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Level 1 – posterior(subscapular), anterior (pectoral), lateral (axillary vein group=humoral)

= lateral to pec minor

Level 2 – behind pec minor = central + intrapectoral

Level 3 – medial to pec minor = apical (supraclavicular)

** Veins = axillary vein + internal thoracic vein

1. What is hidradenitis suppurativa
The condition occurs when hair follicles fill with sweat, keratin, and bacteria. This causes them to
become blocked and inflamed. Tx: incision and drain
2. LCIS only develops in female
3. LCIS → the average age at diagnosis is 45 years, which is approximately 15 to 25 years younger than
the age at diagnosis or invasive breast cancer.
4. TRAM flap: This technique uses skin, fat, and muscle from the lower abdomen to create a new
breast. The tissue is taken from the lower abdomen and transferred to the chest area to create a
new breast mound. There are two types of TRAM flaps: the pedicled TRAM flap, which keeps the
tissue attached to its original blood supply, and the free TRAM flap, which involves removing the
tissue and reconnecting it to blood vessels in the chest.
5. DIEP flap: This technique is similar to the TRAM flap but uses only skin and fat from the lower
abdomen, without removing any muscle. The tissue is carefully removed and reconnected to blood
vessels in the chest to create a new breast mound.

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