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Step 1

Write and present (alongside a google slide) a 200-250 word summary of your
assigned episode. Ensure to have answered who, what, where, why, how, when,
along with any other details you deem worth mentioning. Conclude with what
questions we are still left with at the end of the episode. Provide at least 5 images
that reflect what you are talking about. Please refrain from including any violent

Step 2

Choose a medium to create an interpreted version/ reflection of the episode you were


1) Find and relate a song (that dates back to before you were born) to the episode.
Provide a link with the lyrics to the rest of the class so that they can follow along while
you play the song. Explain who wrote the song, when the artist wrote the song, along
with the meaning behind the song. Finally explain in depth what it is about the song that
you relate to your episode of the serial podcast.
(250 words minimum)

2) Present a picture/ painting/ artistic piece. Explain who created the piece, its title, when it
was created, along with what it is supposed to represent. Finally explain what it is about
this particular piece that you relate to your episode of the serial podcast.
(250 words minimum)

3) Write a poem (20 lines or more) that reflects your assigned episode of the serial
podcast, using at least 5 of the poetic devices. Explain what your poem attempts at
conveying to the audience. Explain the symbolism, metaphors and similes if there are
(250 words minimum)

4) Act out a 2-3 minute scene that represents the scenario mentioned in your episode. It
can be somewhat abstract, but not improvisational. (No acts of violence allowed -for any
violence, you may create something symbolic that represents the violence you are trying
to convey).

5) Write the unfound last journal entry in the voice of Hae. Invent and reveal more about
her identity and personality along with details that reveal precisely what led to her tragic
end. (250 words minimum)
6) Debate. Is Adnan innocent? Come up with three arguments behind your decision and
back them up with solid examples. You will be up against someone who will debate the
opposite stance. There will be a vote as to who is the most convincing. 250 words

7) Wild Card: Approved proposal of something that relates to what we’ve been covering
and talking about involving the Serial Podcast Unit. 250 words minimum.

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