Character Sketches

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Character Sketches

Father Dean Alwyn has been with the catholic church all his life. Abandoned in front
of the cathedral steps he now sermons, Father Alwyn at 38 years old is the epitome of
righteousness. From the silver blessed crucifix he’s worn since his sacraments, to the brightest
white robes he adorns, Father Alwyn has always believed in the graces of Gods light. Sadly, after
a tragic homicide right on the footsteps on his beloved home, the father’s faith begins to falter.
The once bright and cheerful priest now struggles with his faith, the once bright robes turn faded,
his face now rugged and tense, and his heart full of regret, Father Alwyn still attempts to find the
path of righteousness while struggling to find the grace of God’s light that he once had. The
father consistently mutters the same question silently “Father, are you still here?”

Gabriel Mordecai isn’t a man of faith, words, or patience, he is man of results. At the
prime of his life, Mordecai chose to look evil in the eye and rip its heart out. Always wearing his
brown leather jacket, and multi-charmed necklace, Mordecai is ready for any foe that walks in
his path. He slicks back his dark hair, washes out the five-o’ clock shadow, and goes to work.
Ever since his sister was paralyzed at a young age by his alcoholic father, he has never openly
approached the light, in his own words, “We were born of evil, so how can I believe in divinity?”
His role in life is to look after his only kin and take the cases that no man dares to take. Whatever
the cost, evil must be destroyed, no exceptions.

In a generation that embraces the bold and the outgoing, Bruce Vanna was at the
bottom. Born from tragedy, and raised through many transgressions, Bruce had been through the
worst. The only peace and love he has ever been shown from life were from the church and the
grace of God, and that’s all he needed. So much he became a deacon at a young age to repay the
church for their kindness. However, after his best friend took his own life in front of the church
he worshipped all his life, Bruce began doubting the only faith he had in the world. Bruce Vanna,
25-year-old man, was possessed by a true force of demonic evil.

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