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In my comics drawing, I show a situation that has happened to most of us at least one time.

the teacher calls your name to check if you are present in the lesson or asks you the answer of a
question, your computer suddenly decides that the internet connection is too weak. Your screen
freezes and you see the words “it looks like there might be a problem with your connection, wait
and try again”. Then you start panicking a little bit, try to reconnect or switch to your mobile
phone who works better with bad internet connection than a computer. You finally find your way
back to the lesson and find that the teacher is either joking about your disappearance or is mad
about it. You should explain that happened, apologize and start working again.
I have chosen the fourth comics because it has a mysterious ending and gives you the chance to
fantasize your own story. The drawing shows that there is a birthday party happening. There is a
cake in the background and the boy who I named Steve is dancing with a girl. Let’s say that the
girls name is Jude. They are listening to music, chatting and having a great time. It’s time to eat the
cake. It is a two-layer cake with chocolate and berries. Decorated with sprinkles and candles. Jude
sings happy birthday to Steve and he makes a wish and blows out the candles. Then Jude gifts
Steve her present. He is very excited to open it. He finally unwraps the box and finds that the box
is full of foam beads. Steve digs in and pulls out an envelope that Jude encourages to open. When
the birthday boy reads the card that was inside the envelope, he is in shock. Jude gifted him a
bungee jumping experience for two people. Steve hugs Jude and promises her that they will go
bungee jumping together. Steve has been dreaming of this gift for a very long time and he will
finally experience it with his best friend Jude. So that is my story about the comics number four, I
hope the creator of the drawing liked it.

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