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SAP Smartforms
Last Updated: April 18th 2015 by Ashok Kumar Reddy (/user/ashokkumarreddy-1.html)

Smartforms in SAP, introduction to SAP smartforms

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Smart form is a GUI Tool which is used to design the business legal documents such as Delivery note,Purchase
order,Invoice etc.
The transaction code is SMARTFORMS.
Smartforms are client independent objects.
Smartforms are advanced version of SAP Scripts.
It is a GUI tool and it is user friendly.

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Smatrtforms and SAP Scripts differences .

Smartforms SAP Scripts

Smartforms are client independent. SAP Scripts are client


Main window is not compulsory. Main window is


Smartforms generates a Function module when activated. No Function Module will

be generated.

Smartforms texts supports various colors. Scripts allows black and

white colors only.

There is no transfer of control between program and form, once the control is Scripts has repeated
transfered to Function Module, it will never come back. transfer of control.

Only single page format is possible. Multiple page formats are


There are two main nodes in Smartforms.

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Form Attribute.
Form Interface.
Global De nition.

2.Pages and Windows.

Global settings:
It is used to provide the basic settings for the smartform.

Form Attributes:
It speci es the general attributes like who created,Date,time, package,translate options, default smartstyle, Page
format (DINA4/DINA5).

Form interface:
It acts as a mediator between a driver program and a smart form.

The main functionality of form interface is, it will import the parameters which are exported by driver program.

The parameters can be variables, work areas, internal tables..etc.

Global de nition:
It will contain the variables to be used within the smart form.

We can de ne variables, user de ned data types, eld symbols, initialization code,Subroutine, currency/quantity

It is mainly used for declaring or de ning the above variables.

Pages and Windows

Program Lines.
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This will contain all the pages and the windows, which are used in the smartform.

By default, a page will be created by name %page1.

By default, a window will be created by name 'Main' under the page1.

For each page, we need to specify the next page.

Eg: page = %page1
Next page = %page1 or %page2
Nodes under pages
Page : It is used to de ne the layout of a smartform.

We can have different pages with different layouts.

Window : it is used to display information or text at a particular place on a page.

Graphic : it is used to display logos or images on the smartforms.

Address : It is used to display the address of customer or vendor or employe, organization address , workplace
address etc.

Just provide address no, it will automatically display the address as per the country formats.
Nodes under the window
Text : it is used to display the information or text in a window.

Table : It is used to display the information in the form of table.

When ever we create table by default HEADER, MAIN AREA, FOOTER will be displayed.

The main functionality of a table is, it expands automatically depending on the internal table data.

We need to provide the name of the internal table for a table.

Template : template is also like a table which does not expand. That means it will have xed number of rows and

Program lines : it is used to write some lines of abap code.

Window Types in Smartforms

Main window: For continuous output .

Secondary window: For output with a xed length.

Final window: Special type of secondary window for outputting the information that is not known until the end of
form processing .

Copies window: Special type of secondary window for marking pages as copy or original.

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