(Fisika 2) : Fundamental Physics 2

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FUNDAMENTAL PHYSICS 2 Alternating Current

(FISIKA 2) • The oscillations in an RLC circuit will not damp

out if an external emf device supplies enough
energy to make up for the energy dissipated as
Electromagnetic Oscillations:
thermal energy in the resistance R.
Forced Oscillations (AC Circuit)
• Circuits in homes, offices, and factories,
including countless RLC circuits, receive such
energy from local power companies.
Mariyanto, S.Si., M.T. • In most countries the energy is supplied via
Department of Geophysical Engineering oscillating emfs and currents—the current is said
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember to be an alternating current, or ac for short.

Emf and Current Forced Oscillations in RLC Circuit

• A sinusoidally oscillating emf ℰ is induced in the loop: • When the external alternating emf is connected
to an RLC circuit, the oscillations of charge,
ωd = driving angular frequency potential difference, and current are said to be
• The emf produces (drives) a sinusoidal (alternating) driven oscillations or forced oscillations.
• Whatever the natural angular frequency ω of a
Mechanism of AC generator circuit may be, forced oscillations of charge,
current, and potential difference in the circuit
always occur at the driving angular frequency
ωd .

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Forced Oscillations in Simple Circuits A Resistive Load

• A Resistive Load • By the loop rule

• The current
• A Capacitive Load •

(in general)

• The voltage amplitude and current amplitude are related

• An Inductive Load

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Example: Purely resistive load 

potential difference and current

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A Capacitive Load

• The potential difference

• Subtitute a phase-shifted sine:
• From the definition of capacitance
(in general)
• The voltage amplitude and current amplitude are
• Differentiating charge to find current related by

• The capacitive reactance of a capacitor

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Example: Purely capacitive load

potential difference and current

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An Inductive Load

• The potential difference

• Subtitute a phase-shifted sine:
• Subtitute
(in general)
• The voltage amplitude and current amplitude are
• Integrate related by

• The inductive reactance of an inductor

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R vs C vs L

ELI= Emf in inductor (L) leads current (I)

ICE= current (I) in inductor (L) leads Emf

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Example: Purely inductive load

potential difference and current

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The Series RLC Circuit

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Phasor Diagram The Current Amplitude

• Applying the Pythagorean theorem in phasor

• The current amplitude

• Impedance

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Steady state current The Phase Constant

• The current that we have been describing • From the phasor triangle
is the steady state current that occurs
after the alternating emf has been applied
for some time.
• Different results for the phase constant:
• When the emf is first applied to a circuit, a  XL > XC: The circuit is said to be more inductive.
brief transient current occurs.  XC > XL : The circuit is said to be more capacitive.
 XC = XL : The circuit is said to be in resonance.

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Resonance ELI the ICE man

• Amplitude is a maximum when the quantity ωdL – 1/ωdC ELI= Emf in

in the denominator is zero. inductor (L)
leads current (I)

ICE= current (I) in

inductor (L)
• Because the natural angular frequency ω of the RLC
leads Emf
circuit is also equal to 1/√LC, the maximum value of I
occurs when the driving angular frequency matches the
natural angular frequency-that is, at resonance.

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Resonance Curves Example: Current amplitude, impedance,

and phase constant

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