Step 1: An Overview of The Holocaust

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Holocaust Webquest

Due Tuesday (at End of Class) on Schoology

Directions: Please follow the directions in order and submit your assignment on Schoology. Due
to the rising documented cases of plagiarism, all parts of the assignment must be hand-written
(with the exception of Step 2, which will contain images from the Internet). Plagiarized or
copied assignments will receive a zero. This must be done as an individual assignment.

Step 1: An Overview of the Holocaust

Read the following article from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum website: Then write a
three paragraph summary of the Holocaust. Your summary should address (1) what the
Holocaust is and how the Holocaust is a genocide, (2) what factors, conditions, and ideologists
made the Holocaust possible, (3) and what steps Nazi Germany took to carry out the Holocaust.

Step 2: Visual Sources

Use an image search engine to find 6 different images related to the Holocaust (for example, a
ghetto, Jewish resistance fighters, a concentration camp, etc). Make sure there are legitimate
pictures from legitimate websites! Print these images or save them in a document and give them
each a caption to explain what is taking place in the image.

Step 3: Primary Source Night by Elie Wiesel

Read the following primary source excerpt from the book Night by Elie Wiesel. (You may have
read this book before in English class.)
Answer the following questions about the source. Please include the questions.
1. Who was Elie Wiesel?
2. Describe what it taking place in the passage.
3. Who is Dr. Mengele, and what is his significance in the Holocaust?
4. In what ways did the Nazi guards play mind games with the Jewish people?

Step 4: Video Sources

Select 4 of the video links below and watch them (they are short), making sure to read the title
and caption information for a complete understanding of what you are viewing. Then on your
assignment, write what you learned for each video that you watched and how it changed your
understanding of the Holocaust. ***This video is about the Babyn Yar
massacres, during which the Nazis killed tens of thousands of Jews and Soviet prisoners of war
in Kyiv. The Ukrainians later built a Holocaust memorial at this location, and about one year
ago, the Russians bombed the site of the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial.***

Step 5: Other Mass Atrocities & Genocides

Go to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum website located here: Select two locations where other mass
atrocities and genocides have either taken place or are expected to take place.
1. One of the genocides you pick should be labeled “Historical case” in orange print (ex.
Armenia). For this genocide, read about the events of this mass atrocity on the USHMM
website, and on your document, explain how this mass atrocity is similar to and different
from the Holocaust. These “historical case” mass atrocities could be on the AP exam.
2. Select a second Country Case Study from the list on the USHMM website. For this
second selection, the case study you pick should be a modern, perhaps ongoing issue, and
it will NOT have the orange “Historical case” label on it (ex. Bangladesh). Read about
this case study on the USHMM website. Then write about the case study. Your response
should address the following (1) whether there is a mass atrocity OR state-sponsored
genocide happening in the country/region OR whether experts believe a mass atrocity OR
state-sponsored genocide WILL happen in the country/region, (2) why conflict exists in
the region, including which groups of people are in conflict, and (3) anything that could
be done to address the current conflict or prevent the mass atrocity from occurring.

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