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CSAT APTITUDE TEST– (4026) – 2023

Time Allowed: Two Hours Maximum Marks: 200




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4. This Test Booklet contains 80 items (Questions). Each item is printed in English. Each item comprises four
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that there is more than one correct response, mark the response which you consider most appropriate. In any
case, choose ONLY ONE response for each item.

5. You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See direction in the answers

6. All items carry equal marks. Attempt all items. Your total marks will depend only on the number of correct
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9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end.



Directions for the following 4 (four) items: 2. If 2 is the only professor who is seated between

Consider the information given below and answer the 6 and the professor of Physics, which
department does 2 belong to?
items that follow.
(a) Mathematics
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are eight professors teaching in (b) Computer Science
different departments of a university. They are seated (c) Biology

around a rectangular table on chairs, such that each (d) Cannot be determined

longer side of the table has four chairs each.

3. If 8 and the professor of History swap their
Further, the following information is known: seats, then which of the following statements
i. The professor of Mathematics is seated opposite to cannot be correct?

the professor of Biology. (a) Professors of History and Physics are

seated farthest apart from each other.
ii. 1 is seated opposite to the professor of Chemistry.
(b) Professors of History and Physics are
iii. The professor of History is seated second to the left seated next to each other.
of the professor of Economics on the same side of (c) Professors of Chemistry and Economics

the table. The professor of Economics sits opposite are seated next to each other.
(d) Professors of Physics and Biology are
to 4.
seated next to each other.
iv. Exactly one professor is seated between the

professors of Biology and Literature on the same 4. If 8 and the professor of History swap their

side of the table. seats, then which of the following statements

can be correct?
v. The professor of Computer Science is seated third
(a) The professor of Physics is seated between
to the right of 8 on the same side of the table. 8 is the professors of History and Mathematics
seated opposite to the professor of Literature. on the same side of the table.

vi. One professor belongs to the Department of (b) The professor of Mathematics is seated
between the professors of Computer
Science and History on the same side of
1. If 7 is seated second to the right of 3, which of the table.
the following departments can 7 belong to? (c) The professor of Biology is seated
between the professors of Literature and
(a) Biology
Economics on the same side of the table.
(b) Economics
(d) The professor of Physics is seated between
(c) History the professors of Computer Science and
(d) Chemistry Economics on the same side of the table.

2 ©Vision IAS


5. In the following question a narration is given. 6. Point A is 4m north of point C. Point F is 10m

You have to take the given statements to be east of point G, which is 5m south of point H.

true even if they seem to be at variance with Point B is north of point D, which is 16m west

commonly known facts, and then decide which of point E. Point F is 7m north of point E. Point

C is the middle point of the line joining point B

of the given conclusions logically follows from
and point H. Point B is 6m to the west of H.
the given statements.
What is the shortest distance between point B
As Diwali festival is approaching, Vikrant goes
and point E?
to his father with a view to convince him for
(a) 22 m
buying crackers for his friend Rahul.
(b) 20 m
He says, “Dad! My friend Rahul likes crackers
(c) 25 m
very much.”
(d) 28 m
His father replies, “Son, all crackers are

harmful and all the harmful things make this 7. Abhishek, who is facing towards East, walks 8
world a worse place to live in.” metres in that direction. He then turns towards
He continued, “Even sweets are harmful.” his left and walks for 15 metres, and then turns

“But Dad, Rahul is an intelligent boy.” argues 135o anticlockwise and walks 17 metres. He

Vikrant. again turns 45o clockwise and walks 9 metres.

His father replies, “I do acknowledge too that Finally, he turns to his left and walks 40

Rahul is an intelligent boy, but alas! Some metres. Towards which direction would

Abhishek be facing now?

intelligent boys are not wise.”
(a) West
With a dejected face, Vikrant leaves for his
(b) South
tuition classes.
(c) North-East
Which of the following conclusions definitely
(d) East

(a) Some sweets are not harmful.

Directions for the following 5 (five) items:
(b) All harmful things are crackers.
Read the following three passages and answer the items
(c) Rahul does like sweets. that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
(d) Rahul likes harmful things. should be based on the passages only.

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Passage – 1 9. Which of the following is/are the most rational

Health care covers not merely medical care but also all and logical inference/inferences that can be
aspects of preventive care too. Nor can it be limited to
made from the passage?
care rendered by or financed out of public expenditure
within the government sector alone but must include 1. Only access to health care is not going to

incentives and disincentives for self-care and care paid make a health care system just.
for by private citizens to get over ill health. Where, as 2. Market regulation of health care could lead
in India, private out-of-pocket expenditure dominates
to its unaffordability for the vulnerable
the cost of financing health care, the effects are bound
sections of the society.
to be regressive. Health care at its essential core is
widely recognized to be a public good. Its demand and Select the correct answer from the code given
supply cannot, therefore, be left to be regulated solely below:
by the invisible hand of the market. What makes a just
(a) 1 only
health care system even an ideal? Four criteria could be
(b) 2 only
suggested- First universal access, access to an adequate
level, and access without excessive burden. Second fair (c) 1 and 2
distribution of financial costs for access and fair (d) None
distribution of burden in rationing care and capacity and
Passage – 2
a constant search for improvement to a more just
What drives popular opinion on climate change? Recent
system. Third training providers for competence
empathy and accountability, the pursuit of quality care failures to mobilize popular opinion in favour of the
and cost-effective use of the results of relevant mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have
research. The last special attention is, to vulnerable been blamed on the unseasonably cool local weather
groups such as children, women, the disabled and the
and the unhealthy state of the economy. On examining
8. Based on the above passage, the following the effects of both annual temperature variations and

assumptions have been made: economic growth rates on people's attitudes regarding
1. In India, the government expenditure on the mitigation of GHG emissions. It is found that
health care is negligible as compared to the
although the state of the economy has a significant
amount contributed by the population.
2. It is not possible to make health care effect on people's attitudes towards the mitigation of

inclusive. GHG emissions, variations in the annual temperature do

Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? not. Thus, while pessimism regarding policy changes
(a) 1 only
during bad economic times appear justified, pessimism
(b) 2 only
based on isolated spells of unseasonably cool weather
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 does not.

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10. Which of the following is/are the most rational 11. Which among the following are the possible
and logical Inference/Inferences that can be effects of using social media?
drawn from the passage? 1. Exposure of elders to the internet.
2. The reduced feeling of loneliness among
1. Mobilization of public opinion failed
despite people being well informed
3. Impact on mental health
regarding the mitigation of GHGs.
Select the correct answer from the code given
2. Policy regarding the mitigation of GHGs below:
will be more effective when a society (a) 2 only
grows economically. (b) 1 and 3 only
Select the correct answer from the code given (c) 1 and 2 only
below: (d) 1, 2 and 3
(a) 1 only
12. Which one of the following statements best
(b) 2 only
reflects the crux of the passage?
(c) Both 1 and 2
(a) Governments should create awareness
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 about the ill effects of social media,
Passage – 3 especially among the youth and the elders.
In today’s cultural and technological climate, everyone (b) Social media is a double-edged sword
uses some sort of social media. According to a affecting the mental health of individuals.
monumental 2018 Pew Research Center study, 88% of (c) With the increasing use of social media,
respondents between the ages of 18 to 29 reported using ensuring cyber security should be a
some kind of social media. Seventy-eight per cent of
(d) With the increasing use of social media,
30- to 49-year-olds said the same. A stunning 64% of
related companies should make sure that
people between the ages of 50 and 64 use social media
the GUI is user friendly.
frequently. For a generation that didn’t grow up with
the internet or social media, this statistic is surprising 13. In a certain code language:
and helps explain the prevalence of social media use in “Kerala Karnataka Tamil-Nadu Andhra-
our culture. With the pervasiveness of social media Pradesh” is coded as ZO ZK RA ZG
across all ages, more attention needs to be given to “Rajasthan Karnataka Tamil-Nadu Kerala” is
what it’s doing to us as individual users. The endless coded as ZK RA ZO ZH
“Haryana Tamil-Nadu Punjab Gujarat” is
stream of communication and connection provided by
coded as ZM RS ZT ZK
social media is changing the way we think and absorb
“Kerala Bihar Jharkhand Haryana” is coded as
information. As it is, people are currently developing “RA RN LQ ZT
social media habits that can simultaneously benefit and How will "Kerala Rajasthan Haryana" be coded
harm their mental health. Because this trend of in the given language?
extended social media use will only continue, more (a) RA ZH ZT
researchers are joining the field to analyze and (b) RA ZO ZH
understand the psychology of social media in our (c) ZH RN ZK
(d) LQ ZT ZM
constantly connected culture.
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14. Complete the sequence given below. 17. Mrs. Ranga has three children and has

gfe_ig_eii_fei_gf_ii difficulty remembering their ages and the

(a) eigfi months of their birth. The clues below may

help her remember.
(b) ifgie
(i) The boy, who was born in June, is 7
(c) figie
years old.
(d) ifige
(ii) One of the children is 4 years old, but it
is not Anshuman.
Directions for the following 2 (two) items: (iii) Vaibhav is older than Suprita.
Consider the information given below and answer the (iv) One of the children was born in

items that follow. September, but it was not Vaibhay.

(v) Suprita's birthday is in April.
In English alphabet, letters from A to M denote numeric
(vi) The youngest child is only 2 years old.
values from -13 to -1 (such that A is -13, B is -
(vii) The children were born on three different
12,……..), and letters from N to Z denote numeric
months from amongst April, June,
values from 1 to 13 (such that N is 1, O is 2,……..). September.
15. Which one of the following words will have an Based on the above clues, which one of the
absolute numeric value equal to that of BELL, following statements is true?

if we multiply the numeric values of the letters? (a) Vaibhav is the oldest, followed by
Anshuman who was born in September,
(a) YELL
and the youngest is Suprita who was born
(b) HELL
in April.
(c) RODE
(b) Anshuman is the oldest - born in June,
(d) KILL followed by Suprita who is 4 years old,
and the youngest is Vaibhav who is 2
16. If the salary of a given post is equal to the years old.

product of the numeric values of its letters , the (c) Vaibhav is the oldest - 7 years old,

who will be drawing the highest salary amongst followed by Suprita who was born in
April, and the youngest is Anshuman who
the following?
was born in September.
(a) PEON
(d) Suprita is the oldest who was born in
April, followed by Vaibhav who was born
(c) HEAD in June, and Anshuman who was born in
(d) Cannot be determined September.

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Direction for the following 3 (three) items: Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
Consider the information given below and answer the Read the following two passages and answer the items
items that follow.
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
Eight persons - P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, and W go for a trip
should be based on the passages only.
on different dates of the same month, from among 9th,
12th, 15th, 17th, 21st, 24th, 27th, and 29th. Q goes for Passage – 1
the trip three days before V, but not on 12th. Only three The data targeted in cyber-attacks is often personal and
persons go for the trip between V and W. P goes at least sensitive. Loss of that sensitive data can be potentially
six days after R. Only two persons go for the trip
devastating for the customers, and the companies must
between T and S. S doesn’t go on an even numbered
have the full trust of the employees hired to protect it.
date or 9th. P goes for the trip just before T and just
after W. At most one person goes for the trip between S So, employees in these fields must have a strong sense
and U. R doesn’t go for the trip just before or just after of ethics and respect for the privacy of the customers.
U. The field of information technology also expands and
18. How many persons go for the trip between Q shifts so frequently that a strong ethical core is
and S?
necessary to navigate it. It’s important that the staff can
(a) Equal to the number of persons that go
after S determine what’s in the best interest of the customers

(b) Equal to the number of persons that go and the company as a whole. Specific scenarios that the
between W and R employees might confront can sometimes be impossible
(c) Equal to the number of persons that go to foresee, so a strong ethical core can be the
between T and U
foundation that lets employees act in those best interests
(d) Equal to the number of persons that go
even in difficult, unpredictable circumstances.
before P
21. Based on the above passage, the following
19. Three of the following four are related in a assumptions have been made:
certain way and hence form a group. Find the 1. People should be sensitive about the kind
one which doesn’t belong to that group.
of data being uploaded for protection.
(a) P-15th
2. Data protection legal regime in India
(b) S-27th
(c) U-29th should include provisions for strengthening
(d) V-12th the ethical core of employees of companies
dealing with consumer data.
20. Number of persons that go on the trip between
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
V and W is the same as
(a) 1 only
(a) the number of persons that go after S
(b) the number of persons that go before T (b) 2 only
(c) the number of persons that go after T (c) Both 1 and 2
(d) the number of persons that go before U (d) Neither 1 nor 2

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22. Which one of the following statements best 23. Based on the above passage, the following
reflects the message of the author of the assumptions have been made:
passage? 1. There is a need for soil conservation for
(a) Companies should enhance their security fighting hunger in future.

systems to protect the personal and 2. The present assessment of the soil does not
provide sufficient information for the
sensitive data of their customers.
conservation of land.
(b) Ethical training should be imparted to
3. Soil conservation solutions of China may
employees for appropriately exercising
or may not be applied in African or
their discretion.
American countries, and vice-versa.
(c) A thorough background investigation is a
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
must before employing any person in data (a) 1 and 2 only
protection companies. (b) 2 only
(d) A clear code of conduct should be in place (c) 1 and 3 only
for employees for the protection of (d) 1, 2 and 3 only
customers' data.
Passage – 2 24. Consider the following numbers:
Continuing soil degradation remains a serious threat to 1267, 3281, 8765, 4328, 3764
future food security. Yet, global soil degradation The digits of each of the given numbers are

assessments are based on qualitative expert judgments arranged in descending order. Which of the
following will be the 3rd digit of the 2nd
or remotely sensed quantitative proxy values that
highest number thus formed?
suffice to raise awareness but are too coarse to identify
(a) 4
appropriate sustainable land management interventions.
(b) 3
Studies in China and Sub-Saharan Africa illustrate the
(c) 7
considerable impact of degradation on crop production
(d) 5
but also point to the need for solutions dependent on
location-specific agroecological conditions and farming 25. In a group of UPSC aspirants, 20 people like
systems. The development of a comprehensive cricket, 15 like hockey and 12 like horse riding.
approach should be feasible to better assess both the One person likes all the three games. 5 people
extent and impact of soil degradation interlinking like both cricket & hockey; 3 like both hockey
various scales, based on production ecological & horse riding and 2 like cricket & horse
approaches and remote sensing to allow disentangling riding. What is the total number of people in
natural and human-induced causes of degradation. A the group?

shared common knowledge base cataloguing hard-won (a) 40

(b) 38
location-specific interventions is needed for
(c) 48
successfully preventing or mitigating degradation.
(d) 45
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26. X, Y and Z ran a 50 m race one by one. The 29. If the difference between the salaries of Lalit
time taken by X was recorded by watch W1 and Anil is Rs 30000, then what will be the
and the time taken by Y and Z was recorded by sum of the monthly salaries of Manoj and
watch W2. The time taken by X, Y and Z to Lalit?
complete the race according to the respective (a) 59000
watches used was 5, 6 and 3 seconds (b) 70000
respectively. W2 is a faulty clock and loses (c) 57000
time uniformly. If X beat Y by 10 m, then what (d) 52000
was the speed of Z during
30. Who among the following persons earn just
the race?
less than Anil?
(a) 26 m/s
(a) Kunwar
(b) 96 m/s
(b) Manoj
(c) 16 m/s
(c) Surya
(d) 56 m/s
(d) Lalit

27. Consider the following series:

Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
51975, 9450, 2100, 600, 240, 160, ? Read the following two passages and answer the items
What will come in place of the question mark that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
in the above series? should be based on the passages only.
(a) 80 Passage – 1
(b) 120 While Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) as a simple,
(c) 320 effective remedy for dehydration is known around the
(d) 240 world, the physician who pioneered the treatment is less
famous. This physician, Dr Dilip Mahalanabis, passed
Direction for the following 3 (three) items: away at a Kolkata hospital on Sunday (October 16). Dr
Consider the information given below and answer the Mahalanabis, 87, was suffering from lung infection and
items that follow. other age-related ailments, the Press Trust of India
Six persons with different monthly salaries have to be (PTI) reported. According to the World Health
arranged in descending order as per their earnings. Organisation (WHO), diarrhoeal diseases, such as
Surya earns more than Kunwar but less than Anil, who cholera, are among the leading causes of mortality in
does not earn the highest salary. Manoj earns less than infants and young children in many developing
Yogita but more than Lalit, who earns less than countries, where the patient dies of dehydration. ORS, a
Kunwar. Surya earns more than Manoj. Manoj does not combination of water, glucose and salts, is a simple and
cost-effective method of preventing this. Dr
earn the 2nd lowest salary. The second highest and
Mahalanabis was working in overflowing refugee
third-lowest salaried persons earn RS. 60000 and 40000
camps during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation war
when he came up with ORS, which The Lancet called
28. Who among the following persons earns the
“the most important medical discovery of the 20th
highest salary?
century.’’ From 1975 to 1979, Dr Mahalanabis worked
(a) Yogita
in cholera control for WHO in Afghanistan, Egypt and
(b) Manoj
Yemen. During the 1980s, he worked as a WHO
(c) Lalit consultant on research on the management of bacterial
(d) Anil diseases.
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31. Which of the following statements can be 32. Which of the following is/are the most rational
inferred from the passage given above? and logical Inference/ Inferences that can be
1. The inventor of ORS is less known because made from the passage?
he gave his findings to the W.H.O. 1. Policy-making can be a useful instrument
2. ORS may be more useful in developing for mitigating climate change.
nations. 2. Government authorities claim that barely
3. Mahalanabis served in the Indian Army as 0.1% of the world's CO2 emissions are now
being captured.
a doctor.
Select the correct answer using the code given
Select the correct answer using the codes given
(a) 1 only
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 only
(b) 2 only (c) 1 and 2
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) None
(d) 3 only
Passage – 2 33. With reference to the above passage, consider
A crucial solution for climate change mitigation might the following statements
become more accessible by 2030, with carbon capture 1. The increase in carbon capture capacity
capacity expected to increase six times, according to will reduce carbon emissions by over 10%.
new research. Carbon capture, utilisation and storage 2. On similar lines, methane capture is also
(CCUS) is a key technology needed to decarbonize being planned.
hard-to-abate sectors such as petrochemicals and Which of the statements given above is/are
cement and to provide 24/7 clean power through gas correct?
(a) 1 only
plants fitted with capture equipment. The amount of
(b) 2 only
CO2 being captured today is 43 million tons, or 0.1 per
(c) Both 1 and 2
cent of global emissions, according to a report by
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
research company Bloomberg NEF. Today, most
capture capacity is used to collect carbon dioxide 34. Study the following information and answer the
(CO2) from natural gas processing plants and used for question that follows:
enhanced oil recovery, according to the research report. A!B means “A is neither smaller than nor equal
By 2030, most capture capacity will be used for the to B”
power sector, for the manufacture of low-carbon A&B means “A is not smaller than B”
hydrogen and ammonia or to abate emissions from A%B means “A is neither smaller than nor
industrial sources. The destination for captured CO2 is greater than B”
also due to change significantly from the status quo, the A^B means “A is neither greater than nor equal
report suggested. In 2021, some 73 per cent of captured to B”
CO2 went to enhanced oil recovery operations. By A#B means “A is not greater than B”
2030, storing CO2 deep underground will overtake oil Statements: M&H!O ; B!A%L#X%O
recovery as the primary destination for CO2, with 66
I. M!A
per cent of it going to dedicated storage sites. The
destination for captured CO2 is also due to change
significantly from the status quo, the report suggested. Which of the conclusions follow the given
This change is being driven by legislation that statements?
incentivises storage over CO2 utilisation and by projects (a) Only I follows
that aim to use carbon capture and storage (CCS) as a (b) Only II follows
decarbonisation route and must store the CO2 to meet (c) Only III follows
their goals. (d) Either II or III or I follows
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Directions for the following 4 (four) items: 36. Who teaches Polity?
Read the information given below and answer the items (a) Mukesh
that follow.
(b) Satyam
Aditya, Rahul, Mukesh, Prakash, Satyam and Avnish
(c) Aditya
are six friends. Their favourite genres of TV programs
are Cartoons, Daily soaps, Reality shows, Songs, News (d) Cannot be determined

and Movies (not necessarily in the same order). They

give lectures on six different subjects, viz. Sociology, 37. What subject is taught by the person who
Economics, English, Polity, History and Geography
teaches in Delhi?
(not necessarily in the same order) in six different cities
(a) History
viz. Pune, Delhi, Jaipur, Patna, Ranchi and Allahabad
(again not necessarily in the same order). Further it is (b) Sociology
given that: (c) Economics
1. The person who teaches History does not watch (d) Polity
2. The person whose likes watching News, teaches
38. The person who teaches in Pune likes which
Geography in Jaipur.
3. Avnish likes Movies, and he does not teach in genre of TV program?
Ranchi or Allahabad. Also, he does not teach (a) Reality shows
Polity. (b) Serials
4. English is taught by Rahul, and he does not teach in
(c) Songs
Delhi or Ranchi.
(d) Cartoons
5. The person who likes Reality shows teaches Polity
in Patna, and is not Aditya.
6. Neither Aditya nor Satyam teach Geography, and 39. Three positions of a dice are given below.
they do not like Cartoons and News.
7. Mukesh teaches in Pune and he likes neither Daily
soaps nor Songs.
8. The person who likes Daily soaps teaches
Economics, but not in Patna.
Find out which number will be opposite to the
35. In which city does the person who likes Songs
face having number 2.
(a) Patna (a) 6
(b) Ranchi (b) 5
(c) Pune (c) 3
(d) Allahabad
(d) 1
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40. In a watch, the minute hand crosses the hour Passage – 2

hand for the third time exactly after every 3 Russia has changed a lot over 30 years; it has changed
hours 18 minutes and 15 seconds of normal
fundamentally because it has opened up to a globalised
time. What is the time gained or lost by this
watch in one day? world. It has also produced a very open-minded middle
(a) 14 min 10 s lost class. But certain things have remained unchanged in
(b) 13 min 48 s lost 200 years. And that has to do with geopolitics, which
(c) 13 min 20 s gained
was dormant during most of the post-Cold War period.
(d) 14 min 40 s gained
Russia found itself restricted, especially with respect to
Direction for the following 3 (three) items: Ukraine. Unfortunately, we are in a phase where its
Read the following two passages and answer the items concerns are being addressed through the use of
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items military force but its inadequate accommodation among
should be based on the passages only.
the big powers is what is playing out now. The early
Passage – 1
Money can help us find more happiness, so long as we years of Putin were actually the golden age of
know just what we can and cannot expect from it. Many democratic Russia. The 1990s were a period of great
researchers suggest that seeking the good life at a store trauma for the Russian people with a falling GDP,
is an expensive exercise in futility. Money can buy us
plummeting industrial growth, deep debt, secession,
some happiness, but only if we spend our money
properly. We should buy memories. How much money extremism and terrorism in Chechnya. So the
it costs is not the issue, but how much the money costs turnaround that the Russian President brought about
us is important. Money should not cost us our soul, was to consolidate Russia politically, suppress terrorism
relationships, dignity, health, intelligence and joy in the and the secessionist elements and modernise the
simple things of life. People who figure out what they
economy. Largely, Russia was able to consolidate its
truly value and then align their money with those values
have the strongest sense of financial and personal well- financial position and made efforts to integrate with the
being. outside world. US-Russia relations were in particularly
41. Which one of the following statements best good shape, Putin being the first world leader to call US
implies the suggestion given by the author of
President George Bush to convey his support after the
the passage?
(a) Money can help us buy anything that we 9/11 attack. Russia supported the US on the latter’s
wish for, including happiness in our lives. forces in Afghanistan to fight the Taliban and al-Qaeda,
(b) To be happy and well off in life, people non-proliferation, arms control and Iran. Similarly,
need to align their money with the things
there was a strong cooperation with the EU, which
they value the most.
became its largest trading partner. There was a dramatic
(c) Running behind money is futile as no
amount of money can buy happiness in our change in the Russian automobile industry.
lives. Diplomatically, Russia engaged actively at the United
(d) Money is so crucial for our overall Nations. And it nurtured its relations with India
wellbeing that it can be traded with our
continuously while improving its ties with China 2000
soul, relationships, dignity, health,
intelligence and joy in simple things of life. onwards.

12 ©Vision IAS


42. Which of the following is/are the most logical/ 45. The first two shapes in the figure given below
rational inference/inferences that can be made are related to each other in a certain way.
from the passage?
1. The United States and Russia had
significant success in bilateral trade during
Putin's leadership.
Find the shape that is related to the third shape
2. Russia significantly participated in United
Nations diplomacy. in a similar manner.
Select the correct answer using the code given (a)
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only (b)
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2

43. Which of the following statements best implies

the crux of the passage? (c)
(a) For centuries, geopolitics can remain
(b) Globalization pushed Russia to change its
geopolitical outlook. (d)
(c) Putin’s reign is considered detrimental for
Russian Democracy.
(d) A thriving middle class is beneficial for a
society's economic growth.
46. What is the number of triangles in the
44. A statement is given followed by three following figure.
Statement: P ≥ V = S < L ≥ H < C ≤ T
I. P ≥ L
II. H ≤ P
III. H > P
Which of the conclusions follows the given
(a) Only I follows (a) 12
(b) Only III follows (b) 16
(c) Either I or III follows (c) 18
(d) Either II or III follows (d) 20

13 ©Vision IAS


47. In the following question, three sequences of 49. Soni, who is Dubey’s daughter, says to Preeti,
letters/numbers are given, wherein elements at “Dubey is my father, and he has only one
the same position in the three series correspond
brother and one sister. Your mother Shyama is
to each other, e.g. first element in first series is
C, and the first element in third series is p. So, the youngest sister of my father. Dubey’s
C corresponds to p, or in other words, they are father’s third child is Prabhat”. How is Prabhat
the code of each other in their respective series. related to Preeti?
CB__D_BABCCB (a) Uncle
(b) Father
You have to find out the letters/numbers that (c) Son
come in the vacant places marked by (?). (d) Father-in-law
(a) 4 5 5 4
(b) 4 3 3 4 Direction for the following 2 (two) items:
(c) 4 2 2 4
Read the information given below and answer the items
(d) 2 5 5 2
that follow.
48. A paper is folded and a pattern punch is made There are five teams playing in a tournament —
as shown below. Paraguay, Qatar, Russia, Spain and Turkey. Each team
plays against every other team only once. A match can
result in a draw, wherein each team scores two points;
When unfolded, how will this paper look like? or a team can win where it scores three points, while the
(a) losing team scores one point.
50. If Paraguay has won all the matches, Turkey
has lost all the matches and all the remaining
three teams scored equal points, then how many
points have each of the three remaining teams
(a) 5
(b) 7
(c) 8
(c) (d) None of these

51. If all the five teams scored equal points, then

what must be the number of points scored by
each team?
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 7
(d) None of these

14 ©Vision IAS


Direction for the following 3 (three) items: Passage – 2

Read the following two passages and answer the items A serious problem facing the urban local bodies in
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
India is the acute scarcity of finance. Generally, their
should be based on the passages only.
Passage – 1 source of income is inadequate as compared to their
Last week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) functions. Their chief sources of income are the varied
lauded India’s Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Scheme types of taxes. However, most of the income-generating
as a “logistical marvel” that has reached hundreds of
taxes are levied by the union and state governments
millions of people and specifically benefited women,
the elderly and farmers. Paolo Mauro, Deputy Director and, the taxes collected by the urban bodies are not
in the IMF’s Fiscal Affairs Department, praised the role sufficient to cover the expenses of the services
of technological innovation in achieving this feat. provided. Though they can impose certain new taxes,
Earlier this month, David Malpass, President of the
the elected members of these local bodies hesitate in
World Bank Group, had also urged other nations to
adopt India’s move of targeted cash transfer instead of doing so for fear of displeasing their electorate.
broad subsidies, noting that “India managed to provide Virtually no money is available for development work.
food or cash support to a remarkable 85 per cent of Municipal committees of many small towns find it
rural households and 69 per cent of urban households”.
difficult even to disburse salaries to their employees on
The complex and multi-layered governance machinery
— its diversity, access barriers, and digital divide — time. Many civic bodies have not been able to provide
can fail any novel scheme unless the building blocks even the basic civic amenities in the areas which have
are effectively addressed. DBT alone would not have been included in their jurisdiction during the last couple
been able to address the size and scale of the problem
of decades.
of sub-optimal service delivery under government
machinery. An ambitious vision, holistic approach and 53. Which of the following is/are the most rational
a multi-pronged strategy enabled the DBT ecosystem to and logical Inference/Inferences that can be
deliver impact at a phenomenal scale — the made from the passage?
accomplishment that has been acknowledged by the
1. Elected members of the body avoid taking
IMF and World Bank.
52. With reference to the above passage, consider unpopular decisions due to fear of losing
the following statements. elections.
1. Public welfare goals can be achieved with 2. Corruption by employees is also an
technical advancement.
important factor for financial stringency.
2. India's DBT Scheme may serve as a model
Select the correct answer from the code given
for other nations.
Which of the statements given above is/are below:
correct? (a) 1 only
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 2
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
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54. Which one of the following statements best 56. How many schools had none of the three, viz.,
reflects the crux of the passage? laboratory, library or playground?
(a) A constitutional amendment is required to
(a) 20
change the scenario of finance in the urban
(b) 5
local bodies.
(b) Urban local bodies should come up with (c) 30
cost-cutting and innovative financing (d) 35
mechanisms to solve their issue of low
57. What was the ratio of the number of schools
(c) Finance commissions at the union and state
having laboratory to those having library?
levels should reassess the situation of
finances with urban local bodies. (a) 1 : 2
(d) The primary reason for the poor (b) 5 : 3
performance of urban local bodies is their (c) 2 : 1
lack of income.
(d) 2 : 3

55. A, B, C, D and E play a game of cards. A says

to B, "If you give me three cards, you will have 58. If "+" means subtraction, "-" means division,
as many cards as E has, and if I give you three "×" means addition and "÷" means
cards, you will have as many as D has." A and multiplication, then 20÷4-8×2÷3 is
B together have 10 more cards than what D and
(a) 2
E together have. If B has two cards more than
(b) 1
what C has, and the total number of cards is
133, how many cards do B have? (c) 15
(a) 22 (d) 16
(b) 23
(c) 25
Directions for the following 3 (three) items:
(d) 35
Read the information given below and answer the items

Directions for the following 2 (two) items: that follow.

Read the information given below and answer the items Five flags, each with a distinct symbol namely Panther,
that follow. Tiger, Rose, Swan and Quail, have been arranged in the
There were hundred schools in a town. Of these, the
following order:
number of schools having a playground was 30, and
(i) Panther is next to Quail and Swan is next to Rose.
these schools had neither a library nor a laboratory. The
number of schools having a laboratory alone was twice (ii) Swan is not next to Tiger. Tiger is on the extreme
the number of those having a library only. The number left hand side and Rose is at the second position
of schools having a laboratory as well as a library was from the right hand side.
one-fourth the number of those having a laboratory
(iii) Panther is on the right hand side of Quail.
alone. The number of schools having either a laboratory
(iv) Panther and Rose are next to each other.
or a library or both was 35.
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59. Which of the following statements is true? 62. Best election reporting does not take place due
(a) (iii) and (iv) are contradicting to which of the following?
(b) Either (iii) or (iv) is redundant
1. Unawareness of the language of the people
(c) (iii) is redundant
being reported about.
(d) (iv) is redundant
2. Respondents not being questioned

60. Who is on the extreme right and extreme left? relentlessly on electoral choices.

(a) Tiger & Rose 3. Reporters being unable to place themselves

(b) Quail & Tiger in debates that voters are having among
(c) Swan & Tiger
(d) Tiger & Swan
Select the correct answer using the code given

61. Who is in the middle and who is just to its
right? (a) 1 and 2 only

(a) Panther & Swan (b) 2 only

(b) Rose & Swan (c) 1 and 3 only
(c) Panther & Rose
(d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) Quail & Panther
Passage – 2

William Faulkner wrote ‘As I Lay Dying’ in the

Direction for the following 3 (three) items:
Read the following three passages and answer the items afternoons, before commencing his night shift at a

that follow each passage. Your answers to these items power plant; TS Eliot's day job at Lloyds bank gave
should be based on the passages only. him crucial financial security; William Carlos
Passage – 1
Williams, a pediatrician, scribbled poetry on the backs
I can’t imagine doing any ground reporting without
of his prescription pads. Limited time focuses the mind,
knowing the language. Not only does the failure to
and the self-discipline required to show up for a job
decipher what the person is saying affect the story; it
also becomes funny when communication is through seeps back into the processes of art. It introduces

wildly extravagant hand gestures and leads nowhere. discipline and regularity into one's life. Indeed, one
Also, the best election stories don’t come from obvious explanation for the alcoholism that pervades
reporters who relentlessly question respondents on the lives of full-time authors is that it's impossible to
electoral choices, but from the debates that voters have
focus on writing for more than a few hours a day, and,
among themselves. If a reporter provokes the crowd
well, you've got to make those other hours pass
and suitably places herself in the crowd to hear the
argument, she will get the true picture. somehow.

17 ©Vision IAS


63. According to the passage given above, full-time 65. Consider the following series.
authorship may ultimately lead to which of the
CG, DI, ?, IP, MU
Questions mark can be replaced by
(a) It introduces discipline and regularity into
one's life (a) DL
(b) It may free the author from concerns over
(b) GL
crucial financial security.
(c) FL
(c) It may lead to alcoholism in the authors’
lives. (d) IL
(d) It may remove the time restrictions faced in
writing as one will have unlimited time.
66. Consider the following series.
Passage – 3
Changes are inevitable and need to be gracefully cc _ ccdd _ d _ cc _ cc dd _ dd
accepted, but all changes need to have a balance. With
There are five blanks in the given series. Select
phones, people forget to maintain relationships,
the correct option that may complete the series.
children are left out, and young adults have become
cabbages. Scattered brains, lack of focus and (a) dcdcc
concentration are the burning issues among the younger
(b) dcddc
lot. Fake news and wrong information spread fast. The
(c) dccdd
propagandists have a field day, as truth is being pushed
into a deep abyss. Discretion is taking a back seat. What (d) None of these
started as a beautiful innovative invention has become a
device spreading pain today! This is due to changes
rapidly being thrust upon cleverly with a focus on 67. In the following table, two rows are there. In

business over welfare. each column, the number in the second row is
64. With reference to the above passage, the
some function of the number in the first row.
following assumptions have been made:
1. Invention of phones has led to a breakdown 3 8 10 2 ? 1

of much needed balance which should 6 56 90 2 20 0

accompany any change in life.
What will replace the question mark in the table
2. Giving preference to business over welfare
has led to greater suffering among masses. given above?
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid? (a) 0
(a) 1 only
(b) 3
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2 (c) 5
(d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) 7

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68. If in a code language, NATIONAL is written as Direction for the following 5 (five) items:

MZGRLMZO, then how will JAIPUR be Read the following five passages and answer the items
that follow each passage. Your answers to these items
written in that language?
should be based on the passages only.
Passage – 1
(b) PZRKFI Adaptation can take the form of seawalls, flood
(c) QZRIFK barriers, storm drains in cities and shelters for displaced
people, but there is also scope for “nature-based
solutions” such as tree planting to help prevent
landslips, restoring wetlands to act as sponges for heavy
69. If BLOCK is written as 25164 and OFFICE is rainfall and planting crop varieties that are more
written as 177368, then CELIO will be written resilient to higher temperatures and water shortages. All

as require investment, however, and most poor countries

cannot raise the necessary finance by themselves. But
(a) 53182
little of the cash needed has so far been forthcoming,
(b) 31524
and donor efforts through “climate finance” have
(c) 68531 tended to focus on projects, such as renewable energy
(d) 42135 plants, that reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also
turn a profit.
71. Consider the following statements:
70. In a society, 20% of the members own only two
Adaptation to climate change can happen by:
cars each, 40% of the remaining own three cars

each, and the remaining members own only one 1. Choosing nature-based solutions like tree

car each. Which of the following statements is planting to help prevent landslips.
definitely true?
2. Focusing on renewable energy plants that
(a) Only 20% of the total members own three
are profitable.
cars each.
Which of the statements given above is/are
(b) 48% of the total members own only one car

each. correct?

(c) 60% of the total members own at least two (a) 1 only

cars each. (b) 2 only

(d) 80% of the total members own at least one
(c) 1 and 2
(d) None
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Passage – 2 Passage – 3

Once we regard living things as agents performing a Prices of cancer medicines are dropping dramatically
computation—collecting and storing information about after India allowed Hyderabad’s Natco Pharma Ltd. to
an unpredictable environment—capacities and
sell a copy of German firm Bayer AG’s patented cancer
considerations such as replication, adaptation, agency,
drug Nexavar under compulsory licensing norms. Swiss
purpose and meaning can be understood as arising not
company Roche Holding AG and local drug maker
from evolutionary improvisation, but as inevitable
Cipla Ltd. have decided to sharply cut prices for five of
corollaries of physical laws. In other words, there
their high-cost oncology brands after the Indian patent
appears to be a kind of physics of things doing stuff,
office made its first compulsory license order. Bayer
and evolving to do stuff. Meaning and intention—
didn’t say if it will lower its price for Nexavar, but the
thought to be the defining characteristics of living

systems—may then emerge naturally through the laws market expects a cut shortly, said an industry analyst.

of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. 73. Which of the following is the most logical and

72. Which of the following best implies the crux of rational inference that can be made from the

the passage? above passage?

(a) Replication, adaptation, agency, purpose (a) It is always market competition that leads
and meaning should be understood as
to sharp drop in prices of drugs.
arising from evolutionary improvisation.
(b) Prices of cancer medicines were not very
(b) Meaning and intention are correctly
high, and were affordable for all patients
thought to be the defining characteristics of
even before granting of compulsory
living systems.
licensing order.
(c) Living things are not fully capable of
(c) Drop in prices, following the grant of
collecting and storing information about an
compulsory license, will make the patent
unpredictable environment.

(d) Physical laws can be used to explain the holding German firm bankrupt.

capacities and consideration of living (d) Certain domestic situations may warrant

things, including their meaning and government actions that are contrary to

intention. notions of a free-market economy.

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Passage – 4 Passage – 5

Climate change is an “inequality multiplier”. While It is never a good idea to fight with the past, no matter
income inequality is at record high levels, there are
how old it is. Maturity lies in learning to live with the
stark inequalities between who contributes more and
past, not in it — under the illusion that it can be
who will be impacted more by carbon emissions. The
changed. The past is the past, therefore inaccessible for
top 10% of global income holders are responsible for

almost half the annual global emissions, while the human intervention. To study it with curiosity is a

bottom 50% account only for 12% of emissions. While preferable option to quarrelling with it or harming the

lower income groups or countries face greater exposure few tangible relics it has left behind. Colonised
to temperature fluctuations resulting from emission-
societies suffered similar consequences, such as
induced warming, and might be comparatively less
drainage of wealth and the emergence of a state
equipped to adapt, those “responsible for planetary
apparatus that the common people found difficult to
pressures are not equally affected by them and believe

they have the resources to shield themselves from the identify with. Their fear of the state and the state’s

adverse effects”. distrust of the citizen ought to be the prime agenda for
74. Why does climate change disproportionately anyone pursuing de-colonisation.
affect the lower income groups or countries?
75. With reference to the above passage, the
(a) Lower income groups or countries tend to
following assumptions have been made:
ignore the efforts for climate change
1. Instead of fighting with the past, maturity
lies in pursuing de-colonisation by
(b) Lower income groups or countries use

unsustainable ways of living which induces removing the tangible relics left by it.

higher emissions. 2. In colonised societies, there used to be a

(c) Lower income groups or countries are less distrust between the state and citizens.
equipped to adapt to climate change
Which of the above assumptions is/are valid?
because of income inequality.
(a) 1 only
(d) Lower income groups or countries have the
(b) 2 only
false and mistaken belief that their
(c) Both 1 and 2
resources can shield them from adverse

effects of climate change. (d) Neither 1 nor 2

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76. Anil and Sunil are ranked seventh and eleventh 79. Which of the following diagrams correctly
represents the relationship among Tennis fans,
respectively from the top in a class of 31 Cricket players and Students.
students. What will be their respective ranks (a)

from the bottom?

(a) 20th and 20th
(b) 24th and 20th (b)
(c) 25th and 21st
(d) 26th and 22nd

77. Read the information given below carefully.

A + B mans ‘A is father of B’
A - B means ‘A is wife of B’
A × B means ‘A is brother of B’
A ÷ B means ‘A is daughter of B’
If P × R - Q, then which of the following must
80. Select the option that can replace the question
be true? mark (?) in the following series.

(a) P is brother-in-law of Q
(b) P is brother of Q
(c) P is uncle of Q
(d) P is father of Q

78. Amit faces North initially. Turning to his right

he walks 25 metres. He then turns to his left (b)
and walks another 30 metres. Next, he moves
25 metres to his right. He then turns to his right
again and walks 55 metres. Finally, he turns to
the right and moves 40 metres. In which
direction is he now from the starting point?
(a) South-West
(b) South
(c) North-West
(d) South-East

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APTITUDE TEST–Test (4026) – 2023

Explanation for Question 1 to 4:

Using the information given in the question, we can draw the following two figures (representing two
possible scenarios).

Case 1:

Case 2:

1 (b)

1 ©Vision IAS

2 (a)
Given the new condition, the only possibility is:

3 (c)
Professors of Chemistry and Economics cannot be seated next to each other in any scenario.

4 (a)
The professor of Physics may be seated between the professors of History and Mathematics on the same
side of the table in one of the scenarios.

5 (d)
I. Rahul likes crackers very much.
II. All crackers are harmful.
III. All the harmful things make this world a worse place to live in.
IV. Even sweets are harmful.
V. Rahul is an intelligent boy.
VI. Some intelligent boys are not wise.
From S1 and S2, we get that: Rahul likes crackers very much + All crackers are harmful = Rahul likes
harmful things. Clearly, option (d) is the correct answer.

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6 (b)
The information given in the question has been represented below:

Shortest distance between B and E = (162 + 122)1/2 = (256 + 144)1/2 = 20 m

7 (b)
Path traversed by Abhishek has been shown below:

Therefore, Abhishek is facing towards South.

Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

8 (d)
Assumption 1 is invalid. The line “Where, as in India, private out-of-pocket expenditure dominates the
cost financing health care, the effects are bound to be regressive”, indicates that people in India spend
significantly on health care. It forms the dominant part of overall expenditure on healthcare. It is possible
that govt. expends more on healthcare, but people go for private healthcare services (not public services).
Also, it would be an extreme statement to say that govt. expenditure is “negligible”. So, this assumption is
Assumption 2 is invalid. The lines, “Where, as in India, private out-of-pocket expenditure dominates the
cost financing health care, the effects are bound to be regressive. Health care at its essential core is widely
recognized to be a public good. Its demand and supply cannot, therefore, be left to be regulated solely by
the invisible hand of the market.”, show that the private sector has an important role to play in building a
health care system but such a system should not be solely regulated by the market. Meaning that the
government has a crucial role to play in ensuring affordable access to healthcare, making it inclusive. So,
to say that because of the private sector, healthcare could not be made inclusive would not be correct.
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9 (c)
Inference 1 is correct. The line “First universal access, and access to an adequate level, and access
without excessive burden”, indicates that just health care system should be universally accessible, but only
accessibility will not make it just. The access has to be there, but it should not be costly (without excessive
burden). So, this inference is correct.
Inference 2 is correct. The given inference is correct because of the lines “Where, as in India, private out-
of-pocket expenditure dominates the cost of financing health care, the effects are bound to be regressive.
Heath care at its essential core is widely recognized to be a public good. Its demand and supply cannot,
therefore, be left to be regulated solely by the invisible hand of the market”. These lines explain that health
is a public good (consumption for rich as well as poor) and cannot be left to be regulated only by market
forces because the market forces can be distorting, leading to increased costs and consequently affecting
affordable access to it by the vulnerable section.

10 (b)
Inference 1 is incorrect. The given statement is not the correct inference because the lines “Recent failures
to mobilize popular opinion in favour of the mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been
blamed on the unseasonably cool local weather and the unhealthy state of the economy” and “It is found
that although the state of the economy has a significant effect on people's attitudes towards the mitigation
of GHG emissions” indicate that the blame for such failure has been put on cool local weather and unhealthy
state of the economy. How many people were informed about the mitigation of GHGs and whether it is the
actual reason for the failure of the mobilization of public opinion is not discussed in the passage. Therefore,
it is not correct.
Inference 2 is correct. The lines “It is found that although the state of the economy has a significant
effect on people's attitudes towards the mitigation of GHG emissions, variations in the annual temperature
do not. Thus, while pessimism regarding policy changes during bad economic times appears justified,
pessimism based on isolated spells of unseasonably cool weather does not” show that mitigation of GHGs
is directly related to economic growth, as it affects people’s attitude towards it. Therefore, when the society
grows economically, its effect should be visible in the mitigation of GHGs and the policy being more

11 (b)
Statements 1 and 3 are correct. The lines “A stunning 64% of people between the ages of 50 and 64 use
social media frequently” (Exposure of elders to the internet – statement 1), “As it is, people are currently
developing social media habits that can simultaneously benefit and harm their mental health” (Mental
health – statement 4), show that given options can be the possible effects of using social media.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The aspect of loneliness in general might be a correct assumption. However, the
passage does not contain any explicit information about the role of social media in addressing the issue of
loneliness per se. Therefore, this option is not correct.

12 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given statement about the role of the government in creating awareness about
the ill effects of social media is not correct because there is no mention of such a role in the passage. The
passage does not provide any information about the role of the government. So it is beyond the scope of the
passage. Hence, this option is incorrect.
Option (b) is correct. The lines, “With the pervasiveness of social media across all ages, more attention
needs to be given to what it’s doing to us as individual users. The endless stream of communication and
connection provided by social media is changing the way we think and absorb information. As it is, people
are currently developing social media habits that can simultaneously benefit and harm their mental
health” imply that social media can benefit and/ or harm as well. Therefore, it would be correct to call
social media a double-edged sword, affecting the mental health of individuals.
Option (c) is incorrect. This option, in general, seems to be correct, but it is not based on the information
contained in the passage. The passage mainly focuses on the information regarding social media and its
users. There is no discussion related to enhancing cyber security due to its increased use. So, this is not the
crux of the passage.
Option (d) is incorrect. There’s no mention of GUI in the passage.

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13 (a)
Words Codes
Kerala RA
Tamil Nadu ZK
Karnataka ZO
Andhra Pradesh ZG
Rajasthan ZH
Haryana ZT
Punjab/Gujarat ZM/RS
Bihar/Jharkhand RN/LQ

14 (b)
Explanation for Questions 15 and 16:
As per the given conditions, we get:
Letter Number Letter Number
A -13 N 1
B -12 O 2
C -11 P 3
D -10 Q 4
E -9 R 5
F -8 S 6
G -7 T 7
H -6 U 8
I -5 V 9
J -4 W 10
K -3 X 11
L -2 Y 12
M -1 Z 13

15 (a)
Product of the numeric values of the letters of BELL = (-12) x (-9) x (-2) x (-2) = 432
Product of the numeric values of the letters of YELL = 12 x (-9) x (-2) x (-2) = -432
Hence answer is option (a).

16 (c)
PEON = 3 x (-9) x 2 x 1 = -54
CLERK = (-11) x (-2) x (-9) x 5 x (-3) = 2970
HEAD = (-6) x (-9) x (-13) x (-10) = 7020
Thus, the highest salary is that of the designation of HEAD.

17 (c)
From the given information, we can deduce the following relation among children and their ages, along
with their birth months.
Vaibhav → June → 7 years old.
Suprita → April → 4 years old
Anshuman → September → 2 years old

Explanation for Questions 18, 19 and 20:

Q goes for the trip three days before V, but not on 12th. Only three persons go for the trip between V and
W. P goes for the trip just before T and just after W.
Here we get three possibilities.
5 ©Vision IAS
Case I Case II Case III
Date Person Person Person
9th Q
12th V W
15th P W
17th T P
21st Q T
24th W V Q
27th P V
29th T
Only two persons go for the trip between T and S. P goes at least six days after R. S doesn’t go on an even
numbered date or 9th.
Case I Case II Case III
Date Person Person Person
9th Q R R
12th V W
15th P W
17th T P
21st S Q T
24th W V Q
27th P S V
29th T S
R doesn’t go for the trip just before or just after U. At most one person goes for the trip between S and U.
So, Cases I and III can be eliminated.
Case II
Date Person
9th R
12th W
15th P
17th T
21st Q
24th V
27th S
The final picture that emerges is as follows:
Date Person
9th R
12th W
15th P
17th T
21st Q
24th V
27th S
29th U

18 (a)

19 (d)
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20 (b)

21 (d)
Assumption 1 is invalid. The given assumption is not correct because the passage nowhere discusses the
role of people in data protection. Certainly, people should be cautious in uploading sensitive personal
information, but this is not a part of the passage. The main discussion in the passage is about the importance
of ethics in employees of companies holding people’s data. Therefore, this option is beyond the scope of
the passage.
Assumption 2 is invalid. This option is beyond the scope of the passage because there is no information
on legal regimes related to data protection. Also, there is no such relation discussed in the passage, which
would reflect that changing provisions would lead to the strengthening of the ethical core. Therefore, this
is not a correct assumption.

22 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The given option is not correct because there is no information about enhancing
security systems. The role of companies related to security systems is not covered in the passage. Therefore,
this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.
Option (b) is correct. The main theme of the passage is on the importance of ethics in employees of
companies for data protection. The lines “So, it’s imperative that employees in these fields have a strong
sense of ethics and respect for the privacy of the customers” and “Specific scenarios that the employees
might confront can sometimes be impossible to foresee, so a strong ethical core can be the foundation that
lets employees act in those best interests even in difficult, unpredictable circumstances”, show that in
scenarios of discretion, it is important for employees to follow ethical conduct, which would ensure the
safety of customers’ data. So, this is the crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. This option is not correct because the aspect of background verification of hired
employees is not discussed in the passage. Therefore, this option is beyond the scope of the passage and is
not correct.
Option (d) is incorrect. There is no discussion on a “code of conduct” for employees for data protection in
companies. Also, as the passage mentions, “Specific scenarios that the employees might confront can
sometimes be impossible to foresee….”, a code of conduct may not be useful in all situations. Therefore,
this option is beyond the scope of the passage.

23 (d)
Assumption 1 is valid. The given assumption is valid due to the following line, “Continuing soil
degradation remains a serious threat to future food security”. This means that to reduce the threat of food
security (hunger) in future, it is important to conserve the soil.
Assumption 2 is valid. Refer to the lines “Yet, global soil degradation assessments are based on qualitative
expert judgments or remotely sensed quantitative proxy values that suffice to raise awareness but are too
coarse to identify appropriate sustainable land management interventions”. It reflects that current
assessment levels do not provide sufficient information for taking proper measures for land management,
and can, at best, help raise awareness. So, this assumption is also correct.
Assumption 3 is valid. The given assumption can be made from the lines “Studies in China and Sub-
Saharan Africa illustrate the considerable impact of degradation on crop production but also point to the
need for solutions dependent on location-specific agro-ecological conditions and farming systems” and
“A shared common knowledge base cataloguing hard-won location-specific interventions is needed for
successfully preventing or mitigating degradation”. The passage talks about customized (location-specific)
soil conservation mechanisms, which implies that solutions working in China might not work in African or
American countries and vice-versa. Hence, the assumption is correct.

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24 (b)
Arranging the digits as per the direction given, we get:
7621, 8321, 8765, 8432, 7643
Second highest number is 8432. Its 3rd digit is 3.

25 (b)
Number of people who like cricket = P(C) = 20
Number of people who like hockey = P(H) = 15
Number of people who like horse riding = P(HR) = 12
People who like all the three games = P(C ∩ H ∩ HR) = 1
People who like both cricket and hockey = P(C ∩ H) = 5
People who like hockey and horse riding = P(H ∩ HR) = 3
People who like cricket and horse riding = P(C ∩ HR) = 2
Now, n (A ∪ B ∪ C) = n(A) + n(B) + n(C) – n(A ∩ B) – n(B ∩ C) – n(C ∩ A) + n(A ∩ B ∩ C)
So, total number of people in the group = P(C) + P(H) + P(HR) – P(C ∩ H) – P(H ∩ HR) – P(C ∩ HR) +
P(C ∩ H ∩ HR)
= 20 + 15 + 12 – 5 – 3 – 2 + 1 = 38
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.

26 (c)
Speed of X = 50/5 = 10 m/s
Speed of Y = 40/5 = 8 m/s
So, Time taken by Y to finish the race = 50/8 = 6.25 s
It’s clear that the faulty clock lost time and has shown 6s instead of 6.25s for Y.
Similarly, the time taken by Z = 3 × 6.25/6 = 3.125 s
So, Speed of Z = 50/3.125 = 16 m/s.

27 (c)
The pattern is:

? = 160 ÷ 0.5 = 320.

Explanation for Questions 28 to 30:

The required order is:
Yogita > Anil (60000) > Surya > Manoj (40000) > Kunwar > Lalit
28 (a)

29 (b)

30 (c)

31 (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect. Dr Mahalanabis is the pioneer of Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS). It is
mentioned in the passage that he is not very famous, despite being the originator of a highly effective anti-
dehydration solution. According to the passage, “While Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) as a simple,
effective remedy for dehydration is known around the world, the physician who pioneered the
treatment is less famous”. The reason why Dr Mahalanabis is less popular is not given in the passage.
Hence it is not a correct inference.

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Statement 2 is correct. According to the passage, developing countries have high mortality rates due to
diseases like Cholera that lead to severe dehydration and death. The passage says “…diarrhoeal diseases,
such as cholera, are among the leading causes of mortality in infants and young children in many
developing countries, where the patient dies of dehydration. ORS, a combination of water, glucose
and salts, is a simple and cost-effective method of preventing this”. Since diarrhoea is one of the leading
causes of child fatalities in developing nations, it is correct to assume that ORS may be more useful in such
countries. Hence, it is a correct inference.
Statement 3 is incorrect. It is mentioned in the passage that Dr Mahalanabis worked in the refugee camps
during the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971. According to the passage “Dr Mahalanabis was working
in overflowing refugee camps during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation war when he came up with
ORS”. However, it is not mentioned specifically in the passage that he served in the Indian Army as a
doctor. Hence, it is not a correct inference.

32 (a)
Statement 1 is correct. The passage mentions how the captured CO2 is used for enhanced oil recovery
activities, and that by 2030 deep underground storage of CO2 , with 66% of it going to designated storage
sites, will surpass oil recovery as the major destination for CO2. The passage says “…this change is being
driven by legislation that incentivises storage over CO2 utilisation” which implies that policy-making
can be used for reducing carbon emissions and thereby help mitigate climate change. Hence, it is a correct
Statement 2 is incorrect. According to the passage it is a private research agency named Bloomberg NEF
and not the Government that has claimed that 0.1 % of the global emissions of CO2 is being captured today.
It is clearly stated in these lines of the passage: “…amount of CO2 being captured today is 43 million
tons, or 0.1 per cent of global emissions, according to a report by research company Bloomberg NEF”.
Hence, it is not a correct statement.

33 (d)
Statement 1 is incorrect. According to the passage, the carbon capture capacity is expected to increase by
6 times. Currently it is 0.1 % and it will increase to around 0.6%. According to the passage “The amount
of CO2 being captured today is 43 million tons, or 0.1 per cent of global emissions”. This means that
after increase in capture capacity, 0.6% of 43 million tons of CO2 will be absorbed, which is still a small
amount as compared to emissions. Hence, it is not a correct statement.
Statement 2 is incorrect. There is no mention of methane capture in the passage. It is completely beyond
the scope of the passage. Hence, it is not a correct statement.

34 (a)
Statements: M ≥ H > O ; B > A = L ≤ X = O
I. True
II. False
III. False

Explanation for Questions 35 to 38:

In such questions, first we will look out for and fill the directly given information in a table and from thereon
we will start drawing further inferences.
From statement (3), Avnish likes Movies and he does not teach in Ranchi or Allahabad and he does not
teach Polity.
From statement (4), English is taught by Rahul and he does not teach in Delhi or Ranchi.
From statement (6), Neither Aditya nor Satyam teach Geography, and they do not like Cartoons and News.
From statement (7), Mukesh teaches in Pune and he likes neither Daily soaps nor Songs.

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Person name Favourite program Subject City

Avnish Movies Polity Ranchi

Rahul English Delhi

Mukesh Daily soaps Pune
Aditya Cartoons Geography
Satyam Cartoons Geography
From statement (2), the person whose favourite kind of program on television is News, teaches Geography
in Jaipur. He must be Prakash.
Now, as per statement (5) the person who likes Reality shows teaches Polity in Patna and is not Aditya. So,
he must be Satyam.
Statement (8) clearly states that the person who likes to watch Daily soaps, teaches Economics but not in
Patna. This person can only be Aditya. Hence, we get:
Person name Favourite program Subject City
Avnish Movies Polity Ranchi

Rahul English Delhi

Mukesh Daily soaps Pune
Aditya Daily soaps Economics Patna
Prakash News Geography Jaipur
Satyam Reality shows Polity Patna
From statement (1), the person who teaches History does not watch Movies. This person must be Mukesh.
Hence, we get:
Person name Favourite program Subject City
Avnish Movies Sociology Ranchi

Rahul Songs English Delhi

Mukesh Cartoons History Pune
Aditya Daily soaps Economics Patna
Prakash News Geography Jaipur
Satyam Reality shows Polity Patna
Now, three cities are left – Ranchi, Allahabad and Delhi. From the table above we can deduce that Avnish
must be from Delhi and Rahul from Allahabad. So, Aditya must be from Ranchi.

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Hence, the final arrangement will be as follows:
Person name Favourite program Subject City
Avnish Movies Sociology Delhi
Rahul Songs English Allahabad
Mukesh Cartoons History Pune
Aditya Daily soaps Economics Ranchi
Prakash News Geography Jaipur
Satyam Reality shows Polity Patna

35 (d)
The person who likes Songs visits Allahabad to teach.

36 (b)
Satyam teaches Polity.

37 (b)
Avnish teaches Sociology in Delhi.

38 (d)
The person who teaches in Pune likes Cartoons.

39 (a)
From the images 1 and 3, the number that is opposite to 2 must be 6.

40 (b)
In a normal watch, the minute hand crosses the hour’s hand after every 1 hour 5 minutes and 27 seconds.
So, the third time the hour hand crosses the minute hand is after 3 hours 16 minutes and 21 seconds.
In the given watch, the time taken for this to happen is 3 hours 18 minutes and 15 seconds.
Hence, the watch loses 1 minute and 54 seconds every 3 hours 18 minutes and 15 seconds.
18 minutes and 15 seconds = 1095 seconds = 1095/3600 = 0.304 hours.
So, 3 hours 18 minutes and 15 seconds = 3.304 hours
Hence, time lost in a day = (114/60)×(24/3.304) = 13.8
So, the time lost by the watch in a day is approximately equal to 13 minutes and 48 seconds.

41 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The author does not mention the power of money to buy anything that one wishes
to. Instead, the author says that one should be able to distinguish between what money can provide and what
it cannot. In other words, it emphasises the need to balance material aspects with non-material joys of life.
“Money can help us find more happiness, so long as we know just what we can and cannot expect from it.”
Money can buy us happiness if we know the limitations of expectations from it. It cannot fulfil all our
wishes. Thus, option (a) is incorrect.
Option (b) is correct. The passage links the idea of ultimate well-being and happiness with the proper and
mindful usage of money. The author suggests aligning one’s values with the usage of money to achieve
wellbeing in life, as described in the passage, “People who figure out what they truly value and then align
their money with those values have the strongest sense of financial and personal well-being.” Thus, the
author conveys the idea that happiness lies in following a value-based life while using money in the pursuit
and fulfilment of those values. Thus, option (b) perfectly captures the suggestion given by the author.
Option (c) is incorrect. The author is not of the opinion that earning money is futile or useless in the pursuit
of happiness as reflected in the following lines-- “Money can buy us some happiness, but only if we spend
our money properly.” Further, the lines- “People who figure out what they truly value and then align their
money with those values have the strongest sense of financial and personal well-being” implies that proper
alignment of money with the goals that are true to our values would give us happiness. Thus, option (c) is
not the suggestion given by the author in the passage.

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Option (d) is incorrect. The author has suggested proper usage of money for happiness in life. However,
the author has also cautioned people against running behind money blindly, as conveyed by the following
lines in the passage, “Money should not cost us our soul, relationships, dignity, health, intelligence and joy
in simple things of life.” It means that though money is important, it is not that crucial that it can be traded
with non-material joys like relationships, health, dignity and so on.

42 (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect. According to the passage, Russia established good relations with the USA in the
areas of solidarity against acts of terrorism and for non-proliferation. The same is reflected in the lines,
“Russia supported the US on the latter’s forces in Afghanistan to fight the Taliban and Al-Qaeda,
non-proliferation, arms control and Iran”. However, it does not mention that Russia had a bilateral trade
with the USA. The passage mentions the EU as the largest trade partner of Russia and not the US. Hence,
it is not a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct. It is mentioned in the passage that Russia tried to establish healthy relations with
other countries like USA and China. The passage further mentions that “Diplomatically, Russia engaged
actively at the United Nations”. Hence, it is a correct statement.

43 (b)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage explicitly mentions that things that are related to geopolitics remain
constant for centuries. It is implied by the following lines - “But certain things have remained unchanged
for 200 years. And that has to do with geopolitics, which was dormant during most of the post-Cold
War period”. However, it cannot be considered as the crux or the core theme of the passage because the
passage revolves around how Russia embraced globalisation and what measures the Russian leadership
adopted in that direction.
Statement (b) is correct. The author mentions in the first line itself that globalisation has changed Russia
in the past three decades. The passage says “Russia has changed a lot over 30 years; it has changed
fundamentally because it has opened up to a globalised world. It has also produced a very open-
minded middle class”. Furthermore, the passage mentions the steps taken by the Russian leadership to
integrate with the rest of the world. It says “Russia was able to consolidate its financial position and
made efforts to integrate with the outside world. US-Russian relations were in particularly good
shape, Putin being the first world leader to call US President George Bush to convey his support after
the 9/11 attack”. This is the central theme around which the passage revolves.
Statement (c) is incorrect. According to the passage, initiatives of Putin, like political consolidation of
Russia, the suppression of terrorism and secessionist movements, and economic modernization were the
results of the Russian President's turnabout. The passage mentions “The early years of Putin were actually
the golden age of democratic Russia”. Therefore, it is clear that it is only the early years of Putin that is
considered a golden age and not the entire era. But from this we cannot infer that Putin’s reign is detrimental
for Russian Democracy.
Statement (d) is incorrect. The passage mentions that globalisation created a very open-minded Russian
middle class. The passage says “Russia has changed a lot over 30 years; it has changed fundamentally
because it has opened up to a globalised world. It has also produced a very open-minded middle
class”. But the passage nowhere mentions that for the economic growth of a society, a flourishing middle
class is required. Even though the statement is correct logically, it is out of the scope of the passage.

44 (d)
I. False
II. False
III. False
So, either II or III follows.
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45 (b)

46 (c)
The given figure is:

Smaller triangles = (ABC), (ACD), (ADE), (FGJ), (GHJ), (HIJ)

Triangles made by combination of 2 triangles = (ABD), (ACE), (AFG), (AGH), (AHI), (FHJ), (GIJ)
Triangles made by combination of 3 triangles = (ABE), (FIJ)
Triangles made by combination of 4 triangles = (AFH), (AGI)
Triangles made by combination of 6 triangles = (AFI)
Thus, total triangles = 18

47 (c)
Comparing the positions of the capital letters, numbers and small letters, we find that:
* p corresponds to C and 2 corresponds to p. So, p and 2 correspond to C.
* q corresponds to A and 3 corresponds to q. So, q and 3 corresponds to A.
* Also, 5 corresponds to D. So, the remaining number i.e., 4 corresponds to B.
So, BCCB corresponds to 4 2 2 4.

48 (a)

49 (a)
Preeti’s mother Shyama is the youngest sister of Dubey and Prabhat. Therefore, Prabhat must be Preeti’s

50 (c)
Each match has 4 points and each team plays 4 matches. Hence total number of points is 40.
Paraguay won all the matches. So, it scored 3 x 4 = 12 points.
Turkey lost all matches. So, it scored 1 x 4 = 4 points.
So, in total 16 points were scored by Turkey and Paraguay.
The other teams scored 40 - 16 = 24 points
As all other teams scored equal points, each of them must have scored 24/3 = 8 points

51 (d)
If each team scored equally, then each team must have got 40/5 = 8 points

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52 (c)
Statement 1 is correct. Due to technical innovation, the DBT scheme of India has been able to reach
millions of people of India. The passage mentions “International Monetary Fund (IMF) lauded India’s
Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) Scheme as a “logistical marvel”, Deputy Director in the IMF’s Fiscal
Affairs Department, praised the role of technological innovation in achieving this feat.” This implies
that the DBT scheme has been complemented with new technology and technical ideas. The success of the
DBT scheme is thus, testimony to the fact that public welfare goals can be achieved with technical
advancement. Hence, it is a correct statement.
Statement 2 is correct. The accomplishment of the DBT model of India has been praised by the IMF and
the World Bank. The passage says that the President of the World Bank Group, had also urged other nations
to adopt India’s move of targeted cash transfer instead of broad subsidies. This implies that India’s DBT
model is exemplary and can be replicated by other countries as an alternative to broad subsidies. Hence, it
is a correct statement.

53 (a)
Inference 1 is correct. This inference is correct because of the line - “Though they can impose certain new
taxes, the elected members of these local bodies hesitate in doing so for fear of displeasing their electorate”.
It reflects that increasing taxes is an unpopular decision, which might create resentment in the electorate,
leading to a loss in elections. Therefore, this inference is correct.
Inference 2 is incorrect. Although corruption by employees of urban local bodies may be a major concern
in general, but it is not covered in the passage. Corruption as a cause of financial stringency is not discussed
in the passage anywhere. Therefore, it is beyond the scope of the passage and is not correct.

54 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. This statement is not correct as per the information covered in the passage. There
is no information about a constitutional amendment as a way out for increasing the income of the urban
local bodies. So, it is beyond the scope of the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The given statement could be a rational inference but not the crux because the crux
is supposed to be a summary of the information covered in the passage. So, cost-cutting and innovative
financing mechanism seem to be a good option to increase incomes, but this information is not discussed in
the passage. Therefore, this is not the crux of the passage.
Option (c) is incorrect. The role of finance commissions is nowhere covered in the passage. Therefore,
this option is beyond the scope of the passage and not correct.
Option (d) is correct. The given option is correct as it is the broadest option provided, and is also centred
around the central theme of the passage, i.e., financial stringency existing in urban local bodies. The lines,
“Virtually no money is available for development work. Municipal committees of many small towns find it
difficult even to disburse salaries to their employees on time. Many civic bodies have not been able to
provide even the basic civic amenities in the areas which have been included in their jurisdiction during
the last couple of decades”, confirm the claim made in the given statement that poor performance of urban
local bodies is caused due to lack of finance.

55 (c)
As per the question:
B - 3 = E ...(i)
B + 3 = D ...(ii)
A + B = D + E + 10 ...(iii)
B = C + 2 ...(iv)
A + B + C + D + E = 133 ...(v)
From (i) and (ii), we have: 2B = D + E ...(vi)
From (iii) and (vi), we have: A = B + 10 ...(vii)
Using (iv), (vi) and (vii) with (v), we get:
(B + 10) + B + (B - 2) + 2B = 133
Or 5B = 125
Or B = 25.

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56 (d)
Using the information provided in the question, we can draw the following diagram:

Total number of schools having either LAB or LIB or both = a + b + (x/2) – y + y + 3x = 35

Or (7x/2) + a + b = 35
Here a = b = y = 0
So, 7x/2 = 35
Or x = 10
Total number of schools having at least one of PG, LIB or LAB = 30 + 7x/2 = 30 + 35 = 65
So, number of schools having neither of the three = 100 - 65 = 35

57 (b)
Required ratio = 25:15 = 5:3

58 (d)
Given equation: 20÷4-8×2÷3
After substitution: 20 × 4 ÷ 8 + 2 × 3 = 16

Explanation for Questions 59 to 61:

Let the five flags be represented by letters P, T, R, S and Q.
From statement (ii), we get: T_ _ R _
Then with statement (i) only two cases are possible:
Case (i) TPQRS
Case (ii) TQPRS

59 (b)
Using statement (iii), the only possible case is TQPRS. Hence, statement (iv) is redundant.
Using statement (iv), the only possible case is TQPRS. Hence, statement (iii) is redundant.
Therefore, either (iii) or (iv) is redundant.

60 (c)
Swan on the extreme right and Tiger is on the extreme left.

61 (c)
Panther is in the middle and Rose is just to its right.

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62 (c)
Statement 1 is correct. The author has given utmost importance to knowledge of language for any
reporting. The passage starts with mention of increased difficulties in reporting without knowing the
language (of the people being reported about) in the line “Not only does the failure to decipher what the
person is saying affect the story; it also becomes funny when communication is through wildly extravagant
hand gestures and leads nowhere.” So, it becomes clear that unawareness of a language will result in
ineffectual reporting.
Statement 2 is incorrect. The author has not given importance to asking questions from respondents for
best election stories. Instead, author considers the debate naturally happening among the voters to get best
election stories. The author has discussed it in the line, “Also, the best election stories don’t come from
reporters who relentlessly question respondents on electoral choices, but from the debates that voters have
among themselves.”
Statement 3 is correct. According to the author, to get a picture of the election stories it is important to
delve into the debates of people and comprehend it. The author has discussed the importance of
understanding the debates in the concluding paragraphs as mentioned in the lines, “Also, the best election
stories don’t come from reporters who relentlessly question respondents on electoral choices, but from the
debates that voters have among themselves. If a reporter provokes the crowd and suitably places herself in
the crowd to hear the argument, she will get the true picture.” Therefore, it becomes clear that not being
able to comprehend debates will lead to ineffectual reporting.

63 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The first half of the passage discusses the benefits of limited time availability. The
author gives various examples to show how great poets and writers were working in other fields alongside
writing as mentioned in the line, “William Faulkner wrote ‘As I Lay Dying’ in the afternoons, before
commencing his night shift at a power plant; TS Eliot's day job at Lloyds bank gave him crucial financial
security; William Carlos Williams, a paediatrician, scribbled poetry on the backs of his prescription pads.”
Thus, discipline and regularity is the result of limited time and non-full time authorship.
Option (b) is incorrect. Refer to the line, “TS Eliot's day job at Lloyds bank gave him crucial financial
security.” Though, the author mentions the term financial security, it is mentioned as one of the benefits of
doing a job alongside writing. Thus, the author implies poets and writers can get financial security if they
work apart from writing.
Option (c) is correct. In the concluding lines of the passage, the author does describe the issues arising out
of full-time authorship, e.g. alcoholism. It is evident from the line, “Indeed, one obvious explanation for the
alcoholism that pervades the lives of full-time authors is that it's impossible to focus on writing for more
than a few hours a day, and, well, you've got to make those other hours pass somehow.” Therefore, it would
be correct to say that full-time authorship may lead to alcoholism in the authors’ lives.
Option (d) is incorrect. The author does not consider limited time availability as a restriction for creativity
in writing. Rather, the author considers full time authorship not as good as authorship with another job. The
author believes that one can write creatively only for a few hours, as discussed in the line, “…that it's
impossible to focus on writing for more than a few hours a day, and, well, you've got to make those other
hours pass somehow”. So, the author did not think that less time is a hindrance to writing. Thus, option (d)
is not correct.

64 (c)
Statement 1 is correct. Though the author believes that change is inevitable, every change ought to have a
balance as mentioned in the introductory lines of the passage, “Changes are inevitable and need to be
gracefully accepted, but all changes need to have a balance.” Furthermore, the author explains how this
fine balance has been disturbed by the invention of phones with many examples as seen in the line, “With
phones, people forget to maintain relationships, children are left out, and young adults have become
cabbages.” Hence, the statement 1 is correct.
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Statement 2 is correct. The author has discussed several issues faced in the modern times because of
phone’s improper usage. It is evident from the lines, “Scattered brains, lack of focus and concentration are
the burning issues among the younger lot. Fake news and wrong information spread fast. The propagandists
have a field day, as truth is being pushed into a deep abyss.” Further, the author also assumes that this rapid
pace of change and the related issues are arising due to wrong preferences. It is visible in the concluding
line of the passage, “What started as a beautiful innovative invention has become a device spreading pain
today. This is due to changes rapidly being thrust upon cleverly with a focus on business over welfare.”
Thus, statement 2 is in sync with the author’s ideas in the passage, and is, therefore, correct.

65 (c)
The first letter of the pair increases by 1, 2, 3, 4 ….
The second letter of the pair increases by 2, 3, 4 ….
So, the missing term must be FL.

66 (b)
Complete series is: ccdcc/ddcdd/ccdcc/ddcdd

67 (c)
Suppose X denotes the numbers in the first row, and Y denotes the numbers in the second row.
Then, the pattern is: Y = X2 - X
For example, 32 - 3 = 9 - 3 = 6
Similarly, 52 - 5 = 20.
So, the missing number is 5.

68 (a)
The pattern has been denoted in the figure given below:

69 (c)
BLOCK is written as 25164 and OFFICE is written as 177368.
From the above information it is clear that there is direct coding involved in it, wherein every letter is
assigned a specific number code. We can see that O has been coded as 1 and C as 6 in both BLOCK and

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Therefore, CELIO will be written as 68531.

Hence, option (c) is the correct answer.

70 (b)
Let total number of members be 100.
Then, number of members owning only 2 cars = 20.
Number of members owning 3 cars = 40% of 80 = 32.
Number of members owning only 1 car = 100 - (20 + 32) = 48.
Thus, 48% of the total members own one car each.

71 (c)
Statement 1 is correct. The author has mentioned about various methods of adaptation to climate change
- both natural and man-made solutions. Among the nature based solutions, the author has discussed tree
planting which can prevent landslips as mentioned in the lines, “…there is also scope for “nature-based
solutions” such as tree planting to help prevent landslips, restoring wetlands to act as sponges for heavy
rainfall and planting crop varieties that are more resilient to higher temperatures and water shortages.”
Therefore, this answer option is correct.
Statement 2 is correct. According to the author, donors have tended to focus on those renewable projects
which are profitable. However, despite tending to focus on profits, the author agrees that renewable projects
too help in reducing the greenhouse gases, thus helping in adaptation. The author has discussed the
importance of renewable projects in the concluding line, “…donor efforts through “climate finance” have
tended to focus on projects, such as renewable energy plants, that reduce greenhouse gas emissions but
also turn a profit.”

72 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The first half of the passage discusses what happens when we regard living things
as agents performing a computation. In such a scenario, capacities and considerations of living things such
as replication, adaptation, agency, purpose and meaning can be understood as inevitable corollaries of
physical laws. It cannot be understood from an evolutionary perspective, as the author has discussed,
“capacities and considerations such as replication, adaptation, agency, purpose and meaning can be
understood as arising not from evolutionary improvisation, but as inevitable corollaries of physical laws.”
Thus, option (a) is not correct according to the passage.
Option (b) is incorrect. The author talks about meaning and intention, which are thought to be the defining
characteristics of living systems. However, it has been mentioned only as a passing reference about living
systems. The central theme of the passage is, understanding living systems through physical laws as seen
in the lines, “Meaning and intention—thought to be the defining characteristics of living systems—may then
emerge naturally through the laws of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.” Thus, option (b) does not
perfectly capture the crux of the passage and is incorrect.
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Option (c) is incorrect. The author believes that living systems can be understood as powerful enough for
collecting and storing information about an unpredictable environment, as mentioned in the passage, “Once
we regard living things as agents performing a computation—collecting and storing information about an
unpredictable environment—capacities and considerations such as replication, adaptation, agency,
purpose and meaning can be understood as arising not from evolutionary improvisation, but as inevitable
corollaries of physical laws.”. Thus, nothing in the passage suggests that living things have any difficulty
in collecting and storing information.
Option (d) is correct. Throughout the passage, the author has focused on the importance of physics and
physical laws in understanding of the working of living systems. At the start of the passage, the author
discussed, “From capacities and considerations such as replication, adaptation, agency, purpose and
meaning can be understood as arising not from evolutionary improvisation, but as inevitable corollaries of
physical laws.” Further, the author has discussed the same theme even in the concluding paragraph as seen
in the following lines, “Meaning and intention—thought to be the defining characteristics of living
systems—may then emerge naturally through the laws of thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.”

73 (d)
Option (a) is incorrect. The passage mentions the case of oncology drugs that have undergone a price cut
due to compulsory license order by Indian patent office. Thus, market competition is not the only way
leading to sharp price drop in drugs.
Option (b) is not correct. The passage clearly suggests that the prices of cancer medicines have dropped
DRAMATICALLY after compulsory licensing order. From this it would be incorrect to deduce that prices
of cancer drugs were NOT very high earlier. Moreover, had the prices been affordable for ALL patients,
the very need to grant compulsory license might not arise.
Option (c) is not correct. The passage only talks about prices of drugs falling dramatically. It would be too
far-fetched to say that patent-holding firm would go bankrupt after the grant of compulsory license. Nexavar
is one of the drugs manufactured by this firm, there might be many more drugs that are not affected by
compulsory license.
Option (d) is correct. According to the passage, prices of cancer drugs are dropping dramatically after
India ordered a domestic company to sell a drug that is patented by a German company. This action may
seem to contradict the ideal notions of free market economy in which there is no government interference.
However, certain domestic situation like public health concerns may call for government interference even
in a free economy. Hence, this is a valid inference.

74 (c)
Option (a) is incorrect. The initial lines of the passage mention the inequality-multiplier effect of climate
change on the inequalities already existing between different income-groups and countries. Lower income
countries and groups are least responsible for climate change as they account for very low emissions. Thus,
the author does not consider that lower income countries and groups ignore required efforts for mitigation.
However, they are affected more by climate change because of low adaptive capacity.
Option (b) is incorrect. The Statement in option (b) stands in direct contrast with what is mentioned in the
passage. The author does not blame lower income countries and groups for higher emissions. Instead, the
author blames the richer groups for higher emissions, as explained in the passage, “The top 10% of global
income holders are responsible for almost half the annual global emissions, while the bottom 50% account
only for 12% of emissions.”
Option (c) is correct. The author describes the problems faced by the lower income groups and countries
because of lower income. They have fewer resources available to adapt to the ravages of climate change,
despite being disproportionately affected by the same. This is clear from the following lines, “While lower
income groups or countries face greater exposure to temperature fluctuations resulting from emission-
induced warming, and might be comparatively less equipped to adapt”. Thus, the disproportionate effects
of climate change are borne by lower income people because of lesser adaptation power.

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Option (d) is incorrect. In the concluding lines of the passage, the author mentions the belief among the
resource rich and higher income groups. They believe they can shield themselves from the effects of climate
change, by virtue of their resources. Thus, this belief is not among the lower income but among the higher
income groups, as mentioned in the concluding lines of the passage, “…those responsible for planetary
pressures are not equally affected by them and believe they have the resources to shield themselves from
the adverse effects”.

75 (b)
Statement 1 is incorrect. The author agrees that it is futile to fight with the past, as is conveyed by the
introductory lines of the passage, “It is never a good idea to fight with the past, no matter how old it is.”
Thus, the first part of the statement 1 is correct. However, the author does not emphasise removing the relics
left behind by the past. Instead, the author asks us to study history and its relics with an inquisitive mind
without a biased attitude, through the following lines - “To study it with curiosity is a preferable option to
quarrelling with it or harming the few tangible relics it has left behind.” So, the second part of the statement
1 is not correct. Hence, statement 1 as a whole is incorrect.
Statement 2 is correct. The author has discussed several issues faced by colonised societies, such as
drainage of wealth and the emergence of a state apparatus that the common people found difficult to identify
with. Furthermore, the author also assumes that there used to be a sense of fear and distrust between the
state and the citizens, as is visible in the concluding line of the passage, “Their fear of the state and the
state’s distrust of the citizen ought to be the prime agenda for anyone pursuing de-colonisation.” Thus,
statement 2 is in sync with the author’s ideas in the passage, and thus is correct.

76 (c)
Number of students behind Anil = (31 - 7) = 24
So, Anil is 25th from the bottom.
Number of students behind Sunil = (31 - 11) = 20
So, Sunil is 21st from the bottom.

77 (a)
Clearly, P is the brother-in-law of Q.

78 (d)
The path traversed by Amit has been represented below:

F is in the South-East direction from A.

79 (a)
A tennis fan can be a cricket player as well as a student.

80 (d)

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