono Rizal- prehistoric drawing of
to later modifications
human figures engraved on cave walls
* Ephemeral architecture- one of the first artifacrs 4. there’s balance between social/economic functionality
created by humans and aesthetic features
* lean-to or pinanahang – is the early dwelling of Aeta
* Pinanahang of the Agta of Palanan- a botanic Shield 5.
against wind, sun, and rain built with storng but light
branches and palm fronds
* Dait-dait – is the simple windscreen used by Mamanua
of Northeastern Mindanao when hunting
*Ilokano- look or ‘bay’
* Tausug- sug or ‘current’
*Subanon- people of suba or ‘river’
*Palawan- people of palaw ir ‘island’
*Tagalog – people of alog or shallow waters/ ilog or
*Maranaw – people of danaw or ‘lake’
* Kapampangan – bordering the pampang or riverbank
Balai, house
Traditional type of house in Apayao

Vernacular Architecture Atap, roof

-applied to denote indigenous, folk, tribal, High-pointed arch shaped roof with layers of thick
ethnic, or traditional architecture found among the cogon grass or nipa leaves
different ethnolinguistic communities in the Philippines
Dindin, wallboards
Vernacular lineage
Rectangular wooden panels vertically fitted on a
Granaries, fortifications, places of worship, ephemeral groove of the wall sill and girt to enclosed upper
and demountable structures, and contemporary urban floor space
Ribayan, eaves
Lower end of the thick cogon roof

Tapi, floor beam

A horizontal timber member attached above the
floor joist

Lawang, drain gutter

Shallow drain canal located below the roof eaves

Bobong, roof ridge

Layers of thick cogon grass meticulously laid above
the ridge

Sakkar, tie beam

Rectangular camber-shaped beam that holds the
roof beam on its ends to keep the beam in place

Toldog, floor joist

Hand hewn rectangular lumber with cove ends laid
above the posts

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