The Anathemist Development

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The Epic Bloodhunter Class

The Anathemist
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● Anathemist Level 20 - The acts of hunting evil and manipulating hemocraft requires
dedicated practitioners with willpower.
● Slay an Epic Foe - At the DM’s discretion, you may be required to defeat a mighty
opponent of tremendous power. This enemy must be the greatest threat you have
ever faced and represent a tremendous achievement in your adventuring career.
DMs are encouraged to make this foe a creature of great power that pushes a
character to its limits. The creature need not be defeated single-handedly but should
always be of considerable challenge.
● Epic Trial: eat the ultimate hunter’s bane: hunt an epic creature / monster and
integrate a part of it into yourself

Class Table
The Anathemist

Level Prestige Class Features Proficiency Hemocraft Blood

Bonus Die Maledict

21st Ability Score Improvement, Epic Feat, Crimson +6 1d12 5/rest

Sacrament, Abhorrent Bonds

22nd Anathemic Augmentations +6 1d12 5/rest

23rd Ability Score Improvement +7 1d12 5/rest

24th Sensory Augmentations +7 2d6 6/rest

25th Ability Score Improvement, Epic Feat +7 2d6 6/rest

26th Epic Bloodhunter Order +7 2d6 6/rest

27th Ability Score Improvement +8 2d8 7/rest

28th Health Augmentations, Brand of Destruction +8 2d8 7/rest

29th Ability Score Improvement, Epic Feat +8 2d8 7/rest

30th Become the Monster, Deathpact Augmentations +8 2d10 8/rest

As an anathemist, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per anathemist level
Hit Points per Level: 1d10 (or 6) + your constitution modifier per anathemist level

Saving Throws: You gain proficiency in a single saving throw of your choice

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 21st level, and again at 23rd, 25th, 27th, and 29th level, you can increase
one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
1. You can’t increase an ability score above 30 using this feature.

Epic Feat
When you reach 21st level, and again at 25th and 29th level, you may select one Epic feat
from the Epic feat list detailed in chapter 3. You may forgo taking an Epic feat to instead
increase an ability score of your choice by 4, or you can increase two ability scores of your
choice by 2. You cannot increase an ability score above 30 using this feature.

Crimson Sacrament
At 21st level, you continue weaponizing your vitality in the methods of a blood hunter. The
number of times you can use your blood maledict continues to increase as you advance as
an anathemist, as shown on the Blood Maledict column of the anathemist class progression.
Additionally, you can roll 1d12 in place of the normal damage of your crimson rite. This die
changes as you gain levels as an anathemist, as shown in the Hemocraft Die column of the
anathemist class progression table.

Abhorrent Bonds
Also at 21st level, your connection to darkness only grows stronger as it binds to your soul
as much as your blood. When you make a check enhanced by your Hunter’s Bane or Grim
Psychometry Blood Hunter features, you can roll your hemocraft die and add the result to
the check. You then lose a number of hit points equal to the total roll of the check, after all
modifiers are applied. The information you glean from these checks usually take the form of
visions, nightmares or other sensory hallucinations.

Once you succeed on a check with this ability you cannot use it again until you expend a use
of your blood maledict to do so or until you finish a short or long rest.

Anathemic Augmentations
At 22nd level you undergo an intense physical transformation that fundamentally changes
your body. You gain one of the following features, called augmentations, of your choice:
● Unholy Prowess
○ You imbue yourself with a dark swiftness and accuracy, increasing your acuity
and lethality. You gain an additional action on your turn, which can be used to
take any action or bonus action other than the Attack, Ready, Invoke a Blood
Curse or Cast a Spell actions. Additionally, when you would miss with a
weapon attack benefiting from your crimson rite, you can add one roll of your
hemocraft die to the attack roll, potentially turning the attack into a hit. You
then lose hit points equal to the number rolled on the hemocraft die.
● Adrenaline Surge
○ You can empower your weapon attacks with your own vitality to devastating
levels. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can expend a
number of Hit Dice up to your character level. For each Hit Die spent this way,
roll the die and add it to the damage of the attack. You then lose a number of
hit points equal to the damage dealt from this feature, including additional
damage dealt on a critical hit.
● Sanguine Malison
○ When you take the attack action, you may use a blood curse as part of that
attack action. When doing this, you may only use blood curses that would
normally require an action or bonus action to use. Additionally, when you
amplify a blood curse, and it grants a creature advantage or disadvantage,
you may instead grant epic advantage or disadvantage.
You may forgo a long rest and gain one level of exhaustion to change the Augmentation you
chose with another one from the list.

Sensory Augmentations
At 24th level your senses are enhanced to a supernatural and almost dangerous degree.
You gain two of the following features of your choice, which are non magical effects:
● Predator’s Sight
○ You can see up to 100 miles away with no difficulty, able to discern even fine
details as though looking at someone no more than 100 feet away from you.
You can choose to see through creatures partially or fully, allowing you to see
behind them or see their innards.
○ You add your Intelligence modifier to your Wisdom (Perception) checks.
○ Additionally, you have Truesight to a range of 100 feet. If you already have
truesight from another source, the range of your truesight instead increases
by 100 feet.
● Hearing
○ Your hearing is so acute and empowered by your connection to the dark that
you can almost hear the malevolent thoughts of other creatures. You know if a
creature you can hear bears ill intentions towards you or your companions,
and you cannot be surprised so long as you aren’t deafened.
○ You add your Intelligence modifier to your Wisdom (Insight) checks.
○ Additionally, you have Blindsight to a range of 100 feet so long as you aren’t
deafened. If you already have blindsight from another source, the range of
your blindsight instead increases by 100 feet.
● Smell
○ You are able to smell the lingering scents in the air left behind by creatures
passing through. When you first enter a location, you learn the exact number
of creatures that have been there, their sizes, and how long ago they passed
through the area, so long as they have passed through the location less than
30 days ago.
○ You add your Intelligence modifier to your Wisdom (Survival) checks.
○ Additionally, you have Bloodsense to a range of 100 feet, which grants you
the ability to effectively see creatures, but not objects, within that range, and
you know how many hit points they are missing. If you already have
bloodsense from another source, the range of your bloodsense instead
increases by 100 feet.

○ You are able to deduce the properties of objects with your sense of touch.
When you first touch an object or structure, you learn its AC, hit points,
properties, the materials it is made of and who made it. You may gain
additional information about the history of the object or structure, up to the
DMs discresion.
○ You add your Intelligence modifier to your Intelligence (History) checks.
○ Additionally, you have Tremorsense to a range of 100 feet, which can’t be
removed or prevented by any means. If you already have tremorsense from
another source, the range of your tremorsense instead increases by 100 feet.
● Taste
○ Your sense of taste is able to detect the environmental manipulation of other
creatures. You are immediately aware of the regional effects of a creature’s
lair that you enter, as well as what type of creature is making those effects.
Additionally, you become aware of any attempts to manipulate the
environment around you.
○ You add your Intelligence modifier to your Intelligence (Nature) and
Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
You may forgo a long rest and gain one level of exhaustion to change up to two
Augmentations you chose with another two from the list.

Epic Bloodhunter Order


Order of the Ghostslayer

[flavor.txt]. When using your Rite Revival feature, you may instead regain half of your
maximum hit points.

Additionally, when you invoke your Rite of the Dawn, you gain the following benefits:
● You may change the damage dealt with your rite from radiant to righteous.
● If you start your turn and you have no uses of your Blood Maledict left, you regain
1d4-1 uses of the ability.
Order of the Lycan
You become a master of your own Lycanthropy. If a creature would be immune against the
stunned or frightened condition of your Blood Curse of the Howl, they are instead not
immune and have Epic Advantage on saving throws against it. Additionally, you gain the
following features when transformed:
● Monstrous Strikes. You gain a +2 to your melee attack rolls.
● Feral Ferocity. You gain a +2 bonus to your melee damage rolls.
● Strengthened Hide. You are immune to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage
from weapons that are not made out of silver, even if they are magical.

Order of the Mutant

You may concort another mutagen when you finish a short or long rest (for a total of four).
Additionally, you learn one of the three Epic Mutagen Formulas below which you may
concort as part of your mutagens. Unlike regular mutagens, the side effects of these Epic
Formulas cannot be negated with your Strange Metabolism feature.

Neuron Cocktail
Your Intelligence score increases by 4, as does your Intelligence maximum. This can
increase your intelligence score above 30.
Side Effect. Your Strength or Dexterity score (whichever is higher) decreases by 2, as does
your maximum for that score.

So Many Limbs
When you make an attack roll and you do not have disadvantage on the attack roll, you may
roll an additional die and choose which one to use.
Side Effect. You have Epic Disadvantage on all saving throws

Hyperfixated Evolution
You gain immunity to one damage type and one condition of your choice.
Side Effect. You cannot be immune or resistant to any damage type or condition except for
those you picked for Hyperfixated Evolution

Order of the Profane Soul

You gain two additional pact magic slots, and the level of your pact slots increases to 5th.
You learn an additional amount of spells known equal to your anathemist level. Also, when
you use Blood Curse of the Soul Eater, you may instead regain all of your spell slots.
Additionally, if you use your action to take the Attack action, you may cast a spell with a
casting time of 1 action or 1 bonus action as part of that Attack action.

Finally, you also gain a benefit based on the patron you chose when you were advancing as
a blood hunter.

The Archfey
You can cast the epic spell Enigma Masque once without expending a spell slot. You can’t
do so again until you finish a long rest.
The Celestial
You can cast the epic spell Genesis once without expending a spell slot. You can’t do so
again until you finish a long rest.

The Fiend
You can cast the epic spell Spell Sequencer once without expending a spell slot. You can’t
do so again until you finish a long rest.

The Great Old One

You can cast the epic spell Mortifying Apparition once without expending a spell slot. You
can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

The Hexblade
You can cast the epic spell Arcane Absorption once without expending a spell slot. You can’t
do so again until you finish a long rest.

The Undying
You can cast the epic spell Catastrophe once without expending a spell slot. You can’t do so
again until you finish a long rest.

Health Augmentations
At 28th level, you enhance your ability to stay alive as well as your vitality. You gain one of
the following features, called augmentations, of your choice:
● Regenerating Form
○ At the start of each of your turns, you regain 20 hit points. When you gain this
augmentation, choose radiant or fire damage. If you take damage of the
chosen damage type, this trait doesn’t function at the start of your next turn.
You die only if you start your turn with 0 hit points and don’t regenerate, or if
you are slain by a Deific effect.
● Bloodstained Immunity
○ When you would be affected by a spell, you may choose to instead roll your
hemocraft die. If the roll of your hemocraft die is equal to or higher than the
spells’ level (11 for tier 1, 14 for tier 2, 18 for tier 3), the spell does not affect
you. You lose hit points equal to the hemocraft dice rolled.
● Malevolent Resistance
○ When you fail a saving throw you can spend three uses of your Blood
Maledict, and lose hit points by an amount equal to four rolls of your
hemocraft die, and instead succeed on that saving throw.

You may forgo a long rest and gain one level of exhaustion to change the Augmentation you
chose with another one from the list.

Brand of Destruction
Also at 28th level, your brand of tethering gets powered for ultimate destruction, gaining the
● Damage dealt by your Brand of Castigation ignores damage immunities and
resistances, and cannot be prevented. When your Brand of Castigation deals
damage, the branded creature gains a Destruction counter. When you hit a creature
with Destruction counters with an attack, the creature multiplies the damage taken by
the number of Destruction counters it has, and then loses all Destruction counters.
● When you lose hit points from rolling hemocraft dice, the target of your brand loses
that many hit points as well.
● When you score a critical hit against an enemy, you may regain the use of your
brand, if it’s missing.

Become the Monster

At 30th level, you gain the ability to adopt the features of monsters that you face, in order to
better fight them. When you roll initiative, you may select an epic or mythic creature in the
encounter that is hostile to you. The DM selects 3 of its special features and traits from any
part of its statistics. You instinctively gain knowledge of those features, and then you may
choose to gain one of them. Your body visibly mutates in order to accommodate the new
feature. If you gain a legendary action option, you have a number of legendary actions
available equal to the action’s cost. If you gain a mythic action, it operates on initiative count
15 (losing initiative ties). You can only have one feature gained by this ability at a time. If you
choose to gain a new one, you lose the usage of the previous one.

Behind the Screen

The DM has a large amount of control over the Become the Monster ability of Anathemists.
When deciding what features to present as options, consider which will be as Epic as
possible. Don’t give the player access to a feature that simply does not work, such as an
ability that references another that the player doesn’t have. Also consider balance: if a
monster has a single ability which would make the Anathemist far more powerful than any
other party member, consider shying away from presenting it as an option. Similarly, features
such as Magic Resistance can be boring to receive as options. Consider focusing on unique
abilities, such as a Grendelkin’s Juggernaut legendary action. An Anathemist keeps the
ability until they choose to gain a new one, so be wary of giving powerful abilities, or
abilities that increase over time.

Variant Rules
Become the Monster is an ability that can easily become strong or weak for a player.
Deathpact Augmentations is a variant 30th level ability for DM’s who do not wish to run the
risks of a player potentially getting too powerful.

Deathpact Augmentations
At 30th level, you gain the ability to resist minor injuries such as severe internal
hemorrhaging, missing limbs, and decapitation. You gain one of the following features, called
augmentations, of your choice:
● Hemophobia
○ When you would lose hit points while rolling hemocraft dice, you lose half as
many hit points instead. You can’t lose blood by any means, and you are
treated as though you were at your maximum hit points for the purposes of
effects that are altered based on missing health.
● Bloody Pulp
○ You are immune to the unconscious condition. If you would fail a death saving
throw and you didn’t roll it, roll it instead. The DC is equal to half the damage
dealt, or 10, whichever is higher. If you succeed on the saving throw, the
creature that forced the saving throw can choose to lop off a portion of your
body. You suffer no harm from this beyond the limitations inherent in losing
that limb, such as the ability to hold two-handed weapons. If you regain hit
points, you immediately regenerate body parts lost this way.
● Unstable Monster
○ When you roll a hemocraft die, you double the total rolled. When you roll a
hemocraft die and wouldn’t lose hit points as result, you additionally lose hit
points equal to the number rolled. If you would be reduced to 0 hit points by
rolling hemocraft dice, you are restored to a quarter of your hit point

You may forgo a long rest and gain one level of exhaustion to change the Augmentation you
chose with another one from the list.

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