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Theories in industrial psychology

Job satisfaction theories

 The affect theory,
 Two-factor theory,
 Dispositional theory, and
 Job characteristics model.

Leadership theories
 Contingency theory of leadership
 Transformational theory of leadership
 Transactional leadership theory
 Great man leadership theory
 Behavioural leadership theory
 Cognitive resource theory (CRT)
 Situational leadership theory

General Theories
 Hobfol’s Conservation of Resources Theory
 Self-determination Theory
 P-O Fit Theory
 Performance Theories
 Job-demand Theory
 Social Cognition Theory

Work Engagement theories

 Work Engagement Theory

Organisational Commitment theories

 Affective Commitment Theories

Motivation Theories
 Incentive theory. ...
 McClelland's need theory. ...
 Competence theory. ...
 Expectancy theory. ...
 An Internal Mechanical Theory: Maslow’s Need Theory
 An External Mechanical Theory: Reinforcement Theory
 Person-as-Scientist Theories: Vroom’s VIE Theory
 Person-as-Scientist Theories; Equity Theory
 Person-as-Intentional Approaches
o Goal-Setting Theory
 Control Theories and the Concept of Self-Regulation
o The Concept of Self-Efficacy in Modern Motivation Theory
o Action Theory
 Porter and Lawler’s Expectancy Theory:
 Vroom’s Expectancy Theory:
 Argyris’s Theory:
 Urwick’s Theory Z
 McGregor’s Participation Theory
 Herzberg’s Motivation Hygiene Theory
 Goal-setting theory
 Intrinsic motivation and self-determination theory in human behaviour

Stress theories
 Transactional Theory of Work Stress
 Interactional Theories of Stress
 Person–Environment Fit Model
 Job Demands–Control–Support Model
 Conservation of Resources
 Allostatic Load Model of Stress
 Cooper and Palmer’s Model of Work Stress

Performance theories
 Expectancy
 Equity theory
 Individual differences perspective
 Situational perspective
 Performance regulation perspective

Personality theories
 Personality Theory
 FFM/Five-Factor Theory

Diversity, inclusion and identity

 Social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1986)
 Gender-schema theory
 Self-determination-theory
 intergroup contact theory.
 Identity theory
 Independent versus Interdependent Self-Construal Theory
 Social role theory
 Social learning theory

Intention (e.g., turnover intention) and Behaviour

 Theory of reasoned action Ajzen and Fishbein (1980)
 Theory of planned behaviour

Justice and citizenship theories:

 Expectancy theory
 Equity theory
 Fairness theory
 Justice theory

Career choice theories

 Holland’s theory.
 Super’s theory

Job characteristics model

 Attribution theory
 Behavioural Theory of Labour Negotiations: Empowerment theory

Other theories
 Personal Construct Theory
 The Janis groupthink model

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