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Introduction to

Hormones and how

to help naturally
Integrative Health and Fitness LLC
dba Coaching w/ Connie

2022 March 23
About Me

I'm a multiple certified nutrition health coach with a certification

in Personal Training as well. I help busy women restore their
metabolism and hormones without extreme dieting and lifestyle


What hormones I will be discussing today, and what and how they
affect your body, what can be done naturally and what
supplements one can take to ease some symptoms before asking
for a medical prescription. I'll review Estrogen, Testosterone, and
Progesterone. This will not go in depth but just serves a purpose of

DISCLAMER: I'm NOT a DR. nor do I practice as one or override

what your Dr has in place for you. This information is not intended
to treat or diagnose any medcal condition that you may have.
What is it and where is produced? Estrogen gets a bad rap. However, we
actually do need it. There are 3 forms of estrogen in our bodies.

- estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3)

All 3 estrogens mainly come from the ovaries in women but in men
and women they come from, body fat, the conversion of
androstenedione and from testosterone through a process called
aromatization. Lastly, they also produced from the adrenal glands.
Estrone ( E1) is the second most powerful estrogen following
estradiol E2. E1 is the primary estrogen in the female body following
menopause. . Estradiol (E2): is the major estrogen created primarily
by the ovaries in peri menopausal women. E2 is the most potent and
active form of estrogen circulating in the body.( E3) Estriol is the
predominat estrogen made when women are pregnant. While E3 is
the least powerful estrogen in non-pregnant women, being about 80
times weaker than E2, it does have protective qualities against the
more potent estrogens (E1 and E2). The main function of estrogen is
growth and sexual features in growing females.
Low Estrogen symptoms:

Hot flashes, Low energy levels, Night sweating, Repeated urinary

tract infections , Inability or difficulty urinating , Vaginal dryness ,
Painful intercourse , Migraines or headaches , Brain fog Trouble
concentrating ,Forgetting things easily / weakened memory , Low
self-esteem or depression , Anxiety , Mood swings ,Crying easily /
Excessive crying , Inability to sleep through the night ,Fatigue ,
Thinning hair , Facial hair ,Dry skin , Mid-section and hip area weight
gain , Achy joints or recurrent joint pain.
High Estrogen Symptoms:

Aggravated PMS symptoms , Erratic or heavy menses , Heavy water

retention or bloating ,Tender breasts , Overall weight gain ,
Migraines or headaches , Brain fog, Mood swings , Low self-esteem
or depression , Crying a lot and hypersensitivity Bad temper or
getting easily irritated , Low sex drive ,Interrupted sleep , Cravings
for sugary foods , Higher sensitivity to histamines High Estrogen
Symptoms , Formation of cysts in the breasts or fibrocystic breasts ,
Uterine fibroids , Endometriosis , Hypo/Hyperthyroid problems ,
Gallbladder problems , Blood sugar problem.

As you can see from the symptoms many are the same so a
blood test can actually determine that. The best time to test
is during 19-21 from the start of your period, if you don't
have one then just pick a day. Be aware that activity the day
of can affect numbers and also stay hydrated. Foods that
can help, during the first 1-14 day add in flaxseed and
pumpkin seeds, day 15-28 add in sesame and sunflower
seeds. If you don't have a period, then just do the " seed
cycling" for 2 weeks and rotate. Limit toxins, dairy and
gluten, and especially alcohol. Your liver actually helps clean
out excess hormones.
Supplements that can help boost or metabolize estrogens
are: DIM, Maca Root ( yellow) ,Boron, Phyto estrogenic
foods. It's always best to clean up lifestyle and nutrients
before adding a supplement. Remember that everyone is
diffrent so depending on each person, this may/ not help.

For high estrogen: DIM, CALCIUM D-GLUCARATE (CDG), and

broccoli seed extract.
Testosterone: What is it and where does it come from?
All steroid hormones are primarily secreted by one of three glands,
the testes, ovaries and the adrenal cortex, and even by the placenta
during pregnancy during pregnancy. In both males and females,
luteinizing hormone (LH) is the signal that comes from the pituitary
gland that stimulates the testicles and the ovaries to produce
testosterone.Testosterone in females also has numerous roles as it
is essential for bone strength and the promotion of lean muscle
mass and strength. Testosterone in females adds to a women’s level
of health, welfare, and energy levels
Symptoms of low testosterone: Low libido (decreased sex
drive), Decreased sexual function ,Decreased muscle mass
and strength,Difficulty concentrating, Brain fog, Higher
amount of aches and pains ,Wrinkled and old skin,Thinning
hair/skin ,Hot flashes ,Inability to go to the bathroom,
Depression, Higher levels of worry, anxiety, and fear, Lack
of drive (feeling unmotivated) ,Low self-esteem /low self-
confidence ,Inability to make quick decisions ,Tiredness
,Weight gain (especially in the mid- section/accumulating
visceral fat)
Symptoms of high testosterone:
Irritability or aggression, Lack of impulse control, Infertility
problems, Thinning hair on the top of the head (male
baldness) ,Acne or oily skin ,Facial hair growth, chin hair,
or chest hair in women , Enlarged prostate (men) ,Deeper
voice, Weight gain (especially mid-section/visceral organs)
,Failure to sleep throughout the night ,High blood
pressure  Ovarian cysts (women )
Supplements that can potentially help low testosterone.
Forskolin , tongkat ali, shilagit, mucuna pruriens, Boron

Supplements for high testosterone:

EGCG, Saw Palmetto, Inisotol, Peony and licorice.

PLEASE NOTE: Consult your PCM before randomly taking any supplements as these
may have adverse reactions. This is just a guide.
Progesterone is another steroid hormone that is
created predominantly in the ovaries of menstruating
women and by the corpus luteum after ovulation. The
corpus luteum is the fleshy tissue that remains,
following the release of the ovum during ovulation.
Progesterone is also released by the adrenal glands in
women. Progesterone is mainly manufactured from
The primary functions of Progesterone are:
Progesterone fuels and controls a large number of functions in
the body for both men and women, however, it plays a much
greater role in females. As in women, its primary duty involves
regulating ovulation, controlling and synchronizing periods,
maintaining sexual desire and helping to ensure a healthy
pregnancy. However, having elevated levels of progesterone is
usually not a significant problem for most, but it can however be
indicative of a number of issues, especially if estrogen and
testosterone levels are low.
Symptoms of low progesterone:
PMS 7 to 10 days before period, headaches or migranes
around period, anxious feeling, painful, heavy, difficult
periods, tender or swollen breast before menses,
agitated, irritable or weepy before menses, restless legs.
If progesterone is out, them most likly all other hormones
are out as well.
In women, progesterone balances estrogen. As we age,
progesterone is the first hormone to decline in perimenopause
(Which is why estrogen dominance or erratic estrogen is very
common), then following progesterone then estrogen declines,
and then lastly testosterone
Supplements for progesterone:

Vitex - Chaste Berry, MACA root, Oregano Oi, Bladderwrack. There

are creams but that's not a supplement and they don't
work as well as micronized pill.

REMEMBER always try and help

hormones with proper nutrition,
eliminate foods or drinks that will

cause inflammation, exercise,
sleep, stress reduction, lifestyle
change. No matter what you take
nothing will help until
the above is addressed.
This is intended for information only. It is not
intended to treat, diagnose, or override what you and
you DR has in place. I personally don't start with
supplements until nothing else has worked and my
client doesn't want to go on birth control pills or some
other form of HRT. Please be advised some
supplements may contraindicate your own medical

Integrative Health and Fitness LLC


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