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FORUM: World Health Organisation (WHO)

QUESTION OF: Working towards Malaria control in high transmission regions

The World Health Organization,

1. Proposes to focus on and improve methods for fighting with Malaria that don't
have any serious negative environmental impacts such as:
a. The sterile insect technique that is an environmentally-friendly insect
pest control method involving the mass-rearing and sterilization, using
radiation, of a target pest, followed by the systematic area-wide release
of the sterile males by air over defined areas, where they mate with
wild females resulting in no offspring and a declining pest population,
b. Tools that can defend human beings’ bodies from mosquitoes such as:
i. Insecticide-treated nets,
ii. Indoor residual spraying of insecticides,
iii. Mosquito repellent with DEET,
iiii. Clothes that cover most of the body and don't let mosquitoes
to get under it;
2. Asks to make all the methods mentioned above affordable for all social
classes of the countries so that everyone could be able to take advantage of
these tools. In case it is not possible due to high industrial prices or elevated
level of poverty in the country there should be help for such states that can be
provided in these ways:
a. Donations from people of higher social classes of the same country,
other countries and different funds,
b. Investments in health, environmental, volunteering, social, economical
and industrial organizations of such countries, that as they grow will
generate improvements in economy and social well being of such
c. Opening of business and factories in such countries, so the tools that
will be produced there will be cheaper and level of employment will
increase and, as a result, will raise economical capacity of the
d. Volunteering,
e. Discounts on the tools for such countries;
3. Suggests to improve diagnostics of Malaria and make them obligatory and
frequent, so that:
a. The disease could be detected at the initial phase when it is easy to
b. It will be possible to get people out of a potential place of infection and
prevent the start of an epidemic.

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