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N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I A T R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 5 1 –6 6

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The peripheral cerebrospinal fluid outflow pathway –

physiology and pathophysiology of CSF recirculation: A review
and hypothesis

K. Bechter *

Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II, Ulm University, Germany


Article history: An anatomical connection from subarachnoid spaces along nerves into peripheral tissues
Received 13 May 2011 represents an important route for CNS antigens release, termed here peripheral cerebrospi-
Accepted 27 June 2011 nal fluid outflow pathway (PCOP), is assumed analogous to mammals in humans: CSF
Available online 9 August 2011 leaves the subarachnoid spaces along nerves and joins respective interstitial tissue fluids,
then the lymph then blood; in detail, flowing from the subfrontal subarachnoid spaces
Keywords: through the cribriform plate near olfactory nerves to nasal submucosa to the cervical
Cerebrospinal fluid lymph system, along cranial nerves and spinal nerves into respective peripheral tissues.
Neuroinflammation Microanatomic details and relative shares of outflow volumes at various parts of the PCOP
Depression as compared to CSF reabsorption volumes into the venous system remain to be deter-
Schizophrenia mined.
Pain Beyond, CSF functions as a third signaling system involving all CNS structures preferably
surfaces, including spinal cord and nerve roots. But CSF may interact also with all cranial
and peripheral nerves via the PCOP, and related peripheral tissues connected by nerves, e.g.
subcutaneous tissues, muscles or neuronal ganglia, and even, a special case, the eye. PCOP
associated pathomechanisms might arise with any abnormal pathogenic CSF contents
including solutes and cells in various diseases, relevant especially in acute neuroinflamma-
tion, possibly in systemic inflammation, likely in chronic neuroinflammation and possibly
in low level neuroinflammation. The latter may include subgroups of psychiatric disorders.
PCOP associated pathomechanisms might explain for example the surprising muscle
involvement in depression and schizophrenia, or diffuse pain or dysautonomia. PCOP asso-
ciated pathomechanisms should generally relate to PCOP anatomy and the CSF outflow
physiology respectively pathophysiology.
Ó 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction all other cranial nerves and all spinal nerves into the periph-
ery, where CSF gathers with interstitial tissue fluid into the
In mammals, CNS antigens are transported by CSF from sub- respective lymphatic system where specific immune re-
arachnoid spaces through the cribriform plate into nasal sub- sponses are generated.1–4 This extralymphatic pathway was
mucosa reaching then the cervical lymph system, and along demonstrated also in primates.5 An analogous peripheral

* Address: Ulm University, Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II, Ludwig-Heilmeyer-Str. 2, D-89312 Günzburg, Germany. Tel.: +49
8221 96 2540/96 00; fax: +49 8221 96 2736.
E-mail address:
Abbreviations: CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; PCOP, peripheral cerebrospinal outflow pathway
0941-9500/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
52 N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I AT R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 (2 0 11 ) 5 1–66

CSF outflow pathway (=PCOP), as termed here, can be as- to occur.22 In general, CSF contents should preferably interact
sumed to exist in humans because of an analogy of the ana- with the surface of the CNS adjacent to the ventricles and
tomical structures. A pathogenetic interaction of CSF with subarachnoid spaces, also including spinal cord and nerve
nerves during outflow along the PCOP was only recently roots. The PCOP from anatomy can be considered as an exten-
hypothesized,6 derived from careful clinical observations dur- sion of the subarachnoid spaces along nerves ending at
ing cerebrospinal fluid filtration in patients with therapy- respective peripheral tissues connected by the nerves. These
resistent depression.7,8 CSF filtration was an effective new preformed anatomical structures represent the PCOP, the
treatment in autoimmune inflammatory neurological disor- CSF recirculation pathways along the PCOP being character-
der Guillain–Barré-syndrome,9 nerves dysfunction being ized by a very complex anatomy, the respective flow and out-
associated with pathologic CSF contents.10–13 A body of evi- flow physiology being only partially defined yet.18,19 This
dence now shows the involvement of inflammatory patho- chapter focuses on neglected and unknown aspects of CSF
mechanisms in a subgroup of severe psychiatric disorders,14 recirculation relevant for the PCOP hypothesis raised (see
subsumed under the mild encephalitis hypothesis.15 Recent Figs. 1 and 2). For better understanding a definition of the var-
studies strongly support such view: CSF investigation with ious types of CSF flow and fluid exchange between CSF spaces
modern methods established in clinical neurology showed and tissues and compartments is given (Table 1). CSF net flow
evidence of low level neuroinflammation in more than 40% within the subarachnoid spaces is strictly to be differentiated
of cases of severe depression or schizophrenia,16 further sup- from rapid flow, the former of minute quantity and only par-
ported by abnormal CSF cell patterns which resembled pat- tially measurable yet, the latter of large quantity representing
terns found in inflammatory neurological disorders.17 a rapid and powerful oscillatory or pulsatile CSF movement
Considering symptom patterns in CNS inflammatory disor- associated with each cardiac cycle.23–27 More details about
ders including comorbidities and overlapping symptoms in why respective terms (see Table) were chosen maybe found
a more general framework one may think of pathomecha- in the text.
nisms simply related to abnormal CSF contents as the com-
mon denominator. In such scenario the CSF recirculation (1) CSF is mainly secreted from the choroid plexus epithe-
pathways might play an elusive role to understand symptom lia on a leaky basal membrane (localized within the
emergence related to the anatomical and physiological char- four cerebral ventricles), together with the tanycytes
acteristics of the PCOP. Such idea of CSF associated commu- of the circumventricular organs described as the
nalities in disease pathogenesis is followed in this paper. blood-CSF-barrier.28 CSF protein contents reflect blood
protein concentrations, but lowered depending from
2. An overview on CSF recirculation – molecular sizes.29 The choroid plexus secret various
concepts, uncertainties, gaps of knowledge signaling molecules into the CSF,30 represent sites of
cell trafficking from blood into CSF, sense systemic
Various fields deal with aspects of CSF production, flow, circu- inflammation and regulate CNS inflammation.31,32 CSF
lation, outflow and reuptake or reabsorption. Detailed ana- spaces and especially CSF immune cells appear to play
tomical and physiological aspects have been reviewed a unique but previously underestimated role in CNS
recently.18–20 Nevertheless, a number of uncertainties, gaps immunoregulation in health and disease.33
of knowledge, and even controversial views remained. Those (2) Gross rapid CSF movements occur with each cardiac
are considered here, followed by an outline of hypothetic cycle during systole and diastole. But these movements
PCOP specific pathomechanisms. The latter appeared plausi- represent pulsatile fluctuations forth and back in
ble to occur when considering a relatively extended exchange between ventricles and around the subarachnoid
area and exposure time in between CSF and nerves at the spaces. Especially the flow through the anatomical
PCOP, and when assuming that CSF contents during PCOP communication of the three foramina of the fourth
passage somehow may contact nerves, and/or when assum- ventricle is easily visualized in vivo as a jet like outflow
ing that also CSF cells followed the PCOP (activated immune and inflow.24 The flow velocity differs between systole
cells may produce toxic or disturbing molecules during PCOP and diastole. Flow volumes out of the ventricles is
passage, able to mediate powerful local effects there). How- nearly identical to the volume flowing back, only differ-
ever, the exact microanatomy of PCOP-CSF-passage is not ing for the minute volume produced in between this
definitely known. CSF outflow between perineurium and epi- short time period. In a recent single case study the
neurium was shown but it remained unclear whether CSF net volume produced was fitting well with previous
flows through specialized small channules,21 or not. When clinical estimates.27 Net CSF flow along the neuraxis
nerves were shielded from CSF during outflow (by channules), ventral and dorsal to the spinal cord can also be visual-
possible sites of CSF-nerve-interaction might be peripheral ized and quantified in vivo.27,34 The focus of pulsatile
areas near channules ends or near nerves ends. When CSF oscillations arises at the craniocervical border24,27
cells physiologically followed the PCOP, an aspect not clear (and Supplementary Material). The mechanistic power
but plausible in my eyes, even if partially shielded such acti- of these rapid CSF movements around the brain and
vated trafficking immune cells might induce varying local possible direct clinical consequences is illustrated by
pathogenic effects on nerves. Recently the CSF cell trafficking an inborn anomaly, that is arachnoid cysts: those cysts
during the CSF outflow path trough the cribriform plate (here may acquire a valve-like mechanism, then at some
termed Part A PCOP, see below) was questioned,18 or assumed time point or another may grow rapidly and displace
N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I A T R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 5 1 –6 6 53

Anatomical Site Flow CSF Composition

plexus chorioidei CSF production primary plasma filtrate

(inside cerebral ventricles) + selected blood cells
(mainly lymphocytes)
trafficking through large
venules of choroid plexus
(and meninges)

adjuncts from blood,

brain, spinal cord,
through aqueduct and foramina and meninges:
interstitial fluids with cells

into subarachnoid spaces diffusion from blood

around brain and myelon vessels dependent on
CSF flow velocity: with
slowing CSF flow the diffusion

of proteins and
CSF reabsorption into blood
ions from veins into CSF
at veins and sinuses mainly
through arachnoid granulations increases
around brain and near nerve
roots, to some extent distributed
all over the meninges

CSF outflow into periphery

near olfactory nerves and along
all other brain nerves (incl. optical
nerve into eye) and all spinal
nerves into related tissues
lymph back to blood
connected by respective nerves

Fig. 1 – Schematic representation of CSF production, flow and variance of composition adapted according to previous
publications (see text).

brain parenchyma and may cause severe or even life- (4) CSF outflow through the cribriform plate into the nasal
threatening neurological symptoms, or may remain submucosa, and along cranial nerves and spinal nerves
clinically silent although continuous intracyst turbu- into the periphery represents an important part of CSF
lences were demonstrated.35 In some persons, over recirculation.18–21 However, the relative outflow vol-
time local brain dysfunction and psychiatric disorders umes along cranial and peripheral nerves as compared
may evolve.36 to reabsorption remained poorly defined (see above).
(3) CSF reabsorption takes place into meningeal veins and Present estimates may be biased by preferred experi-
sinuses mainly at specialized structures around the mental approaches (compare38), and the lack of studies
scull and near nerve roots, the arachnoid granula- performed in animals during physiological motor activ-
tions,18–20 characterized now in vivo as unidirectional ity (studies were done in paretic anesthesized or fixed
outflow34 here termed reabsorption. Relative shares of animals) and the CSF outflow at lower body parts was
CSF reabsorption vs. CSF outflow (according to the ter- never quantified. From general considerations one
minology used here) were discussed repeatedly, but may expect, that especially at lower body parts and
the jury is yet out. I with some others think, that in con- along large nerves, the physiological CSF outflow vol-
trast to previous views, CSF reabsorption at arachnoid umes may be major. Beyond, outflow volumes may
granulations may serve mainly as a security mecha- depend from other factors, e.g. motor activity and
nism in case of increased intracranial pressure, posture.
whereas normally such reabsorption may be lim- (5) The PCOP anatomically included all CSF outflow path-
ited.37,38 Overall, the outflow along the PCOP may ways, that is through the cribriform plate near olfactory
approach similar quantities like reabsorption.34 nerves (Part A) and along cranial nerves III–XII (Part B)
54 N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I AT R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 (2 0 11 ) 5 1–66

Rapid streams &

Net Flow


Fig. 2 – The cartoon demonstrates a complete view of the CSF recirculation pathways including the peripheral CSF outflow
pathway (PCOP) and the related structures connected by nerves, as examples the subcutaneous tissues with free nerves ends,
the neuromuscular junctions, and nerve–nerve connections e.g. to the sympathetic trunk. The microanatomy of the PCOP
and of that to related tissues is however not defined. Various types of CSF movements and exchange of CSF contents between
compartments are depicted. The rapid streams are in general pulsatile with each cardiac cycle, going forth and back with
systole–diastole, main volumes flowing in between the ventricles and the subarachnoid spaces nearby but well involving the
whole subarachnoid spaces. Slow net flow within the subarachnoid spaces was shown, flowing in distal direction
(=downwards) around the spinal cord, and from the craniocervical border upwards around the brain, here possibly
preferentially, though not yet well measured, to the subfrontal area where CSF leaves to the nasal submucosa. Regarding the
PCOP outflow it remains open whether CSF is reabsorbed, in part probably at sites near nerve roots into arachnoid
granulations, or whether the major part may flow out along the nerves into the periphery, an assumption here preferred. The
PCOP part A appears best investigated, because the pathway through the cribriform plate into nasal submucosa and from
there to cervical lymph nodes was preferred in experimental approaches. CSF outflow along the optical nerve into the eye and
its respective particular lymphatic system has also well been studied. The PCOP outflow along the cranial and the spinal
nerves has been less thoroughly investigated but may clinically be especially important, a speculation here. The relative
volumes of CSF outflow at the various sites of the PCOP remain unclear. (1) Ventricles with choroid plexus, (2) cribriform plate,
(3) skin, (4) muscle, (5) sympathetic trunk, and (6) arachnoid granulations.

and along spinal nerves (Part C). The optical nerve (II) is tissues). So the PCOP represented anatomical pre-
considered separately. PCOP-related structures are here formed spaces stretching from the exit of nerves out
considered all tissues connected by the respective of the subarachnoid spaces (where the dura respec-
nerves (including all efferent and afferent innervated tively leptomeninx ends to continue as perineurium)
N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I A T R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 5 1 –6 6 55

Table 1 – Types of CSF flow mechanisms and definition of terms used.

Rapid CSF flow (streams, oscillations, fluctuations): rapid complex pulsatile CSF movements arising with each cardiac cycle
associated intracranial blood volume redistribution. The ventricular CSF ejection volume (see Supplementary Video Material)
represents one important driving force for this CSF redistribution within the subarachnoid spaces. Flow direction reverses in
between systolic versus diastolic phase. These redistribution forces to a considerable part drive CSF reabsorption and
outflow. The graph (Fig. 2) simplifies rapid CSF flow from technical reasons, a most exact description to be found in Gupta
et al. 200927 and other papers (see text and references)
Secretion or absorption: production of CSF by choroid plexus plus diffusion of blood contents plus flow of a part of brain
interstitial fluid, all together directed into the subarachnoid spaces
Reabsorption or reuptake: outflow of CSF out of the subarachnoid spaces through biological membranes. Specialized
structures for rapid reabsorption are the arachnoid granulations. Reuptake takes also place at certain brain sites5
Note: exchange at the anatomical barriers rep. biological membranes to some extent is bidirectional (compare20)
Outflow: slow outflow of CSF out of the subarachnoid spaces along anatomically defined but not yet fully characterized
structures near olfactory nerves into nasal submucosa and along all other brain nerves and peripheral nerves into respective
peripheral tissues. The exact anatomy of the windup is to be shown
Net flow: slow overall directed movement of CSF inside the subarachnoid spaces representing an anatomical-physiological
manifestation of the balance between CSF secretion versus reabsorption plus outflow.29 Net flow along the spinal cord is
directed downwards under normal conditions, around the brain to the arachnoid granulations and (possibly preferentially) to
subfrontal subarachnoid spaces (inferred from the overall scenario of outflow at part A (see text))
Net outflow: the sum of CSF leaving the subarachnoid spaces via reabsorption, reuptake and outflow balancing the volumes
of overall CSF secretion
Migration of CSF cells: CSF cells migrate at many sites, but especially at choroid plexus into the CSF spaces,31,32 but where
CSF cells regularly leave remains only partially known
Blood-CSF-Barrier disturbance: A clinical term to interpret Qalbumin increases (=CSF albumin increases), shown to depend
mainly from CSF net flow velocity, however not representing a direct measure of the Blood–CSF-barrier function at the
choroid plexus instead resulting from varied and often combined pathologies16

as far as to the wind up of nerve fibers in neurally sup-

ported tissues. The microanatomical sites of CSF out- (6) Certain CSF contents apparently distribute also into
flow may be small channules, shown in several perivascular spaces (Virchow-Robin spaces), appearing
studies for the pathway trough the cribriform plate, there within few minutes and at preferential sites
possibly also for the parts B and C. Generally, CSF out- within brain parenchyma.40 But these perivascular
flow seems to take place between perineurium and epi- spaces seem separated from the subarachnoid spaces
neurium (compare20,21,38). by the pia mater,41,42 an apparent border for most CSF
In sum, the PCOP can be considered widely distributed contents, details to be studied.
throughout the body, implying considerable differences (7) Some bidirectional exchange in between blood–CSF and
regarding lengths and local anatomical aspects. Ana- CNS parenchyma–CSF (here termed secretion or
tomical differences suggest physiological differences absorption vs. reabsorption; see Table) can apparently
to be present, including differing outflow volumes at take place.20
different PCOP sites. Therefore, the PCOP is described (8) Interstitial brain fluid drains along perivascular spaces,
in tripartite here: (part A) CSF outflow along or aside which are separated from CSF outflow pathways, both
olfactory nerves21 from the subfrontal subarachnoid ending up at cervical lymph nodes.18 Another share of
spaces passing trough the cribriform plate into nasal brain interstitial fluid drains directly into CSF.
submucosa, apparently a major site of physiological (9) The sites where PCOP outflow ends appear only vaguely
CSF outflow seemingly ending up directly in cervical described yet. Free nerves ends or the ends of the hyp-
lymphatics. CSF outflow takes also place along the opti- othetic small channules along nerves may represent
cal nerve, between perineurum and epineurum into the such endpoints, where CSF distributes into interstitial
eye there joining its particular lymphatics.39 (Part B) fluids.1 Beyond, several anatomically dead ends seem
CSF outflow along cranial nerves III-XII passing the to exist, that is nerve-nerve-connections, e.g. at neuro-
scull base together with the nerves, which seems to nal ganglia or at the sympathetic trunk and at neuro-
end up in connected structures or tissues e. g. the inner muscular junctions. A further dead end apparently
ear, or near free nerves ends. Outflow volumes may dif- represents the central canal of the spinal cord, at least
fer in between single cranial nerves due to anatomical in adult humans. This canal is not relevant for CSF
and size differences. (Part C) CSF outflow along spinal recirculation, as falsely described in some recent publi-
nerves passing through intervertebral foramina reach- cations (see below). One may assume, that at these ana-
ing respective nerves ends or connected tissues. Out- tomical dead ends of the subarachnoid spaces CSF
flow volumes may vary dependent from nerve sizes reabsorption may take place, or another explanation
and from circumstantial factors especially at part C, may be found.
e.g. gravity forces like posture, and from dynamic forces (10) It remains to be demonstrated, whether and where CSF
related to motor activity. These latter aspects are how- cells regularly leave the subarachnoid spaces. The sizes
ever speculative and need to be investigated. of all parts of the PCOP presumably would allow cell
56 N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I AT R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 (2 0 11 ) 5 1–66

trafficking with CSF outflow,18,19 and now it is assumed the lumbar CSF was poorly sensitive for the brain cor-
that at least through the cribriform plate CSF cells leave tex.49 This clinical knowledge would match with the
the subarachnoid spaces.22,43 Facing the paucity of cells view proposed here, that two different main directions
present within the CSF and the few studies carefully of slow CSF net flow within the subarachnoid spaces
addressing this issue, the view presented here that all prevail, the one downwards the neuraxis, the other
CSF contents may physiologically follow the PCOP one directed to the upper brain areas, to arachnoid
along all its parts, maybe justified, and was in part sup- granulations around the scull and to the subfrontal
ported by recent case observations.44 area (see above): because CSF net flow of the upper sub-
(11) The driving forces behind both, CSF reabsorption and arachnoid spaces does not relevant drain to the lumbar
CSF outflow, might be various. A major force probably site, despite the mixing power of the rapid CSF oscilla-
should represent the pulsatile waves and CSF oscilla- tions, the lumbar CSF may be not ‘diagnostic’ for the
tions occurring within the subarachnoid spaces with brain cortex.
each cardiac cycle (compare34). Other important driving (15) CSF production rates were calculated.20 An estimate of
forces for net flow may represent gravity forces and PCOP-CSF outflow volumes under physiological condi-
motor activity. Positioning at least impacts subarach- tions in humans is speculative though feasible: a rou-
noid fluid pressure.45 The CSF production rate and its tine neurosurgical treatment of CSF fistulas is now to
modulating factors, for example drinking volume, are establish CSF outflow via lumbar catheter: 5–15 ml
apparently also important for net flow, the production CSF per hour are recollected in such patients into an
rate overall balancing both outflow and reabsorption extracorporal lumbar drainage system and removed,
apparently.19,20,42 by this procedure achieving low CSF pressure at the cra-
(12) Beyond the well described gross rapid pulsatile CSF nial level, to facilitate spontaneous healing of fistula or
movements within the subarachnoid spaces, one may detoxification in subarachnoid bleeding.50,51 Extrapolat-
infer from plausibility considerations and from inter- ing from these experiences, and in line with recent
pretations of laboratory findings that a slow net flow measurements,52 and when assuming that reabsorp-
of CSF within the subarachnoid spaces takes place, into tion volumes near nerve roots into arachnoid granula-
two respectively three directions (see Table): a) slow tions may be low, the total physiological PCOP-CSF
CSF stream downwards along the neuraxis around the outflow volume (parts A + B + C) may reach up to
spinal cord, which was concluded to exist based on 20 ml per hour in adults. This outflow estimate may
the measures of blood derived protein concentrations be too high (though plausible when assuming low phys-
varying with CSF flow velocity under physiological iological reabsorption volumes), but yet half that out-
and pathological conditions.29,46 This slow net flow flow volume per hour may have enough power to
was from quantitative imaging data referred to as neg- induce relevant pathologies at the PCOP via the volume
ligible at the level of the spinal cord,27 but was overall transmission mode, a concept extended here to the
nicely matching the interpretation of collected clinical PCOP.
data where this net flow was an important confounder
of CSF data interpretation.29 But this volume appears
nevertheless relevant for outflow. b) From plausibility 3. On the physiology of CSF flow,
inference, one can assume another similar slow net reabsorption, outflow
flow within the subarachnoid spaces from ventricles
to areas around the scull directed in a distributed man- Open aspects of CSF recirculation are now discussed in more
ner to the arachnoid granulations, which was recently detail.
even measured by imaging.34 c) Another slow flow has
to be assumed directed to the subfrontal area, where 3.1. Views about CSF recirculation
CSF outflow through the cribriform plate takes place.
(13) Physiological functions of the CSF outflow at the PCOP According to traded clinician’s view CSF flows from the spinal
may, beyond the well described CNS antigen release subarachnoid spaces down- and upwards around the spinal
(see introduction), include other functions attributed cord, preferring the ventral versus dorsal site, for up or
to the CSF such as is homeostasis and detoxification.33,34 down.53 Though, this appears generally true for the rapid
(14) The concept of the volume transmission mode of CSF streams and fluctuations arising during each cardiac cy-
CSF47,48 is here adopted and specified for the PCOP site cle this movement represents merely CSF oscillations.24,27 It
analogously. CSF associated pathomechanisms prevail- is important to notice, that these rapid CSF movements repre-
ing in various diseases maybe able to involve the whole sent not an unidirectional or continuous flow, instead an
subarachnoid spaces in parallel, depending from its oscillatory mechanism of rapid CSF redistribution between
physiological and anatomical conditions, and may as ventricles and throughout the subarachnoid spaces around
proposed here in very detail (see below), similarly the brain and around the spinal cord with a flow maximum
involve the PCOP site. The latter assumption appears near the craniocervical border. The anatomical situation
however only justified when a considerable outflow vol- around the spinal cord resembles a stick (spinal cord) located
ume prevailed at the PCOP, being able to mediate rele- in a tube (subarachnoid spaces). A continuous stream could
vant pathologies by abnormal CSF contents. An old occur only when the tube was U-shaped or two tubes con-
clinical experience described by Felgenhauer was that nected with each other, but both views are anatomically not
N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I A T R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 5 1 –6 6 57

the case. Instead complex rapid CSF oscillation24,25,27 mean- The role of Pacchioni’s (arachnoid) granulations for the drain-
dering around the spinal cord,25 take place. But also CSF net age of CSF was controversial and the possibility that CSF reab-
flow was established, down the spinal cord based on clinical sorption represented a type of security mechanism in the
and in part experimental observations29,54,55 and by imag- case of increased intracranial pressure was preferred. The re-
ing.27 But even in recent publications, CSF flow was depicted sults of many coloring experiments were difficult to interpret,
generally flowing through the central canal of the spinal cord, varying concentrations and chemical specificities of com-
then back through the spinal subarachnoid spaces to sub- pounds made it difficult to delineate the characteristics of
arachnoid spaces around the brain.32 Such flow characteris- CSF flow. Chemical substances were often taken up rapidly
tics would match with general rules of flow. However, there into the blood before appearing in the lymphatic system,
is no distal anatomical aperture of the spinal cord’s central the latter showing a characteristic time delay. Undoubtedly,
canal to the subarachnoid spaces in normal adults (though the sheets of cranial nerves had a role for CSF outflow, dyes
an aperture is present during development and in some arriving at the nasal submucosa and at cranial nerves ends,
mammals19), nor would the canal match the size needed for e.g. in the epichorioidal and the perilymphatic room of the in-
respective flow volumes – another assumption, that CSF flow ner ear. The same was true for spinal nerves, in animals and
downwards around the spinal cord may end up somewhere at in humans: e.g. contrast compounds jodipin, lipiodol, pant-
the meninges, then CSF being there reabsorbed into venous opaque, thorotrast and others, followed the nerve sheets (in-
blood, e.g. near the nerve roots, is possible and usually side the perineurium) and these colored spaces were
stressed, also by Linke (though by him with doubts). Arach- considered the extension of the subarachnoid spaces. The
noid granulations near nerve roots exist in humans (com- findings did hardly allow a good quantitative estimate but
pare19). The relative volumes reabsorbed there under were nevertheless close to recent estimates. Experiments by
physiological conditions are however unknown. Weed LH et al. (continued from 1923), allowed according to
In conclusion: rapid CSF fluctuations or streams or oscilla- Linke the conclusion that under physiological pressure condi-
tions represent powerful pulsatile CSF movements leading to tions CSF was flowing from the subarachnoid spaces to the
rapid CSF redistribution in between ventricles and subarach- venous system and along all brain and spinal nerves into
noid spaces and also throughout the subarachnoid spaces. the lymphatic system.
But these streams represent not a continuous unidirectional
flow of CSF. Nevertheless, these streams contribute to rapid 3.3. CSF outflow versus CSF reabsorption in humans and
mix-up of CSF contents and represent one of the driving in mammals
forces for CSF slow flow. Inferred from the findings within
the subarachnoid spaces of a slow change of blood derived In humans, according to recent extensive experiences, about
protein contents, blood derived proteins increasing with slow 20 ml of CSF is produced per hour, the production rate fluctu-
CSF net flows, and from recent rare imaging study, a slow net ating by time and being generally higher in males than in fe-
flow balancing the CSF production rate, which takes place in males.52,53 CSF originates mainly as a ventricular plexus
the ventricles, is to be assumed. This slow CSF net flow within filtrate,28,57 from meningeal vasculature further blood con-
the subarachnoid spaces seems directed mainly into two tents may add (Fig. 2). For long, the clinician’s view was that
directions, that is one downward along the neuraxis, another CSF was reabsorbed into blood at subarachnoid venous capil-
upwards to the subarachnoid spaces surrounding the brain laries especially arachnoid granulations.58 However, in mam-
and especially to the cribriform plate, an area where a major mals CSF outflow through the cribriform plate was
CSF outflow has been described (such remains however to be demonstrated also long ago.59 It now appears, that in mam-
demonstrated in humans). Overall, CSF production rate has to mals including primates CSF outflow from subarachnoid
balance CSF reabsorption plus PCOP outflow volumes. The spaces through the cribriform plate near olfactory nerves
relative shares of physiological reabsorption vs. physiological reaches nasal submucosa, then the cervical lymphatic system
PCOP outflow remain to be determined. PCOP outflow may be and along other cranial nerves the cervical and submaxillary
varying from local factors including posture, motor activity lymph nodes and along spinal nerves the peripheral tissues’
and local anatomy (like size of respective nerves and bodily lymphatic system.1–3,5,60 The relative shares of CSF outflow
architecture). vs. CSF reabsorption seem however not fully clear. In rats
and sheep, CSF was reabsorbed into blood at arachnoid gran-
3.2. About CSF outflow at the PCOP ulations, but was also flowing through distributed ‘extralym-
phatic pathways’ to interstitial tissue fluids. Quantitatively,
Yet early studies in the 19th century by H. Quincke56 showed both pathways seemed to contribute equally to the clearance
that cinnabar, when injected into the lumbar subarachnoid of CSF tracer from the cranial vault.38 Furthermore, brain
spaces of dogs, was widely distributed following a route along interstitial fluid drained into the cervical lymph system and
spinal nerves, in part even ending up at thoracic autonomic in part into the CSF.42,61 Partially, CSF drained even back into
ganglia. Quincke speculated that corpuscular bodies, when the blood via small venules42 and this passage seemed to in-
present within inflammatory CSF, might be able to elicit nerve clude cells.31 However, experimental blockade of the cribri-
dysfunction or damage. His findings were broadly substanti- form plate in sheep underlined the importance of
ated during the 20th century, though several questions on extralymphatic pathway outflow in regulating CSF pres-
CSF flow and recirculation remained open up to now. A view sure,62–64 so this outflow seemed previously underestimated
not far from that presented here (Fig. 1) was found in RM whereas reabsorption overestimated. Therefore, outflow
Schmidt’s CSF textbook, PG Linke stressing the following54: could instead even represent the primary physiological
58 N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I AT R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 (2 0 11 ) 5 1–66

mechanism of CSF recirculation whereas CSF reabsorption stitial fluids, e. g. near free nerves’ ends or all along nerves
into the cranial venous system may represent a secondary somewhere? Does CSF reabsorption happen at nerve-nerve
mechanism, recruited to complement lymphatic transport and nerve-muscle connections? What relative influence on
when global absorption capacity was stressed or compro- PCOP efflux may gravity forces and motor activity have? Do
mised.65,66 Regarding the microanatomy of outflow pathways CSF cells physiologically follow the whole PCOP?
several questions are open. Various tracers introduced into
CSF spaces spread into spaces between the perineurium 4. The PCOP in neuroinflammation including
and epineurium in rats,67 possibly through longitudinal low level neuroinflammation, and a possible
channules within the endoneural space.60 But details re- pathogenetic role of CSF in general inflammation,
mained unclear and need further studies. in major psychoses, neurodegeneration and
Another question is whether the extralymphatic pathway neuropathy
system in several mammals fits fully with the situation in hu-
mans. The anatomy of the peripheral nervous system is anal- Pathomechanisms associated with pathogenic CSF contents
ogous in humans and mammals68 therefore also CSF outflow should involve by anatomy primarily the tissues adjacent to
in humans should be analogous. Similarities in CNS diseases the CSF spaces, that is ventricles and subarachnoid spaces,
between animals and humans strengthen such assumption: there especially the brain cortex and surface of spinal cord
e.g. myelin antigen reactive T cells were more frequently de- and nerves as far as lying within the subarachnoid spaces,
tected in cervical lymph nodes in patients with multiple scle- but in addition may involve the PCOP. The PCOP can be con-
rosis than in normal controls, corresponding to the findings sidered an extension of the subarachnoid spaces.
in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis.69 Another clinical The new idea presented here in detail, is that of possible
finding may support such view: a collection of fluid around pathogenetic interactions between CSF and nerves at the
the median nerve is an established MRI sign for carpal tunnel PCOP site and possibly even of CSF with PCOP related tissues
syndrome.70 The underlining pathomechanism remained predilecting sites where cranial or spinal nerves end, respec-
open, but may be interpreted as follows: The physiological tively the CSF outflow winds up.
CSF outflow along the median nerve may be blocked by swol- Most severe CSF abnormalities are observed in acute
len tissues under the ligamentum transversum, however after meningoencephalitis. A myalgic-meningo-radicular syn-
incision by the classical surgery procedure the stop mecha- drome in acute meningoencephalitis is classical (compare58).
nism for CSF collection may be resolved. (The collection fluid However, when focusing on pathogenetic details, the strong
before surgery was not on both sites of the ligamentum in- myalgic component of the clinical syndrome may be incom-
stead only proximal to). pletely understood. Hypothesizing a possible involvement of
Another question is cell trafficking along the PCOP. Lym- PCOP related tissues, here the muscles, by a direct interaction
phatic outflow of cells and destruction of blood cells specifi- with CSF may complete the pathogenetic scenario. In this
cally in cervical lymph nodes was shown after injection into view, myopathy (=myalgia) may arise from direct interaction
the subarachnoid spaces.71,72 Drainage of CSF cells into the of muscles with inflammatory CSF contents, e.g. CSF cells
lymphatic system of the neck was demonstrated in hu- trafficking. This view is highly speculative, but seems to me
mans.73 Therefore it may not be farfetched to think that cell possible at least not well investigated yet.
trafficking along the PCOP at all its parts may occur. Cell traf- From this, another idea evolves: in chronic or low level
ficking through the cribriform plate is now assumed by others neuroinflammation a similar involvement of the PCOP may
to likely represent a major route for migration of inflamma- occur and could be relevant in symptom pathogenesis. The
tory cells from CNS to regional lymph nodes (see above). Con- further discussion here is focused on such possible PCOP
sidering the anatomical sizes, one may well assume that associated pathogenesis of partial aspects or comorbid symp-
along the PCOP parts B and C similar physiological cell traf- toms in major psychoses, neurodegeneration and neuropa-
ficking may occur, an assumption strongly supported by thy, diseases in which chronic immune activation was
own recent case observations44: A patient suffering from re- described as a common scenario74–77 and for psychiatric dis-
peated leukemic relapses within the intrathecal spaces, not orders summarized in a multifactorial pathogenetic model of
paralleled by relapse in blood, developed disseminated low level neuroinflammation relevant in a subgroup of severe
metastasis at unusual sites along large lower body nerves psychiatric disorders especially syndromes of affective and
and related subcutaneous tissues. This distribution pattern schizophrenic disorders, the mild encephalitis (ME) hypothe-
of leukemic cells perfectly matched the PCOP distribution sis.15 (In principle, in all CNS-inflammatory disorders the
pattern described here. PCOP may be involved, see below).
Summing up, in mammals including humans, physiologi- The PCOP hypothesis presented here would complement
cal CSF outflow through the cribriform plate near olfactory the ME hypothesis. A prerequisite was that CSF abnormalities
nerves, and also to the optical nerve and its particular lym- were present in such subgroup. Just now with modern CSF
phatic system (part A), and along the other cranial nerves analytic methods, we found CSF abnormalities in 41% of pa-
III–XII (part B), and along all spinal nerves (part C), can be as- tients with affective and schizophrenic spectrum disorders,
sumed and is together here referred to as PCOP. Many ques- directly indicating or well compatible with the interpretation
tions remain open to be studied in more detail such as: of low level neuroinflammation.16 In addition, some cases
What is the microanatomy of PCOP? Which relative volumes presented CSF cell patterns which were similar to patterns
of CSF may follow the various PCOP parts? Which share of found in patients with acute or chronic CNS inflammatory
CSF is reabsorbed? Where exactly does CSF mix up with inter- neurological disorders.17 Many studies including neuroimag-
N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I A T R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 5 1 –6 6 59

ing showed neurodegeneration and increasingly evidence for chymal low level neuroinflammation, though CSF may not
inflammation in major psychoses.78–83 White matter altera- act directly, i.e. anatomically distributing CSF related inflam-
tions in schizophrenia resembled demyelinating diseases.84 matory toxicity but from a common immune driven patho-
In post-mortem studies evidence for microglial activation,85 genesis, which may prevail in parallel at various sites. On
or glial cells abnormality or excitotoxicity and neuroinflam- the other hand the link could be closer since recent studies
mation was found.86,87 not only show that CSF signaling not only prefers cortex areas
In autoimmunity three factors generally play an interac- but may reach deep into brain parenchyma in adult
tive role: genes, environment and the immune system,88,89 a primates.123
scenario matching with the ME hypothesis. The role of envi- Such overall scenario fits also findings in chronic multi-
ronmental factors in the etiology of psychoses are at least ple sclerosis. Indeed, CSF from MS patients induces acute
in part infectious agents.15 But it may be difficult to detect conduction blocks in the isolated optic nerve or at periph-
‘hidden’ infection using current methodology in clinical pa- eral nerves.10,124 CSF from patients with major psychosis is
tients.90 For example, Borna disease virus is one candidate not well investigated in this respect, but several reports of
capable to induce psychiatric and/or neurological disorders CSF toxicity in psychiatric disorders are available. Neuro-
by complex pathomechanisms,91 but the jury remains yet toxicity and neuroinflammation are closely linked but in
open.15,92–94 Previously unsuspected agents in psychosis risk some way may vary regarding the type of neuroinflamma-
now include parvovirus B-19,95,96 toxoplasma,96–98 retrovi- tory response. Though lacking key features of inflamma-
rus,99 CMV and mumps virus,100 and herpes simplex tion, such was defined as ‘neuroinflammation’, the
virus,101,102 and others.103 Many viruses prefer the CNS and clinical or histological outcome being dependent from neu-
persist latently within the CNS over many years,104 seemingly roprotective factors and other molecular details relevant
without pathology. However, recent results underline the for neurodegeneration.125
possibility that persistent or latent viruses may induce brain Olfactory dysfunction is surprisingly frequent in several
dysfunction via reactivations or by yet unknown pathomech- neuropsychiatric disorders in which chronic low level neuro-
anisms. For example, psychiatric morbidity is frequent in inflammation or neurodegeneration appears involved, includ-
HIV-infection even in cases not fulfilling criteria of HIV- ing multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s
encephalitis.105 The role of viruses integrated in the human disease, in all of which common autoimmune mechanisms
genome, recently detected for Borna Disease Virus se- are thought to underlie neurodegeneration.126 Brain imaging
quences,106 is yet unclear.107 From history, the difficulty to in functional and structural analysis (diffusion tender imag-
elucidate a possible causality of infections for neuropsychiat- ing) showed rather similar abnormalities of white matter
ric disorders, like general paresis and poliomyelitis, is docu- tracts and of gray matter in bipolar depression and in schizo-
mented.108 The low pathogenicity (=number of diseased per phrenia, which have considerable similarities to that ob-
number of infected) of most infections, an evolutionary served in neurological conditions associated with
advantage for the virus, poses a major problem for research inflammation, degeneration, and demyelination. Olfactory
because many non-specific only partially relevant factors dysfunction is also frequent in viral CNS infections, e.g. BDV
may contribute to disease pathogenesis in the single case. infection,92 but also in major psychosis both, the affective
First studies with antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immune- and schizophrenic disorders. The findings in schizophrenia
modulatory and immune-suppressive treatments in patients are here discussed in more detail: genetic and environmental
with major psychoses were performed with encouraging factors contribute to olfactory dysfunction in schizophre-
results.7,8,109,110 nia,127,128 similar to cognitive dysfunctions,129 and a role of
The PCOP hypothesis raised here may specifically explain cytokines for cognitive dysfunction was plausible.130 Cyto-
a number of comorbid findings and symptoms in major psy- kines were shown increased within CSF in neuroinflamma-
choses. Well established findings are distributed brain dys- tion in many studies.77 May these cognitive dysfunctions in
function in schizophrenia (similar in depression) including part arise from interaction of CSF with the brain cortex?
cerebellar dysfunction and slight neurodegeneration (com- Other often neglected but surprisingly frequent symp-
pare111–120) are not fully understood pathogenetically. Rather toms in major psychosis are a range of sensory disturbances
fuzzy confirmed findings were small distributed muscle le- including pain, together described as coenesthesias, repre-
sions in schizophrenia and in depression, the lesion pattern senting bodily hallucinations in advanced stages.131 Comor-
resembling that of muscle lesions found in meningoencepha- bid pain was described in 60–80% of patients with
litis.121 Another surprising finding was reduced retinal func- depression,132,133 but the pathomechanisms, often thought
tion in severe depression.122 Assuming that low level to be of central and neuronal origin, remained poorly deter-
inflammation distributed by the carrier CSF, involving all mined. Trying to explain these surprisingly complex symp-
structures of the subarachnoid spaces (including the ventri- tom patterns by unifying principle, not alone from
cles), but in addition and nearly in parallel also the PCOP neuronal mechanisms, may be justified. An attractive com-
including such pathways like the CSF outflow into the eye mon anatomical link of pathology could represent in my
and through the cribriform plate and into the muscles via view the CSF, by anatomy involving preferably surface struc-
nerve-muscle-connections, could elegantly explain such dis- tures of the CNS within the subarachnoid spaces, and in par-
tributed and often combined symptoms and findings by one allel as hypothesized even the PCOP. One should consider
explanatory principle: abnormal CSF contents representing both, loss and gain of function and over the long term neu-
and distributing low level neuroinflammation. Such assump- rodegeneration in parallel as possible pathologies in such
tion does not preclude instead include possible intraparen- CSF associated pathomechanisms and dysfunctions. Pain in
60 N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I AT R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 (2 0 11 ) 5 1–66

severe depressed patients improved rapidly under cerebro- 5. PCOP associated pathology/
spinal fluid filtration.6 It appears, and for example also in pathophysiology in six patterns – a hypothesis
multiple sclerosis, that the central origin of pain was often
overestimated, whereas peripheral involvement underesti- Based on findings and observations outlined above, six path-
mated.134 CSF can easily get toxic properties and associates ophysiological patterns possibly associated with the PCOP
with pain and other symptoms but also with neurodegener- CSF outflow are proposed here, which may arise in various
ation.135–137 A special case regarding anatomy represents the disorders associated with abnormal CSF contents and may
olfactory system, grossly surrounded by CSF, but represent- contribute to emergence of the clinical picture. General con-
ing also a predilection site of intraparenchymal pathology tributive factors in inflammatory disorders include host
in viral menigoencephalitis. Furthermore, there is in general genes, infectious agents and other triggers, agent derived
increasing evidence, that viral infection leading to brain factors, inflammatory biochemistry, and immunopathology
dysfunction is more prevalent than appreciated.138 Other or autoimmunity seemingly often triggered by infec-
neuropsychological symptoms compatible with CSF associ- tions.88,150,151 The CSF is an important carrier of CNS im-
ated pathomechanisms seem neurological soft signs,139 or mune surveillance by immune cells including soluble
dysautonomia140–143 in psychoses, also found in neuroborre- factors as specific signaling molecules.152 Describing possible
liosis,144 or dysfunctional vision demonstrated during interactions between abnormal CSF contents at the PCOP
depression.145 and related structures may add rather new aspects to better
Another area of unexplained pathogenetic aspects is neu- understand several surprising or unexplained comorbid
ropathy. For example, neuropathy often accompanies CNS symptoms in disease. These hypothesized patterns are not
infections, like HIV-infection or neuroborreliosis. In HIV re- mutually exclusive but may overlap or pass from one into
lated distal symmetrical polyneuropathy an inflammation of another over time:
dorsal root ganglia was prevalent in advanced disease, but Pattern (a): Regular PCOP involvement in acute CNS
the authors stated ‘there are likely to be other, as of, yet unde- inflammatory disorders and acute systemic inflammatory
termined, factors that contribute to the development of ‘clin- disorders with CNS involvement.
ical manifestations’.146 Another example, HTLV-1 associated Many and often all structures inside the entire CSF spaces,
myelopathy (HAM/TSP) is well-investigated68: 43% of HAM/ especially the subarachnoid spaces, including brain, spinal
TSP patients presented in parallel neuropathy. Interleukin 6 cord, and nerve roots, may be involved in the case of acute
was found increased within CSF in such patients. Also selec- inflammatory CSF pathologies. But similar pathologies may
tive cytotoxic T lymphocytes were demonstrated in CSF from in parallel involve the PCOP and related peripheral tissues.
a HAM/TSP patient.147 Histopathology showed demyeliniza- As an example for the latter, abnormal CSF contents may in-
tion, remyelinization, axonal atrophy, degeneration and peri- crease pain sensitivity at meningeal nerves (associated with
neural fibrosis but without inflammatory infiltrates and the subarachnoid spaces) but also peripheral free nerves ends
without immune globulin accumulation. To explain the ex- via PCOP, thus eliciting diffuse overly distributed pain symp-
tended pathology, it was suggested that unknown soluble toms. In more chronic or advanced stages of neurodegenera-
CSF factors were damaging nerve roots,68 but the site of tion myopathy, neuropathy and peripheral nerve dysfunction
pathology was not fully clear. Could both nerve roots within may develop from local PCOP associated pathologies. How-
the subarachoid spaces and peripheral nerves via the PCOP ever, with severe acute inflammation the PCOP outflow vol-
be hit by toxic CSF? – Neurotoxicity of CSF was demonstrated ume may decline, because the pathway may be blocked by
also in various motor neuron diseases.148,149 However, CSF tissue edema and this may contribute to an increasing intra-
toxins could not fully explain the findings and symptoms: if thecal pressure, as observed in advanced stages of acute
nerve roots only were involved, the striking regional differ- meningoencephalitis.
ences of pathology were hard to explain. Considering a con- Pattern (b): Possible PCOP involvement due to a bystander
tributive toxic CSF-nerve-interaction at the PCOP site could effect in acute systemic inflammatory disorders.
complete the picture. Especially when CSF toxicity and nerve Activated T cells (not restricted to CNS specific cells)
pathology was induced by local CSF cells trafficking along the more effectively migrate from blood into the CSF than
PCOP (see above), such associated toxicity might vary over non-activated.153,154 This implies that in diseases with
time and could be influenced by circumstantial factors, like (strongly) increased numbers of activated immune cells,
motor activity. the immune cell recirculation (from blood through CSF and
In sum, toxic CSF or abnormal CSF signaling could in gen- back) may increase generally, then possibly mediating PCOP
eral elicit dysfunction and pathology with a preference for associated symptoms which may be similar to that in a)
CNS structures adjacent to the CSF spaces throughout the though minor.
subarachnoid spaces with its complex anatomical-physiolog- Pattern (c): Regular PCOP involvement in chronic inflam-
ical pattern of CSF distribution and flow, but including also matory neurological disorders.
nerve roots, and possibly in parallel nerves at the PCOP site From pathomechanisms similar as in (a), but differing by
and even PCOP related structures. A number of clinical signs chronic inflammatory type biochemistry (compare74), analo-
and symptoms when appearing in a combined manner would gous chronic PCOP specific pathologies might arise.
correspond with such anatomical widely distributed patho- Pattern (d): PCOP involvement in low level
physiological scenario and be relevant in various types of neuroinflammation.
neuroinflammation with primary or secondary neuropsychi- Low level neuroinflammation was often mentioned in
atric symptoms. recent literature, but an accepted definition is lacking.
N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I A T R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 ( 2 0 1 1 ) 5 1 –6 6 61

Respective pathomechanisms overlap with chronic was generally underestimated,20,33,34,152 so the PCOP hypoth-
neuroinflammation though mechanisms seem in part esis presented may be early but not far-fetched. An impor-
different, e.g. like that caused by neurotoxicity not fulfilling tant role of CSF cells yet in the beginning of CNS
established criteria of inflammation.125 PCOP associated inflammation,158,159 and also of local activation of immune
pathologies may occur as comorbid minor symptoms in all cells within the CSF spaces in interaction with systemic
diseases accompanied or characterized by low level neuroin- cells152 and in the peripheral nervous system,160 was only re-
flammation. Examples of comorbidities of pattern (d) may cently learned. Cell trafficking through the cribriform plate is
represent autoimmune and rheumatic disorders, neurode- now considered a physiological phenomenon (see above),
generative disorders and the ME subgroup of major psycho- but may take place similarly at PCOP’s Part B and C. During
ses. Candidate symptoms may be diffuse pain, olfactory trafficking along the PCOP, nerves may be shielded, when
dysfunction, eye (retinal and optical nerves) dysfunction, trafficking occurs through small channules. Nevertheless,
the so-called neurological soft signs in major psychoses, when CSF solutes and CSF cells were able to secreting pow-
and any other symptoms matching with the PCOP scenario, erful molecules these may interact with nerves at the PCOP.
and may be paralleled by pattern f symptoms. Note: a paral- But whether CSF cells may traffic along the PCOP is open.
lelism of symptoms arising from CSF pathologies induced at Nevertheless, dendritic cells were demonstrated within
central parts of the CNS, especially of structures neighboring CSF,161 migrating in neuroinflammatory disorders from CSF
the CSF spaces, and of PCOP associated (peripheral) symp- (but not from brain parenchyma) to cervical lymph nodes,162
toms and pathologies is generally expected. PCOP associated thus suggesting that these cells may traffic along the PCOP,
symptoms may vary over time with factors influencing local matching with our recent finding.44
CSF outflow volumes to vary (a speculation based on preli- Recently a second functional thymus in the neck of mice
minary clinical observations). was detected,163 an important new finding.164 Keeping in mind
Pattern (e): PCOP involvement by time-variant that brain antigens drained with brain interstitial fluid to cer-
neuroinflammation. vical lymph nodes18 and with CSF outflow to nasal submucosa
In relapsing-remitting or smoldering low level neuroin- to cervical lymph nodes, one may yet underestimate the role
flammation the pathogenic CSF biochemistry may over time of cervical nodes in CNS immunity. T cells activated there
add up to toxicity at certain PCOP sites, e.g. due to local CSF have an increased ability to migrate to the CNS.165 Immune
immune cell accumulation or from a threshold effect at long cells, when migrated to the CNS, can interact with CNS cells
nerves. Such mechanisms may also be relevant for local and possibly over years produce immune globulines and other
pathologies in inflammatory neuropathies. possibly toxic or neurodegenerative mediators,166–168 though
Pattern (f): Involvement of PCOP related tissues in patterns counterbalanced by protective factors.169 Altered pathogenic
(a–e). CSF contents may persist for long.74 Therefore the anatomical
Additional pathology in parallel to the mechanisms (a–e) connection between CNS and the periphery in interaction
may arise in PCOP related tissues anatomically connected with the carrier CSF may be relevant in chronic disease
by nerves, under those especially muscles and subcutaneous pathogenesis, the PCOP represented the anatomical link.
tissues and autonomic ganglia. Such view is highly specula- Reduced CSF recirculation is hypothesized to play a role in
tive because the microanatomic ending of the PCOP part B various CNS diseases,34 but may involve the PCOP and its
and C is not clear yet, though the idea is compatible with structures also. The physiological function of CSF recirculation
the observed distribution of CSF dyes in a number of studies. is in part detoxification, declining with age from reduced CSF
An example perfectly matching the idea of pattern (f) would production but also during CNS inflammation, beyond is prob-
represent the muscle lesions found in subgroups of depres- ably influenced by motor activity, posture, a.s.o., altogether
sion and schizophrenia, resembling the patterns found in influencing CSF recirculation and detoxification (compare34).
meningoencephalitis (see above). Subgroups of fatigue syn- Testing the PCOP hypothesis appears challenging: the CSF
drome and fibromyalgia represent further candidates (com- pathways are widely distributed involving many structures
pare the open questions155–157). and distributed pathogenic CSF may therefore elicit complex
dysfunctions. Furthermore, abnormal CSF contents in ques-
6. Testing the PCOP hypothesis tion range from monomolecular abnormal signaling to severe
complex inflammatory signatures. Studying the symptom
The PCOP in all its parts (as termed here A, B, C) likely rep- patterns in such pathologies involving structures of the whole
resents a physiological CSF outflow pathway in humans, CSF spaces including various pathomechanisms is really dif-
confirmed in a number of animal studies. The relative out- ficult, because at various sites of CNS and the peripheral ner-
flow volumes as compared to reabsorption appear to be un- vous system rather similar symptoms may arise in parallel.
clear, but may near to equal. Experimental approaches The experimental difficulties to study such pathologies are
preferred studying the part A, studies on parts B and C are evident also from previous experimental approaches56:
sparse. A distinct pathophysiology associated with abnormal Quincke’s studies around 1872 are of special interest because
CSF contents along the PCOP remains to be shown. Facing performed under natural behavioral conditions not on anes-
considerable gaps of knowledge, e.g. the unknown micro- thesized or immobilized animals, the motor activity likely
anatomy of the CSF outflow at parts B and C, also the path- influencing CSF recirculation dynamics. Quincke clearly de-
ophysiological hypothesis of the PCOP focusing on party B scribes dyes to arrive at the PCOP.
and C has to stay rather preliminary. Nevertheless, there is How should one study the PCOP? Single nerves could
increasing evidence that the pathophysiological role of CSF be separated and blocked, or solutes infused into the
62 N E U R O L O G Y, P S Y C H I AT R Y A N D B R A I N R E S E A R C H 1 7 (2 0 11 ) 5 1–66

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