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Modeling Counting

There are many ways to model early number concepts and

counting. For example, when you spoon out food on your child's
plate, count aloud the spoonful as you drop them on the plate.

When coloring, hand your child a crayon and say, "This is one
crayon." Give him two and say, "Here are two crayons." Point to
objects in your house and count them for your child. Make
counting a natural part of your interactions with your child, and
she will not even realize she's learning.

You may find your child will want to count with you. When
possible and safe to do so, allow your child to touch the objects
she is counting as she counts or as you count.

Again, remember that modeling is the most important part of

introducing numbers to your child, and don't get discouraged if he
does not immediately pick up on the task. Simply continue to
model regularly, and your child will eventually begin to learn and
demonstrate understanding.

While coloring, as your child begins to count by ones, you can ask
him to place one object, such as a crayon, in your hand. Wait for
him to respond. If he does not respond, pick up one crayon and
say, "This is one crayon."

Continue to demonstrate periodically. Eventually, your child will

do what you've asked and will place a crayon in your hand. After
he does this consistently, ask him to place two objects in your
hand. When he does this consistently, ask for three and so on.

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