Fruit of The Spirit "Gentleness" Art & Craft Book

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The Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness

Gentleness is showing Kindness towards others.

Draw a picture about showing kindness to someone.

God is gentle with us!

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh September 2011. All rights reserved.

Gentleness is being calm with someone who makes you upset.

Write about a time when God helped you to be calm in a situation when you felt upset inside.

Gentleness is refraining from making comments that would hurt someone.

Wirte down with a partner things that you should not say to others in order to keep peace.

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh September 2011. All rights reserved.

Write three areas that you want God to help you with in being gentle: 1.

Write three reasons why you should trust God when you are angry. 1.

2. 2. 3.


Gentleness will be calm

Gentleness is one of a Fruit of the Spirit of God. It please Him when we are gentle with others.
Rev. Jeanne McIntosh September 2011. All rights reserved.

under stressful situations. It is having a peace that God will help us.

It will show mercy to those who mistreat you. It will forgive!

Draw a time when you showed mercy.

who struggle in areas that you may not struggle with. It will be kind and helpful.
Share with a partner something that you struggle with at school.

G Gentleness will have compassion for those

Rev. Jeanne McIntosh September 2011. All rights reserved.

Be gentle!

We can trust God for everything in our lives. He will help us to make good decisions and help us be gentle with our friends and family members.
Get with a partner and practice Eph. 4:2 Write the verse in this box.

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each others faults because of your love. Ephesians 4:2 (NLT)
Rev. Jeanne McIntosh September 2011. All rights reserved.

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