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The ballad was originnally a song telling a story in a

popular style, where narrative and dialogue alternated.
Ballads reflect the social condition and the way of life at
the time that originated them. It has usually a regular
rhythm and    It can have an incremental repetition called
refrain when a stanza is repeated but with some
addition. A lot of ballads were composed between the
13th and 16th c. in the area between Scotland and
a lot of ballads about robin hood, Thomas Percy made
the collection of ballads called: Reliques of Ancient
English Poetry.
- four line stanza
-narrative and dialoge alternation
-simple and musical language
-use of repetition and refrain
-deals with love, death, supernatural.

Il testo della ballata è un discorso diretto tra Lord Randal

(in uno stato di forte debolezza, più verosimilmente
morente) e la madre, in cui i due personaggi discutono
riguardo a cosa sia successo nella foresta, dove il
“nobile” Randal è stato probabilmente avvelenato,
proprio dalla ragazza che amava who is a fairy.
L’ambito discorsivo della ballata di Lord Randal si
presenta ritmico e ripetitivo, seguendo lo schema tipico
della “ballata inglese” (“Border ballads”).
Per quanto riguarda la struttura, la ballata è divisa in 10
quartine, che racchiudono in tutto 40 versi.
The ballad "Edward, Edward" describes a conversation
between a mother and her son. He admits to her that he
has killed his father, after first saying that he killed his
hawk and his horse, and says that he will sail over the
sea as a penance, abandoning his home and children.
He ends the poem by cursing his mother for the bad
advice she gave him, a sudden and unexplained turn in
the final stanza.

with this 4 ballads i’ve jus heard i’ve realized that the
rythm is always ripetitive and the lyric is very dramatic.
The english ballads are composed like a discussion
between a son and a mother and that r talking about
blood, love and pain which the main characters r dealing
with when they r telling to their moms.
the fabrizio de andre one is talking about a not
corresponded love, and the man arrived to cut his veins
to prove his love but it isn’t not even worth it.

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