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To ask someone out = pedirle salir a alguien

Example: Fiorela asks me out, but I do not if I should say yes

Fiorela me pidió salir, pero no se si debo decirle que si.

To be off = largarse
Example: i am off, see you tomorrow = me largo, nos vemos mañana

To beat somebody up= golpear a alguien

Example : a group of teenagers beat up our teacher
Blow up = explotar
Example: my pressure cooker blew up suddenly

To Blow out = apagar, soplar

Example: blow out the candles

To break down= averiarse

Example: my car breaks down in the middle of nowhere
Break up = separarse, romper algo sentimental
Example: her parents broke up when she was 5 years

To bring up = criar o Tambien puede ser sacar un tema.

Exemplo: I was brought up on a farmer , me crie en una granja
Example: sorry to bring this up again = pedir por sacar este tema de neuvo

Bring it on = vamos ! es un tipo de exclamación para alentar a alguien

Example: if you think you can beat me, bring it on !

Look back= mirar hacia atrás pero en el pasado como un recuerdo

Example = looking back when you were a child

Keep an eye on = poner la mirada en alguien o en algo

Example: keep your eyes on that guy, he seems weird.
Acting up= starting to behave badly, como hacer lo que quiera sin importer lo
que digan los demás.

Cut me off= stop communicating, dejar de comunicarse de la nada

Example= she just cut me off and she did not explain me anything

Sell me out= usted promote algo y luego no lo cumple

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