CE 412 Lecture 3b Supplementary Notes

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Digger ence between Evler- Bernoulli beam Theory cwk _Tirwshinko beim Theor In Euler - Bernoulli? beam Theory , shear defor mations neglected. and plane sections yemaln platne axe and Normal te He longi fedenal anit. In Trmothinko — beam theory , Plave cections St yenain plane bot ave no longer normal t te Longitudinal axis. The clifference between the normal t te longitudinal Quis aud. He plane section wotatio is He Sheay Ne 7AM ax a deposmation x H = 2 asfowned pe 7 dve b dx undeformed FI Cra a ld fl ld ad al al ad al od: ——> Conventfonal Assumptions » Perpect bond ° Stress Resvitols and erteanal actione ave in eguilibiiom ° OE yelatin 2 Materfak is Rnown * Plaine cecttonsS remain plane ° The conceete fiimiting Strat is defined. * Steak perfectly Elaste plastic, Ge= 2°P3 —> — Conciete cashing. ou gielding a Yeinforcing. bars take place Simuttancous ty. ere eMy Ast) Asc \yes Singl Check Ast, ¢ Use N° check Act, min Compl Daewiine BOSE a ial a ad ead ad ead Td cad Teed ead ead dT el ed eT eT Onified Theory for Concrete Design, — unifying beams + Cols RC +t Prestressed WSD +t USD Cross - Section types stress — Strain models “Powtially prestressed. Composite Sectioyy Subjected to aybitvary bending” we have qerered O€ wrve all matertals ave same Concept 4 ynateriaf doesnt ext now. angle Ni Assume rain Profile {ati {im max Strain detennirnh stress af each level detemine Stress In each Component fiom Con exponding OC wive Calculate Resuttout for each, Compenoit v ; . Catevtate Total Stress Reculludt Governing Epations , by Summing componentS- Sf oN; N= ¥ oe Ses +4, naea| Me te] x (focwmarard ene) i ae ay : ie ar (ous) dredge LEA ECO tug > hese — equations Cannot be used without Specifying reinforcements - Co these ave analysis bt an be used fox design. “Understanding Cress Sections” no Naveed Anes —> Fatlure Capacity Surface —> ang Combinati¢n ef oN, Mx ond My 'f & inside —>Safe, oA —> Moment shift the foad from center. ——s Moment means equivalent eccentric. |, > Intersection byw depormed and undeformed Cection *¢ neutral plane - Sudden Stvess dvep fe 2e80 if we follow ACL. — > Stresses ak any — load fevel can be Calculated using previovs page equations and keratin between Strain valyog and neutral axis postion. —> Perfect bond assumption —snot required in tei’S because for ang eG dna —> Plane Sections yemain Plane —r alco not Yeavired . lr lal = yo" = a ag ggg ’ ~ Pibsey Manel — > we dévide ovr cross-section in two Small ayeaZ —> fibers = Change \ tm equations 7 to 2g soy ex . —_ Descattize d cones in fowl axis fiber Stress Strain curye Straight tme — approximation for Gleulating stress at centre. 4 fiber. The final strecs vesultoit will be fer one particulavar NA depth. Chang NA—> Find Stress Resultant’. Generate curvec Por N Find whole surfice- T_» each pt om Sueface HK for one > ie particular Yotabion and. NA ep — > Frher model —snonbinear by definition because he uses > It Gn be vsedto Study stip bw chbenk beam. —> Fer Steel —> problem 9 Qccal buckli —emateriak Cannot seach ytld —> Modify Ge core indludis buckLing - problem —> local beck ding , bond Slippage OF Cwe either modify Strain profile 0% O€ une. Shape 4 xX-Sethon determines the Shape of — >? fu mmedify tteraction Surface. —> Capacity Suvpace doesn, t give gou Me precise Capadty broc answer i's not unique - —> Moment Sense can be gene by corresponding eccentrict ——> The axial- flexvval Capacity f the. Cross-section 1S rep reserbed by three. yesudtots. Stress My M ce Hy cntoo FE (olen Ma) Ree Mink > Me base Goan Cre has tad 2 @ print at | Pu raz Lon =i 6 May ‘i — Twe a > Mory\ 2 | Vedoy in 3D a Mn ——? Each toad Comb - fives differ ent FOS So we dont know = what is reseave Strouth. a —_ a concept Ly beam concept —> Box section is most effective in torsion. Best resistance against f > Tous ion x, farltest from centre $0 —>maximum | fever arm so it concentrates on Corners. —-» |n Shear tact faite is in tension Ve = 2SR% (empirical) — hh flexure we Say Concrete take no tension Wutin Shear we Say ik can take —>Ve _-> In BS —=n0 Vz Considered So dlesian reinforcement direct hy - —+ In Eq desyn—>no % constoleved « —s lh te absence f dvect Compressive Stiese —> Me. of the painer pal Stress wil Le in tenston So diagenal tension. — > = few Sheas—> only that postion of dheas X-section which take shear. ——> Whatever you do in design will be for one point [location . — > Portion 4 beam which is in tension has Less Sheer capacity - — > Teistont Sheay —> additive fn some focatons, Subtracting ™M some locations a Shear > compounded with axial, M4, T. | —7 effect 4 M om shear Capa city 27? ff BMD SED High V, High mM bu = only web , ignore Flanges. — Interactton between Sheax and Tossin L-+ Truss mechaniem. —> I [n Tovsion—swe need 4 corner bac fox Tues te work. = al Lem*t “a” to certain value (f Ce tee much large —> brittle failure - OQmax —7 To ensvte that Sted yields. ff >t = Pot compression Steel. > Min reinforcement —rTe avoid sudden brittle Tension failure. Max — veinforcement —> Controlled for Compresion ; bitte failure. In design 4 doubly "fg beam, foew S Z fy Sy pmax = Smaller «IS t4ep00 2:50 b) jax 4ovoo . L—s fox Crack width. Be il ail aed il lal — > In beam if MU ts negative —> bottom b tect ee —> Tep ie — 7 Three Younges 4 Sheay Vp 4 Ne Vee Wy £0-5% Vy > Ve S 2d - ea |p sudden Change in Limiks 4 —> teinf density Ay = Total area 9 all begs. Incxease 08 decvease 3 things Dia + No 4 bars ice hear beyond Haat” Last tiUss aes Ve ey by Y™ bracket effet a LE shear re te column. —7 Vo is Umited by BSP bd why not Contfnuovs formula. pop

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