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Historical Antecedents

A. In the World: Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages

From Ancient Times to 600 BC
● 3,000 B.C. - Ancient Egyptians already had reasonably sophisticated medical practices.
● 2650 B.C. - a man named lmhotep was renowned for his knowledge of medicine.
● Papyrus - is an ancient form of paper, made from the papyrus plant.
- Before papyrus, Egyptians, Sumerians, and other races wrote on clay tablets or
smooth rocks.
- Egyptian medicine became the most respected form of medicine in the known world.
- 3,000 BC until 1100 AD - Papyrus was used as a writing material in ancient Egypt
● Mesopotamians were making pottery using the first known potter’s wheel. Not long after,
horse-drawn chariots were being used.
● 1,000 BC - Chinese were using compasses to aid themselves in their travels.

The Advent of Science (600 BC TO 500 AD)

● Ancient Greeks - early thinkers and as far as historians can tell, they were the first true scientists.
● Circa 385 BC - Plato founded the Academy.
- Plato’s student Aristotle begins the “scientific revolution” of the Hellenistic period
culminating in the 3rd to 2nd centuries with scholars such as Eratosthenes, Euclid, Aristarchus of
Samos, Hipparchus and Archimedes.
● Produced substantial advances in scientific knowledge, especially in anatomy, zoology, botany,
mineralogy, geography, mathematics and astronomy.

Islamic Golden Age

● 8th to 14th Century - period of cultural, economic and scientific flourishing in the history of Islam
with several contemporary scholars dating the end of the era to the 15th or 16th century.
● It Began during the reign of the Abbsid caliph Harun al-Rashid with the inauguration of the House of
Wisdom in Baghdad.
● Science and technology is the Islamic world adopted and preserved knowledge and technologies
from contemporary and earlier civilizations.
● Scientific inquiry was practiced in other subjects like alchemy and chemistry, botany and agronomy,
geography and cartography, ophthalmology, pharmacology, physics and zoology.
● Mathematics also flourished during the Islamic Golden Age with the works of Al-Khwarizmi, Avicenna
and Jamshid al Kashi
● Great progress in medicine during this period; Islamic doctors describe diseases like smallpox and

Science and Technology in Ancient China

● Ancient China gave the world the Four Great Inventions that include the compass, gunpowder,
papermaking and printing.
● As stated by Karl Marx, “Gunpowder, the compass, and the printing press were the three great
inventions which ushered in bourgeois society.

The Renaissance (1300 AD - 1600 AD)

● 14th century - the beginning of the cultural movement of the Renaissance, which was considered by
many as the Golden Age of Science.
● 1453 - The rediscovery of ancient scientific texts was accelerated and the invention of printing
democratized learning and allowed a faster propagation of new ideas.
● 1450 to 1630 - Marie Boas Hall coined the term Scientific Renaissance to designate the early phase
of the Scientific Revolution
● Peter Dear has argued for a two-phase model of early modern science: a Scientific Renaissance of
the 15th and 16th centuries, focused on the restoration of the natural knowledge of the ancients; and a
Scientific Revolution of the 17th century, when scientists shifted from recovery to innovation.
● Development of Printing - most important technological advance of all in this period, with movable
metal type, about the mid-15th century in Germany and Johannes Gutenberg is usually called its
● Between 1250 and 1350 - Block printing on wood came to the West from China
● Papermaking came from China, whereas the Flemish technique of oil printing was the origin of the
new printers’ ink.
● 1467 - the invention of wooden press reached Italy
● 1470s - Hungary and Poland
● 1483 - Scandinavia
● 1500 - presses of Europe had produced some six million books.
● The development of printing amounted to a communications revolution of the order of the invention
of writing.

The Enlightenment Period (1715 A.D. to 1789 A.D.)

● Radical reorientation in science which emphasized reason over superstition and science over blind
● Produced numerous books, essays, inventions, scientific discoveries, laws, wars and revolutions.
● Important 17th-century precursors included the key natural philosophers of the Scientific Revolution
such as Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.
● Two works that provided the scientific, mathematical and philosophical toolkit for the Enlightenment’s
major advances:
1. 1686 - Isaac Newton published his “Principia Mathematica” consists in the comprehension of
a diversity of physical phenomena
2. 1689 - John Locke his “Essay Concerning Human Understanding”

Industrial Revolution (1760-1840)

● Close observation and careful generalization leading to practical utilization were characteristic of
both industrialists and experimentalists alike in the 18th century.
● Science of metallurgy - tailoring of alloy steels to industrial specifications
● Science of chemistry - creation of new substances, like the aniline dyes and electricity and
● Creation of thermodynamics
● Technological changes:
1. Use of iron and steel
2. Use of coal, the steam engine, electricity, petroleum, and the internal-combustion engine
3. Spinning jenny and the power loom
4. Factory system
5. Steam locomotive, steamship, automobile, airplane, telegraph, and radio
6. Increasing application of science to industry
● Science is dealing now with the complexity of the real world
● Changes in many areas of sciences
● Cosmology - improved our knowledge of the place that man and his planet occupy in the universe.
● 1905 - formulation of the theory of relativity
● Several branches of science continued to make great progress like physics, chemistry, biology,
geology and astronomy
● 1953 - Structure of DNA as described by Crick and Watson, the carrier of genetic information
(Rosch, 2014).
● Seen medicine find a cure for many life-threatening diseases and the beginning of organ transplants.
● Fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (Al), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing,
genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies.
● GPS systems, Apple’s Siri, Netflix recommendations, Facebook’s ability to recognize your face and
tag you in a friend’s photo
● Artificial Intelligence (AI) - describes computers that can “think” like humans recognizing complex
patterns, processing information, drawing conclusions, and making recommendations.
● New computational technologies - make computer smarter
● Virtual reality (VR) - offers immersive digital experiences (using a VR headset) that simulate the
real world, while augmented reality merges the digital and physical worlds.
● Biotechnology - develops new pharmaceuticals and materials, more efficient industrial
manufacturing processes, and cleaner, more efficient energy sources.
● Robotics - design, manufacture, and use of robots for personal and commercial use.
● 3D printing - allows manufacturing businesses to print their own parts, with less tooling, at a lower
cost, and faster than via traditional processes.
● Internet of Things (IoT) - describes the idea of everyday items - from medical wearables that monitor
users physical condition to cars and tracking devices inserted into parcels - being connected to the
internet and identifiable by other devices,
● Energy capture, storage, and transmission - represent a growing market sector, spurred by the
falling cost of renewable energy technologies and improvements in battery storage capacity.

B. In the Philippines

Pre-Spanish Era
● 40,000 years ago - the first inhabitants in the archipelago who settled in Palawan and Batangas
have made simple tools or weapons of stone which eventually developed techniques for sawing,
drilling and polishing hard stones.
● Early Filipinos have learned how to extract, smelt and refine metals like copper, gold, bronze and
iron from nature
● The inhabitants also learned how to weave cotton, engaged themselves in agriculture and are
knowledgeable on building boats for coastal trade.
● All in all, the primitive Filipinos were living in perfect harmony with nature.

Spanish Colonial Era

● As claimed by Caoili (1983), the beginnings of modern science and technology in the country can be
traced back to the Spanish regime
● Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas -highest institution of learning
● Dr. Jose P. Rizal - the epitome of the Renaissance man in the Philippine context. His knowledge on
science and engineering was translated into technology by creating a water system that improved
the sanitation of households in the area.
● 1887 - Laboratorio Municipal de Ciudad de Manila was created
● Cronica de Ciencias Medicas de Filipinas – the Laboratorio’s publication, probably the first
scientific journal in the country
● 19th Century - Manila has become a cosmopolitan center and modern amenities were introduced to
the city.
● The Philippines had evolved into a primary agricultural exporting economy.

American Period
● Rapid growth of science and technology in PH
● Philippine Normal School and University of the Philippines - provided the needs for professionally
trained Filipinos in building the government’s organization and programs.
● The growth and application of science were still concentrated on the health sector
● The University of the Philippines Los Baños opened the College of Agriculture in 1909 while the
University of the Philippines – Diliman opened the Colleges of Arts, Engineering and Veterinary
Medicine in 1910.
● Sending qualified Filipinos abroad for advanced training was conducted.
● The American colonial government sent Filipino youths to be educated as teachers, engineers,
physicians and lawyers in American colleges to further capacitate the Filipinos in various fields.
● The government provided more support for the development of science and created the Bureau of
Government Laboratories in and was later changed to Bureau of Science.
● The Bureau of Science served as the primary training ground for Filipino scientists and paved the way
for pioneering scientific research, most especially on the study of various tropical diseases like
leprosy, tuberculosis, cholera, dengue fever, malaria and beri-beri.
● The Bureau of Science was composed of:
1. biological laboratory
2. chemical laboratory
3. serum laboratory
4. A library
● Philippine Journal of Science - scientific journal published researches done in local laboratories
and reported global scientific developments that had relevance to the Philippine society.
● The Bureau of Science became the primary research center of the Philippines until World War II.
● December 8, 1933 - the National Research Council of the Philippines was established.

Commonwealth Period
● Filipinos were busy working towards economic reliance but acknowledged the importance and vital
role of science and technology for the economic development of the country by declaring that “The
State shall promote scientific research and invention…”
● The prevailing situations during the time of the Commonwealth period to the Japanese regime had
made developments in science and technology practically impossible.

Science and Technology since Independence

● 1946 - Bureau of Science was replaced by the Institute of Science
● 1950 - there is a lack of basic information which were necessities to the country's industries, lack of
support of experimental work and minimal budget for scientific research and low salaries of scientists
employed by the government.
● 1958 - The Philippine Congress passed the Science Act of 1958 which established the National
Science Development Board (NSDB).
● The trade schools produced craftsmen, tradesmen and technicians that helped in shaping a more
technological Philippines while still being an agricultural based nation.
● As summarized by Caoili, “There has been little innovation in th education and training of scientists
and engineers since independence in 1946. “
Science Technology in the 1960s to 1990s
● The government declared in Section 9(1) of the 1973 Philippine Constitution that the “advancement
of science and technology shall have priority in national development.”
● April 6, 1968 - Pres. Ferdinand Marcos proclaimed the 35-hectare land in Bicutan, Taguig as the site
of the Philippine Science Community.
● 1969 - the government provided funds to private universities to encourage them to conduct research
and create courses in science and technology.
● 1970s - focus on science and technology was given to applied research and the main objective was
to generate products and processes that were supposed to have a greater beneficial impact to
● research institutes were established under the National Science Development Board (NSDB):
a. Philippine Coconut Research Institute
b. Philippine Textile Research Institute
c. Philippine Atomic Energy Commission
● 1972 - by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 4, the National Grains Authority was created followed by
the creation of Philippine Council for Agricultural Research
● Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Service Administration (PAGASA) – was also
established under the Department of National Defense to provide environmental protection and to
utilize scientific knowledge to ensure the safety of the people through Presidential Decree No. 78, s.
● 1973 - the Philippine National Oil Company was created by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 334, s.
● The National Academy of Science and Technology was established under Presidential Decree No.
1003-A, s. 1976 to strengthen the scientific culture in the country.
● 1980s - science and technology was still focused on applied research
● 1982 - NSDB was further reorganized into a National Science and Technology Authority (NSTA)
composed of four research and development Councils; Philippine Council for Agriculture and
Resources Research and Development (PCARRD); Philippine Council for Industry and Energy
Research Development (PCIERD); Philippine Council for Health Research and Development
(PCHRD) and the National Research Council of the Philippines (NRCP).
● March 1983 - Executive Order No. 889 was issued by the President which provided for the
establishment of a national network of centers of excellence in basic sciences.
● Six new institutes were created: The National Institutes of Physics, Geological Sciences, Natural
Sciences Research, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematical Sciences.
● Scientific Career System – established in the Civil Service by Presidential Decree No. 901 on 19
July 1983.
● 1986 - National Science and Technology Authority was replaced by the Department of Science and
● 1987-1992 - science and technology's role in economic recovery and sustained economic growth
was highlighted.
● By virtue of Executive Order 128 signed on 30 January 1987, the functions and responsibilities of
DOST expanded correspondingly to include the following:
1. Pursue the declared state policy of supporting local scientific and technological effort
2. Develop local capability to achieve technological self-reliance
3. Encourage greater private sector participation in research and development.
● 1992 - funding for the science and technology sector was tripled from 464 million in 1986 to 1.7
● Department of Science and Technology (DOST) - charged with the twin mandate of providing
central direction, leadership and coordination of all scientific and technological activities, and of
formulating policies, programs and projects to support national development.
● The Science and Technology Master Plan - aimed at the modernization of the production sector,
upgrading research activities, and development of infrastructure for science and technological
● Research and Development Plan - examine and determine which areas of research need
attention and must be given priority.
● 1998 - estimated 3,000 competent scientists and engineers in the Philippines.
● Priority for S&T personnel increased when Magna Carta for Science and Technology Personnel
(Republic Act No.8439) was established.
● “Science and Technology Agenda for National Development (STAND)” - a program that was
significant to the field of S&T.
● “Filipino innovation” was the coined term used in helping the Philippines to be an innovation hub
in Asia
● Philippine Science High School (PSHS) - focuses on science, technology and mathematics in their
● Recently, the Philippines ranked 73rd out of 128 economies in terms of the Science and Technology
and Innovation (STI) index.
● Technology adoption allows a country’s firms and citizens to benefit from innovations created in other
countries, and allows it to catch up and even leap-frog obsolete technologies.

Hopes in Philippine Science and Technology

● April 2016 - the country launched into space its first micro-satellite called Diwata-
● June 2012 - Project NOAH was initiated to help manage risks associated with natural hazards and
disasters. Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards (NOAH)
● Intelligent Operation Center Platform - the center resulted in the creation of a dashboard that
allows authorized government agencies, such as police, fire and anti-terrorism task force, to use
analytics software for monitoring events and operations in real time.

Current Initiatives in Science and Technology in the Country

● Advanced Device and Materials Testing Laboratories - The center houses advanced equipment
for failure analysis and materials characterization to address advanced analytical needs for quality
control, materials identification and R&D.
● Electronics Products Development Center - used to design, develop and test hardware and
software for electronic products.
● Genome Center - a core facility that combines basic and applied research for the development of
health diagnostics, therapeutics, DNA forensics and preventive products, and improved crop
● Drug-discovery facilities which address the requirements for producing high- quality and globally
acceptable drug candidates
● Radiation processing facilities - used to degrade, graft, or crosslink polymers, monomers, or
chemical compounds for industrial, agricultural, environmental and medical applications.
D. Paradigm Shift
What is a paradigm?
● A scientific paradigm is a framework containing all the commonly accepted views about a subject,
conventions about what direction research should take and how it should be performed.
● The philosopher Thomas Kuhn suggested that a paradigm includes “the practices that define a
scientific discipline at a certain point in time." Paradigms contain all the distinct, established
patterns, theories, common methods and standards that allow us to recognize an experimental
result as belonging to a field or not.
● What is a Paradigm Shift? "The successive transition from one paradigm to another via revolution
is the usual developmental pattern of mature science" - Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific

Intellectual Revolutions that Defined Society
A. Copernican Ideas, Darwinian, Freudian Thought, Meso-American, Asia, Middle East Africa
What is an Intellectual Revolution?
● An intellectual revolution is a period where paradigm shifts occurred and where scientific beliefs that
have been widely embraced and accepted by the people were challenged and opposed.
● “replacement of Aristotelian ethics and Christian morality by a new type of decision making which may
be termed instrumental reasoning or cost-benefit analysis” (Woottonas cited by McCarthy,2019).
A. Copernican Revolution
● Nicolas Copernicus was a Polishscholar working at the University of Padua innorthernItaly
● Copernicus' solution was basically geometric (reduced unwieldy number of epicycles from 80to 34 by
placing the sun at the center of the universe and having the earth orbit it)
● His book, Concerning The Revolutions of the Celestial Worlds, publishedin1543, laid foundations for
a revolution how Europeans worldview the world and its place the universe
● Johannes Kepler
- Kepler was a brilliant mathematician who had a mystical vision of the mathematical perfection of
the universe that owed a great deal to the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras
- His calculations showed that those orbits were elliptical

● Galileo
- He was the first to successfully use math to define the workings of the cosmos
- The combination of Brahe's observations and Kepler's math helped break the perfection
of the Aristotelian universe

● Isaac Newton
- People had seen apples fall out of trees for thousands of years, but Newton realized, in a way
no one else had realized, that the same force pulling the apples to earth was keeping the
moon in its orbit. In retrospect, his synthesis seems so simple, but it took tremendous
imagination and creativity to break the bonds of the old way of thinking and see a radically
different picture
- To the mentality of the 1600’s, which saw a clear distinction between the laws governing the
terrestrial and celestial elements, it was a staggering revelation.
- His three laws of motion were simple, could be applied everywhere, and could be used with
calculus to solve any problems of motion that came up.
- The printing of Newton's book, Principia Mathematica, in 1687 is often seen as the start of
the Enlightenment (1687-1789) and was a significant turning point in history.

B. Darwinian Revolution
● In 1859 the publication of The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin ushered in a new era in the
intellectual history of humanity.
● Darwin deservedly given credit for the theory of biological evolution
● Darwin completed the Copernican revolution by drawing out for biology the notion of nature as a
lawful system of matter in motion.
● He wrote,that the human eye by mere chance" should have consisted, first, of a series of transparent
lenses ... secondly of a black cloth or canvas spread out behind these lenses so as to receive the
image formed by pencils of light transmitted through them,and placed at the precise geometrical
distance at which, and at whichalone, distinct image could be formed... thirdly of a
large nerve communicating between this membrane and the brain."
● The Bridgewater Treatises,published between 1833 and 1840, were written by eminent scientists and
philosophers to set forth "the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God as manifested in the Creation. "
The structure and mechanisms of man's hand were, for example, cited as incontrovertible evidence
that the hand had been designed by the same omniscient Power that had created the world.
● It was Darwin's genius to resolve this conceptual schizophrenia.
C. Freudian Revolution
● Sigmund Freud was born in1856,before the advent of telephones, radios, automobiles,airplanes, and
a host of other material and cultural changes that had taken place by the
time of his death in1939.
● He began his career as an ambitious but isolated neurologist;by the end of it,he described ●
himself,not inaccurately, as someone who had had as great an impact on humanity's conception of
itself as had Copernicus and Darwin.
● One of Freud's biggest Biggest influences during his early days as a neurologist was Jean-Martin
● Charcot, thefamous Frenchpsychiatrist. Charcot claimed that hysteria has primarily
● organic causes, and that it had a regular, comprehensible pattern of symptoms.

Scientific Revolution in Meso-America

● Meso-America is the region from Mexico to Guatemala, Belize and parts of Honduras and El
● Maya hieroglyphs - knew how to make paper and had a pictorial script
● Their manuscripts describe how the Maya performed their astronomical observations.
● The manufacture of rubber was one of the earliest inventions, documented by the use of a rubber
ball in the ball game tlachtli.
● In architecture the Maya were the first to use pitched ceilings in their buildings after the invention of
the corbelled vault.
● Among the plants that originated in Meso-America are corn (maize), papaya, avocado and cocoa.
● Several sculptures found at Meso-American sites in 1975, 1979 and 1983 and dating back to 2000 -
1500 BC have clear magnetic properties.
● Another magnetic object found in 1966 was shaped as if it was to be used to indicate direction.

Asian Scientific Revolution

● Japan is probably the most notable country in Asia in terms of scientific and technological
● Many of the cutting-edge technological developments, and to a lesser extent scientific
advancements emanate from Asia.
● Nations across Asia are becoming increasingly important to the global supply of digital content and
● South Korea’s cultural popularity around the world has caused a number of startup’s to emerge
working within the digital and technology sectors, including website
● Taiwan is following a similar path to Japan
● Together, the points raised throughout this article proves Asia is truly a crucible of innovative
technological development

Scientific Revolution in Middle East

● During the 3,000 years of urbanized life in Mesopotamia and Egypt tremendous strides were made
in various branches of science and technology.
● The greatest advances were made in Mesopotamia.
● The Egyptians remained far behind the Babylonians in developing astronomy.
● In engineering and architecture Egyptians took an early lead.
● On the other hand, the Babylonians led in the development of such practical arts as irrigation.
● Both sciences and pseudosciences spread from Egypt and Mesopotamia to Phoenicia and Anatolia.
● The direction taken by these influences can be followed from Egypt to Syria, Phoenicia, and Cyprus,
● The Egyptians and Mesopotamians wrote no theoretical treatises
● The invention of the alphabet.
● In the early Hyksos period (17th century BC) the Northwestern Semites living in Egypt adapted
hieroglyphic characters
● Developed the earliest known purely consonantal alphabet.
● This alphabet spread rapidly and was in quite common use among the Northwestern Semites
(Canaanites, Hebrews, Aramaeans, and especially the Phoenicians) soon after its invention.
Scientific Revolution in Africa
● Applied science (e.g. agronomy/agriculture, metallurgy, engineering, textile production, and
medicine) dominated the field of activity across Africa.
● In her work Black Rice, Judith Carnoy demonstrates the legacy of enslaved Africans to
the Americas in the sphere of rice cultivation.
● In the field of Mathematics, Nubian builders calculated the volumes of masonry and
building materials, as well as the slopes of pyramids, for construction purposes. Bianchi
points to a Nubian engraving at Meroe, in ancient Sudan, dated to the first century
B.C.E., which reflects “a sophisticated understanding of mathematics.”
● Bianchi suggests that the Nubian King Amanikhabale of the first century BCE was the
owner of that pyramid.

Science and Technology, and Nation Building

A. The Philippine Government Science and Technology Agenda

● DOST is tasked to oversee and manage national technology development and acquisition,
undertake technological and scientific research, and promote public consciousness of science and
● “SCIENCE FOR THE PEOPLE” (Launched by DOST thru Administrative Order No. 003 s. 2017)
● Seven Outcomes
1. Innovative and stimulus
2. Technology and adoption promoted and accelerated
3. Critical mass of globally competitive STI human resources developed
4. Productivity and efficiency of communities and the production sector, particularly MSMEs
5. Resiliency to disaster risks and climate change ensured
6. Inequality in STI capacities and opportunities reduced
7. Effective STI governance achieved
1. Pursue R&D to address pressing national problems
2. Conduct R&D to enhance productivity and improve management of resources
3. Engage in R&D to generate and apply new knowledge and technologies across sectors.
4. Strengthen and utilize regional R&D capabilities
5. Maximize utilization of R&D results through technology transfer and commercialization
6. Develop STI human resources and build a strong STI culture
7. Upgrade STI facilities and capacities to advance R&D activities and expand S&T services 8.
Expand STI assistance to communities and the production sector, particularly MSME 9.
Provide STI-based solutions for disaster risks and climate change adaptation and mitigation 10.
Strengthen industry-academe-government and international STI collaboration
11. Enhance effectiveness of STI governance
B. Major Development Programs and Personalities in Science and Technology in the Philippines

NICER (Niche Centers in the Regions) for R&D

● A unique center for collaborative R&D to address specific S&T needs of local communities and
industries, thereby accelerating regional development.
● capacities Higher Education Institutions
● To make significant improvement in regional research
● Integrating its development needs with the existing R&D capabilities and resource
● Improve and hasten the use of research results that will contribute to the socio-economic
development of the country and help address pressing challenges.
RDLEAD (R&D Leadership) Program
● Complements the establishment of R&D Centers thru the NICER Program
● Provides the mechanism to bring in experts the highly skilled professionals with strong leadership,
management and innovative policy-making proficiencies.
● Strengthening the research capabilities of the HEIs, National Government Agencies (NGAs)and
Research Development Institutions (RDIs)
CRADLE (Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine Economy)
● Specifically designed to foster collaboration between academe and local companies to improve
competitiveness and catalyze innovation
● Smooth transition of new technologies from universities and research and development institutes
(RDI) to industries
BIST (Business Innovation through S&T) for Industry Program
● Aims to level up the innovation capacity of the Philippine Industrial Sector through R&D
● Helping private companies and industries acquire novel and strategic technologies
● Such as state-of-the-art equipment and machinery, technology licenses and patent rights among


1. Aisa Mijeno
2. Ramon C. Barba
3. Fe V. Del Mundo
4. Maria Y. Orosa
5. Angel Alcala
- Contributions to MARINE BIOLOGY
- FIRST FILIPINO SCIENTIST to engage in comprehensive studies:
(2) Minor studies on MAMMALS & BIRDS
- The FIRST ARTIFICIAL REEF around the coastline of the Philippines
C. Science Education in the Philippines
- a tangible method and system to what would otherwise be by chance and accident
- one is able to very possibly explain the past and predict what the future holds
- methods and techniques that inculcate in the learner’s scientific habits, skills, and attitudes

1. Early Efforts to Improve Science Education

● Early decades of 1950s
- State of science education in the schools
- Leading scientists made Philippine authorities aware that the teaching of science in
schools were inadequate

● 1957
- Made the teaching of science compulsory for schools

● 1958
- National Committee for Science Education
- The COMMITTEE identified the areas to which improvement efforts were needed
2. The BSCS Adaptation Project
● 1959
● Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS) Project
3. The Science Education Project
● 2 total efforts of SEP
- Dissemination of improved curricula, teaching techniques and approaches in science
and mathematics on basic levels of education
- Quality science and math education programs in the recipient-sponsor institutions

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