Current Events Assignment - Emergency Lesson Plan

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Current Events

The purpose of the Current Events Assignment is to connect what is going on in

the world today with what you are currently learning in class. Be sure to meet
ALL requirements below for maximum credit.

Article Requirements (5 points):

 Find an article on any country. (See topics below)

 The article should be current (within the last month), in depth, and from the following a reputable
 You should provide a copy of this article on MS Teams when you pass in your assignment.

Written Requirements (30 points):

 One page, typed (12-point font, normal spacing)

 Include a summary of the article’s main points.
 In addition, explain, in detail, how the article relates to course concepts. These concepts should be in
BOLD print in your typed summary. (Refer to the Course Syllabus but consider the big five ideas:
Power and Authority, Legitimacy and Stability, Democratization, Internal/External Forces and
Methods of Political Analysis.

Presentation Requirements (15 points):

 You may complete this assignment using any method you wish (video, radio presentation, MS Word,
pamphlet, poster etc.)
 You will not be asked to present in front of the class, however, be prepared to answer a question or
two from me about your article and what knowledge you gained.
 You should include pictures with captions to engage your reader.

Total Points = 50

When choosing articles for current events focus on these general policy categories:
1. Economic performance
2. Social Welfare (education, health, poverty)
3. Civil Liberties (human rights and freedoms)
4. Environment
5. Population and Migration
6. Economic development
7. Factors influencing public policymaking and implementation
8. Events occurring in the country’s international and regional environment

Be creative and have fun!

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