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Another line by heart.

Did you
Daniel Know I was last of all our class?
The Rabbi barely let me pass."

The two old men stared quietly "Of course I knew; I watched you all
And smiled about the memory The time. You'd stare into the wall,
Of years in Babylon. Meshach As if there were a window there,
Was almost blind, but in the back, And never cheated once! No snare,
Behind those milky eyes, his mind As I recall, had ever caught
Was clear as mountain air — the kind Your foot, when we were brought
Of air that lets you see almost To Babylon. And I was just
Forever. Daniel used to boast Remembering your dad. He must
About his friend, "If I should die, Have been a noble man. Was there
The king could easily rely A way he built your heart to care
On Meshach for some brilliant words More for the truth and honesty
To make his fingernails like birds'." And law of God, than luxury?
And they would laugh, the four of them, I mean, to live with you has been
And think about Jerusalem, An awesome thing. For Daniel, in
And parents who had taught them well, These sixty years I've never seen
And perished when the city fell. You act or speak except with clean
And holy principles, and stake
Your life time after time to make
That was a long, long time ago, Some truth or purity outshine
Abednego was dead, and so The meager worth of rank and wine,
Was Shadrach. Daniel still remained, And even life itself. Can you
As strong as though he had been trained Recall? What did your father do?"
To stand up like a cedar tree
Against the Persian world. Now he
And Meshach spent their days in town "There was a day," Daniel replied,
And village telling the renown "That I will not forget. He died
Of God, and in the evening they At Babylon's first strike. And I
Would ponder over years, and pray; Had half an hour with him to try
And sometimes feel the loss of friends And stop the bleeding with some strings.
So deeply they would weep. "It mends At fifteen years there are some things
More slowly than I thought it would. . ." A boy would like to hold, but not
Meshach would say, "But God is good." The body of his father shot.
Of all the things he might have said,
He quoted Psalm fifteen. He'd read
This night the mood was very calm, It to me countless times before.
And memory was like a balm It was the garment that he wore
Of healing peace spread over all Around his faith and hope. He said,
The loss and pain. "Can you recall 'Son, love not ease, nor much the bed,
The time when Zion was a joy Nor station, rank, or human praise,
And crown, and you were just a boy?" Nor pleasures that the wine repays,
Meshach inquired. "I can. Can you?" Nor wealth or power from below,
Old Daniel smiled, "You know, it's true, Nor life, above the God you know.
Meshach, that you could memorize Thus says the Lord, my son: Who swears
The Torah best. Of all the tries For good, and does not change, but bears
That I would make, you always knew
The threat of man, will dwell with God, Not drink your wine nor fill
And know the blessing of his rod.' My stomach with your royal food,
Nor let my tongue and heart be wooed
Away from Moses and my God
Meshach, I swore that moment I For fear of some Chaldean rod.'
Would never lie, nor ever try
To make my life more pleasant through
Deceit, nor ever twist what's true, Again I see a banquet hall
Or bend the rule of God that some And King Belshazzar over all,
Fictitious benefit might come. And drunk before a thousand lords,
So you are right; my father left Exalting gods made out of gourds,
Me fatherless, but not bereft And lifting up a toast to hell
Of rectitude, or reverence. With chalices from Israel.
It was a great inheritance." I see the writing on the wall
And suddenly the merry ball
Is terror stricken: what could mean
"It was indeed, Daniel, and I Mene tekel upharsin?
For one can surely testify And then I see a young man dare
That you were not the only heir To stand alone for God, and there
Of this great legacy; for there To lift his voice and say, ‗Was it
Have been ten thousand Jews Not pride that made your father sit
Who year by year have heard the news Insane for seven times and eat
That Babylon with all its might Grass like an ox, until that seat
Cannot bend Daniel from the right. Taught him that kingdoms built by men
Your father's legacy has fired God gives to whom he will and when?
The flame of honor, and inspired And now, Belshazzar, read the script
The courage of a million deeds Of God. Is not the finger dipped
Against the stream of pagan creeds In blood? Your days are numbered short,
With all their lures and steamy breath You have been weighed with all your
And puny threats of pain and death. court:
The whole world knows what you have Like dust upon the scales your deeds.
done Tomorrow come the mighty Medes.'
Within the court of Babylon. And finally I see a man
Of prayer. He reads the royal ban
That says, "If anyone should pray
And I, my friend, for all these years To heaven's God, that very day
Have lit my fire and calmed my fears He will be stopped by watchful men,
By watching you. And now tonight And thrown into the lion's den."
Without my eyes, I still see light I see him read, then rise and take
Stream down the memories, and feel His place in open view to make
The fire ignite my faith and seal His prayer."
The certainty that you were sent, "And Meshach, do you know
And every pagan threat was meant The prayer I made? I said, ‗Below
To magnify the power and truth The heavens there is none I love
Of God, though you were but a youth. More than my dad, and none above
I see a Jewish boy with tears More than my God. And if it cost
Of loss still on his face, and fears Me everything, and if I lost
Of what might come — I see him stand My life, I will not cease to flood
And face the guard, and lift his hand, With praise the day my father's blood
And say to Ashpenaz, ‗I will Sealed me for truth and righteousness.
With all my heart, O God, I bless, Where little love is spent on truth
The day my father died and left And many fathers fail the youth.
Me fatherless, but not bereft O, God, as we light candle two,
Of rectitude, or reverence. Ignite a fire for what is true.
It was a great inheritance!'" May Daniel's flame burn bright today,
And fire us, young and old, to say,
That whether we survive or not
And so it was, and is today, We will do right no matter what.
A legacy to light the way
When Daniel knew that the document
Daniel's Defiance of had been signed, he went to his house
Darius in Prayer where he had windows in his upper
Scripture: Daniel 6:1–13 chamber open toward Jerusalem; and
Topic: Prayer he got down upon his knees three times
a day and prayed and gave thanks
It pleased Darius to set over the before his God, as he had done
kingdom a hundred and twenty satraps, previously. Then these men came by
to be throughout the whole kingdom; agreement and found Daniel making
and over them three presidents, of petition and supplication before his
whom Daniel was one, to whom these God. Then they came near and said
satraps should give account, so that the before the king, concerning his
king might suffer no loss. Then this interdict, ―O king! Did you not sign an
Daniel became distinguished above all interdict, that any man who makes
the other presidents and satraps, petition to any god or man within thirty
because an excellent spirit was in him; days except to you, O king, shall be
and the king planned to set him over cast into the den of lions?‖ The king
the whole kingdom. Then the president answered, ―The thing stands fast,
and the satraps sought to find a ground according to the law of the Medes and
for complaint against Daniel with Persians, which cannot be revoked.‖
regard to the kingdom; but they could Then they answered before the king,
find no ground for complaint or any ―That Daniel, who is one of the exiles
fault, because he was faithful, and no from Judah, pays no heed to you, O
error or fault was found in him. Then king, or the interdict you have signed,
these men said, ―We shall not find any but makes his petition three times a
ground for complaint against this day.‖
Daniel unless we find it in connection
with the law of his God.‖ God Is My Judge
The name Daniel has three syllables
Then these presidents and satraps came and each one in Hebrew has a
by agreement to the king and said to meaning. ―Dan‖ means ―judge‖. The
him, ―O King Darius, live for ever! All little ―ee‖ sound (i) means ―my‖. And
the presidents of the kingdom, the ―el‖ means ―God‖. So Daniel‘s name
prefects and the satraps, the counselors means ―God, my judge‖—―God is my
and the governors are agreed that the judge‖.
king should establish an ordinance and
enforce an interdict, that whoever
makes petition to any god or man for It is a wonderful thing to have a name
thirty days, except to you, O king, shall to live up to. Daniel lived up to his in a
be cast into the den of lions. Now, O most remarkable way. He lived a life
king, establish the interdict and sign that shouted the truth: ―God is my
the document, so that it cannot be judge, not man!‖ ―God is my judge,
changed, according to the law of the and no king of Babylon or Persia!‖ ―To
Medes and the Persians, which cannot God I will have to give an account for
be revoked.‖ Therefore King Darius how I live my life, not to
signed the document and interdict. Nebuchadnezzar, not to Belshazzar,
not to Darius.‖ ―God is my judge!‖
In other words, his life was centered on understanding in all visions and
God. It was built on God. And his way dreams.‖
of looking at the world was drenched The Way He Interpreted Dreams
with God. This comes out in the way The same God-drenched way of life
he ate, the way he interpreted dreams, comes out in the way Daniel interprets
the way he wrote his book, and the the dreams of king Nebuchadnezzar
way he prayed. and the vision of Belshazzar his son.
He gives all the credit to God, for
example, in 2:28, ―There is a God in
The Way Daniel Wrote heaven who reveals mysteries, and he
Take, for example, the way he wrote has made known to king
his book. Look at the very beginning Nebuchadnezzar what will be in the
of the book, chapter one, verse two. He latter days.‖ And he accuses the most
describes the capture of Jerusalem and powerful rulers on earth of irreverence
the kingdom of Judah by and treason against God. For example,
Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon to Belshazzar in 5:23, ―The God in
like this: ―And the Lord gave whose hand is your breath, and whose
Jehoiakim king of Judah into his are all your ways, you have not
hand.‖ Just like that! God has one king honored.‖ Every interpretation Daniel
in his hand, and when he pleases he gives has God right at the center of it,
gives him into the hand of another and great kings like Nebuchadnezzar
king—the way you might exchange a and Belshazzar (or Gorbachev) fade
defective Christmas present at from history like a cloud (2:39; 5:28).
Rosedale; you just hand it over the
counter. God gave Jehoiakim into
Nebuchadnezzar‘s hand! Again and The Way He Prayed
again Daniel tells the story of great But one of the most amazing examples
political events like that (see 2:21, 37 of Daniel‘s living out his name is his
and 5:18). prayer life. ―God is my judge‖ means
―What God thinks and what God does
matters more than what anybody else
The Way He Ate in the world thinks or does.‖ That‘s the
Or take another example: the way he way I want us to be at Bethlehem as
ate. Remember, Daniel was one of the we move from 1991 to 1992. What
captives that was taken to Babylon God thinks of Bethlehem and what
when Nebuchadnezzar captured God does at Bethlehem is more
Jerusalem. He was chosen with others important—vastly more important—
to be trained for service in the royal than what anybody else thinks or
palace and fed with the king‘s best anybody else does.
food and wine. But Daniel saw his
food as a God-issue. For
him everything was a God-issue. For Daniel that meant a life of daring,
So Daniel 1:8 says, ―Daniel resolved defiant, disciplined prayer. If what God
that he would not defile himself with thinks matters most, then you consult
the king‘s rich food, or with the wine him most. If what God does matters
which he drank.‖ Daniel looked to God most, then you ask him to act first. In
to judge his cause, not to the king. And other words, you live your life by
the upshot in 1:17 was this: ―God gave prayer.
[him] learning and skill in all letters
and wisdom; and Daniel had
Now don‘t forget that Daniel was a Verse 3: ―An excellent spirit was in
very powerful political person. Back him‖ and he excelled above the others,
in Daniel 2:48 Nebuchadnezzar had and the king planned to put him above
made Daniel ―ruler over the whole the others and over the whole
province of Babylon.‖ Here in our text kingdom.
(6:2) Darius makes Daniel one of the
three presidents over the 120 satraps
(or governors) of the entire empire. Daniel had an unbelievably successful
Sometimes we slip into thinking that future in front of him—all the
prayer is the way monks spend their influence and all the prestige and
time. It‘s something for pastors or wealth and freedom he could have
professional religious people; but it‘s asked for. But this made him a target
not for activists, or men of affairs, or for jealousy and envy. So verses 4-9
people with power and influence. describe how the other presidents and
That is a very wrong way to think satraps persuaded Darius to make a
about prayer and about your life as a law that said (according to verse 7),
busy person. Daniel was more ―Whoever makes petition to any god or
immersed in secular life than most of man for thirty days, except to you, O
us and he lived by prayer—daring, king, shall be cast into the den of
defiant, disciplined prayer— lions.‖
because God was his judge. What God
thought and what God did mattered
most. So Daniel lived by consulting In other words, Daniel‘s life of prayer
God and by asking God to act. was so well known and so established
Today‘s text is an amazing testimony as part of his character that his enemies
to the daring, defiant, disciplined knew that this was one place they
prayer life of Daniel. I read this, and it could count on him not weaseling. And
fills me with longing to be courageous they were exactly right.
in prayer. It makes me want to be
daring in prayer, and if necessary
defiant against earthly powers in Verse 10 just takes your breath away.
prayer, and disciplined in prayer. I Here is where I get the insight that
don‘t want to be a spiritual jellyfish, Daniel‘s prayer was daring and defiant
drifting on the sea of emotionalism, and disciplined.
praying a little here and a little there as
the waves of emotion rise and fall. My
hope is that God will use Daniel‘s
When Daniel knew that the document
example here to fill you with the same
had been signed, he went to his house
longing and the same commitment for
where he had windows in his upper
chamber open toward Jerusalem; and
he got down on his knees three times a
day and prayed and gave thanks before
Famously and Firmly Dependent on his God, as he had done previously.
Look at Daniel‘s amazing response to
Darius‘ decree against prayer. Let‘s get
the situation in view. Verse 2: Daniel
was one of three presidents over the
kingdom of the Medes and Persians.
Six Expressions of Daring doing so in a public way that no
Dependence biblical law requires.
4) He did not pray once, early in the
morning when no one might be
Notice six daring things: looking, but three times a day and
1) He did not act in ignorance, he acted every day.
in full knowledge of the law and the He would make sure that he is not
consequences. missed in his refusal to obey this law.
―When Daniel knew that the document
had been signed, he went…‖ to pray.
Don‘t forget, Daniel is right on the 5) When Daniel prayed, he did not use
brink of being promoted to the main words that were vague and ambiguous
ruler over Persia. Think of the that some clever defense attorney
rationalizations that must have rushed could argue were really made to Darius
to his head—―my influence would be because they didn‘t specify which god
so great if I held that position … I can was addressed.
do more for God alive than dead … it‘s It says, ―He gave thanks before his
only thirty days, and then I can pray God.‖ Not Darius. And not the gods of
again … legalism is surely a worse sin the Medes and Persians, but the God of
than expediency1 … etc.‖ But he Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
rejected all the rationalizations. He 6) He did not change the way he
knew the law. He knew the penalty. prayed or do anything different to yield
And he went to pray. to the pressures of the law Darius had
2) He did not go to the woods to pray, made.
he went to his house. It says at the end of the verse that he
He could have kept on praying to his prayed ―as he had done previously.‖
God without putting himself at risk if There were many ways to pray that
he had just gone underground for thirty might not have been detected and that
days. There is no law that says you would have fulfilled the law of his
have to pray in your house where your God. But Daniel prayed daringly,
enemies will be looking for you. defiantly and in his usual disciplined
way of three times a day.

3) He did not go to the secret inner

chamber of his house. Imitating Daniel in Our Day
He went to the room with windows
(open windows)—the one in the Now what are we to make of all this? I
second story of the house, the one most would suggest four concluding
visible, the one that faced Jerusalem applications for our life of prayer
and not the palace in Babylon. today.

Do you begin to catch on to why I call 1. Prayer is a legitimate public

this act of prayer defiant? Daniel is not testimony, and we should seek to use it
just praying contrary to the king‘s as God leads us.
decree. He is making a public Jesus said,
statement. We would say today, he is
demonstrating. He is doing an act of
public civil disobedience. And he is When you pray, you must not be like
the hypocrites; for they love to stand
and pray in the synagogues and at the He was known as a man who lived by
street corners, that they may be seen by prayer—whose life was built on
men. Truly I say to you they have their prayer—who consulted his God in all
reward. But when you pray, go into things and who sought the action of his
your room and shut the door and pray God before he took action himself.
to your Father who is in secret; and Daniel would not surrender that
your Father who sees in secret will testimony. I pray that we won‘t
reward you. (Matthew 6:5-6) surrender that testimony either. May
Does this indict Daniel‘s public prayer week—our fasting, our morning
demonstration of prayer? I don‘t think prayer watches, our night of prayer—
so. Jesus was warning against our love be a resounding testimony to God‘s
of praise for prayer, not our glory and to our life and our church
willingness to suffer for prayer. He being built on prayer!
was not saying that it is wrong to be
seen in prayer. He was saying it is
wrong to want to be seen so as to be 3. Daniel‘s prayer was disciplined and
praised for your piety. Blessed are you regular.
when men persecute you for When the time came for a
righteousness sake (Matt. 5:10); but demonstration. Daniel did not have to
woe to you when you use your change anything. He already was
righteousness to seek their praise (6:2- praying three times a day in a stated
4). place. There was pattern and routine
In Daniel‘s context—and here we need and discipline. Does it strike you as
great wisdom to know our own strange that in America today almost
context—the call of God on his life no Christians pray this way? I‘m sure
was ―let your light so shine that men that there are some who would
may see your good works and give celebrate this absence of order and
glory to your Father in heaven.‖ For design and habit and pattern as a sign
Daniel, prayer had become a public of freedom from legalism. I might
statement about the glory of God over believe it if I saw anything like the
the glory of Darius. And it was a freedom and power of Daniel where
legitimate testimony. And so it is for discipline like his is absent. But I don‘t
us, if our hearts are right. see it, I don‘t believe it.

2. Daniel‘s prayer was a testimony, not I asked in the STAR last week: could it
only to the glory of God over the glory be that Daniel‘s discipline in prayer
of Darius, but also, to the fact that his was the secret of his unexpected,
life was built on prayer. unplanned, spontaneous encounters
Daniel was making a statement, not with God? Could it be that discipline is
just about God but about his relation to not the boring substitute for
God. God would not have changed if spontaneity and power but the garden
Daniel had prayed in secret. God where it grows. You till the garden
would still be God. Daniel would still with patient discipline and suddenly
be a ruler in Persia. What would have God makes a plant grow with
been different is the way the presidents supernatural power. I think this is so. I
and satraps thought about Daniel‘s urge you to take time this week to step
relationship to God. And when Daniel back and plan some discipline into
thought about that, he could not bring your prayer life for 1992. Be like
himself to go underground. Daniel.
4. Finally, prayer is more precious than
Just think of it. Daniel knew that the
penalty for praying would be the lion‘s
den. I don‘t think Daniel knew that he
would be delivered any more than
Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
knew it as they stood before the fiery
furnace and said, ―If God does not
deliver us, be it known to you, we will
not serve your gods‖ (Daniel 3:18).
This must mean that prayer is more
important than life. Daniel would
rather pray than save his life. Not
praying was a worse prospect to Daniel
than being eaten by lions. That is a
radical commitment to prayer. Just
think of it. Can you say with Daniel:
―You will have to take my life before
you take my prayer‖?
Prayer week is a time for spiritual soul-
searching. I call you to fasting and to
prayer. I call you to search your heart
and see if God has something new for
you in 1992. Please, for your own
sense of spiritual life and reality and
power, don‘t let this week of prayer be
like all the others. Step back. Give
yourself to fasting. Seek the Lord.
compassion for the poor and oppressed on
Angels and Prayer the conscience of the church. In the 1970s
Daniel's Experience there were the first seeds of the growing
prayer movement around the world. And
and Ours in the 1980s, with the third wave, there has
Scripture: Daniel 10 Topic: Prayer been a great emphasis on supernatural
power in ministry, especially gifts relating
to prophecy and healing. As we enter the
How Shall We Think About
1990s, Peter Wagner sees spiritual warfare
"Territorial Spirits"?
with territorial spirits moving to the
This chapter is the clearest reference in all
the Bible to what people today are calling
YWAM in Argentina
"territorial spirits." I want you to be aware
Of course, spiritual warfare is not new. But
of what is happening today in this realm of
the way territorial spirits are being
spiritual warfare, and I want us to think
confronted seems to be new. For example,
biblically about it. I don't want us to have
in Cordoba, Argentina, 200 Youth With A
our head in the sand as God awakens the
Mission missionaries gathered from
church to spiritual realities long
around the world to tell fans at the World
overlooked. And I don't want us to be
Cup (soccer playoffs) about Jesus. But no
naïve in believing everything we hear, or
one seemed to be listening to their good
lopsided in letting a secondary biblical
news. Their evangelism efforts were
truth become a primary preoccupation.
listless and powerless; their Spanish tracts
I believe that territorial spirits are real, as
were ignored.
they turn up in Daniel 10, and that they
The missionaries decided to devote a day
exist today. How then should we think
to prayer and fasting. In that meeting God
about them? How do they fit in with other
revealed that Satan was not only busy with
biblical truth? How should we pray in
individuals, but that he had immersed
view of their reality? That's my goal this
himself deeply into the culture of the
territory—especially in the form of pride.
Cordoba was very sophisticated, fashion-
What's Happening in the World Today
conscious, and materialistic, and the
Before we look at Daniel let me give you a
people clung to their values of position,
taste of the kind of thing that is happening
possessions, and appearance. The
missionaries discerned that the only way
Peter Wagner's Assessment
this "territorial spirit" manifesting itself in
Peter Wagner just published a book
pride would be overcome was by humility.
called Engaging the Enemy: How to Fight
So they scattered themselves throughout
and Defeat Territorial Spirits. He believes
the central mall shopping area and got
that as we move into the '90s, the Holy
down on their knees with their foreheads
Spirit is calling the church to a spiritual
to the cobblestones in full view of passers-
warfare with territorial spirits—evil spirits,
by and prayed for Jesus to be revealed to
demons, principalities, powers, world
the city.
rulers of this present darkness, spiritual
A breakthrough came immediately. Large
hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places
curious crowds gathered to watch and
(Ephesians 6:12)—which attach
listen. People took the tracts eagerly and
themselves to specific territories or
even asked to have them autographed by
regimes or institutions.
the missionaries. John Dawson preached at
His assessment is that in the 1950s God
the Plaza of St. Martin, and people in the
began to ripen a harvest of souls as he put
crowd dropped to their knees repenting of
evangelism high on the church's agenda. In
their sins. His interpretation of what
the 1960s God pressed the issues of
happened was that "the intimidation of the lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his
enemy was broken along with our pride." arms and legs like the gleam of burnished
In other words, the way many are doing bronze, and the sound of his words like the
spiritual warfare today is by moving into noise of a multitude."
an area, seeking to discern supernaturally In other words, his single voice sounded
the spirit that Satan has assigned to like the roars at the Metrodome. This
oppress and blind and control the area, and appearance was so terrifying and so
then specifically serving notice on that powerful that (according to verse 7) even
spirit that Jesus Christ is triumphant in this the men who were with Daniel, who could
place and breaking its spiritual hold on the not see the vision, trembled and ran away
region. S. D. Gordon said 90 years ago, to hide themselves from whatever it was.
"Intercession is winning the victory over Verses 8–9 say that Daniel lost his color,
the chief, and service is taking the field had no strength in him, and fell on his
after the chief is driven off." That's the face.
strategy that many seem to be applying God Answered Daniel's Prayer
today with a direct focus on territorial To make matters worse (in v. 10) a hand
spirits. reached out and touched him so that he
shook terribly on his hands and knees.
The Teaching of Daniel 10 Then the voice said (v. 11): "O Daniel,
Let's look at Daniel 10 to see what it will man greatly beloved, give heed to the
teach us about these things. words that I speak to you, and stand
Daniel's Vision and His Seeking to upright, for now I have been sent to you."
Understand It Then he went on and said (v. 12): "Fear
Daniel receives a word from the Lord in not, Daniel, for from the first day that you
verse 1—a vision of conflict that stunned set your mind to understand and humbled
him with its greatness. Verse 1b says that yourself before your God, your words
he understood it. But verse 12 it says that [prayer!] have been heard, and I have
when he received the vision, he set himself come because of your words."
to understand it. I take this to mean that Now this is immensely important for
the general structure of the vision was understanding prayer. Notice the words: "I
clear to him, but the meaning of its parts have come because of your words." Put
was not clear to him. that together with the words in verse 11: "I
So Daniel set himself with tears and have been sent to you." That is, God sent
fasting and prayer to seek the meaning of him. So the point is that God answered
the vision, and for three weeks he wrestled your prayer as soon as you began to pray
in prayer over this vision and sought to three weeks ago. "From the first day that
know God's will. Verse 2: "In those days I, you humbled yourself before your God
Daniel, was mourning for three weeks. I your words [your prayers!] have been
ate no delicacies, no meat or wine entered heard, and I have come because of your
my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, words [your prayer!]."
for the full three weeks." So this heavenly being has come because
Another Vision on the Banks of the Tigris Daniel prayed and humbled himself before
After three weeks he went out to the banks God and fasted. And the three week delay
of the Tigris River (v. 4). There he had a was not because God took three weeks to
vision that was so awesome he could hear. What was it then?
hardly bear it. Verse 5: "I lifted up my Why the Three Week Delay?
eyes and looked, and behold, a man Verse 13: "The prince of the kingdom of
clothed in linen, whose loins were girded Persia withstood me twenty-one days; but
with gold of Uphaz. His body was like Michael, one of the chief princes, came to
beryl, his face like the appearance of help me." The reason the messenger of
God was detained is because a spiritual powerful evil spirits with special
being called "the prince of the kingdom of appointments from Satan over kingdoms
Persia" stood against him. And the reason like Persia and Greece. In Luke 4:6 the
this angelic messenger got free from this devil took Jesus up and showed him all the
opposition was because the angel Michael kingdoms of the world and then tempts
came to help him. him with these words: "To you I will give
This is the clearest example in all the Bible all this authority and their glory; for it has
of what is called today a "territorial spirit." been delivered to me, and I give it to
Verse 13 refers to "The prince of the whom I will." He has an inflated notion of
kingdom of Persia." The natural meaning his power in relation to the sovereignty of
of this phrase would be that among the God. But under God it is true that Satan is
supernatural beings opposed to God, at "the god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4).
least one is assigned to a territory or, more And it is probably true that he gives his
accurately, to a kingdom, namely, Persia. power to those who worship him
Presumably his job is to darken the people (cf. Revelation 13:2). He is the "prince of
of Persia—to keep them from having the demons" (Mark 3:22).
truth and the light of God's Word. Since the New Testament tells us that this
Other Enemy Spirits Rising Up prince of demons "darkens the minds of
But this spirit is not the only one unbelievers" (2 Corinthians 4:4), and that
mentioned. Look at verses 20–21: "Then he "deceives the world" (Revelation 12:9),
[the messenger from God] said, 'Do you and that he plants his weeds (unbelievers)
know why I have come to you? But now I throughout the world (Matthew 13:39),
will return to fight against the prince of and that he takes people captive to do his
Persia; and when I am through with him, will (2 Timothy 2:25), and that he plucks
lo, the prince of Greece will come. But I up the seed of the Word when it is
will tell you what is inscribed in the book preached (Matthew 13:4), and that he
of truth: there is none who contends by my thwarts missionary activity (1
side against these except Michael, your Thessalonians 2:18), and that he throws
prince.'" ministers in prison (Revelation 2:10)—
So the messenger is going back to fight since we know the prince of demons does
against the prince of the kingdom of Persia all that, we may conclude with good
and defeat him. And then there will appear reason that this is what his sub-princes do
on the scene another great enemy spirit, as well.
the prince of Greece. In other words, as So then, I would conclude that there are
different kingdoms rise and fall, different high-ranking demonic powers over various
demonic spirits hold sway and have to be regimes and dominions and governments
dealt with by God's messengers in and realms of the world; and that they
accomplishing his purposes. work to create as much evil and corruption
So it appears that there was a spirit over and spiritual darkness as they can. They
Persia and a spirit over Greece. But it also strive to interrupt Christian missions and
seems that Michael, the good angel, has ministry as much as they can.
some special assignment for Israel. That is why the prince of the kingdom of
Because it says at the end of verse 21: Persia tried to hinder the messenger from
"Michael, your prince." And the "your" reaching Daniel from heaven. The
there is plural in Hebrew. This is not a messenger was bringing a message of
reference to Daniel's guardian angel, but to truth. Verse 21: the messenger says to
Israel's guardian angel. Daniel, "But I will tell you what is
Conclusion inscribed in the book of truth." But Satan
So I conclude from this that there is good is a liar and a deceiver from the beginning.
biblical reason for thinking that there are The main aim of all his princes is to keep
the book of truth from being known and the warfare in the spirit realm was being
believed. The truth frees people (John fought in a real sense by Daniel in the
8:32) and sanctifies people (John 17:17). prayer realm.
So the territorial spirits like the prince of And so it is with more of our prayers than
the kingdom of Persia do their main work we realize. But the point is this: Daniel's
of corruption and destruction by blinding praying was not about angels. And
the people of their area from the truth. probably ours shouldn't be either. We
should wrestle in prayer and fasting for the
Implications for Ministry things that we know are God's will in our
How then shall we do ministry in view of lives and our families and our church and
this reality of "territorial spirits"? our city and our world. But by and large
1. Take the Supernatural Seriously we should probably leave it to God how he
Take the supernatural seriously and realize will use angels to get his work done. If
that we are in a warfare that cannot and God shows us more, we will use it. But the
should not be domesticated by essence of the matter is not knowing the
reinterpreting everything in the biblical spirits but knowing God and praying in the
worldview so that it fits nicely with power of Holy Spirit.
secular, naturalistic ways of thinking about So let us be about it with all our might this
the world. Be ready for the extraordinary year. May the Lord make us a people who
as well as the ordinary ways that evil pray like Daniel.
spirits work. Don't be presumptuous, as
though demons were weak; and don't be
anxious, as though they were stronger than
Be filled with the Spirit and well-armed
with biblical promises about the authority
of Jesus Christ and about your rights as a
child of God. Remember that two times in
our text the messenger from heaven said to
Daniel, "O man greatly loved." The word
means "desired" or "precious." He said this
to take away Daniel's fear in the midst of
spiritual warfare. And it should take away
ours too.
2. Daniel Wasn't Praying About Angels
The second thing is to notice that Daniel's
prayer that has such powerful effects in the
spiritual realm was not a prayer about
angels and territorial spirits. He was
wrestling for truth and for the good of
God's people the way we saw him
praying last week. He was totally shocked
when an angel appeared to him. And he
knew nothing about the conflict with the
prince of the kingdom of Persia.
But it's no accident that the messenger said
that his struggle with the prince of Persian
lasted exactly the same amount of time
that Daniel's fasting and prayer did (cf. vv.
2, 13)—21 days. The reason for this is that
captured the mind and heart of the church.
How to Pray for a She was in bondage to godless forces.
Desolate Church That is the situation in much of the church
Scripture: Daniel 9:1–23 Topic: Prayer today. Millions of church-goers today
think the way the world thinks. The simple
assumptions that govern behavior and
The reason I titled this message "How to choices come more from what is absorbed
Pray for a Desolate Church" is that I see from our culture than from the Word of
much of the Christian church today as God. The church shares the love affair of
desolate. The ruin of Jerusalem and the the world with prosperity and ease and
captivity of Israel in Babylon are pictures self. Many groups of Christians are just
of the church today in many places around not that different from the spirit of
the world. There are pockets of life and Babylon, even though the Lord says that
purity and depth and faithfulness and we are aliens and exiles and that we are
power and zeal around the world. God will not to be conformed to this age. So, like
never give up on his people and he will get Israel of old, much of God's church today
his global purposes done, even if he has to is captive to godless forces.
use a remnant to do it. 2. The People Are Guilty and Ashamed
But much of the Christian movement Daniel spends most of his prayer
today has become a desolation of confessing the sin of the people. For
disobedience and disunity and dishonor to example, verse 5: "We have sinned and
the name of Christ. So the way Daniel done wrong and acted wickedly and
prays for the desolation of his people is a rebelled, turning aside from thy
pointer for how we can pray for the commandments." In other words, we have
desolation of ours. great guilt before God. And because of this
real guilt there is real shame. This is
mentioned in verses 7 and 8. The RSV has
Three Aspects of the Desolation of the phrase "confusion of face"—"To us
God's People belongs confusion of face." Literally it
Let me mention three aspects of the means, "To us belongs shame of face."
desolation of God's people in this text to What we have done is so terrible and so
see if you won't agree that it sounds like known that our face turns red and we want
much of the Christian movement today. to cover it and run away. That is the way
1. The People Are Captive to Godless Daniel felt about the people of God. Their
Forces guilt and their shame were great.
Two times, verses 11 and 13, Daniel says Today in the church there is an uneasy
that this calamity of Babylonian captivity conscience. There is the deep sense that
was warned against in the law of Moses. we are to be radically different, living on
For example, in Deuteronomy the brink of eternity with counter-cultural
28:36 Moses says that if the people values and behaviors of love and justice
forsake God, "The Lord will bring you . . . and risk-taking service that show our
to a nation that neither you nor your citizenship is in heaven. But then, we look
fathers have known; and there you shall in the mirror and we see that the church
serve other gods." Now that had come true does not look that way. And the result is a
in Babylon. sense of shame based on the real guilt of
In 1520, Martin Luther wrote an essay unbelief and disobedience. So we slink
which he called "The Babylonian through our days with faces covered, and
Captivity of the Church." What he meant scarcely anyone knows we are disciples of
was that forces and powers that were Jesus.
foreign to Christ and to his Word had
3. The People Were a Byword Among the phrase comes right out of the Scriptures.
Nations There are allusions to Leviticus (26:40)
Verse 16b: "Jerusalem and thy people have and Deuteronomy (28:64) and Exodus
become a byword among all who are (34:6) and Psalms (44:14) and Jeremiah
round about us." "Byword" (in the RSV) (25:11). The prayer brims with a biblical
means reproach, or object of scorn. It view of reality, because it brims with the
means that the nations look at the defeated Bible.
and scattered Israelites and they laugh. What I have seen is that those whose
They mock Israel's God. prayers are most saturated with Scripture
That is the way it is with the Christian are generally most fervent and most
church in many places. She has made the effective in prayer. And where the mind
name of Jesus an object of scorn by her isn't brimming with the Bible, the heart is
duplicity—trying to go by the name not generally brimming with prayer. This
Christian and yet marching to the drum of is not my idea. Jesus was pointing to it
the world. So the world sees the name in John 15:7 when he said, "If you abide in
"Christian" as nothing radically me, and my words abide in you, ask
different—perhaps a nice way to add a whatever you will, and it shall be done for
little component of spirituality to the other you" (John 5:7). When he says, "If my
parts of life that basically stay the same. words abide in you . . . ," he means, "If my
So when Daniel prays for the desolations words saturate your mind . . . if my words
of the people of Israel, I hear a prayer for shape your way if thinking . . . if my words
the desolations of the Christian church— are memorized and just as likely to come
captive to godless forces, guilty and to your mind as advertising jingles . . .
ashamed, and a byword among the nations. then you will pray so as to heal the
desolations of the church."
So the first way to pray for a desolate
Four Ways to Pray for a Desolate church is to go to the Book. Saturate your
Church mind with the Bible. Pray the Scripture.
Now how do we pray for such a church? 2. Confess Our Sin
1. Go to the Bible The second way to pray for a desolate
First, we pray for a desolate church by church is to confess our sin.
beginning where Daniel began. We go to About 12 verses of Daniel's prayer is
the books. confession: verses 4–15. This means being
Verse 2: "In the first year of [Darius's] truthful about God and about sin.
reign, I, Daniel, perceived in the books . . . It means recognizing sin as sin and calling
" The books are the prophet Jeremiah and it bad names, not soft names: things like
other biblical books. Prayer begins with wickedness and rebellion and wrong (v. 5)
the Bible. and treachery and shameful (v. 7) and
George Mueller said that for years he tried disobedience (v. 10). It means recognizing
to pray without starting in the Bible in the God as righteous (v. 7) and great and
morning. And inevitably his mind fearful (v. 4) and merciful and forgiving
wandered. Then he started with the Book, (v. 9). It means feeling broken and
and turned the Book into prayer as he read, remorseful and guilty (v. 8) before God.
and for 40 years he was able to stay Before God! There is a difference between
focused and powerful in prayer. feeling miserable because sin has made
Without the Bible in our prayers, they will our life miserable and feeling broken
be just as worldly as the church we are because our sin has offended the holiness
trying to free from worldliness. Daniel's of God and brought reproach on his name.
prayer begins with the Bible and it is Daniel's confession—biblical confession—
saturated with the Bible. Phrase after is God-centered. The issue is not admitting
that we have made our life miserable. The expensive, so many of the cities' poor wore
issue is admitting that there is something rags that were like their bedding, full of
much worse than our misery, namely, the lice . . . The penalties for crimes seem
offended holiness and glory of God. barbaric today (hanging for petty thievery)
So we pray for a desolate church by going . . . Young boys, and sometimes girls, were
to the Book and by confessing our sins. bound over to a master for seven years of
3. Remember Past Mercies Knowing God training. They worked six days a week,
Never Changes every day from dawn to dusk and often
The way to pray for a desolate church is to beyond . . . If you were unlucky and
remember past mercies, and be encouraged starving, you might fall foul of the law and
that God never changes. be packed off to the stench of New Gate
Verse 15: "And now, O Lord our God, Prison. From there, you might have the
who didst bring thy people out of the land chance to go to the New World in a boat
of Egypt with a mighty hand . . . " Daniel loaded with prisoners of all sorts . . .
knew that the reason God saved Israel [Drunkenness was rampant] and gin was
from Egypt was not because Israel was so fed to the babies too, to keep them quiet,
good. Psalm 106:7–8, with blindness and often death as a result
Our fathers, when they were in Egypt, did [did you think crack babies were a new
not consider thy wonderful works; they did thing?] . . . The people's love of
not remember the abundance of thy tormenting animals at bull-baitings was
steadfast love, but rebelled against the equaled only by their delight in a public
Most High at the Red Sea. Yet he saved execution. ("Revival and
them for his name's sake, that he might Revolution," Christian History 2, pp. 7–8)
make known his mighty power. All that and more, including a desolate and
Prayer for a desolate church is sustained corrupt and powerless church. Yet God
by the memory of past mercies. Jesus moved with a great awakening. And to add
Christ is the same yesterday, today, and hope upon hope for our prayers, he used
forever (Hebrews 13:8). If God saved a two men who could not agree on some
rebellious people once at the Red Sea, he significant theological points and one of
can save them again. So when we pray for them was overweight and the other was 5'
a desolate church, we can remember 3" tall and weighed 128 pounds.
brighter days that the church has known, We pray for a desolate church by
and darker days from which she was remembering past mercies, past triumphs
saved. of grace. We remember that history is not
This is why church history is so valuable. a straight line down any more than it is a
There have been bad days before that God straight line up.
had turned around. The papers this week 4. Appeal to God's Zeal for the Glory of
have been full of statistics of America's His Own Name
downward spiral into violence and Finally, we pray for a desolate church by
corruption. Church history is a great appealing to God's zeal for the glory of his
antidote to despair at times like this. For own name.
example, to read about the moral Look how the prayer comes to its climax
decadence and violence of 18th century in verses 18b–19: "We do not present our
England before God sent George supplications before thee on the ground of
Whitefield and John Wesley is like reading our righteousness but on the ground of thy
today's newspapers. For example, great mercy. 19) O Lord, hear; O Lord,
Only five or six members of parliament forgive; O Lord, give heed and act; delay
even went to church . . . The plague, small not, for thy own sake, O my God, because
pox, and countless diseases we call minor thy city and thy people are called by thy
today had no cures . . . Clothing was name."
The people of God are known by his name.
And God has an infinite zeal for his own
name. He will not let it be reproached and
made a byword indefinitely. That is our
deepest confidence. God is committed to
God. God is committed with explosive
passion to the glory of his name and the
truth of his reputation.
So that's the bottom of our prayer for a
desolate church. We are called by your
name. We live by your name. Not to us, O
Lord, not to us, but to your name give
glory. For your name's sake, O Lord, save.
For your name's sake, revive. For your
name's sake purify and heal and empower
your church, O Lord. For we are called by
your name.
this life) is wrapped up with America‘s
The Shadrach Option welfare.
If we accept that our own situation is, in
A growing number of American Christians some ways, analogous to the Jewish exiles
are realizing that we are not living in the in Babylon, and that therefore, we should
Promised Land, but in what increasingly heed Jeremiah‘s call, then it seems
appears to be Babylon. If that‘s true, then incumbent upon us to know what it is that
like our Jewish forefathers, we should live we‘re heeding and what response we ought
here as ―sojourners and exiles‖ (1 Peter to expect if we do heed faithfully. And to
2:11–12), keeping our conduct honorable do that, we need to continue to read that
among the post-Christian Gentiles that ancient story.
surround us, while proclaiming the
excellencies of Christ who has called us
out of darkness into light. See the Next Episodes
The notion that we are to live as exiles (not Thankfully, the Scriptures provide us with
only in America, but anywhere that we the next chapter. It‘s called the book of
find ourselves) is not a new one. What‘s Daniel. The first half of the book is a basic
more, it has special appeal to my own narrative about Daniel and three friends as
generation, the newly ubiquitous they seek to live out the Jeremian call to
Millennials. In particular, younger ―seek the good of the city.‖ However,
Christians are attracted to Jeremiah‘s call those who call for Christians to seek the
to his co-religionists to ―seek the good of good of the city by embedding ourselves in
the city‖ (Jeremiah 29:7). The prophet‘s its institutions, and pursuing God‘s justice,
larger call goes like this: often fail to reckon with the fact that two
Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of of the main instances of this do-gooding in
Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent the Bible resulted in a lion‘s den and a
into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: fiery furnace. Apparently some
Build houses and live in them; plant Babylonians don‘t find our do-gooding to
gardens and eat their produce. Take wives be all that good.
and have sons and daughters; take wives
for your sons, and give your daughters in
marriage, that they may bear sons and
Daniel was cast into the lion‘s den for
daughters; multiply there, and do not
defying the king‘s edict that no one should
decrease. But seek the welfare of the city
pray to anyone except the king. In other
where I have sent you into exile, and pray
words, he was told to stop doing the very
to the LORD on its behalf, for in its
thing that Jeremiah told him to do. What‘s
welfare you will find your welfare.
more, Daniel didn‘t just keep praying; he
(Jeremiah 29:4–7)
prayed with the windows open, where
This Jeremian option encourages us
everyone could see. He didn‘t just disobey;
to engage with American society, rather
he defied. He didn‘t slink away into the
than war against it. Build houses, plant
corner and seek the city‘s good in private;
gardens, make art, take a seat at the multi-
he openly and brazenly flouted the king‘s
cultural table, join in with the big
American stew being cooked up. Of
course, we should do so as thoroughgoing
Christians. But don‘t withdraw from the
city that we find ourselves in. Seek the The story is much the same with Shadrach,
good of the city and pray for this ungodly Meshach, and Abednego. When King
place, because our own welfare (at least in Anthony Kennedy, I mean,
Nebuchadnezzar, ordered the people to
worship his golden image whenever they demanding that we all become liars. Like
heard the sound of the horn, the pipe, and the Roman emperors of the second and
the lyre, the three Jews refused, even when third centuries A.D., they are demanding
threatened with the fiery furnace. that we offer a pinch of incense to Caesar,
acknowledging his divinity. And we
should refuse to play ball.
―O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to
answer you in this matter. If this be so, our
God whom we serve is able to deliver us Now I can already hear the objections.
from the burning fiery furnace, and he will ―No one‘s asking you to worship anything.
deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if Worship whoever and however you want.
not, be it known to you, O king, that we But you will issue the marriage license.
will not serve your gods or worship the You will bake the cake. Or else.‖ This sort
golden image that you have set up.‖ of objection fails to reckon with what the
(Daniel 3:16–18) public act means — whether it‘s bowing
down or offering incense or issuing lying
marriage licenses. At the end of the day,
High Defiance Against God Caesar didn‘t care whether the early
Christians worshiped him deep, deep down
Which brings us to our present situation.
in their hearts. ―Think whatever you want
The Supreme Court‘s recent decree about
behind your eyes and between your ears.
marriage isn‘t just a run-of-the-mill policy
But you will acknowledge the absolute
difference. It‘s an act of high defiance
divine right of the emperor in public.‖ Had
against God, nature, and history. The State
Shadrach and his friends fallen down when
is attempting to arrogate to itself the right
they heard the music, but in their minds
to define marriage — to define what men
thought, ―I‘m really worshiping the Lord
and women are, and what they are for. But
God right now,‖ Nebuchadnezzar would
God the Father Almighty did not give
not have known and would not have cared,
them that authority. (And for what it‘s
because he would have gotten what he
worth, neither does the Constitution. The
wanted: their participation in his public,
fact that the Court found a right to same-
brazen lie.
sex mirage lying under a broken down
Because Shadrach and his friends, along
penumbra in one of the amendments
with the early Christians, recognized the
somewhere doesn‘t mean that the rest of us
idolatrous claim for what it was, they
have to pretend that we can‘t read.) God
refused to go along. They defied. They
has given all authority to his Son, the
said, ―No.‖ And here‘s the clincher: They
crucified and risen Lord Jesus, and our
did so because they were seeking the good
system of government gives such
of the city.
prerogatives to the people, not our black-
robed betters, or the Deep State, or even
President Executive Order. MLK and the County Clerk
But perhaps the biblical analogy doesn‘t
What I‘m suggesting is that this is our move you. You‘re not really into the
Shadrach moment, and that, alongside Shadrach Option. Fine. Let‘s try one closer
other ―options‖ being considered (whether to home. We‘ll call it the MLK Option.
―the Benedict Option,‖ or Constantine, Baronelle Stutzman can be our Rosa Parks,
Lincoln, or Buckley), we need a Shadrach and Kim Davis can be the white elected
Option. The Supreme Court is playing official in Talledega County, Alabama —
their funky music on the lyre, and the hypothetical one that we all imagine
that we would have been had we lived
back then. You know? The one who defied aren‘t led to the furnace with a hang-dog
George Wallace and his vile edicts? The look, muttering an apologetic, ―I‘m so
one who registered blacks to vote despite sorry; we‘ll regrettably have to decline the
―the rule of law‖? The one who refused to king‘s invitation to kneel.‖ Nor did they
prosecute the sit-ins at the lunch counter, angrily rant and rave about the injustice of
and in doing so, galvanized others to resist it all.
that wicked racial tyranny — that‘s who
you are in the story that might have been,
right? They walked to the gallows with clean
consciences and a gleam in their eye that
said, ―Go ahead. Throw us in that briar
―But these are different situations. Same- patch. We know in whom we‘ve believed,
sex marriage isn‘t the same as Jim Crow.‖ and our God reigns.‖
Sure, they‘re not identical. But one of the
key differences is that we‘re attempting
to prevent a rebellious legal regime from If this is Babylon, let‘s be Shadrach.
being established, whereas they were
trying to remove one that had
metastasized. But don‘t miss the common
denominator: Both seek to enshrine high-
handed rebellion into law and force
everyone to participate. Both want to
decree lies and ensure that everyone
repeats them. The old Supreme Court
pretended that they could make separate be
equal. The new one pretends that they can
make men into women. But as Vaclav
Havel famously wrote, ―It always makes
sense to tell the truth.‖ Even when you‘re a
county clerk.

Moxie on the Way to the Furnace

One of the things I love about Shadrach
and his friends is their moxie. They didn‘t
concern themselves with the possible
results of their actions, whether intended
or unintended. ―We‘re going to obey God,
whatever the consequences.‖ They were
standing athwart history, saying, ―Stop‖
long before modern conservatives brought
it back.

And this response wasn‘t because they

were blind to the possible outcomes; they
mention two of them, right there in the
passage. But the outcomes were irrelevant
to their duties. And what‘s more, they
God’s Agenda on Believers in Babylon
About 2,600 years ago, under the shadow
Debate Night of a pagan superpower, another believer
felt this same pinch: Daniel, a godly man
living in exile in the Babylonian empire, a
The first presidential debate on September nation which traced its origin back to the
26 attracted a record 84 million viewers. I rebel egotropolis, Babel. Yet in spite of his
was one of them. disagreement with Babylon‘s policies,
Another sizable audience is predicted to Daniel gave his life to serve the nation.
watch the second presidential debate The book of Daniel is thoroughly political,
tonight. I will not be one of them — nor revealing the power of God‘s sovereign
will my wife or my kids. undertow beneath the tides of world
The lewdness factor of the election politics, and all for the sake of his chosen
reached new heights this weekend, and it people. Even as his people endured exile
has been suggested that tonight‘s debate in Babylon, God sovereignly governed the
should be rated R and prefaced with a world‘s political leaders — raising,
parental advisory warning. Mud will be dropping, and reordering political powers
slung (and there‘s never been more mud to for millennia (Daniel 2:21).
sling). Ratings will be high again. Into this pagan society, Daniel fought to
We are troubled by the personalities and balance his loyal service to Babylon with
we are troubled by their policies — and his ultimate obedience to God. And what
when you add those two features together, he needed was a transhistorical vision of
many Christians are simply withdrawing God‘s rule over the nations. He got it in
themselves from both major candidates the form of a dream from the restless sleep
and both major parties. of Babylon‘s king, Nebuchadnezzar.
If it feels odd to withdraw support like this In Daniel 2:36–45, we read about a giant
from such a major American institution, statue of a man that towered perhaps one-
you‘re not alone. Writer and hip-hop artist hundred feet in the air and glistened
Sho Baraka recently opened a powerful brilliantly in the noonday sun.
op-ed piece by writing, ―As a black The dream was given to Nebuchadnezzar.
Christian in an urban environment, I The interpretive key was given to Daniel.
consciously struggle to give my allegiance The statue was a stack of nations, said
to either political party. In this way, this Daniel. The metal man was capped with
election gives many white evangelicals a Babylon (represented in the gold head),
sense of what it‘s like to be a black placed atop Medo-Persia (the silver torso
believer in America today.‖ and arms), placed atop Greece (the bronze
The 2016 election is giving a lot of us a belly and thighs), and placed atop Rome at
taste of displacedness. Perhaps like never the bottom (the legs of iron and feet of
before in this country, for black and white clay). This layered statue represented a
evangelicals alike, there‘s a new feeling of succession of the world‘s four great
un-belonging. But it‘s not a shrugging superpowers from Daniel‘s day into the
cynicism. Under the political future, all stacked vertically and cemented
disillusionment, we are all finding ways of together (Hamilton, 330).
voicing concerns for the welfare of our Then it toppled.
nation. We are displaced, yes, but we are The statue was targeted by a stone, which
not separatists. flew into the dream like a comet, smashed
into the statue‘s feet, and, on impact,
shattered the entire statue like safety glass.
With one blow, the statue exploded into a
pile of rubble, pulverized into a heap of
human superpower dust, barely hitting the The Politics of Jesus
ground before the wind blew it all away The throne-room coronation scene
into oblivion. in Daniel 7:13–14 is striking for helping us
The small meteoric stone, now on the understand Christ‘s self-revelation, and for
ground, began to grow and expand into a understanding our mission as Christians, in
mountain that covered the entire earth — a world of confusion. To make the
the image of a new and unshakable connections, we need to set the ―Cosmic
kingdom now spread out over every Commission‖ of Christ in Daniel 7:13–
continent, displacing all the world‘s 14 alongside the Great Commission of
superpowers in history. Christ in Matthew 28:18–20.
The fall of this giant man-statue is meant
to remind us of David‘s sling-whirling,
Goliath-defeating precedent. In both cases,
the world‘s powers must fall before the
reign of a Davidic king.

Return of the King

This theatrical dream triggers a future
history: a new king will establish God‘s
global reign over creation (the mountain).
Later in the book, God gave Daniel a
dream of his own, ushering him into a
divine throne room of stunning imagery to
see ―the Ancient of Days‖ presiding over a
glorious coronation anointing, over ―one
By theme and by language, these passages
like a son of man‖ (Daniel 7:9–13).
are linked together unmistakably,
This king, this ―son of man,‖ entered in to
meaning, ―the risen Jesus, vindicated over
receive his Cosmic Commission: to reign
those who tried to destroy him, is now
over all the peoples and nations and
established as the universal sovereign, and
languages of the earth, to be globally
his realm embraces not only the whole
adored in glory, and to be obeyed by all
earth, which was the dominion of the ‗one
like a son of man‘ in Daniel‘s vision, but
The Davidic symbolism of chapter two,
heaven as well‖ (NICNT, 1113).
and now the introduction of this ―son of
Carrying that interpretation into the
man‖ in Daniel 7, combine to reveal the
commission language, this means that the
connection to Christ. Jesus would use this
Great Commission, on the right, drives
―son of man‖ phrase about eighty times in
toward the fulfillment of the Cosmic
the Gospels: to reference his own
Commission, on the left (see Dwells,
authority, to reference his own need to
95; Temple, 175; Jesus, 142–43).
suffer and die, and most importantly, to
Tied together, the Great Commission
communicate his future glorified majesty
inaugurates ―the triumph of Israel‘s God
and authority (NDBT, 236).
by extending his sovereignty over all the
Christ found ample opportunities to tie all
nations on earth‖ and shows us how ―the
the major features of his Messianic
sovereignty of God over the nations will
purposes back to the throne room scene in
become effectual through nonviolent
Daniel 7. His words remind us that God‘s
means. The nations are ‗conquered,‘ as it
agenda reigns on debate night — and
were, through baptism into the name of the
every night.
Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit and through their instruction to obey
the teachings of a master who has insisted Working Backward from the End
that the meaning of Torah is summed up in The end of all human history will rush in
acts of love and mercy‖ (Echoes, 184–85). at the hands of one ―like a son of man,
Yes. For now. Quite apart from the rise with a golden crown on his head, and a
and fall of global superpowers, the Son of sharp sickle in his hand‖ (Revelation
Man‘s international conquering will 14:14–16).
transpire (at least in part) in time and The storyline of the universe is Christ‘s to
space, through the nonviolent means we consummate, but it‘s our calling to
call disciple-making. embrace. We are sent on mission so that
These closing words of Matthew deliver more and more people will come under the
the ultimate Jesus-juke of self-consumed Lordship of Christ. The absolute rule of
political establishments. King Jesus will ultimately be spread across
Jesus is the sovereign King of the the earth by force, but now it spreads
universe. Period. He has all authority now. across the earth in a non-violent
Period. But his conquering kingdom is conquering of the nations — in global
being quietly unveiled. His leaven is mission, church plants, baptisms, sermons,
working its way through the dough. and one-on-one personal disciple-making.
His Cosmic Commission has ushered in Perhaps it‘s too trite to say, but it is time to
our Great Commission. make the Great Commission great
again — not great, as in trying to add
steel-reinforced ankles to a reconstructed
The Minority Voice of a Conquering statue of political superpowers,
Kingdom but great in our sense of true greatness —
Now, let‘s step back from Daniel‘s the greatness of Christ‘s sovereign glory,
glorious theology for a realistic inventory commissioned from a cosmic throne room.
of the Church in the West. A couple of Christ offers us the joy of his glorious
years ago, Eugene Peterson, 83, was work — to participate in his mission, to
asked about the state of discipleship today. abide in his presence, to continue our little
The normally upbeat Peterson responded gospel labors in light of the global reign of
candidly. ―I hate to be pessimistic, but it‘s the Son of Man.
declined,‖ he said. ―At this point the world This is God‘s agenda on debate night.
is making a bigger impact on people than
discipleship is.‖
Peterson is right. But perhaps it has always
seemed this way. Perhaps the world will
always seem to be louder than
discipleship. And perhaps John Piper is
right in saying, ―There is little evidence in
the Bible, as I see it, that before the
coming of our Lord, there will be a
powerful ‗Christendom‘ and a worldwide
dominance of Christian influence‖
(Pleasures of God, 116).
The Church is increasingly a minority
voice in America, yet our commission
holds. As nineteenth-century Anglican
bishop J.C. Ryle reminds us, ―Let us never
stand still because we stand alone‖
(Leaders, 431–32).
Appalled but But If Not
Productive Walking into Suffering
The vision in Daniel 8 is appalling. The
with Faith
great beastly enemy of God is allowed to
kill huge numbers of saints. ―Do not worry, my friend,‖ he told me. ―If
His power shall be great...and he shall God does as we have discussed, I trust that
cause fearful destruction and shall succeed he will bring about something wonderful
in what he does, and destroy mighty men from it.‖
and the people who are the saints. (Daniel Do not worry. The irony could not be more
8:24) apparent. It was he, not I, that was headed
Daniel is made sick by the vision. But in home to a hostile country. It was he, not I,
spite of being sick and appalled, he does that had already received death threats
his work. from former Muslim friends who awaited
And I, Daniel, was overcome and lay sick him there. And it was he, not I, who
for some days. Then I rose and went about sought to comfort others in the hours
the king’s business, but I was appalled by before his departure.
the vision and did not understand it. If God does as we have discussed — that
(Daniel 8:27) was one way to summarize it. After forty
That is the way it is in ministry. From one minutes, he shared story after story of
day to the next the news changes. Some what his government, friends, and family
hits home so close it makes you sick. had done to those even accused of
Some is global and makes the heart following Jesus. Some were brought in for
tremble. But we press on in the work we ―questioning‖ and never seen again. Some
are given to do. had been publicly executed as examples to
How can we do this? One way is to know deter others, like my friend, from calling
that we are ―greatly loved.‖ Three times an Jesus Lord. Excommunication from family
angel tells Daniel he is ―greatly loved.‖ seemed to be the most merciful of
 "You are greatly loved.‖ (9:23) potential outcomes.
 ―O Daniel, man greatly loved.‖ (10:11) He was going home to tell them about his
 "O man greatly loved, fear not, peace be Lord. He may have been going to his
with you; be strong and of good courage.‖ death. We had studied texts like 1 Peter
(10:19) and Romans 8 together preparing to suffer
Everyone who believes in Christ well. We prayed, and he left, confident
experiences the same: that God could protect him from all harm
―But God...because of the great love with if God desired it, but he trusted that if God
which he loved us...made us alive together didn‘t, God would do something better
with Christ.‖ (Ephesians 2:4-5) through it.
You are loved with ―great love‖—
omnipotent love, omniscient love,
unstoppable love, eternal love. Therefore, God of Possibility
do not fear. Be appalled at the world, and Whether this extreme or not, God indeed
be productive in it. can deliver us from any afflictions we
He can deliver from oppression. He can
keep his people from persecution. Jesus
teaches us to pray, ―Deliver us from evil,‖
because God can. But of course, all of this
is easy to say when we‘re not suffering or
threatened. ―God is sovereign over my heal me if he decides it best. But if not, I
cancer‖ is difficult to announce. Harder will not forsake my confession of faith.
yet, ―God is sovereign over my wife‘s My God can undo this disability if he but
cancer.‖ Harder still, ―God is in control speaks the word. But if not, I will trust in
over my daughter‘s terminal illness.‖ The the God who will raise me from the dead.‖
glorious truth of God‘s sovereignty can be We can join the faithful and say, ―Take my
hard to look at in such seasons. Isaac, take my family and servants, take
But the question we all must answer within my health from me, and I shall sing, ‗It is
this brief moment in eternity, is this: If well with my soul.‘ I will contend, ‗I can
God does not do what we know he can — do all things through Christ who
cure, redeem, repair — will we trust him? strengthens me.‘ I will reason, ‗I consider
If he refuses to answer our pleas in the the present sufferings
ways we expect, will we love him, obey as light and momentary compared to what
him, and endure in faith till the end? awaits me.‘ I will resolve, ‗Although the
Will we, after praying to him about our earth quake and the mountains be thrust
deepest pains and sorest bruises, after into the sea, I will not fear nor be moved.‘‖
casting burdens upon him so heavy that I will not run. I will not hide. I will boast
they daily threaten to break our will to go in my weakness. I will tell my mockers,
on — will we, after experiencing sorrow ―Though he slays me, yet will I trust him!‖
so paralyzing that we have trouble to even I will state plainly, ―I know my Redeemer
cry — will we, along with my friend, and lives!‖
three young Jewish boys facing a fiery And I will pray, oh, will I pray, ―Lord,
furnace, defiantly say, ―But if not . . .‖? deliver me from evil.‖ I will pray, ―Father,
let this cup pass from me.‖ I will pray, ―O
my God, let me not be put to shame; let
But If Not not my enemies exult over me.‖ But I also
Refusing to bow — even to avoid being will pray, ―But not my will, but yours, be
burned alive — they stood before the king done.‖
of Babylon and the massive gold statue of And when I despair of life itself, I implore
himself. Nebuchadnezzar thought he was a my Savior, ―Satisfy me in the morning
god. He demanded their worship. But three with your steadfast love.‖ And when doubt
young boys bowed their knees only to the tempts me, I will pray, ―Lord, I believe;
true God, and so they declared, when help my unbelief!‖ And should my enemy
summoned to kneel, prevail over me in this life, should they
―O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to pelt me with rocks, sending me to the
answer you in this matter. If this be so, our Rock of ages, I will pray, ―Lord Jesus,
God whom we serve is able to deliver us have mercy on them.‖ And, ―Father, into
from the burning fiery furnace, and he will your hands I commit my spirit!‖
deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if
not, be it known to you, O king, that we
will not serve your gods or worship the Standing in the Flames
golden image that you have set up.‖ Do you feel like you‘re sliding down the
(Daniel 3:16–18) shoot into the furnace? Do you feel like
Other Israelites lay prostrate around them. you‘re already standing in the flames
They alone stood sounding the which are burning seven times hotter than
proclamation of faith available to us today, usual (Daniel 3:19)? Do you feel like you
―My God will deliver me — but if not, still simply cannot keep going? Do you see that
I will trust him. The Lord is strong enough fourth person standing in the flames with
to rescue me if he chooses. But if not, I you (Daniel 3:25)?
will not give in to sin. My God is able to
Do you see him sympathizing with you?
Do you see him suffer for you? As all else
Believing God on
fails, is he enough for you? Do you believe Election Day
his promise that soon you will suffer no Scripture: Daniel4:28–37
more? Do you see him with you? Do you Topic: Government
know the depths of his love for you? Do
you know he is strengthening you, even in This is a story about a king, with a lesson
this, even now? Are his scarred hands for kings and presidents just as valid today
holding yours as he whispers of glory to as it was twenty-five centuries ago. But
come? it‘s also a story about every one of us. One
Or has the deceiver stolen your courage way or the other we must learn this lesson
from you? Has he been sowing doubt in or we will perish. And if we learn it, we
your heart? Are you on the brink of dying are in for the greatest joys in the universe.
— not because of the flames touching your So what I would like to do is look at your
body, but because they have begun to story and mine in this text first, and then
singe your faith? Has hope deferred made look and its relevance for Mr. Bush and
your heart sick? Mr. Dukakis and the future of our nation.
Do not grow weary of doing good. Do not
give up in the fight of faith. Consider him
who endured such hostility against From Pride of Self to Praise of God
himself, so that you may not grow weary. What Daniel describes in this story is the
You may not be delivered from this pathway of a man from the pride of self to
furnace, but you will rise from it to a place the praise of God through the valley of
where agony cannot follow. In the grace humiliation. And that‘s a pathway that
that God supplies, stand and say, ―My every person in the world must walk if he
God is able to deliver me from this wants to get to heaven and have eternal
nightmare if he chooses. But if not, I will life.
bless his holy name and wake to see his Ever since Adam‘s first sin we have all
face in glory.‖ been born with his disposition. Do you
remember what the essence of that first sin
was? It was the abandonment of childlike
dependence on God in favor of God-like
dependence on self. And ever since then,
all people everywhere have been born with
this sinful nature of pride.
That is bad news because God hates pride
(Proverbs 8:13). In Isaiah 2:11 God said,
―The haughty looks of man shall be
brought low, and the pride of men shall be
humbled; and the Lord alone will be
exalted in that day.‖ God hates pride. But
God also loves proud sinners. That‘s why
he sent his Son into the world to save us
from the power and the penalty of our
pride. So Jesus says in Matthew 18:4,
―God has provided a path that leads from
pride to the kingdom of heaven and to
eternal life.‖
Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and ―By my mighty power‖ means: I love to
become like children, you will never enter think of myself as the cause and origin and
the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles controller and source of all my greatness.
himself like this child, he is the greatest in When I see what I have built, I love to
the kingdom of heaven. savor the fact that my intelligence and my
Jesus came into the world to convert initiative and my power were the cause of
people from God-like dependence on self this greatness. It came from me and
to child-like dependence on God. And then through me. So pride gets its pleasure from
he died to pay the penalty for our pride and being independent, and self-determining
to show us the way of humility and to send and self-sufficient. ―By my mighty power I
all our boasting toward God and not have built this great Babylon.‖
toward ourselves. Then Nebuchadnezzar adds, ―For the
So God has provided a path that leads glory of my majesty!‖ ―I have built this
from pride to the kingdom of heaven and great Babylon by my power and for my
to eternal life. That‘s what the Bible is all glory.‖ In other words, pride is driven by
about. That‘s what this story in Daniel 4 is desire for the glory that men ascribe to
about, and I want us to walk it together human achievements. Pride loves to think
this morning. of itself as the source of great achievement
and the recipient of great praise. The
origin of great achievement (by my
Three Stages of King Nebuchadnezzar’s power!) and the recipient of great praise
Story (for my glory!). So I think we‘ve got here
It has three stages: it starts with the pride the essence of pride: the enjoyment of self-
of self and leads through the valley of sufficiency rather than God-sufficiency
humiliation to the praise of God. Let‘s and the enjoyment of self-exaltation rather
look at these three stages in the story of than God-exaltation.
Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. Now don‘t make the mistake of saying to
yourself right now, ―Well pride is surely
not my problem, because I‘m a loser. I
1. The Pride of Self
don‘t feel self-sufficient at all. And I don‘t
We are in the early 500s BC in Babylon
expect anybody to exalt me because I am
where the Jews had been taken into
so ugly or unintelligent or weak. So pride
captivity. Nebuchadnezzar is king of a
is not my problem.‖
great empire and he knows it. His heart
Be very careful here and now. Don‘t let
swells with pride. This is stage one in the
Satan trick you. I did not say that pride
path. It‘s where we all start. Let‘s look at it
was the achievement of self-sufficiency or
carefully in verse 30:
the achievement of self-exaltation. I said
And the king said, ―Is not this great
that pride is the enjoyment of them, the
Babylon, which I have built by my mighty
delight in them, the desire for them. You
power as a royal residence and for the
may see your life as a total failure and feel
glory of my majesty?‖
crushed by this morning and still have
Can we learn from these words what the
pride as the driving force of your life. The
nature of pride is? I think so. We can see at
very pain you feel at being a failure may
least two parts to pride. One is found in the
be owing to the desperateness of your
word ―by‖ and the other in the word ―for.‖
desire to look successful and to taste the
First, he says (verse 30), ―Is not this great
glory of human praise.
Babylon, which I have built by my mighty
One person may go to a party and brag and
power.‖ Then he says that he built it ―for
boast and draw attention to himself and his
the glory of my majesty.‖ By my power
achievements. Another person may go to
and for my glory! That is the lub-dub in
the same party and be so fearful and
the heartbeat of pride.
insecure that he hides in corners and tries Stage two on the pathway that leads to
to avoid people. And both of these persons heaven is the painful discovery of this
may be driven by the unbelief of pride. truth. We thought we were strong and we
The strong person doesn‘t believe the discover that we were weak. We thought
grace of God is needed; the weak person we were weak and we discover that we
doesn‘t believe the grace of God is were protecting our ego. We thought we
sufficient. And since God is not their were self-sufficient and we discover that
portion, man is — the longed-for esteem we were utterly dependent on God — for
and praise of man. One person, fearful that life and breath and everything.
he won‘t get it, hides. Another person, So I urge you, if you have never been
hopeful that he will get it, brags. Same there, to go to the valley of humiliation.
disease, different symptoms. And all of us Let yourself feel the insanity and bestiality
have it. of pride. And when you have tasted the
―By my power and for my glory I have bitter grass of that field, come with me to
built this great Babylon!‖ The first stage of the final stage our journey.
our journey is pride.

3. The Praise of God

2. The Valley of Humiliation The pathway to life leads from the pride of
The second stage, by the grace of God, is self through the valley of humiliation to
the valley of humiliation. And don‘t miss the praise of God. Verse 34:
that word grace! God bends our stiff necks At the end of the days I, Nebuchadnezzar,
and pushes our face to the ground because lifted my eyes to heaven, and my reason
that‘s where the streams of life are returned to me, and I blessed the Most
flowing. Verse 31: High, and praised and honored him who
While the words were still in the king‘s lives forever.
mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, ―O What is the biblical opposite of pride? This
King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is spoken: text teaches that the opposite of pride in
The kingdom has departed from you, and man‘s strength is praise for God‘s
you shall be driven from among men, and sovereignty. This is what Nebuchadnezzar
your dwelling shall be with the beasts of sings about when his sanity returns. Verse
the field; and you shall be made to eat 34b–35:
grass like an ox.‖ His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
―Pride puts man in a class with the beasts and his kingdom endures from generation
of the field.‖ to generation; all the inhabitants of the
earth are accounted as nothing; and he
Tweet does according to his will in the host of
Share on Facebook heaven and among the inhabitants of the
I call this the valley of humiliation because earth; and none can stay his hand or say to
it is a long way down from being the king him, ―What doest thou?‖
of Babylon to being a beast in the field. This is Nebuchadnezzar talking here! This
The reason God made Nebuchadnezzar act is what the valley of humiliation is for.
like an ox that eats grass, with hair as long The opposite of bestial pride is a song of
as eagles wings and nails like a bird‘s praise to the sovereignty of God.
claws — the reason he did that was to
show us the bestiality of pride. When man
tries to become like God, he becomes like Two Revolutions
an animal. Pride puts man in a class with Two great revolutions take place as you
the beasts of the field. That‘s the point of come out of the valley of humiliation on
Nebuchadnezzar‘s insanity. the way from the pride of man to the praise
of God.
One is an intellectual revolution, a An Application to the Coming Election
revolution in the way you think about God. I close with a simple application of the text
It is described in verse 32b. The voice to the election. One simple and awesome
from heaven says that Nebuchadnezzar truth: God will choose the President of the
will eat grass like an ox ―until you have United States. Verse 32b:
learned [know, acknowledge] that the The Most High rules the kingdom of men,
Most High rules the kingdom of men and and gives it to whom he will.
gives it to whom he will.‖ The biblical God will give the presidency to whom he
way out of the valley of humiliation is a will. Now there are two things this does
revolutionary change in the way we think not mean:
about God. The truth that God rules the 1. It does not mean that you should not vote.
kingdom of men must grip your mind, and God will govern the election by governing
the sovereignty of his will must become the voters. ―He does according to his will
the deep solid foundation of all you in the hosts of heaven and among the
thinking. inhabitants of the earth [even the USA]‖
The other revolution that takes place as (Daniel 4:35).
you come up out of the valley of 2. It does not mean that God will approve all
humiliation is an emotional revolution, a the policies of the man who wins.
revolution in the way we feel about God. Sovereign rule over sinful men is no
Nebuchadnezzar was persuaded in his endorsement of their deeds.
head now that the slogan ―By my power God will choose the president. And there
and for my glory‖ is the slogan of an ox or are two things that this does mean:
an ass in the field. The true slogan is now 1. It means that the winner should not boast
―By God‘s might and for God‘s glory.‖ He like Nebuchadnezzar and say, ―By my
learned in the valley of humiliation. power and my wisdom I have won this
―The only person who does justice to the presidency.‖ But he should be humbled
sovereignty of God is the person who sings under the mighty hand of God ―who rules
about it.‖ the kingdom of men and gives it to whom
he will.‖
Tweet 2. It means that you should take heart and be
Share on Facebook encouraged by the sovereignty of God in
But he didn‘t just learn it in his head, he this election. If your candidate is elected,
felt it in his heart. That‘s the point of verse or if he is not, God reigns!
34, ―I blessed the Most High, and praised His purposes will ripen fast
and honored him.‖ The only person who Unfolding every hour;
does justice to the sovereignty of God is The bud may have a bitter taste,
the person who sings about it. Watch out But sweet will be the flower.
for a person who wants to talk about the Blind unbelief is sure to err,
sovereignty of God but has no song in his And scan his work in vain;
heart. The biblical opposite of pride is not God is his own interpreter,
pondering the sovereignty of God, but And he will make it plain.
praising the sovereignty of God —
delighting in it, resting on it.
I hope that‘s the story of your journey this
morning. It‘s the only journey that leads to
heaven. Three stages: from the pride of
man through the valley of humiliation to
the praise of God. Wherever you are on the
road, take another step toward God and
away from pride.

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