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Name : Amirul Ridzlan Bin Rusihan
Matric No. : S33080
Group :5

Read the sentences below and decide whether they are Academic (A) or Non-academic
(NA) sentence. Underline the word(s) that indicates whether the sentence is Academic
or Non-academic.

1. Scientists could not find any answer to the problem. NA

Scientists are unable to find solutions to the problem. A

2. Baby dumping cases are increasing these days. NA

Cases of abandoned babies are increasing recently. A

3. Primary education system was set up throughout Malaysia as early as

1956. NA

Primary education system was established throughout Malaysia as early as

1956. A

4. Deforestation leads to climate change and extinction of animals. A

Deforestation will cause the earth to become warmer and animals to

extinct. NA

5. Students are required to submit their assignment before the due date. A

The lecturer asks the students to hand in their assignment before the
deadline. NA

6. Getting a passport is no longer a hard process. We can just log in to the

government website and apply for one. NA

Getting a passport is no longer a complicated process. Applicants can log

in to the government website and register for an application. A

7. Dieters often feel that they should avoid consumption of food with high
sugar and fat content. A

Dieters often feel that they should totally get rid of food which is high in
sugar and fat. NA

Rewrite the sentences below by replacing the underline word(s) with its academic

1. E-learning is the use of Internet technologies to boost knowledge and

E-learning is the use of Internet technologies to increase knowledge and
2. The students have to make up their mind whether to go for or against the issue
assigned by their lecturer.
The students have to decide whether to go for or against the question given by
their lecturer.
3. After donating blood, blood donors will get a certificate of recognition from
National Blood Centre.

After donating blood, blood donors will receive a certificate of appreciation from
National Blood Centre.
4. At the end of the semester, students will have many projects and assignments to
be submitted to their lecturers. To top it all, they still need to study for their final
At the end of the semester, students will have many projects and assignments to
be submitted to their lecturers. In addition to everything else, they still need to
study for their final examination.
5. In a nutshell, students need to have a proper planning from the beginning of the
semester to make sure they have enough time to submit their assignment on
In conclusion, students need to have a proper planning from the beginning of the
semester to make sure they have enough time to submit their assignment on

6. Earth hour was first launched in Sydney in 2007 with the aim of lessening the use
of electricity and carbon emissions.
Earth hour was first started in Sydney in 2007 with the aim of reducing electricity
consumption and carbon emissions.

Read the texts below and answer the questions that follow.


Sleepless nights do not just spoil your mood the next day; they could also damage your
waistline. According to a new research in the August issue of the American Journal of
Clinical Nutrition, lack of sleep can cause people to gain extra pounds.

Researchers at the New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center at St. Luke’s-
Roosevelt Hospital found that people who sleep less seem to burn the same number of
calories as the well-rested, but they consume about 300 more calories a day.
Unfortunately, many are not aware that the intake of just 3,500 more calories can add
an extra pound to their weight.

There are also several other reasons why sleep loss could lead to weight gain, as
claimed by sleep disorder specialist, Michael Breus. According to him when we get too
little shut-eye, our metabolism slows down to conserve energy and this triggers the
release of cortisol, a hormone that increases appetite. Because your body thinks it
needs more energy, it asks for more food.

Sleep loss also causes our bodies to release more ghrelin, another hormone that
signals hunger, and less leptin, the hormone that tells your stomach that it is full. Your
hormones which are no longer working normally will cause your body to consume more
food as it now lacks the sensitivity to know when to stop eating. Besides, being awake
for more hours also gives you more time to snack. “The later you’re up at night, the
greater the likelihood that you’re going to eat,” said Breus, “and you’re more likely to eat
more high-fat, high-carb foods.

1. Identify and highlight slang and informal words used in this article.

2. Based on your understanding of academic and non- academic texts, what makes
this article to be non-academic?
Based on my understanding of academic and non-academic text, this article can be
classified as non-academic because of there is a lot of slang and informal word used in
this article.


Obesity is a major public health epidemic worldwide in children and adults. The
prevalence and severity of childhood obesity is dramatically increasing with a
corresponding increase in the prevalence of obesity-related morbidities particularly
those involving obstructive sleep apnea and metabolic and cardiovascular sequelae .
Prevention of childhood obesity is an urgent issue for public health, in particular, in
many industrialized countries and some transition societies. Nutrition and physical
activity (PA) have been the major research focus on obesity prevention. However, most
published findings of such interventions suggested little success in preventing childhood
obesity, although some that focused on dietary or/and PA approaches have showed
some desirable impact on BMI status. Other risk factors, such as sleep, may be related
to obesity, although sleep behavior has received much less attention than dietary intake
and PA.

Sleep, like PA and diet, plays an important role in the growth, maturation, and
health of children and adolescents by allowing for the diurnal rhythm of hormones
related to growth, maturation, and energy homeostasis. A number of biological
mechanisms have been proposed to link sleep duration and obesity. For example, one
theory posits that children with short sleep have low caloric intake and expenditure,
given that sleep deprivation often leads to changes in the structure of sleep stage and
results in fatigue, daytime sleepiness, somatic and cognitive problems, and low activity

levels. Previous studies indicate that sleep deprivation results in changes in levels of
several hormones including leptin, ghrelin, insulin, cortisol, and growth hormone. These
hormonal changes may contribute to energy imbalance and then lead to overweight or

1. When you read this article, do you feel that this article is addressing to you or
general readers?
When I read this article, I feel that this article is addressing to general readers rather
than addressing to me personally.

2. Based on your understanding, what makes this article to be academic?

Based on my understanding, this is an academic article because of language used
in formal setting and the language is not used in daily conversation.

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