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Class:- 6th MATHEMATICS Ratio and Proportion.

Total marks:- 70

Passing marks:- 35 Time:- 1 hour. Marks obtained:_________________

Name:-_____________________________________________ Class:-_________________

Fill in the blanks with suitable option. (20)

1.If 14kg of pulses cost Rs.441,what is the cost of 22kg pulses? (627, 649, 671, 693)
2.Symbol of ratio is------------. (= , : , :: , /)
3.Symbol of proportion is-----------. ( :: , : , = , /)
4.a:b is also written as-------------. (a::b, b/a, a/b, a=b)
5.a:b::c:d in this b*c is-------------. ( Product of mean, Product of extreme, both, none)
6.Ratio simply mean-------------. (Multiply, Divide, Addition, Subtraction)
7.a/b in this “a” is -----------. (Antecedent, consequent, both, All)
8. 10:2::x:4, x will be equal to-----------. (10, 20, 30, 40)
9.If 18 dolls cost Rs.630, how many doll can be bought for Rs.455? ( 9, 11, 13, 15)
10.2/3 is in-----------form. ( Simple, Complex, both, None)

Attempt any 5 Questions. All questions carry equal marks. (50)

1.Reduce into simple form: a)150/160 b) 800g to 1kg

2.The ratio of monthly income to the savings in a family is 5:4.If the saving is Rs.9000 Find the income
and the expenses?
3. Solve: a) 15:6::x:4 b) 8:x::2:6
4.If 3 men earns Rs.480 in a day.Find how much will 7 men earn in a day?
5. 6 oxen can graze a field in a 28 days. How long would 9 oxen take to graze the same field?
6.The ratio of monthly income to expenses is 4:5. If the monthly income is Rs.20000. Find the expenses?


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