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ACCORDING TO the Alberta Teachers’ Association, “Teacher professional growth
means the career-long learning process whereby a teacher annually develops and
implements a plan to achieve professional learning objectives or goals that are
consistent with the Teaching Quality Standard.” To begin the process of professional
growth during pre-service teacher education, the following tool has been developed
as a guide. The tool should be used to promote reflection on student teacher practices
related to each of the Teaching Quality Standard competencies and their influence on
student learning experiences. This reflection should then lead into the development
of an inquiry question(s) and the identification of a professional goal(s) and the
related process that will be undertaken to achieve the goal. The tool has been
designed to be a working document that student teachers can use throughout all
professional semesters of the program. In other words, the tool will be used across
semesters to reflect upon growth in relation to each of the TQS competencies and to
track the evolution of professional learning for the individual.

The Alberta Teachers’ Association (2018). The Revised Teaching Quality Standard:

Building Awareness and Professional Capacity, p. 27.

2 Professional Learning Tool
Keyy components
of the professional learning tool

1 Links to Teaching Quality Standard and student learning – To enhance the

meaningfulness of professional learning, reflection on the Teaching Quality Standard
and student learning are embedded features

2 Provides an inquiry-based approach – Professional learning is grounded in curiosity and

he teacher’s desire to explore their professional practice

3 Promotes dialogue amongst colleagues related to professional learning


How to use the tool

1 Reflect upon each of the competencies related to the Teaching Quality Standard and how
you have attended to these in your practices (Note: The Teaching Quality Standard
document includes numerous examples of how each competency may be achieved).
Use the ATA online tool at to begin reflecting upon your
confidence level in relation to each of the competencies in the Teaching Quality
Standard. Then, reflect upon your specific achievement of each compentency using
this tool. List the manner in which competencies have been demonstrated in the left col-
umn titled “Student Teacher Practice” and then highlight how those practices influence
student learning experiences in the right column. Use a different
ff colour pen during each
professional semester to track changes over time.

2 Use the reflection to identify an area for inquiry/ goal related to your teaching practice.
Then complete the remainder of the Planning for Learning guide by identifying
strategies, supports needed, evidence of successful achievement of the goal and a
timeline for its completion.

3 SSh
hare your work with this document with your Teacher Associate and University
Consultant during practicum.

4 When completing PSIII, consider school goals and other school initiatives prior to
dentifying your professional learning goals.

Faculty of Educaiton 3
QS e Teaching Quality Standard

1 A teacher builds positive and productive relationships with students, parent/guardians, peers
and others in the school and local community to support student learning

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning Experience

-Learning all students names and greeting them -Learning about my students allows me to better
as they walk into class allows me as a teacher know what ways I can better connect with my
to engage with small talk and learn a little bit students and it helps me students know that I
every day about my students. am a safe support at the school.

-After each weekend, I give my students 5-10 -This allows my students to open up and share
minutes to share with the class how their things that excite them and their true hobbies. It
weekend was. helps me know how to better tailor my
instruction, lessons, and assignments.

-I played pickle ball each week with some -I was able to understand the intricacies of the
members in the community (many of whom community more and where my students were
were my students' parents). coming from.

4 Professional Learning Tool

QS e Teaching Quality Standard

2 A teacher engages in career-long professional learning and ongoing critical reflection to im-
prove teaching and learning

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning Experience

- I attended a PD day where Dr. Georgio (a -I was able to implement his challenge for
reading specialist) came and discussed how to teaching 8 vocabulary words a day in school. As
better get students to read. It was very a school community, we decided that each
informative and gave specific practices I can subject should intentionally focus on 2 words a
implement in my classroom. day. I was able to implement this into my unit
and daily lesson plans.

-Collaborating with other teachers in the division -This allows for more direct and hands-on ideas
that teach the same grade. that I can implement into my unit and daily
lesson plans. It also allowed me to have a
community where I can reach out for help and

Faculty of Educaiton 5
QS e Teaching Quality Standard

3a teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning

practices to meet the learning needs of every student
Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning Experience
-I began including specific details on how to -Providing differentiation allows all students to
implement differentiation in my lesson plans. achieve their best protentional. I meet my
Many times, I was able to implement more of a students where they are at and bring them
UDL framework (i.e. writing all the vocabulary higher, instead of expecting my students to
down at the beginning of the week), where as meet me. Additionally, by providing UDL
other times I specifically had to include supports, even students who necessarily do not
differentiation for individual students. need the extra help benefit from the better
planning and implementation on my own part.

6 Professional Learning Tool

QS e Teaching Quality Standard

3 teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoi e of effective

practices to meet the learning needs of every student
Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning Experience
-Providing checklists and anchor charts for new -All students can benefit from checklists. Not all
concepts, project guidelines, assignments, etc. students will use them, but they can really help
the students who need them the most.

-Giving clear and precise instructions multiple -Extra reminders can help all students and
times a day over multiple days. solidify the information into the minds of my
students more quickly.

Faculty of Educaiton 7
QS e Teaching Quality Standard

3 teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective

practices to meet the learning needs of every student
Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning Experience
-Allowing for multiple formative assessments -This benefits both the students as well as
before the summative assessments. myself as a teacher. The student gets a true and
accurate sense of where they stand, and I get a
sense of how effective my own teaching is.

-Providing clear and timely feedback on -Timely and clear feedback benefits the student
assessments (both formative and summative). by giving them information and help when they
need it and in time to make any adjustments in
their understanding or learning.

8 Professional Learning Tool

QS e Teaching Quality Standard

4 A teacher establishes, promotes and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity
is embraced and every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe
Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning Experience
-Greeting the students warmly and with a smile. -This allows the students to know that they are
safe in the classroom and that questions or
mistakes are okay.

-Providing texts from a variety of different -Providing texts from a variety of viewpoints
standpoints. allows students to know that they are seen and
that diversity is embraced. This may not be
noticed by every student, but it can make a
world of a difference for some students.

-Being an example of someone who is inclusive -Speaking up when I need to is hard for me, and
and speaking up against any intolerance that I my students know it. So when they see me
may witness. speaking up for someone or something, they
know that it is important and that intolerance is
not okay.

Faculty of Educaiton 9
QS e Teaching Quality Standard

5 A teacher develops and applies foundational knowledge about First Nations, Metis and Inuit
ffor the benefit of all students

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning Experience

-Using texts that are produced and created by -Students are able to learn foundational
Indigenous authors and perspectives is the knowledge of Indigenous ways of knowing the
most natural and true way that I can both best from texts that are created by Indigenous
develop and apply Indigenous knowledge. people. It shows the importance of
understanding different cultures and reconciling
with the past.

10 Professional Learning Tool

QS e Teaching Quality Standard

6 A teacher demonstrates an understanding of and adherence to the legal frameworks and poli-
ccies that provide the foundations for the Alberta education system

Student Teacher Practices Influence on Student Learning Experience

-Knowing and understanding legal practices. -This keeps students safe, creating an
Going over the ATA Code of Conduct and environment for optimal student learning.
adhering to its practices.

Faculty of Educaiton 11
Planning FORLearning
Related Resources/ Evidence of
TQS Strategies Support Required Success Timeline
Inquiry Question:


Planning for Learning - PSI

Related Resources/ Evidence of
Inquiry Question: TQS Strategies Support Required Success Timeline


12 Professional Learning Tool

Inquiry Question:

Inquiry Question:

Faculty of Educaiton 13
Planning FORLearning
Related Resources/ Evidence of
TQS Strategies Support Required Success Timeline
Inquiry Question:
How can I improve TQS 1 Get to know -Greeting them -Better attention 6 weeks
classroom students on an daily. -More respect in
management individual basis. -Talking to them class
through routine and about -Adhering to
relationship building? non-school classroom rules
related stuff.
Getting to know -Positive
the parents of reinforcement
the students -Meeting them
outside of class. at the door and
saying hello in
the hallways
Improve classroom

Planning for Learning - PSI

Related Resources/ Evidence of
TQS Strategies Support Required Success Timeline
Inquiry Question:


14 Professional Learning Tool

Inquiry Question: Improve classroom management through routine and relationship building.

-Better routine! Students -Trying to get students to be -Continue to reach out to

know what to expect and what even more comfortable asking students who are quieter or
my expectations are. me for help or improvement. harder to connect with.
-More respect. -
-I understand more about my
students' lives and what is
important to them.
-They are more comfortable
asking me questions.

I found that my classroom management did not need to be as strict as I got to know the students
and earned their respect during my practicum. I found that they were more willing to give their full
attention and participate in class. While they are an active class, they were quicker to settle down
and be reigned in during lessons. They focused more attentively during work periods. I would not
have been able to accomplish this without putting in the effort in the little things to build my
relationship with my students. The last week, several students opened up to me about their
struggles showing me that they trusted me.
Inquiry Question:

Faculty of Educaiton 15

Inquiry Question:


Inquiry Question:


16 Professional Learning Tool

Inquiry Question:

Inquiry Question:

Faculty of Educaiton 17


Adhering Engaging in
to Legal Career-Long
Frameworks Learning

First Nations, Demonstrating
Métis and Inuit Professional
Knowledge Knowledge


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