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Sachdeva Public School

Sector 13, Rohini, Delhi 110085

Parental Circular
Academic Session 2023-24 – A Succinct
Saturday, 1 April 2023
Dear Parents

At the commencement of the new Academic Session ’23-24, we extend a warm welcome to you and
your ward and pray that it begins with renewed energy and enthusiasm as we move towards new
goals and strategies to work towards guiding, motivating and mentoring our students towards new

Habits learnt at this formative stage form the basis for the years to follow. For us, in school,
discipline and self-discipline is ingrained into our students right from the inception and we whole
heartedly thank all parents for their support and cooperation in this endeavour and look forward to
your continued support.

 The New Academic Session commences for-

1. Classes LKG to X & XII on Monday, 3 April 2023
2. Class XI (Provisional) on Monday, 10 April 2023
Please ensure that your ward is punctual in reporting to school as per above schedule, in
proper Summer School Uniform. Half day leave is not granted to students and in case a
student falls ill on the day of an exam and has to be sent home, the answer sheet is not
evaluated, hence do not send her / him to school in case [s]he is unwell.
 As per guidelines issued from time to time, the school continues to follow a policy of ‘NO
MOBILE PHONE ZONE’, therefore mobiles are not permitted in school premises / nor is
there any arrangement to keep them at the school gate. You are requested to assist us in
DEADDICTING students from mobile phones. Discourage your ward from being active on
social media, rather encourage face to face interactions, reading books etc.

 In the School Almanac, Page 15 – Guidelines for Parents are detailed. Please disseminate the
details to your ward before putting your signatures on it.

 Time Table, Seating Plan and Dispersal Schedule has been uploaded on the Class Notice
Board. In this regard, please ensure that your ward -
a. reaches home directly from school and does not loiter around with friends / around
school / market / parks etc., failing which appropriate action will be taken against him
b. contacts school reception / class teacher in case of any difficulty / problem.
c. waits inside school in allocated rooms after school in case there is delay in picking him/
her up.
 It is time once again, at the beginning of the New Session, for teachers and parents to join
energies and help students in relearning self- discipline along with a regular review of school
The Govt. of India had recently modified the provisions of the ‘The Motor Vehicles (Amendment)
Bill, 2019’, wherein it is now specified as under -
Offences by Juveniles: Guardian/ owner shall be deemed to be guilty of offences
by juveniles. The guardian will have to pay a fine of ` 25,000 and may face three-year
imprisonment. The juvenile will be tried under the Juvenile Justice Act. Registration of Motor
Vehicle will be cancelled.

This amendment in the Law clearly emphasizes/ highlights liability of parents in case of omission by
minors. Keeping the above in view, we once again request you to ensure that your ward does not ride
scooty /motorcycle / battery operated vehicle / four wheeler to school and that you regularly check
his/ her bag to ensure that [s]he is not carrying any prohibited article to school. Further, for the safety
of your minor ward, keeping in view his /her impressionable age, please check / monitor that [s]he is
not active on Social Media Accounts / Groups etc.

For your ready reference a concise list of activities /items prohibited in School is given below.
S.No. List of Prohibited Items/ Activities Consequences
1. Late Comers Violation:
School Gate closes at
a) Seniors - 7:40 a.m. Latecomers will be sent back home
b) Juniors – 8:25 a.m. irrespective of functions / tests.
2. *Smart Watches/ Fit Bands First Violation:
Items will be confiscated and not returned.
*Mobile Phones or accessories
3. Carrying or using Hookah/ e-hookah/ Immediate:
cigarette /e- cigarette/ Chewing Gutka/
Expulsion/ rustication from School.
Pan/ Khaini/ Alcohol and Narcotics
(drugs or intoxicants) in any form.
4. Physical Touch/ Bullying First Violation:
5. Foul / Vulgar/ Slang Language Detention of any form / Extra Work.
6. Discrimination / Sexist remarks
7 Destruction/ Damage to
School First Violation:
Recovery of loss through replacement.
8. Active on Social Media / Cyber First Violation:
bullying / Crime Immediate Suspension, Referred to Counsellor
and matter reported to Cyber Cell.
9. Driving / Riding two /four-wheeler First Violation:
Confiscation of Keys / Traffic Police informed.
Second Violation - Suspension from attending Classes/ School for a specified
In all Period (except point 7 - Active on social media /Cyber
cases Bullying/Crime where Second Violation would entail Expulsion).
Third Violation - Rustication from School (except point 2 - Carrying or using
Narcotics where First violation would entail immediate
Please ensure that your ward is well aware of the above. We on our part have been conducting
workshops with Counsellors / School Authorities / Government Authorities and Teachers in this
regard and will continue to do so.

The School Management and Staff once again express their gratitude to you for all the support
extended to us in these difficult times with a request that as Covid 19 is still far from over, please
ensure that you and your children wear mask and are vaccinated as per prevailing Government norms.



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