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Technical Report

Project Methodology
Gloria Geraldine Kalvadet

Word count
Summary: 250 | Main text:455
Table of Contents

1. Summary 3

2. Body 4
2.1. Introduction 4
2.2. Main section of report 4
2.3. Conclusion 4

3. References 5

4. Acknowledgements 6

5. Appendices 7
1. Summary

This is a conclusion on how I think I would organize the phases of the plan to create my
semester project. This is the detailed explanation of the creation of my Trello board and why
I chose this order.

2. Body

2.1. Introduction

I didn’t know what Trello was before the Project Methodology subject, but I realized it’s a
splendid tool for organization, which is in fact, my weakness. Since none of us has got any
information about what the semester project will be, I have organized my Trello plan on the
phases that I have experienced to go through in the Design subject and HTML/CSS subject.
All my cards are open to any change if needed. But I consider that they have been organized
in order of importance, and that is something I would like to present to you and explain to
you in detail with this report.

2.2. Process:

1st Phase:
The first phase is the planning part, in which I will go over the semester project, understand
the requirements and choose one of the normally three options of the project given.

2nd Phase:
The second phase is divided in 3 Groups of design process:
Design part 1: I will create a prototype and make a HiFI wireframe on how I want the website
to look.
Design part 2: After setting up my prototype on Figma, I will go into details on what I think it
could be missing. Probably, I will add some more UX details according to my developer
Design part 3: In this part I will test the design created and go over possible breakpoints that
would need to be fixed.

3rd Phase:
The third phase is also divided in 3 groups of development process:
Development part 1: I will organize all my tools that I’ve got and also files.

Development part 2: With the reference of my Figma design. I will develop my website,
adding all the tools needed.
Development part 3:This is where you test the Progress you made and if it is ready, deliver

2.3. Conclusion
With this plan, I really consider I have covered all the steps of the process for a successful
semester project delivery. As I said, I am flexible and open to changes and edits. I am really
excited to test my skills that I have learned in the past few months.

3. References

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