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Sudaf Muhammad

A student of Master of Urban Design

Dept. of Architecture/ UOT/ Baghdad/ Iraq

Hello everyone, my name is Sudaf and today I will be

giving a presentation on English language learning.

In this presentation we will discuss the following:


The purpose of this presentation is to provide you with some helpful tips and resources for
improving your English language skills.

One important aspect of learning any language is building your vocabulary. Here are some
key English vocabulary words that you might find useful:

Communication: the act of conveying information or ideas through speech, writing, or

other means
Fluency: the ability to speak or write a language smoothly and easily
Grammar: the rules and structure of a language
Pronunciation: the way in which a word is spoken
Comprehension: the ability to understand spoken or written language
One aspect of English language learning that many people struggle with is grammar. Here
is an example of a common grammar rule that you should know:

Subject-verb agreement: the subject of a sentence must agree in number with the verb.
For example, "She runs" is correct, while "She run" is incorrect.

English pronunciation can be difficult, especially for non-native speakers. Here are some
tips to help you improve your pronunciation:

Listen carefully to native speakers and try to imitate their pronunciation

Focus on individual sounds and practice them regularly
Use online resources such as pronunciation guides and videos to help you improve
Listening is an important part of language learning, as it helps you to understand how
words and phrases are pronounced and used in context.

Writing is a great way to practice your English language skills, as it allows you to apply
grammar and vocabulary rules in context. For example, what is the main idea of the
following text?

My Favorite Food
I love pizza! It's my favorite food. I like all kinds of pizza, but my favorite toppings are pepperoni and
mushrooms. I also like to add extra cheese and sometimes some olives.
Whenever I'm feeling hungry, I always crave pizza. It's so delicious and satisfying. Sometimes I even
make my own pizza at home, using pre-made dough and my favorite toppings.
Pizza is also a great food to share with friends and family. We often order pizza for parties and get-
togethers, and everyone always enjoys it.
Overall, pizza is a classic comfort food that always hits the spot. I could eat it every day and never get
tired of it!
Writing is a great way to practice your English language skills, as it allows you to apply
grammar and vocabulary rules in context.

ex: Write a short paragraph about a memorable experience you had while learning English.


Speaking is perhaps the most important aspect of language learning, as it allows you to
practice using the language in real-life situations. Here is a speaking prompt for you:

Imagine you are traveling to an English-speaking country for the first time. What are some
phrases and expressions you might need to know in order to communicate effectively?

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