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Bridges are 

landmarks that define the identity of towns and cities, and a source of
civic pride for the people who live there. So, it's important that bridges are not just
functional but also elegant, pleasing to look at and welcoming.

What is a bridge and its purpose?

A bridge is a structure built to span a physical obstacle (such as a body of water,
valley, road, or rail) without blocking the way underneath. It is constructed for the
purpose of providing passage over the obstacle, which is usually something that
is otherwise difficult or impossible to cross.

Functions of Bridges

Divide local area networks into multiple segments. Connects multiple networks to
ensure communication between them. Connects LAN segments into a single

The environmental impacts and risks during the bridge/tunnel construction period
generally include decrease in water exchange, habitat destruction, biological reduction,
increase in suspended solids, and water quality pollution. Tunnel construction may also
affect the ecological conditions of groundwater due to its disturbances in the underground
area. During the bridge/tunnel operation period, environmental impacts and risks were
mainly induced by rainfall events and water pollution accidents. The impacts and risks
were highly related to the construction location, bridge/tunnel properties, moving
vehicles, fixing activities, and atmospheric deposition. Owing to the existing weaknesses
in management practices, a framework, aiming to reduce the environmental impacts and
risks caused by bridges and tunnels across lakes, was proposed. The framework identified
the critical issues and their corresponding management strategies during the bridge/tunnel
construction and operation periods and enabled the generation of the best management
strategy for each specific period.

Economic Impact of bridge

In recent years, economists have recognized three key things bridges do that propel
economic activity.

#1 – Bridges are a critical component of a nation’s infrastructure, making it possible to

ship raw materials and finished goods to factories, warehouses, suppliers, distributors,
stores, and end-consumers. Bridges also facilitate travel so consumers can purchase goods
and services in their own communities and beyond. When a bridge closes, economic
activity slows or grinds to a complete halt.

#2 – Wages earned by bridge construction and maintenance workers have a positive

economic impact when used to buy things at local businesses. An investment in wages,
and the related consumer spending that results from it, is proven to pay off many times

#3 – Bridges increase cash flow when they join two places that complement each other
economically. It can have a powerful impact when an area that has a large money supply
is connected to one that has goods or services to sell or people who need work. The same
is true when a community that has raw materials gains easy access to another that has
factories able to convert them into salable goods.

What if you wake up one morning and see that bridge is gone that you use to go
to your office? Generally, we do not notice the impact of bridges but if we think
carefully we will decode the answer that bridges play a crucial part for the
nation’s overall development. The economic and political impacts of
bridges cannot be denied due to their significance in human lives. Our modern
lives are connected with bridges. Bridges are of great importance that connects
our personal and professional lives. A bridge becomes a companion when it
comes to adding life with a livelihood. We should protect these structures for
moving forward.
About the Infrastructure of a Bridge

Bridges are recognition of a nation’s infrastructure. Bridges play an important role

in connecting people, good and transports. A bridge’s close down can halt
economic progress of any nation. Services those are no longer available can be
simply completed with the help of bridges. Shipping materials and good are
transferred from one place to another through bridges. You can travel beyond
your own communities. Bridges are a way to travel far from the chaos of
everyday life. Consumers are able to deliver their goods.

Economic Impacts of Bridges

Bridges are used for shipping raw materials and goods. You can move them to
different factories, warehouses, suppliers, distributors, stores and many more.
Bridges can be used for travel purposes too. Purchasing goods and services are
another economical impact of bridges.

Wages earned after a bridge is built goes to the development arena. It easily
pays off more than investment. It helps a nation’s economy to grow higher than
ever. Maintenance workers get facilities in this case. They can buy things to
invest in local business.

Bridges build an excellent relationship between where there is good money there
are authentic goods. One place supplies goods and other pays off well for that
stuff. Here is an exchange of power. This way a bond is built between workers
and investors. Raw materials are transferred to industrial areas in the easiest

When a bridge is built it might cause you initial problems but later, big transports
can use it, so there are less accident, fewer traffic jams, and less pollution. Even
in case of passing of any ambulance bridges play a significant role. Bridges have
different routes. This way it is easy to reach in time.

When roads are made between rivers it becomes harmful for nature. It brings
natural calamities and disasters. Clogged up water system is responsible for the
damaged draining system. When bridges are built over rivers no problem occurs.
Also, boats and ships can move easily and no damage is made. The ecosystem
will be balanced this way too.

The proper drainage system will make sure there is no clogged up path during
monsoon. It will ensure less traffic jam and less accident.

When big transports can move faster, goods will be delivered sooner. So less
rotten materials will be delivered. Frozen stuff can be delivered sooner and it will
keep its freshness intact.

Political Impacts of Bridges

As the average bridge age is rising, the United States of America needs to spend
$120 billion to complete or repair bridges. They need workers and engineers.
Sometimes they hire efficient engineers and designers from both home and
abroad. This way a good relationship is built between some different field’s
people. People’s trust is built. It has also got some economic value.

Building safe and long lasting bridges is exemplary for both own and outside
people. It is recognition for both the nation and the world. This is an example of
development towards the outward world. As a good example is set to a good
relationship is brought.

Adding footpath on bridges can add new dimensions, it often helps them to enjoy
the beautiful site. It becomes a natural heritage site for people coming from
outside too.

Small trees can be planted to enhance the beauty of the bridges, colorful lights
will make sure there happens no occurrence during night time.

Bridges connect communities of distant places. Bridges bring diversity. Good

quality is maintained. Both diversity and quality bring new joy. Raw materials
contribute to new inventions. This way one good relation is built with consumer
and government.
The government collects sales taxes through the income coming from bridges.
That goes to the overall development or any local business help.

Firms need efficient workers. Contractors bring more people from different
communities. A contract has to first bid and then win with the lowest quotation. It
needs an experienced mind.

Good bridges set examples. It is a symbol of the growth and development of a

nation. When private firms get contracts of a bridge, it helps them to state their
names. This is a good opportunity for new builders.

Building bridges are not the only purpose. You need to build relations too.
Building relation requires keeping a connection with both consumers and
businessman. A bridge when built needs other nations support. This way a good
relationship is built within countries.

Bridges are a means of connection between research and practice. A bridge’s

ability to stand on anyone’s expectation requires a lot of dedication and research.
As ‘Rome was not built in a day’, a bridge cannot be built overnight. It needs lots
of planning, dedication, money and enthusiastic workers who are eligible to take
risks. This is the visible base of a bridge that it stands on.

Unsafe bridges are not only harmful but also they cause higher insurance
premium. No one wants to pay easily for that insurance nor do they want to
damage a national property. As bridges are recognition of a nation. Bridges hold
government’s reputation. This is why when building a bridge a government takes
time to decide, appoints the best engineers, designers, and efficient workers from
both home and abroad. Tax collection keeps these bridges effective and clean.
Bridges are the bridge of relationship among people, government, goods, and

Some principal hazards and risks

falls from height: caused by inadequate access and unsafe working platform, restricted
working space.
health hazards: caused by materials such as concrete additives, contaminated land, dust,
liquid waterproofers and paints and solvents.

Bridges connect people in different communities, allowing them to interact for work or

play. This capacity is especially essential for areas where one town has an abundance of
raw materials and another has a labor force in need of work

Connection creates economic opportunity & increases income.

Safe access unlocks economic opportunity for a community. Farmers are able to sell their
crops at outside markets or access agricultural inputs like fertilizer or seed. Bridges
ensure consistent access to non-agricultural jobs. Women save time on household
activities, spurring an increase in women entering the work force.

Last mile connectivity goes beyond transforming local economies. When a rural
community is networked to the world around them, they participate in the national and
global economy, bringing transformation to the greater population as well as to their local

Reliable access to health care & schools improves wellness & education levels.

Easier access to healthcare leads to increased care-seeking behavior; when a community

has safe access to a clinic, there is an 18% increase in visits. In an emergency, easier
access means a more likely positive outcome. A healthier individual is better able to work
or attend school.

Investing in education results in an increased likelihood for economic success. Due to

safe access, we see increased attendance in schools by both teachers and students alike.
Connection is the linchpin for other solutions.

Rural communities, governments, and partner organizations are working hard on a

multitude of programs and solutions around health care, education, and economic
opportunity. But solutions only work if people can access them.

A community health worker cannot be effective if she cannot reach the community. A
new school cannot be effective if children can't cross the river to get there. Agricultural
programs cannot be effective if farmers can't sell their crops at a market.

Connection leverages the potential of these solutions to create opportunity.

Bridges create connection.

Almost a quarter of a billion people around the world don't have safe access to critical
resources like health care, education, or employment due to an impassable river. With a
single innovation, we are able to impact households across multiple dimensions.

Bridges create connection.

Almost a quarter of a billion people around the world don't have safe access to
critical resources like health care, education, or employment due to an
impassable river. With a single innovation, we are able to impact households
across multiple dimensions. create connection.

Almost a quarter of a billion people around the world don't have safe access to
critical resources like health care, education, or employment due to an
impassable river. With a single innovation, we are able to impact households
across multiple dimen

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