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ALOVERA Course & Section: BSN 2F

GE7: The Contemporary World Score: _______________
Instructor: Mr. Robert-Glenn A. Miguel, Lpt, MAEd (c)

I. COMPARE AND CONTRAST. In your own words, compare and contrast the
following using Venn diagram. (10 points x 3 items)

1. Horizontal Integration and Vertical Integration

 "Vertical and horizontal integration are competitive strategies that
companies use to consolidate their position among competitors"
(Tarver, 2021).
Horizontal integration is the type of integration that occurs when a
company acquires, or absorbs, another company within its own
industry, or in other words, a "related business." This has a number of
advantages, including the ability to already know about the business
and somewhat know about the company that is being purchased, and
you are more comfortable operating in this type of environment
because, for the most part, the organization that is acquired is
essentially at the same operational stage as the acquiring company.
Vertical integration is basically when you are in control of the supply
in your line of industry. This allows the organization to control all
aspects of that supply from price to quality and quantity. To be clearer,
I’ll give an example a KCC mall acquires Toyota.

2. MNC and TNC

 Both MNCs and TNCs have large influence over economic,
environmental, and globalization advocacy in most nations. Both have
a local effect on output as well as employment, the standard of life, and
real wages. TNCs are decentralized organizations that produce goods
and services in several nations, but not in the nation in which they are
headquartered. A multinational corporation (MNC) is a centralized
management organization that operates its investment, service, or
management production in at least one country in addition to its home

3. Presidential system of government and parliamentary system of

 The presidential and parliamentary systems of government have
similarities and differences in certain areas. Both the presidential and
parliamentary models feature a head of state, a bicameral system of
government, and are governed by constitutions. They are also both
representative democracies. In a Parliamentary system, the President
is only the head of the State and not the chief head of the executive.
He is bound by the advice of his ministers. In the Presidential system,
the President is both the head of the State and the chief executive. He
is not bound by the advice of his secretaries.

II. ESSAY AND APPLICATION. In your own words, answer the following
questions as precisely yet as thoroughly as possible in not less than (5)
sentences. (5 points x 4 items)

1. Does global free trade has done more harm than good?
 Free trade, which I understand as the absence of tariffs, quotas, or other
governmental barriers to international trade, enables each nation to focus
on the products it can manufacture more effectively and affordably. In my
opinion, free trade has not only reduced and eliminated tariffs, but also
helped address hidden trade barriers that would otherwise inhibit the flow
of goods and services, encouraged investment, and improved regulations
governing such matters as intellectual property, e-commerce, and public
procurement. And also free trade agreements will I think help boost the
growth of exports
2. How could emerging economies and developing countries like the
Philippines benefit from market integration, including increasing our
participation in this global phenomenon?
 We all know that the Philippine government is still trying to figure out how
to really enhance the country economy. Market integration has had a lot of
positive social effects, including increasing competition in the financial
services sector and broadening the range of investment options and
financial services that consumers can access. And as a result, our nation
benefited in many ways, particularly in agriculture since we export rice to
Singapore and other nations. Also, market integration may make it
possible for exports to reach new markets, so promoting employment
development and economic expansion. As a result, this allows individuals
to work abroad, increasing productivity and opening up new employment
opportunities for Filipinos. If visas and work permits for skilled labour are
made easy to get, workers will be safeguarded.

3. How do United Nations function as an international government

 After the Second World War's devastation, the United Nations was
established in 1945 with the maintenance of international peace and


security as its primary objective. The UN does this by trying to prevent
war, assisting parties to conflict in reaching a settlement, sending
peacekeepers, and creating conditions that will allow peace to endure and
develop. They work to combat terrorism and extremism. Also, they are the
ones who support economic development, human rights, and global
stability. This organization is really dedicated to the preservation of
international peace and security.
4. How does the contemporary global governance contribute to a state?
 Global governance is the collaborative effort to solve and handle global
challenges that cannot be resolved by one state, one player, or even more
than that. This effort can come from nations, institutions, or commercial
organizations. It contributes to the state in a way that they are the ones
who provide global public goods, from which we can see that many people
have benefited, particularly in our country, the Philippines. In terms of
peace and security, we're not experiencing any conflict with other
countries because of our global governance, justice and conflict resolution
systems, operating markets, and unified standards for trade and industry.

Rubric for scoring:

Provided pieces of
evidence, supporting
details, and factual
Content scenarios.

Grammar Used correct grammar,

punctuation, spelling, and

Organization of ideas Expressed the points in

clear and logical
arrangement of ideas in 1
the paragraph.




GE7 Quiz#2: The Contemporary World

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