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SY: 2022 – 2023

Activity Sheet # 4

Name: Zales, Rosewin A. Date: November 23, 2022


Explain the following topic in a complete paragraph containing a topic sentence

and coherent arguments.
Provide comprehensive answers of considerable length. Form coherent
arguments. Provide answers reflective of the extent of your knowledge learned
during your coursework.  


Ideas : 5pts.
Organization : 5pts.
Sentence Fluency : 5pts
Conventions : 5pts
Presentation : 5pts

1. What is the goal of AI? Explain the importance of AI in today’s world.

The goals of AI:

 Develop the Problem-Solving Ability

 Incorporate Knowledge Representation
 Facilitate Planning
 Allow Continuous Learning
 Encourage Social Intelligence
 Promote Creativity
 Achieve General Intelligence
 Promote Synergy Between Humans And AI
The amount of data created by people and robots today greatly outpace humans'
capacity to consume, comprehend, and make complicated decisions based on that data.
Artificial intelligence underpins all computer learning and represents the future of all complicated
decision-making. Most humans, for example, can figure out how to not lose in tic-tac-toe
(nougats and crosses), despite the fact that there are 255,168 potential movements, 46,080 of
which result in a draw. With almost 500 x 1018, or 500 quintillions, various potential moves,
many fewer people would be deemed great champions of checkers. Computers are very
efficient at calculating these combinations and permutations in order to make the best decision.
What do you mean by speech recognition? Where it is used? Deep learning and AI (and its
logical progression of machine learning) are the underlying future of commercial decision-

2. How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the World?

To comprehend how artificial intelligence is changing the world, you must first grasp
what AI is. Unfortunately, no accurate and commonly recognized definition of artificial
intelligence exists. Furthermore, when you try to check it up on the internet, you get hundreds of
meanings from other sites and people. Artificial intelligence is expected to do jobs that were
previously thought to be primarily performed by humans.

AI is divided into two key subsets: machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL). Before
we go into the concepts of ML and DL, consider how humans and machines discern between
two items. Without diving into specifics of how your brain works, you can readily and swiftly
distinguish between objects based on your prior experiences. But how can machines
accomplish this? How can they tell the difference between two things? They do this with the

assistance of ML and DL.

 Machine learning is an AI discipline that enables computers to learn on

their own from data without the need for explicit human intervention. ML
employs a variety of algorithms that make use of data to determine ways
to enhance, forecast, and characterize data.

 Deep learning is an AI subset and ML approach based on the notion of

artificial neural networks. Such networks aid machines in learning from
data, particularly unstructured data. It is primarily used in computer vision,
image recognition, and speech recognition.

3. Give the advantage and Problems of Artificial Intelligence.

Advantages Disadvantages
It defines computers that are more powerful AI installation costs a lot of money.
and helpful.
It features a new and better human interaction The issues with software development for AI
interface. implementation are that it is both sluggish and
expensive. There are few skilled programmers
available to create software to deploy artificial
It presents a fresh approach to dealing with A robot is one of the Artificial Intelligence
new difficulties. implementations, with them displacing jobs
and causing unemployment.
It processes information more efficiently than
humans. Machines may quickly lead to disaster if they
are implemented in the wrong hands, and the
effects are dangerous for humans.
It is really useful for converting information into
In comparison to people, it enhances labor
efficiency and minimizes the time required to
complete a task.
4. Will Artificial Intelligence have a Progressive or Retrogressive impact on our society?

I believe that the development of artificial intelligence has both advantages and
disadvantages. The cons are more on the positive side of things, as in I believe that human-like
machines would aid in rather than be the cause, indicating another advancement in human
technology of our annihilation My primary motivation for contributing to the development of this
machine was the benefits that follow, such as in the production of Al not only represents
progress in the development of Human technology not only enhances the way we live, as seen
by the comforts and benefits that it provides.

One of the primary reasons for this skepticism is what our forefathers claimed as well as
many brilliant individuals discussing how Al would develop self-consciousness and begin to
Humans must be overthrown and stripped of their dignity. Whereas Al has given many people
throughout the world hope that this may be the start of a new age in human history. Another
step toward a more pleasant existence, thanks to technology.

5. What is the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on our Life?

These are the impacts of Artificial Intelligence:

Social Media - According to Forrester, the social media industry for artificial intelligence
will rise from $633 million in 2018 to $2.1 billion in 2023. Artificial intelligence technology
can generate original social media advertisements on its own. These ads, which feature
shortened links and hashtags, are designed to promote clicks and conversions.

Digital Assistants - AI is used by many digital assistants to grasp the intricacies of

human language. This enables them to process the user's entire phrases and answer
with real voice. Some digital assistants also have home automation capabilities, allowing
you to operate your thermostat, lighting, garage door, and other devices.

Web Searches - Search engines utilize artificial intelligence to detect and punish
websites that engage in dubious techniques such as keyword stuffing and invisible text.
This implies that your top search results aren't tainted by low-quality pages.

Online Stores and Services - It contributes to digital assistant technologies, web

searches, and social media advertising. Chatbots are accessible 24 hours a day, seven
days a week to answer queries and provide answers to frequent problems. They can
also assist in personalizing your purchasing experience by capturing user and third-party

Music Recommendations - Every Monday, Spotify's Discover Weekly feature employs

machine learning to produce personalized playlists of new music. The firm also employs AI for
natural language processing, which analyzes human speech to get insights into what
consumers think about specific artists and songs in their listening history on the music-
streaming service.

6. Will it be possible to build artificial intelligence on the digitized structures of artificial


Yes, the ever-increasing technological advances in ICT and Industry 4.0, the ever-
increasing computing power of microprocessors, the ever-increasing capacity of working
memory bones, and so on, all contribute to the possibility of creating more and more perfect
artificial intelligence that can be integrated with robotics.

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