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Ady Veisz Draghia, Ryan Servis


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Ady Veisz Draghia, Ryan Servis

Misty Bourne

Helge Balzer, Ambrose Hoilman, Jason Strutz, BNE Design

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Prisoner 471
Thief of Many Faces
“Betrayal is a beautiful thing.”

Description back at them from a curved mask. Only a handful of powerful

beings have ever known the Prisoner by their original identity,
The figure of a hooded thief is unremarkable among those who and none have ever spoken of or recorded it. The Prisoner al-
reside within cities and towns. Most don’t even think twice when most always encounters others under flawless disguise, so that
they witness the Prisoner, and few are alarmed when the memo- the people they meet don’t realize the thief ’s true identity—on
ry of their encounter with them slips from their minds soon after the contrary, Prisoner 471 can appear as anyone they wish. If one
the Prisoner moves along. Those few who escape the Prisoner’s were to witness the Prisoner between guises, they’d likely see a
notice witness them sans disguise, and those sufficiently strong of blue hood, the sheen of a mirror, and a well-concealed arsenal of
will can recollect only a ghostly visage, a perfect reflection staring roguish weaponry.

Personality: Daring belongings of their neighbors also appeared. These pursuits
of robbery were often deadly for the inexperienced, as
Ideals: Prisoner 471 seeks to constantly improve their craft, justice was served with death or injury if one were caught in
pushing themselves to the limit without regard for others. the act. Records tell of one who always escaped, traveling as
When they don’t risk their life for the thrill, they express a nomad from one village to another to pursue ever-greater
a perverse affection toward people who find themselves spoils. Most believe that this traveler abandoned what they
downtrodden by society (whether they deserve it or not). stole out in the wilds, seemingly uninterested in the prize,
The Prisoner’s affection is typically expressed by assisting rather finding the risk of life and limb as its own reward.
unlawful behavior from the shadows, leaving messages in After a long life spanning several generations extended
thieves’ cant here and there containing valuable information, by magics they stole throughout their storied carrier,
and sometimes joining others under an assumed identity. the daredevil met their end in a thrilling robbery they
attempted on the back of a mighty dragon. The robber’s
Bonds: Having achieved perfect immortality and evaded soul was to be taken to the afterlife, judged and shackled
the prison of the gods, the Prisoner has nothing to fear. forever, but they escaped the ferryman and ventured into
As such, they spend every day of their eternal existence places not meant for mortals, the outer realms beyond
attempting to one-up themselves. This often involves the material plane populated by fiends, celestials, and
years of planning, involving the training of accomplices primordials. Eventually the thief found the fields of the
(unwitting or otherwise) and preparation of assets to as- deceased, where the reaper of the dead tracks all souls,
sist in the execution of their plots, culminating in a grand and the daring traveler stole back from the reaper the
heist or a brutal assassination which will undoubtedly go essence of the Prisoner’s soul. They hid it in a place where
down in history. They are wholly invested in the success not even the gods could reach. Infuriated by this audacity,
of their grand stunts and deal personally with those who the gods invoked their power and imprisoned the thief
seek to intervene. for eternity. The prison held all manner of beings, from
horrid aberrations originating outside of time to mighty
Flaws: Living for the thrill of escape and the spoils of titans who rebelled against their creators. The thief ’s name
crime, the Prisoner is bursting with hubris. Faced with was scoured from history so that their legacy would be
those who couldn’t possibly threaten them, they go out of forgotten, and they were branded Prisoner 471. They were
their way to disarm themselves and fight with improvised unbelievably skilled, and as such, no prison could hold them
weaponry and as many unnecessary flourishes as they for long. Despite the seeming impossibility of such an act,
can manage. In addition, once they think they’ve found they escaped their divine confinement and stole their cell
a challenge they believe will be stimulating, they seek to to serve as their interplanar home. Over eons, the gods
overcome it no matter the effort or time required. themselves forgot the thief ’s original sin and identity. Even
if they had attempted to catch them again, Prisoner 471 had
Legend: When civilizations first began to collect posses- so mastered the gods’ snares and traps, it is unlikely they
sions in the early days of the world, those who coveted the could ever be captured again.

P r i s o n er 471   •   T h i ef o f M a n y Fac e s

Prisoner 471 Should the characters discover a method of permanently dealing

with the Prisoner, their foe is excited by the prospect of true
in Your Campaign death and increases the stakes to absurdity, ensuring their final
act is their tour de force.
The Prisoner is the embodiment of the figurative criminal, a
charlatan without morals who seeks nothing but to cause harm
to others for their own gain, the perfect antagonist for any Challenges
group of do-gooders. A campaign featuring Prisoner 471 can
vary wildly in content depending on what scheme they pursue, Prisoner 471 can pose exploration, social, or combat challenges
but it most easily centers around the conflict between law and to characters who interact with them.
chaos, as the Prisoner’s plans often target figures at the top of
structures of power, those who can provide the most exhilarating EXPLORATION
opposition. The sudden and inevitable betrayals that the Prisoner
may perform on the party will land differently for every group, To an immortal traveler like the Prisoner, the world is a theater
so ensure the players are aware of the style of adventure they’re where they are free to act throughout the ages. Despite this, they
facing when it comes to this antagonist. maintain a fondness for centers of population and spend leisure
time between preparing stunts in grand cities under various
INTRODUCTION guises. This preference results in many opportunities for exploring
urban environments, showing the various organizations that run
The adventure could begin with the party’s goals aligning with cities and governments that are manipulated by the Prisoner to
those of the Prisoner and may even see the players serving as their own ends. Navigating the stage of a planned stunt is more
unwitting accomplices for the thief ’s stunt, resulting in an hazardous than intended for any who aren’t accomplices of the
outcome that both pleases and displeases the party (such as a Prisoner, as traps abound to ramp up the danger and to ward
tyrant being toppled with many innocent victims unnecessarily off those whose conviction in fighting crime doesn’t rise to the
caught in the crossfire). At this stage, they won’t know whether level of risking their lives. Any who fall prey to these traps are
they’ve met the Prisoner, and the most they might learn are left on display, their bodies strung up to indicate the barbarity
stories of daring rogues throughout history who’ve undertaken of the Prisoner. Those who know the cants that thieves use to
similarly dangerous stunts. Whenever these mysterious vagrants mark their surroundings and are familiar with navigating the
get involved, crime seems to be on the rise and chaos takes the urban sprawl find themselves more successful than those who
reigns. are ignorant of these communication methods and locales.

CONFLICT Regional Effects

The demiplane containing Prisoner 471’s lair is riddled with
The more the characters get involved in fighting crime and ac- divine wards, which cause the following effects:
cumulating personal wealth, the likelier they’ll become targets
of the Prisoner. While the party is largely unknown and inex- The Prisoner knows when any currency or object worth
perienced, the Prisoner arranges for others to take them on in at least 1 gp enters or leaves the plane, along with the
their stead, offering bounties for anyone who can steal from the exact nature of that object and its value.
party and deliver the stolen belongings to the Prisoner. This
draws the attention of thieves—both competent and not— Any creature attempting to travel to the plane without the
from all around. If this doesn’t dishearten the characters from Prisoner’s consent must succeed on a DC 28 Charisma
the pursuit of justice, the criminal faces them personally, ap- saving throw or the attempt fails, and that creature cannot
pearing weaker than they really are in order to gauge the exact attempt to travel to the plane again until 1 month has passed.
competency of the party. Should one of these encounters result
in the Prisoner’s defeat, the characters become the targets of Creatures with a Dexterity score of 21 or higher have
the thief ’s next grand stunt. Epic advantage on Dexterity ability checks and attacks
made using Dexterity while within the demiplane.
Prisoner 471’s Lair
An direct encounter with Prisoner 471 only occurs after they’ve The place that Prisoner 471 calls home was once their divine
determined that the characters are worthy of their attention, cage, the cell in which the gods thought to hold them for all
either by word of their deeds and or the party’s successful foiling eternity. When the Prisoner escaped, they moved the cell into a
of the Prisoner’s lesser schemes. When this threshold is met, the mysterious demiplane untraceable by any divination. The place
Prisoner seeks to learn all they can about the party, discovering has long since been redecorated and refurbished with prizes
all they hold dear and putting it on the line. If the characters from throughout the ages, and the ancient wards that were
haven’t discovered a way to end the immortality of the Prisoner meant to bind the Prisoner now serve as advanced security for
or trap them in a way not even the gods could conceive, the best their sanctuary. Outside the prison is a cavern of strange dark-
the characters can hope for is to survive the stunt, as they will blue rock, which winds out into endless tunnels through which
be hounded with the fervor of a revenant until the Prisoner has flows a wind without a source. The true nature of this realm is a
taken whatever it is they seek and has broken the party’s morale. mystery to all but its creator.

P r i s o n er 471   •   T h i ef o f M a n y Fac e s

Exploration Encounters
Between the various environments where the Prisoner resides Charm of Divine Spark. While infused with this spark of
over time, the mysterious demiplane they call home, and the pure divinity, you may manifest it in an unoccupied hand
ancient ruins from the distant past when the Prisoner was as an action. While you hold the spark, you are flooded
still mortal, there are many ways to uncover the secrets of the with fleeting divine power, turning attacks and effects
Prisoner before ever coming face to face with the thief. Any place you produce into Deific effects. Additionally, you may
where something valuable may be held could become the center cast the Epic Spell miracle once, expending the divine
of the Prisoner’s attention, providing the party with competition spark when you do so.
for any loot that may be held within. Encounters relating to the
Prisoner’s past may also be a good way to show the rogue’s powers Hole in the Wall. In apparent uncharacteristic carelessness,
and accomplishments without the party becoming too notable. the enigmatic figure known as Prisoner 471 has left a gateway
into their demiplane open in a dark alleyway within a major
Spark of Potential. A rumor circulates about an ailing deity city. Beyond it can be found the whistling caverns that lead
whose spark may be up for grabs soon, as well as uncanny de- to the lair of the thief, concealed behind countless wards laid
scriptions of its divine domain. Foolhardy rogues and bandits there by ancient gods to entrap the Prisoner. The characters may
from throughout the planes seek to be the ones to claim this great pursue this opportunity to delve further in, discovering treasures
power, as well as the fame and prestige that would undoubtedly forgotten by the ages or some information about their mysterious
come along with it. The source of these rumors is unknown, al- foe. They must decide quickly, for such an opportunity may only
though the characters may suspect Prisoner 471’s involvement in present itself once in a lifetime.
these matters, or at least expect them to be in attendance at this
divine grand heist. Wresting the spark from a dying deity would Palace of Gold. An exclusive auction is announced featuring
require exceptional stealth, agility, and even a little luck. a magical snow globe claimed to originate from the earliest

P r i s o n er 471   •   T h i ef o f M a n y Fac e s

Golden Palace of Onuphrius
Wondrous item, legendary Among the arsenal of tools at the Prisoner’s disposal is a sly
tongue and unparalleled mimicry, not only of appearance and
This slight snow globe contains a miniature resplendent voice but of mannerisms and behavior. The Prisoner revels in
golden palace said to be a replica of an ancient structure acting and gaining the trust of others in order to betray them
from the first great kingdom of mankind. While touching later. Additionally, the Prisoner’s nameless nature means they are
the snow globe, you can use an action to instantly transport able to cause all but those with the strongest will to forget them,
yourself and up to 5 other willing creatures you can see ensuring that they are only known when they wish to be. This
into the demiplane housing the palace it depicts. When means that while the characters may interact frequently with
you do, the snow globe falls to the ground in the space you the Prisoner, the thief is usually under the guise of strangers,
occupied and remains on the ground unattended (unless companions, or even other, lesser antagonists. In the exceptionally
another creature interacts with it). rare occasions when the proverbial mask slips, the Prisoner is
  When you teleport into the Golden Palace, you and
revealed to be incredibly amused by all they witness, bursting
those traveling with you appear in the palace’s magnificent
into fits of unsettling laughter and exclaiming about the charade
foyer. The palace is furnished and decorated as befits
a grand palace, containing magical food sufficient to
that is society, a view brought upon by their immortal nature and
feed 100 people each day in perpetuity. There are 1,000 lengthy self-imposed exile.
near-transparent servants in the palace who attend to
all who enter. The servants cannot speak, attack, or take Social Encounters
any action that would directly harm another creature. The Prisoner is an exceptional actor and a talented rogue, lending
At the GM’s discretion, there are many libraries within them the ability to weave not only through obstacles but also
the palace containing the wisdom of ancient times, and conversations. This results in most meetings with the characters
a character can research the books within these libraries leaving the party completely unaware of the Prisoner’s true
to gain advantage on any ability check pertaining to identity, as they think they are discussing with a person wholly
ancient subject matter. different from who is actually behind the mask. The characters
You may return from the demiplane as an action, may eventually see through the disguise and resist the erasure of
bringing all other creatures within you. When you do, their memory of the encounter, a complication that the Prisoner
you and all affected creatures appear in unoccupied spaces takes in stride, as it increases the tension of every confrontation.
within 15 feet of the snow globe. If you or anyone traveling When selecting characters for the Prisoner to impersonate, begin
with you attempts to bring an object from the palace with day-to-day folk with whom the party might otherwise
outside of it, it vanishes and returns to its original location interact, dropping no hint of the thief ’s true nature, instead using
in the palace.
these conversations for the Prisoner to learn about the characters.
As time moves on, Prisoner 471 chooses bolder guises, taking the
place of important NPCs and imprisoning or disposing of the

Honor among Thieves. The characters are invited to a secret

auction among several powerful, unscrupulous figures. An indi-
vidual claiming to have once been a member of the Nameless
Inmates, Inmate 423, is in attendance. Despite several attempts
on the inmate’s life, they claim to have faked their own death and
escaped the group, although they’re uncertain how long they’ll
remain free, as the others are almost certainly capable of hunt-
ing the escapee down. They offer information about the hiding
place of Prisoner 471’s soul, providing someone can convince
them that they’re competent enough to steal from the ultimate
thief. This could, of course, be a trap, but a chance to discover the
source of the Prisoner’s immortality may only come once.

Two Evils. While on a mission to dethrone a tyrant, one of the

characters receives a missive offering assistance from an individ-
ual who signs the note as Prisoner 471. They explain that they
have common ground in seeing this tyrant taken down and that
days of society and an unknown maker. Rumors abound that both parties would benefit from working together rather than
it may be the key to reaching the place it depicts—the golden butting heads in the same pursuit. To establish a ceasefire, the
palace of King Onuphrius. It is said that his wealth was such mysterious Prisoner invites the character to a glamorous estab-
that he covered his home in bricks of gold. This fantastical lishment at the center of town to discuss details. They offer a
palace of legend has never been discovered, but the implica- weapon, a momentum dagger, to the party to use in the endeavor.
tion of such riches may draw out avaricious nobles and brazen Is the possibility that this may be a trick worth potentially gain-
thieves alike. ing the Prisoner’s aid?

P r i s o n er 471   •   T h i ef o f M a n y Fac e s

it. To make stealing it a challenge, the thief plans to nick the item
Momentum Dagger during battle, disarming and snatching the equipment before
Weapon (dagger), legendary (requires attunement) making a clean getaway. After challenging the characters to a
friendly bout, the Prisoner keeps things lighthearted. It’s just a
The hilt of this dagger forms a repeating loop, mimicking friendly contest until suddenly the weapon is in the thief ’s hand
the shape of an hourglass. Attacks made with a momentum and the Prisoner is sprinting away at top speed. The Prisoner
dagger are considered magical and receive a +3 bonus to won’t die for their sport and drops the weapon if things get out
attack and damage rolls. of hand, but it should be a colorful introduction to this devious
When you critically hit with this magic weapon, the character.
target is incapacitated until the end of its next turn.
Additionally, when you reduce a creature with a challenge
rating of 10 or higher to 0 hit points with an attack from
Battlefield Classification: Lurker
this weapon, you may take an additional turn when the
creature would’ve taken its next turn. If you take this Unless the characters are extraordinary lucky, any combat with
additional turn, you can’t use this ability again until you Prisoner 471 should be on the thief ’s terms. They are too expe-
finish a long rest. rienced and cunning to be caught in a compromising position,
instead ensuring that, if they must fight, they have every advan-
tage possible. A large arena with plenty of shadows and cover
allows them to dodge and hide.
Once battle is joined, note the Prisoner lacks a lot of spe-
cial defenses. They are a mere mortal now, after all, but they
compensate for this relative vulnerability with some extraor-
dinary traits. First among these is Escape Artist, which allows
the Prisoner to escape from any attempt to lock them down.
This feature combined with the Prisoner’s great speed allows
them to deftly avoid traps and obstacles. The Prisoner’s most
important trait is Flawless Sneak Attack. This exceptional fea-
ture lets them deal incredible damage, even if they are severely
disadvantaged. Using the Prisoner’s abilities to negate disad-
vantage and gain advantage is key to making full use of this fea-
ture, so seek every opportunity to grant the Prisoner that extra
edge. Two of the Prisoner’s traits, Escape Artist and Masterful
Maneuverability, can be extra useful if utilized correctly. They
allow the Prisoner to go where the characters cannot follow, an
excellent defense against melee characters who are trying to
keep up.
The Prisoner’s actions are equally significant to its strategy,
with lots of tricky options to fill the battlefield with shenanigans.
Trouble in Paradise. The priesthood of a deity of justice are in Rapier should be used on martial characters to take away their
disarray when their celestial guides proclaim that past convic- favorite toys with its disarming capability, while Venom Bow
tions they’re made in the name of their god are false. There is can take out obnoxious enemies, break concentration, and set
suspicion that the divine host has been subverted by an outside up a powerful synergy with Flawless Sneak Attack, all in one
actor whispering lies, but none can be certain of this allegation. efficient package. The most significant of the thief ’s actions
The party is asked to take the matter to the heavens and seek is Filch. This powerful feature greatly improves their combat
proof of this fraud among the angels. abilities, giving a different effect according to its target. Choose
carefully. The Prisoner is more than experienced enough to
COMBAT know whom to target to get the desired benefit. Don’t neglect
the Thievery action. With such an exceptional Stealth bonus it
Battling Prisoner 471 is like fighting a shadow. They are a slippery, only makes sense to take the Hide action as much as possible.
cunning foe that knows every dirty trick in the book. Knowing Many effects and spells require sight of the target, so a hidden
they’ve stolen a ludicrous amount of wealth and equipment, it is Prisoner is extremely well protected against most manners of
wise to expect the Prisoner to possess all manner of magic items attack.
to wield in combat. Even when caught unprepared, the Prisoner
is a formidable foe. After all, they didn’t become the greatest of Easier Tactics – Making a battle against Prisoner 471 easier
thieves simply by luck. Those who think they have Prisoner 471 on the party involves adjusting the battlefield. The less cover,
cornered are likely to end up with a knife in their gut and all their obstacles, and hiding spots, the harder things are for the thief.
belongings stolen before they can blink. Avoid disarming the martial characters of their favorite weapons
with the Rapier attack. In a similar show of mercy, don’t hit
Combat Encounter Example: Catch and Release characters with low Constitution with Venom Bow. Limit the
Prisoner 471 has set their sights on a weapon in the party’s Prisoner’s movement to no more than 40 feet on a turn. That
possession but has decided to make a bit of sport out of obtaining should be manageable for most characters to keep up with.

P r i s o n er 471   •   T h i ef o f M a n y Fac e s

Prisoner 471
Medium humanoid, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 20 If the target is a creature, the Prisoner can force it to attempt
Hit Points 551 (58d8 + 290) a DC 24 Constitution saving throw, becoming poisoned
Speed 50 ft. for 1 hour on a failure. While poisoned in this manner, the
creature is incapacitated. At the end of each of the creature’s
turns, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on
14 (+2) 30 (+10) 21 (+5) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) 26 (+8) a success. Once a creature succeeds on the saving throw or
Saving Throws Dex +18, Con +13, Wis +12, Cha +16 the poison ends for it, the creature becomes immune to the
Skills Acrobatics +26, Athletics +18, Deception +24, poison for 24 hours.
Perception +12, Performance +16, Sleight of Hand +26,
Filch (Recharge 5–6). The Prisoner touches a creature within
Stealth +18
5 feet of them and steals its power. The target must succeed
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 22
on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or have a fraction of
Languages all
its strength taken from it. When the Prisoner steals power
Challenge 27 (105,000 XP)   Proficiency Bonus +8
from a creature in this manner, they gain one of the following
benefits for 1 minute or until the Prisoner uses this action
TRAITS again. The nature of the benefit is determined by the target’s
highest ability score. If the target has two or more ability
Escape Artist. At the start of each of the Prisoner’s turns, if
scores that are tied for the highest, the Prisoner chooses
the Prisoner would be incapacitated, grappled, or restrained
which benefit they gain.
by an effect, the Prisoner supernaturally escapes, and the effect
ends. Additionally, the Prisoner can supernaturally fit through • Strength. The Prisoner deals an additional 27 (6d8)
openings as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. damage on their weapon attacks.
Expert Thieves Tools. The Prisoner’s equipment and weapons • Dexterity. When the Prisoner succeeds on any saving
are magical. If the Prisoner is disarmed of their weapons or throw and suffers an effect on a success, they instead suffer
their equipment is removed, the affected weapons or equipment no effect.
mysteriously reappear on their person at the start of the • Constitution. The Prisoner gains 90 temporary hit points.
Prisoner’s next turn. • Intelligence. The Prisoner gains immunity to three damage
Flawless Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The Prisoner deals an extra types of their choice other than bludgeoning, piercing, or
70 (20d6) damage when they hit a target with a weapon attack. slashing damage.
This extra damage is increased by 35 (10d6) if the Prisoner has • Wisdom. The Prisoner’s weapon attacks deal psychic
advantage on the attack roll and decreases by 35 (10d6) if they damage instead of their usual damage types.
have disadvantage on the attack roll.
• Charisma. The Prisoner gains a +5 bonus to their AC.
Masterful Maneuverability. While moving, the Prisoner can
Spellbreaker. The Prisoner attempts to sever the structure of
move up and along vertical surfaces and across liquids without
a spell effect they are aware of within reach. When they do so,
they make a melee weapon attack (+18 to hit). If the result of the
Mythic Resistance. If the Prisoner fails a saving throw, they attack roll exceeds 10 + the spell’s level, the effect immediately
can expend one of their unspent legendary actions to succeed ends.
Thievery. The Prisoner takes the Dash, Hide, or Use an Object
Multiattack. The Prisoner makes three attacks, only one of LEGENDARY ACTIONS
which can be with their Rapier or Venom Bow, and takes the
The Prisoner can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Filch, Spellbreaker, or Thievery action.
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
Knife. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 5 ft. or time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The Prisoner
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (1d6 + 10) slashing damage. regains spent legendary actions at the start of each of their turns.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Move. The Prisoner moves up to their speed.
Hit: 14 (1d8 + 10) piercing damage. If the target is a creature
Strike (Costs 2 Actions). The Prisoner makes a Rapier or
wielding a weapon, the Prisoner can force it to attempt a DC
Venom Bow attack.
24 Strength saving throw. On a failure, the creature is disarmed.
As a reaction to when the Prisoner disarms a creature in this Thievery (Costs 2 Actions). The Prisoner uses their Thievery
manner, they may take possession of the weapon. action.
Venom Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, range Filch (Costs 3 Actions). The Prisoner uses or recharges their
120/240 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (1d10 + 10) piercing damage. Filch action.

P r i s o n er 471   •   T h i ef o f M a n y Fac e s

Mythic Prisoner 471

Medium mythic humanoid, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 22 Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +22 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit Points 1,621 (141d8 + 987) Hit: 16 (1d8 + 12) piercing damage. If the target is a creature wield-
Speed 60 ft. ing a weapon, the Prisoner can force it to attempt a DC 27 Strength
saving throw. On a failure, the creature is disarmed. As a reaction
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA when the Prisoner disarms a creature in this manner, they may take
15 (+2) 34 (+12) 25 (+7) 24 (+7) 19 (+4) 29 (+9) possession of the weapon.
Saving Throws Str +12, Dex +22, Con +17, Int +17, Wis +13, Cha +19 Venom Bow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +22 to hit, range 120/240 ft.,
Skills Acrobatics +32, Athletics +22, Deception +29, one target. Hit: 17 (1d10 + 12) piercing damage. If the target is a
Perception +14, Performance +19, Sleight of Hand +32, creature, the Prisoner can force it to attempt a DC 27 Constitution
Stealth +32 saving throw, becoming poisoned for 1 hour on a failure. While
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 24 poisoned in this manner, the creature is incapacitated. At the end of
Languages all each of the creature’s turns, it can repeat the saving throw, ending
Challenge Mythic 4   Proficiency Bonus +10 the effect on a success. Once a creature succeeds on the saving
throw or the poison ends for it, the creature becomes immune to the
TRAITS poison for 24 hours.
Escape Artist. At the start of each of the Prisoner’s turns, if the Filch (Recharge 5–6). The Prisoner touches a creature within 5
Prisoner would be incapacitated, grappled, or restrained by an effect, feet of them and steals its power. The target must succeed on a
the Prisoner supernaturally escapes, and the effect ends. Additionally, DC 27 Constitution saving throw or have a fraction of its strength
the Prisoner can supernaturally fit through openings as narrow as 1 taken from it. When the Prisoner steals power from a creature in
inch wide without squeezing. this manner, they gain one of the following benefits for 1 minute
or until the Prisoner uses this action again. The nature of the
Expert Thieves Tools. The Prisoner’s equipment and weapons are mag- benefit is determined by the target’s highest ability score. If the
ical. If the Prisoner is disarmed of their weapons or their equipment is target has two or more ability scores that are tied for the highest,
removed, the affected weapons or equipment mysteriously reappear on the Prisoner chooses which benefit they gain.
their person at the start of the Prisoner’s next turn.
• Strength. The Prisoner deals an additional 40 (9d8) damage on
Flawless Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The Prisoner deals an extra their weapon attacks.
105 (30d6) damage when they hit a target with a weapon attack.
This extra damage is increased by 70 (20d6) if the Prisoner has • Dexterity. When the Prisoner succeeds on any saving throw and
advantage on the attack roll and decreases by 70 (20d6) if they have suffers an effect on a success, they instead suffer no effect.
disadvantage on the attack roll. • Constitution. The Prisoner gains 200 temporary hit points.
Masterful Maneuverability. While moving, the Prisoner can move • Intelligence. The Prisoner gains immunity to four damage types of
up and along vertical surfaces and across liquids without falling. their choice other than bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.
Mythic Resistance. If the Prisoner fails a saving throw, they can • Wisdom. The Prisoner’s weapon attacks deal arcane damage
expend one of their unspent legendary actions to succeed instead. instead of their usual damage types.
• Charisma. The Prisoner gains a +8 bonus to their AC.
Spellbreaker. The Prisoner attempts to sever the structure of a spell
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Prisoner takes one of effect they are aware of within reach. When they do so, they make
the following mythic actions. The Prisoner cannot use the same action a melee weapon attack (+22 to hit). If the result of the attack roll
option two rounds in a row. exceeds 10 + the spell’s level, the effect immediately ends. If the target
is an Epic spell, the DC to end the effect is 23 for a tier 1 Epic spell,
Arcane Edge (5/Day). The Prisoner snatches magic from thin air and
28 for a tier 2 Epic spell, and 34 for a tier 3 Epic spell.
imbues themselves with deadly power for 1 hour. While so imbued,
when the Prisoner would deal extra damage via their Flawless Sneak Thievery. The Prisoner takes the Dash, Hide, or Use an Object action.
Attack feature, 35 (10d6) of that damage is arcane damage. This effect
is cumulative, to a maximum of 175 (50d6) arcane damage. LEGENDARY ACTIONS
Vanish. The Prisoner vanishes seemingly into thin air, becoming heavily
The Prisoner can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
obscured and nigh imperceptible to all senses until the next initiative
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
count of 20. While in this state, the Prisoner is hidden (detect DC 42)
time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The Prisoner
and immune to any spells or magical effects that could detect them.
regains spent legendary actions at the start of each of their turns.
This effect ends early if the Prisoner makes an attack.
Move. The Prisoner moves up to their speed.
ACTIONS Strike (Costs 2 Actions). The Prisoner makes a Rapier or Venom
Multiattack. The Prisoner makes three attacks, only one of which can Bow attack.
be with their Rapier or Venom Bow, and takes the Filch, Spellbreaker, Thievery (Costs 2 Actions). The Prisoner uses their Thievery action.
or Thievery action.
Filch (Costs 3 Actions). The Prisoner uses or recharges their Filch
Knife. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range action.
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (1d6 + 12) slashing damage.

P r i s o n er 471   •   T h i ef o f M a n y Fac e s

Harder Tactics – A challenging fight against Prisoner 471 is Despite this, and because of their tendency to don disguises
almost always an ambush. Given the thief ’s incredible talents, during their various stunts, few accomplices in their crimes
it shouldn’t be impossible to get the drop on the party. Before are retained beyond any individual plot. These allies serve and
the heroes even know what is happening, they have been support the many personas of the Prisoner, sometimes aware
stabbed, disarmed, and incapacitated. From that point forward, of their duplicitous nature but not knowing their true history.
the characters are on the back foot. Have the Prisoner target Naturally, many whom the Prisoner uses end up dead as par for
the fastest and most perceptive characters. This frees up their the course—their tasks completed and identity subsumed, they
movement and hiding abilities for maximum effect. Be patient. serve no further purpose. Even so, there are those so foolhardy
The Prisoner can afford to retreat and take a turn to set up another and sadistic that they’d continue to take missions from the
dangerous assault, made all the easier if the right characters aren’t Prisoner despite, or perhaps because of, all the risks involved.
in a position to counter this tactical approach. These are the Nameless Inmates, 470 elite assassins, swash-
bucklers, and thieves from throughout the planes who have col-
Mythic Prisoner 471 laborated with the Prisoner, learned of their exploits, and for-
If you are using the mythic statistics for Prisoner 471, you have saken their names to gain the Prisoner’s respect. These nimble,
two new tools in your kit to make things interesting. The first is ruthless killers operate individually for the most part, knowing
Vanish, which works as a mobile source of heavy obscurement only their number and given missions, operating to ensure that
that cannot be overcome. This allows the thief to hide nearly whatever schemes Prisoner 471 intends to undertake go accord-
anywhere, which can bamboozle the characters as they scramble ing to plan. The only way to become one of the Inmates is to cre-
for quick but ineffective solutions. More formidable but less ate and then fill a vacancy among their ranks, as there are never
complicated is Arcane Edge. This grants the Prisoner a high- more than 470 at any time.
powered enhancement to their sneak attack. Arcane damage
cannot be defended against, ensuring the Prisoner always deals
increasingly catastrophic damage. The longer the fight goes on,
the worse this gets. Eventually the characters will struggle to
keep up with its potency as all their defenses fall short.

Mythic Effects
As a mythic creature, the Prisoner causes the following effects:

Insatiable Greed. The Prisoner has a supernatural sense that

detects the presence of valuables in a 300-foot radius centered
on them. The Prisoner senses the presence, exact location, and
value of every object in the affected area with a value of 10,000
gp or higher.

Master of Disguise. Whenever the Prisoner finishes a short or

long rest, they can change their appearance to that of any hu-
manoid. The Prisoner, including their clothing, armor, weapons,
and other belongings on their person, look as the Prisoner desires
it until they choose to end the effect as an action. The Prisoner
can seem up to 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thinner or
thicker. The Prisoner can’t change their body type, so must adopt
a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs.
The changes wrought by this effect hold up to physical in-
spection as though they were real, though the properties of the
Prisoner’s equipment do not change as a result of this effect. To
see through the disguise, a creature can use its action to attempt
a DC 42 Intelligence (Investigation) check, seeing through the Inmate 283. An elven assassin with a penchant for regicide,
disguise on a success. this inmate knows not the true extent of Prisoner 471’s crimes
but finds a kindred spirit in them nonetheless. They wield their
twin scimitars with unparalleled finesse and precision, delivering
Resources death with every slash of their blades.

Prisoner 471 possesses the following resources to further their Inmate 347. The ancient Prisoner 471 tends to associate with the
goal of ever escalating criminal acts. living, but on occasion they make use of an extraplanar asset, the
rakshasa known as Inmate 347. Distant heir of the noble lineage
ALLIES ruling the plane of fire, Inmate 347 abandoned their home in
search of more exotic riches and found themselves pickpocketing
Sympathetic to downtrodden criminals and enemies of law and the Prisoner, who admired their tenacity and sleight of hand
order, Prisoner 471 has many potential allies wherever they go. sufficiently to associate with them rather than assassinate them.

P r i s o n er 471   •   T h i ef o f M a n y Fac e s

Since then, Inmate 347 has served to claim planar goods on behalf Inmate 1. Perhaps the most enigmatic figure aside from their
of Prisoner 471 when the occasion arises, spending the rest of leader, Inmate 1 was the first being to see the Prisoner’s talent
the time amassing their own personal fortune. and conviction rather than blatant villainy. Inmate 1 was once
the advisor of the King Onuphrius, one of the first great kings
of mortals and richest man of his age. The advisor lived an ex-
New Organization: Nameless Inmates travagant life at the king’s side, aiding in the amassing of the
Name: Nameless Inmates realm’s fortunes. Despite this, they saw an end to this rule and
Leadership: Authoritarian wished for the riches of the king to fall into their own hands.
Membership: Large (470 members): thieves, assassins, Inmate 1 accepted the offer of a stranger who promised to aid in
betrayers this venture and used their position to assist in the greatest heist
Alignment: Chaotic evil of the age. The entire castle was taken by some strange ritual
Motto: “The wealth of the realms goes to those who can take it.” and imprisoned within a demiplane accessible only by a snow
Resources: Knowledge, contacts, capable combatants globe bearing its likeness. After this, Inmate 1 sought to remain
Creed: The Nameless Inmates are all individuals who at in the Prisoner’s service, envisioning the power they would gain
some point in time were used, unwittingly or not, as part from such a relationship. It is said they still live to this very day,
of the schemes of Prisoner 471. Most in this position are
gathering information from stolen tomes to assist the Prisoner
slain to tie loose ends, but due to an abundance of skill
in their schemes.
and their love of roguish activities, some are inducted
into this order to assist the Prisoner in their own fields
of expertise. Not all are proficient killers, but all are REWARDS
criminals or betrayers who find no honorable place in
society, instead lurking outside of it. To them, the Prisoner Over their existence, Prisoner 471 has witnessed so much wealth
is a gateway to experiences and wealth they could never as to become desensitized to it. They do not retain most of what
gain alone, and they revel in the Prisoner’s criminal they take, keeping only things of some personal significance
accomplishments. When off duty, each of these operatives or that commemorate a proud accomplishment. Within their
function individually in their own pursuits, awaiting treasure trove lie ancient coinage from their youth, cursed relics
contact from Prisoner 471 to conduct another operation. taken from long-forgotten temples, and mighty artifacts that
When an inmate is slain, the killer may gain the title of would capture the attention of any adventurer. The rest of their
their victim; otherwise, the Prisoner fills the vacancy with wealth is buried in various places throughout the multiverse,
whomever they deem worthy. indicated by a map they keep in their lair that marks the locations
in thieves’ cant.

P r i s o n er 471   •   T h i ef o f M a n y Fac e s

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