03-29 LP Short Story Outline

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Stephanie Hedges Grade 6 ELA: Short Stories Mar 29, 2023

Learning Outcomes:
● ELAL6- 3.3.4- Apply tier 3 words in subject-specific contexts.
● ELAL6-5.1.12 - Apply creative thinking processes through experimenting with, evaluating, and
selecting details to produce a desired effect.
● ELAL6-5.1.13 - Analyze the descriptive language and word choice of professional authors as
models for writing
● ELAL6-5.1.14 - Create text that uses imagery, rhyme, dialogue, emphasis, or effect.
● ELAL6-5.1.15 - Create narratives that develop setting, plot, and character using suspense,
figurative language, and dialogue.
● ELAL6-5.1.16 - Enhance personal style and voice through careful selection of words to create
emphasis or effects.

Learning Objectives:
● At the end of the lesson, students will be able to
○ Create an idea for their picture book.
○ Create a basic plot line for their picture book from their idea.

● Plot Outline rough draft (F)
● Think/Pair/Share (F)

● Plot Outline **for differentiation for students who may need this
● “Fireflies”
● Writing Sample Imagery (S)

LESSON PLAN 1 (30 minutes)

Introduction: (10 minutes)

● Introduce vocabulary word:
○ Allusion: a reference to a text, a person, place, or event
○ Irony: when the unexpected thing happens
● Review past vocabulary:
○ Have table groups come up with examples of imagery for the picture prompt
○ Hand the examples in for summative assessment (S)

Lesson: (15 minutes)

● Review picture book project with checklist:
○ Must follow a plot line (exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action,
○ Must be at least 7 pages long
○ 1 metaphor or simile
○ 1 hyperbole
○ 1 alliteration
Stephanie Hedges Grade 6 ELA: Short Stories Mar 29, 2023

○ 2 examples of imagery
○ Be in colour
● Students can use the rest of the period as a work period for their picture books or plot diagrams
(** differentiation). Once they are finished with their plot diagrams, students should pass it off
with the teacher, and then they can begin their picture books.

Conclusion: (5 minutes)
● Congratulate students on their ideas. Am very excited to see how the picture books turn out.

LESSON PLAN 2 (30 minutes)

Introduction: (10 minutes)

● Review past vocabulary

Lesson: (15 minutes)

● Mini Lesson: dialogue and quotation marks
○ Show the students examples of dialogue from “The Lightning Thief”
○ Explain rules for quotation marks and dialogue.
○ Brainstorm as a class other words for said. (Think/Pair/Share as table groups)

● Review picture book project with checklist:

○ Must follow a plot line (exposition, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action,
○ Must be at least 7 pages long
○ 1 metaphor or simile
○ 1 hyperbole
○ 1 alliteration
○ 2 examples of imagery
○ Be in colour
● Students can use the rest of the period as a work period for their plot diagrams. Once they are
finished with their plot diagrams, students should pass it off with the teacher, and then they can
begin their picture books.

Conclusion: (5 minutes)
● Congratulate students on their ideas. Am very excited to see how the picture books turn out.

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