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● Hydrological cycle

Circulation of water driven by the sun in the environment between atmosphere, oceans,
ice-caps, groundwater, rivers and lakes + living organisms

● Flows in the Hydrological cycle

Evapotrapsiration, sublimation, evaporation, condensation, advection(wind),
precipitation, melting, freezing, run-off, infiltration, percolation, currents + streamflow

● Storages in the Hydrological cycle

Organisms, soil and water bodies: oceans, groundwater (aquifers), lakes, rivers,
atmosphere, glaciers, icecaps + humans impact: water towers

● Human sources of freshwater

Rainwater collection, pipelines, streams, lakes, desalinisation plants, wells, reservoirs,
water treatment plants

● What drives the hydrological cycle


● What type of resource is water


● % of earths freshwater

● Water scarcity
★ Water availability & demand
★ Human-caused phenomena since there is enough water across globe for
★ Created from unsustainable use of economically inaccessibilty to fresh water

● Access to water is based on

Climate and development stats (MEDC or LEDC)

● Water scarcity will continue to be and issue

★ Climate change
★ Unsustainable use
★ Pollution
★ Population growth

● MEDCs use most of their water for industry

● LEDCs use most of their water for agriculture

● Agriculture affects infiltration and run-off by
★ Irrigation diverts water resources from natural reservoirs often unsustainably,
increases erosion
★ Tillage changes the infiltration and run-off rates which affect recharge to water
storages and cause more erosion
★ Run-off pollution from fertilizers and pesticides affects other water systems, and
can lead to eutrophication

● Deforestation can lead to

★ The decrease in absorption and infiltration, because there are no trees or plant
cover to absorb rainfall
★ The increasing amount of surface run-off and erosion, because there are few
trees, and lesser roots of vegetation binding to the soil particles
★ This combination increased flood and mudslide risk as more sediment is added
to rivers, raising the riverbed and reducing carrying capacity

● Urbanization affects run-off and infiltration by

★ The hard surfaces do not allow any infiltration, causing an increase in run-off and
chemical pollution, therefore, causing more flooding

Water management/ use strategies

● Pros of desalination
★ Can produce potable water from large or previously unsabme source
★ Would limit uptake from traditional sources

● Cons of desalination
★ Expensive to build & maintain
★ Requires power pants to run
★ Nor suitable for landlocked nations
★ Doesn’t deter the use

● Pros of aquifer recharging

★ Limits evaporation by redirecting surface water
★ Can store water for later

● Cons of aquifer recharging

★ Requires land & is expensive for construction
★ Does not reduce the use

● Pros of rainwater harvesting

★ Limits use of groundwater
★ Less expensive than wells
● Cons of rainwater harvesting
★ Dependent upon weather
★ Not suitable for drier climates

● Pros of grey water

★ Reuses limited water
★ Cost-effective

● Cons of grey water

★ Only useful in developed countries with water
★ Water isn’t potable

● Pros of reducing domestic water use

★ Limited cost
★ Personal significance can be mandated by policy

● Cons of reducing domestic water use

★ Domestic water is the smallest area of waste
★ Limited to developed countries
★ Requires a change in EVS

● Sustainability
Living within the means of nature, on the “interest” or natural income generated by
natural capital without diminishing it

● Making water Sustainable

Extracted at the same rate it is replaced, if not the source will dry up

● Water on the river goes to

Irrigation crops, ranges and golf courses

● Government encouraging water reduction through

★ Increase the cost of water
★ public education program
★ Promote the use of water-efficient goods
★ Metering water use
★ Bans on domestic uses
★ Fines for wasting water
★ encouraging/ incentives of the use of low water
★ Needing plants in gardens
Slide 30

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