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I. VOCABULARY PRACTIC‫بخلنبحخلنبمنميلتمكيب‬E

A) Find in the text the words that are synonyms of:

1) problem=

2) necessity=

3) to help=

4) to rise=

5) to guarantee=

6) to adjust=

7) to allocate=

B) Explain in English the meaning of the following phrases:

1. to be roughly equal in value

2. to come into play

3. to be in great demand

4. to be at hand

5. to follow suit
6. to be fairly easy to use sth

7. to last through reasonable usage


A) Give answers to the following questions:

1. What is money and what do you know about its history?

2. What is barter and what is the trouble with it?

3. What is commodity money and who used this money?

4. Why do people need money?

5. Name the functions of money and characterize them.

6. Enumerate the characteristics of money. Which one seems the most interesting to
you and why?

7. Why is paper money issued in larger denominations?

8. When do people tend to lose faith in their money? What do they do in this case?

10. What do people usually do with handled or deteriorated bills or coins?

11. Why do issuers of currency make it very hard to be reproduced? B) Find

in the text the words to the following definitions:

1. Coins and paper money ________________

2. The means of exchanging something for something without using money


3. The necessity to save money for a time when you will really need it _________

4. Anything that is accepted as payment for products and resources __________

5. The quality of being steady and not changing in any way _________________

6. A means for retaining and accumulating wealth ______________________

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