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Unorthodox Breakdown

Film Spine – What is more important, a person’s life or a person’s faith?

Main Character Spines

Father Dean Alwyn: To save the life of his deacon before evil takes his soul.

Mordecai: To expel the evil entity at ANY cost.

Bruce: To spread evil and destroy the faith of the priest.

Understand and describe the following:

Whose film is it: Father Dean Alwyn’s

Who are the characters?

 What are their circumstances?

 What are the dynamic relationships between them?
 What do they want?
 How do these wants determine their actions?

Father Dean Alwyn: Father Alwyn is a man of broken faith. After the suicide of one of his
parishioners, Alwyn struggles to keep his faith and preach about God’s love. But when his
deacon Bruce becomes possessed, father Alwyn must do everything in his power to save his
friend and his Faith. Enter Mordecai, expert demonologist and renegade exorcist who often
mocks faith but gets results. Father Alwyn doesn’t approve of Mordecai’s methods but he must
allow him to perform the exorcism, else he will once again fail the flock he leads.

Mordecai: Gabriel Mordecai is the leading expert in exorcism and demonology, but faith isn’t
part of the package. Mordecai has faith in one thing: Results! Regardless of who gets in his way
or what obstacle he must face, Mordecai will always expel any evil entity. He often buds heads
with others, especially priests, but he absolutely hates evil, and will do anything to destroy it.

Bruce: Bruce, or rather the demon possessing Bruce, is the epitome of evil. Evil of his caliber
has only one goal, destroy God. How does one destroy omnipotence, by destroying the faith that
created their omnipotence? That’s what he aims to do. By possessing a priest’s deacon, he plans
on shaking the faith of the priest until he can kill his faith, then kill him in the process. However,
when Mordecai, a legendary exorcist enters the fray, Bruce may have trouble accomplishing his
goals, unless he can use the exorcist to his advantage.

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