CEE44 Asessment 1

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CEE44 : Young Childrens Health

and Wellbeing

Asessment 1 : Health and

Wellbeing Portfolio

Name : Fatima Aliza Bibi

Student ID : S11209374
Childs Background

Name of the child : Amaan Aneez Ali

Fathers Name : Aneez Ali
Mothers Name : Razia Nisha
Date of Birth : 1 /02/2018
Age : 4 years
Weight : 18kg
Height : 36.9 cm
Childs Nutritional Behaviour Chart
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Wake up Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied

Brush and Good Good Good Good Good
Breakfast Good Good Good Good Good
Self Good Good Good Good Good
School work Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied
Manners and Good Good Good Good Good
Meals Excellen Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent

Above is shown a nutritional chart of a child aged 4 years. Amaan loves

to eat and roam around which makes his meal time fun and interesting.
Yesterday during the lunch time we sat down to have our lunch where
Amaan was refusing not to have his lunch instead he said I want ice
cream. But upon telling him that finish his food first ice cream would be
a reward for later he didn’t agreed to have his lunch. Upon asking him
the reason why he doesn’t want to eat he said “I don’t want to eat rice
and fish”. I comforted him telling that fish is a healthy food and will
make him very strong which persuaded him for eating but he asked for
salad with it.
Observation on childs Health and Wellbeing

Amaan is a active child who likes to play a lot. He actively

takes part in outdoor activities like running , playing ball
and play in sand.As he grows his body parts also develops
therefore if he continues to be active like this and take
part in activities than this activities also help in his bone
development and keeps him fit and healthy. Through my
observation about him, I have seen that everyday it has
become a practice for him to play outside for atleast 1
hour during afternoon and during that time he feels very
happy. Therefore every child should be actively
participated and encouraged by their parents to play
outdoor as well as it also helps them in their
development process and keeps the child healthy and
free from diseases.
Well Child Chart(1 year)

Month Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sept Oct-Dec

Vision Good Good Good Good
Hearing Good Good Good Good

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