Planning Form

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Planning Form

Name of Activity: Sound Makers

Originating Idea: Children will choose between 3 music makers offered to them. The children will show
initiative when picking their own music maker.

Curriculum Area
A. Approaches to Learning

Shaker egg, bells, and rattle drum

Appropriate Age group: 2-8 months

Beginning of Activity
While the children are sitting or lying on the carpet, I will show them different instruments to choose from. I
will hold up each one at a time for the child to fully see. They will have the opportunity to pick the one they’d
like from what is offered.
Middle of Activity

Early: Children in earlier developmental ability will have the opportunity to play with all three of the toys if they
have the desire to. They won’t be limited to only picking one.

Middle: Children at the middle developmental ability will be shown each of the three music makers.
They can try each one out before making their final decision.

Later: Children at a later developmental ability will have each of the three music makers laid out in front of
them and they must make the choice on their own if they’d like to pick one up and find out what noise it makes.

End of Activity
“We got to pick our own sound makers! You all made your own choice and played your own music! We are
going to use these sound makers we got to play along with some music.”

Follow-up Ideas
This activity can be continued by adding music for children to use their insturments with or in a
physical development and health kdi for moving their bodies and keeping a steady beat.

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