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Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology

Course: Marketing Management

Class ID:CCC Class ID: Total Marks: 25
Assessment: Term project Fall 2022 Date: Week 12

Student Name: Student ID:

Marketing Management Term Project- Fall 2022

* Project Description

- The term project is to develop a new marketing plan for one of the failure companies in the
market. The product or service made by this company must be reintroduced to the Pakistani
market in a new professional way.
- In addition to the marketing plan, you will have to design and produce a print advertisement
and/0r a website for your new product to be attached to the marketing plan.
- The term project is a group project with a maximum of 5 groups per class.
- The project should be built progressively as the course proceeds

* Contents of the project document

01. Table of contents

02. Executive summary
03. External analysis PESTEL analysis stands for "Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Social and
Economic and Legal analysis"
04. Internal analysis (marketing, management, production, finance)
05. SWOT analysis
06. Strategic objectives and tactical goals.
07. Marketing strategies (marketing mix strategies)
08. Marketing programs (marketing calendar)
09. Attachments (example questionnaire)
10. References (sources of data)
11. Copy of the print advertisement
12. Website CD

* Project Presentation

- Each group will present its project in 20-25 minutes using presentation software and data show.
10 minutes will be allowed for Q&A.
- Presentations have to be conducted by all group members.
- Presenting the project is crucial for project acceptance and grading, in other words, those group
members who will not present will not receive a grade on their projects.
- Presentations should only include the following elements:
» Executive summary.
» Summarized market analysis
» Objectives.
» Marketing mix strategies.
» Marketing calendar and budget allocation.
» Advertisement and website

* Project Submission
- The project document must be submitted in the Week 12.
- Project document should be submitted in both hard and soft copies.

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