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With the progress of technology and internet speed, like Starlink technology in space for instance or

the 5g and 6g antennas, the connected devices will handle important and stable flow of data
worldwide, and help create more advanced technologies based on gamification.

Unity recently started working with automotive engineers, to build and test cars virtually, which
reduced considerably the cost in R&D. The same thing happened with cinema industry, the
Stagecraft technology, produces movies without the hassle of shooting in different locations around
the world.

The field which will also benefit from the gaming system, is the virtual reality (Metaverse), with e-
service, e-work, e-learn. They will al benefit from the gaming tech, to build interactive platforms that
help a better learning system and decentralize jobs and services. For instance, The Barbados
government has recently created the first embassy in the metaverse. Many governments will follow.

The virtual real estate is another flourishing business, it attracts many commercial and industrial
brands to own a piece of virtual real estate, protected with blockchain and it represents a strong
asset for different companies, to establish their virtual trades, e-work, e-services etc..

The Gamification of industry with help of Ai and Robotics, is one of the hot topics now, the principle
of simulation games will be soon adopted in factories and industrial facilities, to help producing
physical products remotely.

Transportation would benefit from gaming system as well, for instance the development of
autonomous and remotely operated vessels and ferries by ABB Ability™. Another example is the
delivery robots, created by a startup named starship, based in Helsinki.

The dangerous trainings that require expensive equipment and hazardous situation, could adopt
realistic and advanced gaming simulation technology, with help of VR glasses and haptic gloves.

Marketing and advertisement will also use tools, in gaming platforms to attract massive audiences
with creation of immersive billboards and interactive shops in metaverse.

Space technology is already using AI and gaming tech to handle in real-time spaceships and rovers,
to explore other planets.

The effort of Goodlife technology is honorable and uses gaming systems for good cause, to enhance
patients’ life. The idea is impressive, and it must be supported by other sponsors and institutions.

Zoan is working intensively to achieve realism in metaverse, if it succeeds, it will be an excellent

medium for e-learn, e-travel, and e-work techs.

Perspectives: Aleppo-Helsinki by teatime Research ltd, creates powerful awareness, when showing
the dangers of war via VR, mainly in current critical situation in the world. Their messages could help
the mental wellbeing of people and the decisions made by politicians.

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