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Choose the correct answer A. B. C or D.

1. I think I’m coming ___ with a cold. a. shrugged

a. into b. snapped
b. over c. nodded
c. down d. winked
d. about
10. Grandma is a bit ___; she sometimes
2. When we were younger, we ___ to the forgets to lock the door when she
park every weekend. leaves.
a. would go a. narrow-minded
b. were going b. big-headed
c. use to go c. well-mannered
d. had been going d. absent-minded

3. I ___ to watch a lot of TV when I was 11. She ___ her homework in time to go
younger, but now I find it boring. out with her friends, so she stayed in.
a. would a. wasn’t finishing
b. were b. hadn’t been finishing
c. used c. didn’t finish
d. use d. wasn’t going to finish

4. The total bill came __ 100TL. 12. She ___ tennis when the rain started,
a. up so she ran inside.
b. to a. playing
c. with b. was playing
d. against c. used to play
d. had played
5. My husband has been ___ as a bee.
I’ve hardly seen him. 13. I’ve heard that he is ___ and often
a. free gets into arguments.
b. light a. tight-fisted
c. busy b. open-minded
d. easy c. bad-tempered
d. open-handed
6. She was unpacking a box when she
___ across some old photos of her 14. Every winter, when I lived in the
parents. countryside, the lake near our house
a. was coming ___ over.
b. came a. was freezing
c. would come b. freezes
d. used to come c. would freeze
d. had frozen
7. She was a quiet as ___.
a. snow 15. ___ you ___ computer games when
b. a feather you were younger?
c. gold a. Were/ playing
d. a mouse b. Did/use to play
c. Had/played
8. The president ___ to us as his car d. Had/been playing
drove past.
a. shook
b. waved
c. raised 16. I ___ cold feet and decided not to go
d. overlooked bungee jumping after all.
a. held
9. Not knowing the answer, I just ___ my b. got
shoulders. c. kept

d. turned

17. He ___ home when they called him

from the office and he had to leave
a. would just arrive
b. just used to arrive
c. had just been arriving
d. had just arrived

18. The children wanted to watch some

more TV, but their mother ___ and
sent them to bed.
a. held her tongue
b. kept her head
c. put her foot down
d. saw eye to eye

19. They’re announcing the winners

today, so keep your fingers ___ for
a. tied
b. nodded
c. crossed
d. linked

20. I was out jogging ___ bumped into

my old friend.
a. as
b. as soon as
c. when
d. while

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