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My name is Navjot Singh I am having 5+ years of QA tester both in manual and automation.

I worked with Bank of India

and ……………

Daily roles and responsi

I worked with TMI project where I was doing front end and backend validations in both manual and automation. this was
completely 100% agile project where we were all following all agile ceremonies and in automation we were using java and
selenium. We were using cucumber BDD Framework. Test coordination we are working in a big team of 20 people and 80
% of team was sitting offshore and 20 % onshore.

Explain Agile ceremonies

Difference between AGILE vs WATERFALL methodology

Drawback of waterfall methodology

Example of high severity and high priority

What is severity with example

select query

what is framework

where will you maintain information like URL and password and Its advantage also

what is used to mouse hover over a web element

test NG advantages and listeners

how to retry failed test in testing ? – listeners/Invocation count

assertion interface

Input: s="abc" Output s="cba" program

strength and weakness




testng annotations

depends upon annotation

== and = method with example

findelement and findelements

method overloading

super keyword and why do we use it

non static methods

local variable and glo bal variables

test plan and test cases---no example for test case

suppose any icon in not working which is of not much use on 7th page severity and priority

compatibilty testing

to switch between the windows

no element found exception and how to solve that

global and local variable with example

this keyword---get and setter methods

testng:-invocation count data provider

Give us an example of a goal you failed to meet, and how you handled the situation.

How to do you continue execution when stops in middle?[soft assert can be used]

Feedback:- Need to work more on conceptual questions and try giving examples too when explaining terms and work on
java concepts where they are used and testng sceanrio based

csv file in api[10 cases at the same time]---only apache poi ?

Profit/loss=SP-CP---no ?

apk and ipa---correct ?

explain about your project

which feature you are working:- basic info and transactions

how can i stop overriding:- using final and static

fluent wait you have used---not exactly

finally and finalize:-correct

if id is getting changes how can you write the xpath---contains

types of exception:-correct

git commands to raise the pr

git conflict

if you have not been added in the mail in the requirement change

The questions asked are:-

tools and technologies used


smoke vs sanity

bug life cycle

stale element exception:-no

switch between the two windows how:- get url---partial

low priority and high severity

build vs release:-partial

constructor overloading:-no

select value from drop down:-correct

select by visible explanation

break vs continue

Feedback:- She needs to work on manual,java,selenium,bdd ,git and testng too

The questions asked are:-

day to day responsibilites:-sanity

feature you have most recently automated:-correct

gits commands used on a daily basis:-correct

oops examples in your framework:--only polymorhism,abstraction

map --correct

walkthrough me your framework--correct

linkedlist:---only list

Scenario:-not tested all features and have to release today only

Feedback:- He needs to work on few oops concepts with example from framework and collections if he mentions at all

The questions asked are:-

about your project

tools and technologies you have been working on:-right

dynamic polymorhism and static polymorphism[assert method and get method for overidding]

annotations in testng:- partial answer

xpath of fb correct

which class you can use for mouse movement---correct

interface --no and for which feature

how many test cases on a daily basis

throw and throws exceptions

can we rethrow an exception

implicit wait

declared any variable as final keyword

Feedback:- He needs to work on java concepts,manual abit and testng and git

The questions asked are:-

tools and technologies used by you:-

elements are used for creating a pom.xml file---not right


database testing how do you do that

grey box

mobile testing---directly said manually only

data provider feature for which module---missing module name

what is api?


how to allocate the tasks to the juniors under you when you are the only senior in you team

Feedback:- She needs to work on api or mobile if she is mentioning that and definitely on scenario based
The questions asked are:-

which tool u automate

generally how many test cases you automate---2 or 3 and 10 sometimes

defect life cycle

code review vs inspection

final[stop overriding] vs finally

why we use abstract class if we have interface

declare class as private and override it?

package in java

capture screenshot with selenium

exceptions used in selenium:-nosuch element,element not visible

no proper documentation is there ---

doubts in approach--how to handle that

The biggest mistake you made and what did you learn from it?---cool

Feedback:- Need to work on behavioural questions and api or sql if she mentions that

The questions asked are:-

tools and technologies:- testing , selenium,

requests in postman:-get

get vs post--no

global vs local

reverse a string---partial correct

call method:--object oops concept with examples in your framework:-name more

dynamic polymorphism:- correct

conditional wait in your framework:- fluent and explicit

for which feature you were using these waits---no

try with finally can i do that--no

close vs quit command in selenium:-correct

print value of a button:- correct

Feedback:-Needs to work on naming part as he tells only 1 or 2 technologies or tell only2 or 3 oops concepts, api and
features where you are using it

The questions asked are:-

about your project:- told me only about feedback

tools and technologies used in your project:-tdd,bdd,testng ang jmeter

features of testng:- parralel excecution,cross browser testing,grouping

how to achieve parallel execution---do by making grouping

data provider:- partially

dynamic polymorphism example:--login


authentication error code----aadhar card website asked only code

jmeter and how to handle if 1 is faling others also failing--no


xpath:-dominos app

source code management tool:-few commands in github---no

you encountered in your system and not in dev environment----give my data to the


super keyword--correct

super vs this keyword---this ????

encapsulation---data hiding---wrong


Feedback:-She did well from last time but still needs to work on java concepts,testng,project too

The questions asked are:-

day to day---so much keywords can be used

feature you automated----so much data and less about the feature name and told worked on selenium

rest assured----framework in api[outdated and using excel sheets]

collections in your framework---map,arraylist

how you automate any api---config file and using any enchancement tasks

listeners in jmeter

parallel testing---partial right

interface example---findElement,chromedriver,

linking two classes--using inhertitance

bug released by you---using bdd

why mapping is used---not correct

example of = and == sign in your framework for which feature---transactions display

like keyword used in sql---no

db testing---sql [select and once given hint was able to tell abit ---update,insert]
downstream api---correct

json format:---json object and arrays --key vale correct

Feeback:- He needs to work on his project, behavioural questions and sql or api if mentioned in the resume

The questions asked are:-


jira dashboard

smoke testing question

agile ceremonies

sprint planning

source code management ---selenium with java[no]

features of testng:---parallel execution,priority,

suppose if you want print i=10 times which testng feature you can use---right

dynamic xpath

oops conecpt

Interface scroll down a web page using selenium

new window is being opened

Feedback:- She needs to work on git, manual concepts and java concepts too

The questions asked are:-

tools and technologies used in your project


while a raising a bug what we contains

bug coming only once how will you reproduce

this keyword

final , finally and finalize

Can we override the static or private method

rethrow any exception

throw vs throws exception

if mis-communication between kt and user story---not appropriate

tomorrow release and you are position responsible how will you handle such case

Feedback:- She needs to work on beahviour questions and structuring of an answer

The questions asked are:-

most recent project you are working on


sprint retro given suggestion if yes what

some enhancement to be made

verify if the checkbox/radio is checked or not

handle pop up

launch chrome browser

findElement vs findElements

synchronisation in webdriver

source code management tool and commands used

user story ,epic and tasks

root cause related questions if your junior tester misses a bug in production what will you do

Feedback:- Needs to work on manual conecpts and he is good in selenium stuff

The questions asked are:-

role and responsibilities

tool and technologies used

test () and exec () methods in javascript

Join in SQL and expert level

advantages of testng and which framework

assert----started explaining hard and soft assert

validation and verification

native and hybrid app

dynamic polymorphism

access modifiers

maven commands

maintaining code quality

making question complex and written so much on resume but can't justify

Feedback:- Wasn't able to justify technologies written on resume[JS,SQL,Python etc] and starts telling everything and
knows the conecpt and abit on manual part

The questions asked are:- tool and technologies used

test cases

sdlc phases

framework---construction issue is there

automate any image link

Scroll Down a Web Page in Selenium

waits in selenium

headless browser and chrome/safari browser which is better

cookie vs cache

methods used to handle cookies in selenium

encapsulation in your framework

what if we use same framework or other technologies[ behavioural question]

Feedback:- Needs to work abit more on framework construction and listen question and try to be abit before crisp while
giving answers

The questions asked are:-


agile cermonies

risk based testing

adhoc and monkey testing

testing techniques

method overriding with example in project

get method for which features used

testng features with example

page is taking time to load

javascript used to retrive the URL is it possible yes then how

few listeners in your project

class with an interface

relative and absolute xpath

web elements available on your page

object repository

Feedback:- She need to work on construction of answer ans few terms in manual and javascript executor features

The questions asked are:-

tool and technologies you have worked on

testng features

framework explanation

how many test cases you automate on daily basis

oops concept with example in your framework

how to handle iframes

print value of a button

code inspections and step involved in that

deselect value in a text box

16 windows and want to go to 15 window

Feedback:- He needs wo work more on testng,git,try giving more to the points answers [don't make it complex]

The questions asked are:-

day to day responsibility

project you have worked on

frontend and backend app

risk based testing

product is ready to ship

elements in a bug report

constructor overloading

get text to get the text

page factory

final vs finalise

super keyword

What difference you see when working with different browser

enable a textbox

= and == keyword

Have you tried for Browser Stack to integrate your mobile testing automation framework.

80 % manual and 20% automation

where do you see yourself in 5 years

Feedback:- He did great job and was quite confident this time and can improve better on selenium scenario based, day to
day or projects and behaviour based questions

The questions asked are:-

how do you start your day--more about key skills

api postman

testing your test cases

put vs patch

400 vs 401

encapsulation and where you have used it your project

3 fields and submit and how will you automate that

git tool

code review and code walkthrough

What is the reason for job change apart from the monetary aspects

What kind of role are you expecting - technical or management

Feedback:- She can improve on more topics such as git,API and behaviour based questions and try to include any
project related fucntionality while giving example, overall she did great job

The questions asked are:-

about your project


alpha vs beta testing

tools used and key features too

exploratory and adhoc testing

interface vs abstract method

challenges you faced in the automation

source code management

put vs post

no proper documentation

feature of testng

invocation count

Feedback:- Needs to give answers more confidently,work on git,api and oops concepts where they are used

The questions asked are:-

day to day responosibilty

test case vs test scenario

high priority and low severity

bug life cycle

agile and v model

bug report

intermittent bug

cache and cookie

project you have worked on

Feedback:- Needs to work more on scenarios and need not to be nervous and work more on manual[giving accurate

The questions asked are:-

day to day look like

login page for framework

junit and testng


grouping in tdd

10 cases and want 2 of them not to run

the two files which are required to run a cucumber test

encapsulation and where used in framework

what type of waits used in your framework

class wants to use interface

interface and explicit wait

handling pop up

return type of get message

who is responsible for maintaining test data

how to automate the data from the file

critical bug found in your project

source code management tool usage ,maven and git

Feedback:- Need to work on GIT,Maven and Jenkins and few basics of api and sql as she is mentioning that in her
project Rest she worked well on framework part and other feedback points

The questions asked are:-

intro tool and technologies stack used


requests you used in api

jmeter project explanation

sampler and listener

break vs continue

non primitive data types

xpath usage write xpath what will be apporach[dynamic xpath]

super and this keyword

100 frames want to go to 49th frame

controllers in jmeter

window alerts

Feedback:- Needs to give more constructive answers and work on selenium and java related concepts

The questions asked are:-


lifecycle prepared

last time defect got rejected and why

accessibility testing and how we used that

team structure and breakdown of your work

test scenario and test case

equivalence paritioning with example

testing techniques---state transition

when do regression comes into picture

Feedback:- Needs to work on manual and relate it [understand the concepts], knows the terms but needs to work more
on examples

The questions asked are:-

intro and module---which module you automated

static testing in your organisation

agile or waterfall and advantage over it

if no documentation what will you do

Tell me about any module and how do you automate that using selenium

constructer overloading and where you used it in your framework

broken links using selenium

How to handle scenario when user clicks on any button [say login] and new window is being opened
How to get drop down some value which is already selected

How do we print value of a button

explicit wait in your website

method overriding in selenium

Feedback:- She knows the content but can work more on scenarios and so listen the question and try to be accurate

The questions asked are:-

Agile ceremonies

AGILE vs WATERFALL methodology

drawback of waterfall methodology

high severity and high priority


select query


where will you maintain information like URL and password and its advantage also

what is used to mouse hover over a web element

testng advantages and listeners

retry failed test in testng

assertion interface

Input: s="abc" Output s="cba" program

strength and weakness



Feedback:- Need to work more on manual side,postman and git and programming, was good in SQL and selenium
concepts and with a slight hard work can make wonders Work more on weaknesses.

The questions asked are:-


upi gateway test cases

euqivalence partioning

build vs release

encalpsulation used in your framework---for which functionality

validation and verification

arrays and object array

select query is part of ddl or dml and testng annotations and adat provider feature

Feedback:- He needs to more on manual concepts and java and selenium[relate with your framework] and was good
basic queries in SQL Calm down and take deep breadth before answering
The questions asked are:-

Intro and day to day not appropriate

agile vs waterfall

very first time build

test scenario for lift

If an explicit wait is 10 sec and the condition is met in 5 sec, will driver move to execute next statement after 5 sec or not

If element is loaded by taking much time, how to handle this situation in selenium


Random number generation

throw vs throws keyword

Can main method be declared as private

Feedback:- She needs to work more on giving to the point answers as need not to tell everything if not asked and also
work more on javaa

The questions asked are:-

web based vs mobile based

authorisation and authentication

401 error ---no error

quit vs close

How to reduce page load time? if any particular data taking some time?-explicit wait

Your script performing some actions on a list elements in between if page get refreshed, how to handle the situation---no

print vs println

Duplicates removal using collections[hashmaps]

Feedback: Knows the answer and speaks slowly which creates a impression as if she dosen't know that and need not to
make it complex as just give simple scenarios[ask more on selenium and java]

The questions asked are:-

day to day walkthrough

verification and validation while relating with selenium


framework---method overloading

enable the textbox which is diabled[attribute method can be used]

suppose there is one method in interface as private and a class is implementing.

Can implemented method be public or vice versa?[interfaces can't be private]

Difficulties you faced in developing automation scripts

how to handle captcha

Feedback:- Was able to answer once given hint and the moment when question is twisted he gets confused and while
giving intro talk more about selenium,java and only sql when done thorough study for that[work more on selenium

The questions asked are:-

test plan and test cases---no example for test case

suppose any icon in not working which is of not much use on 7th page severity and priority

compatibilty testing


to switch between the windows

no element found exception and how to solve that

global and local variable with example

this keyword---

get and setter methods

testng:-invocation count

data provider

Give us an example of a goal you failed to meet, and how you handled the situation.

How to do you continue execution when stops in middle?[soft assert can be used]

Feedback:- Need to work more on conceptual questions and try giving examples too when explaining terms and work on
java concepts where they are used and testng sceanrio based

The questions asked are:-


testng annotations

depends upon annotation

== and = method with example

findelement and findelements

method overloading

super keyword and why do we use it

non static methods

local variable and global variables

Feedback:- Need to work more on giving constructive answer and when comes with example gets confused[even
though knows it] and needs more practice.

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