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What is Software?

a) Software is a collection of computer programs that help us to perform a task.

2) What is software testing?
3) Types of software’s? System, programming, Application software0
4) What is Quality of software or software quality?
i) Bug free
ii) Within budget
iii) Within time frame
iv) Maintainable
5) Project vs product?
i) Project – if software is developed for particular customer
ii) Product- if software is developed by doing market research
6) Error, Bug/defect and failure
i) Error- human mistake
ii) Bug – found by tester
iii) Defect – accepted by developer
iv) Failure – when application stop to work
7) Why software has bugs?
a) Miscommunication or lack of communication
b) Complexity of an application
c) Lack of time or QE or testers
9) Waterfall model
10) Spiral model iterative, version control model
11) V model
i) Verification and validation
12) Static testing vs dynamic testing
i) static testing means testing documents and dynamic related to actual software testing
13) How to perform static testing
i) Review - BRD, design, code, test plan, test case review
ii) walkthrough – informal
iii) inspection – formal invitation via email
14) stale element exception erro
15) How to check auto Focus for example when I Entered Canada then it is going to next field and focus automatically to
fill province – active element
16) desired capability
17) Use Cases
18) Validate - your test cases with the help of Assert
19) How to perform dynamic testing or levels of testing
i) Unit
(1) Basic path testing
(2) Control structure testing
(3) Conditional coverage
(4) Loops coverage
(5) Mutation testing with different types of input such as login testing
ii) Integration
(1) Incremental
(a) Top Down
(b) Bottom Up
(c) Sandwich or hybrid – combination of both Top-Down and Bottom-Up
(2) Non incremental
iii) System
iv) UAT
20) White box testing
21) Black box testing
22) Grey box testing
23) Pilot Testing- between UAT and production
24) Context Sensitive Help – help menu
25) Wire Frames- dummy screen or mock pictures actual size of pictures, width and height
26) Design documents where we can get all data about GUI, functionality and other information
27) System Testing
a) GUI Testing
i) Includes all menu checkboxes, buttons, colors, font, sizes, icons, content and images
ii) Testing position, color, size, error messages, Spelling
iii) Front End Testing
b) Usability Testing
i) How easily end users are able to understand and operate the application is called usability testing
ii) Like User manual
c) Functional Testing -how feature should work, behavior of application
i) Object Properties Testing
(1) Properties of an Object present on web pages
(2) Enable, disable, visible, focus
ii) Database Testing – Grey box Testing
(1) DML Operations (Data Manipulation)
(a) Insert
(b) Update
(c) Delete
(d) Select
iii) Error Handing
(1) Testing error message while performing invalid actions.
(2) Easily understandable and readable?
iv) Calculation/Manipulation Testing
v) Links Existence & execution
(1) 3 types of links – Internal, External and broken
vi) Cookies and session
(1) Session – timer on Server application is logout automatically by server according to timeslot
(a) Time slots are created by server. Session will expire after some time.
(2) Cookies – Temporary Files (on client side) are created by browser while browsing pages through internet
d) Non-Functional Testing
28) Regression Testing -Testing conducts on modified build to make sure that there is no impact on existing functionality
because of code change like deleting/adding/modifying features.
a) Unit regression testing – done by developed on single module
b) Regional Regression Testing – testing the modified modules along with impacted modules BASED ON IMPACT
c) Full Regression Testing – Testing main feature and remaining part of the application
29) Re-Testing –
i) test the bug fix / to ensure that defect which were found in the earlier build were fixed or not in the current
build ?
30) Smoke /Build Verification Testing
a) to make sure that build is stable or not? means installation and basic levels
b) Done by testers and dev
c) Done unstable builds

31) Sanity Testing

a) after build is stable to check main/High-level functionalities based on features/functions
b) done by testers only
32) Exploratory Testing
a) Understanding the functionality of the application based on your experience and test it
b) Without any documents
c) Done when Application is ready but documents are not ready
d) Misunderstand bug as feature or feature as bug
e) Time consuming and miss bugs
33) Adhoc Testing
a) Testing Randomly without any test cases or any documents (BRD)
b) Information testing with an AIM to break the application.
c) Tester should have knowledge of application based on your previous experience
d) Unplanned
34) Monkey/Gorilla Testing
a) Without any knowledge , documents
b) Suitable for gaming
35) Positive/Happy-Path Testing – with valid inputs
36) Negative Testing – Invalid inputs
37) End-To-End Testing – overall functionalities of the application
38) Globalization/i18N Testing – any culture or local environment
39) Localization Testing – Local requirements
40) Test Design or test case design techniques
a) reduce data for testing
b) Minimize data and improve coverage
41) Equivalence Class Partitioning (ECP)
42) Error Guessing
43) state Transition
44) Decision table based testing
45) Boundary value Analysis (BVA)
46) Input domain testing techniques (ECP BVA)
47) Use Cases vs Test case
48) Test Scenario vs Test Case
49) Test Suite – group of similar kind/category of test cases
50) Test Cases and its content – set of actions executed to validate particular feature
51) RTM
52) Test bed or environment
53) Severity
a) Show Stoppers (Blocker) -app crashed, no login
b) Critical – funds Transfer not completed
c) Major – undesirable function but app functionality working; not confirmation message
d) Minor – spelling mistakes
1) validation vs verification
2) examples of wait with feature
3) waits
4) static wait ---no exception
5) thread sleep:-no
6) webdriver driver=new chromedriver()---explain---no
7) challenges while doing automation:-no
8) methodolgy---black box
9) web app vs mobile app---responsive
10) test case vs test scenario---partial mainly theoritical
11) first time you have got and which testing is done?--uat,blackbox,etc etc
12) integration vs regression---no for regression
13) alpha vs beta testing---alpha is wrong
14) high priority and high severity---no
15) severity vs priority---login not working[high priority]
16) cross browser testing:-yes
17) build vs release---no
18) risk based testing---no
19) rtm---only functional

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