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MEI Complex numbers and geometry

Topic Assessment
1. In this question you must show detailed reasoning.
Given w = −2 + 2i and z = 1 − 3i
(a) Write w and z in modulus-argument form. [2]
(b) Hence express the following in modulus-argument form.
• wz
• [4]
2. (a) Illustrate on the same Argand diagram the loci given by
• L1 = z  : z = 2
 3 
• L2 =  z  : arg( z + 1 + i) = −  [3]
 4
(b) Find, in the form x + iy , the complex number z which lies on the point of
intersection of L1 and L 2 . [2]

3. Complex numbers α and β are given by

    5 5 
 = 2  cos + isin  ,  = 4 2  cos + isin  .
 8 8  8 8 
(a) Write down the modulus and argument of each of the complex numbers α and β.
Illustrate these two complex numbers on an Argand diagram. [3]
(b) Indicate a length on your diagram which is equal to  −  ,
and show that  −  = 6 . [3]
(c) On your diagram, draw and label
(A) the locus L of points representing complex numbers z such that z −  = 6 ,
(B) the locus M of points representing complex numbers z such that arg( z −  ) = .

4. In this question you must show detailed reasoning.

(a) The region R is described by the set of points z on an Argand diagram for which
  
z  :1  z − (4 + i)  4   z  :  arg( z − (4 + i)  
 6 3
Calculate the area of the region R. [6]

(b) Prove that the point 6 + 4i lies inside the region R. [3]

5. (a) Describe in words the locus L1 of points representing complex numbers w

which satisfy
w − 9i = w − 12 .

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MEI Complex numbers Assessment

Draw a diagram showing L1. [3]

The locus L2 consists of the points representing complex numbers z

for which z − 9i = 2 z − 12 .

(b) By writing z = x + yi, where x and y are real, obtain an equation relating
x and y, and hence show that L2 is a circle. Give the centre and radius of this
circle. [5]

(c) Hence write down an equation for L2 in which z occurs only once. [2]

Total 40 marks

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