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The red blood cell is a crucial cell of the body and makes most of

the cells in your body (Health Encyclopedia, 2014). The shape of a red blood cell

is flattish with an indented center (Health Encyclopedia, 2014). The diameter is 7-8

micrometres and thickness are 2.5 micrometers (Kinnunen, 2011). This is a very

important cell because they carry fresh oxygen from out blood to the rest of the

body (Health Encyclopedia, 2014). Red blood cell gets oxygen from lungs, there

is a protein inside it called hemoglobin, the oxygen gets bonded to it, and then

oxygen is released to tissue cells (Health Encyclopedia, 2014). They also remove

carbon dioxide by bringing it to your lungs and exhaling (Health Encyclopedia,

2014). These cells can change shape making it easy to more through your body

(Bailey, 2019). Red blood cells have a flexible disc shape, it helps increase the

surface area to volume ratio of these small cells (Bailey, 2019). This enables

oxygen and carbon dioxide to diffuse across the cell plasma membrane fast

(Bailey, 2019). Red blood cells are made in bone marrow, and they typically live

for 120 days and then they die (Health Encyclopedia, 2014). An interesting fact is

the human body manufactures 2 million red blood cells per second (Dugdale,

2022). In 1 pint of blood there are 2.4 trillion red blood cells (Community Blood

Center, 2014).
Works Cited

Encyclopedia, Health. “What Are Red Blood Cells?” What Are Red Blood Cells? - Health
Encyclopedia - University of Rochester Medical Center, n.d.,
ContentID=34&ContentTypeID=160. Accessed on November 3, 2022

Bailey, Regina. “Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes).” ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, 28 July 2019,
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November 3, 2022

Dugdale, David C. “Red Blood Cell Production - Health Video: Medlineplus Medical
Encyclopedia.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 Sept. 2022,
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Center, Community Blood. “Blood Fun Facts.” Community Blood Center, 26 May 2014,,to
%207%20times%20that%20amount. Accessed on November 3, 2022

Kinnunen, Matti. “Effect of the Size and Shape of a Red Blood Cell on Elastic Light Scattering
Properties at the Single-Cell Level.” Biomedical Optics Express, Optical Society of
America, 1 July 2011,
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