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Elyon Donalar R.

9 - Cinnamon
Leonardo da Vinci studied
all things scientific and was
a painter, engineer,
architect, and inventor.
Today, he is still best known
for two of his paintings,
"The Last Supper" and
"Mona Lisa." Largely self-
educated, he filled dozens
of secret notebooks with
inventions, observations,
and theories about pursuits
ranging from aeronautics to
human anatomy. His natural
genius crossed so many
disciplines that he
epitomized the term
"Renaissance man." He was able to design the bicycle, the helicopter, and an airplane based on
the anatomy and flying abilities of a bat because to his mix of intellect and creativity.
Da Vinci had many interests besides only great art. He conducted extensive research on a
variety of topics, including nature, mechanics, anatomy, physics, architecture, and weapons. He
frequently produced precise, functional blueprints for inventions like the bicycle, helicopter,
submarine, and military tank that would not be realized for generations. He was "like a guy who
awoke too early in the darkness, while the others were all still asleep," as Sigmund Freud put it.
Da Vinci's many interests might be said to be united by a number of themes. Most significantly,
he held that "saper vedere" (or "learning how to see") was essential to experiencing life to the
fullest extent possible and that it was humanity's most vital sense. He believed that the fields of
science and art should inform one another rather than being seen as separate but
complementary disciplines.
Da Vinci left many of his paintings and projects unfinished, probably as a result of his wide
range of interests. He devoted a lot of time to immersing himself in nature, testing scientific
theories, dissecting human and animal corpses, and reflecting on and documenting his findings.
Leonardo Da Vinci definitely made a great impact on the field of Arts. Made one of the Greatest
Artwork ever, The Mona Lisa. ‘Till this day nobody has every come close to the skill and talent
that Da Vinci Has and his Artworks still is sold in a very expensive price and just keeps on going
up and up.

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