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Name : Ghaida Yasmin Ahadira

NPM : 202012500017
Class : R6D

Part A

1. C. The man should have a driving license to work as a pizza delivery guy.
Clue : Do you have a driving license
2. A. Follow the man.
Clue : Come follow me
3. A. A car advertisement.
Clue : I’m calling about the car that was advertised on the notice board
4. D. She had a problem with her tooth
Clue : I missed it because i had to go to the dentist.
5. A. He didn’t think it would be quite expensive.
Clue : but the bills add up to $750
6. A. To get treated the same way she treats the women.
Clue : She has a taste of her own medicine (idiom)
7. C. He doesn’t know about the delay.
Clue : had you told me, i wouldn’t come now.
8. D. To make a room reservation for him.
Clue : Do you need me to book a room…
9. D. They are not on speaking terms.
Clue : She(Naomi) backstabbed me by going out with my boyfriend.
10. C. The woman can only check in two places of her luggage.
Clue : The limit is two pieces per passenger.
11. B. To control and deal with her emotion.
Clue : She needs to get a grip on herself.
12. B. The man’s favorite song.
Clue : What is your go-to song
13. D. They can stop working for today.
Clue : Let’s call it a day (Idiom)
14. D. In Seattle.
Clue : Because of the storm in Seattle
15. C. Sandra looks uncomfortable
Clue : She looks like a fish out of water (Idiom)
16. A. The woman doesn’t have the money to help the man.
Clue : Don’t look at me
17. A. In a bookstore.
Clue. : Total comes & Business course (Business book)
18. C. The woman hasn’t been in touch with Anna.
Clue : i haven’t heard from Anna since last month
19. A. She doesn’t appreciate the man.
Clue : She took me for granted
20. A. To ask for a leave of absence.
Clue : It’s not a good time to ask for time off next week
21. A. He is a allergic to fish.
Clue : is there any food that doesn’t agree with you? Fish.
22. A. She always repated herself.
Clue : She sounded like a broken record.
23. C. She disagrees with the man.
Clue : I beg to differ. (Idiom) Disagree with someone
24. C. He spends most of his time sitting and watching television.
Clue : The couch potato (Idiom)
25. A. The interview didn’t go well.
Clue. : I blew it. (Idiom)
26. B. Check the sound file’s location.
Clue : Have tou saved the sound files in the same folder with your presentation?
27. C. Hannah isn’t acting like herself.
Clue : She used to be extremely efficient, but lately, she’s become a bit absent minded.
28. B. It’s too early to make a reservation
Clue : You’ll need to call next Monday then.
29. B. Martin’s typing is slower than hers.
Clue : I can type faster than Martin
30. B. A repair service.
Clue : Photocopier is broken, ABC Services.

Part B

31. B. To learn about the locals’ way of living.

Clue : to find out more about the way people lived there.
32. D. An English teacher.
Clue : I eneded up teaching English there
33. A. Through an agency.
Clue : i found an agency that runs all kinds of voluntary projects
34. D. The locals were reluctant to talk to him.
Clue : it was a very remote village and some of them were reluctant to speak to me
35. A. His clothes
Clue : although they were always interested in my clothes
36. B. To a health club.
Clue : i’m going to my health club this afternoon.
37. C. She wants him to try it out.
Clue : You could try it out if you want to take out a membership.
38. D. Just about anything.
Clue : This health club has all kinds of exercise machines and classes, a track, racquetball
courts, and a sauna.
39. D. Visit the club once.
Clue : i guess it can’t hurt to try it just once.
40. B. At 3.45 PM
Clue : How about a quarter to four?

Part C

41. C. Managing time.

Clue : Time is a very important commodity when you are a university student.
42. B. Do a 9-to-5 job. (Start at 9 am and leave at 5 pm.)
Clue : perhaps hold down a part-time job.
43. A. A personal time-management training program.
Clue : One valuable tool in time management is to monitor how you spend your time for a
44. B. Seven days.
Clue : I know that it is bothersome to write all of this information down for a week, but
benefits of such study can be great.
45. C. Make an appointment.
Clue : At the end of this week you should make an appointment with me to discuss your
46. D. Inside an airplane
Clue : Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight.
47. C. Flight 86 A.
Clue : First i’d like to welcome everyone on Rightwing Flight 86A.
48. B. 1.25 PM.
Clue : The time is 1.25 p.m
49. C. London
Clue : .. and with the tailwind on our side we are expecting to land in London approximately
fifteen minutes ahead of schedule.
50. C. Light snack
Clue : The cabin crew will be coming around in about twenty minutes time to offer you a
light snack and beverage

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